MoT i i 'Mmn THE PAGEANT OF THE NATIONS nterrsting Poem by Brother of Al liance Man Will Prove of In terest to Herald Readers Big assortment of Palmer Coats and Suits have arrived. Come in and see the beautiful styles at $15 VISIT THE MILLINERY DEPT. For immediate wear we show a su perb collection of the newest spring styles in tailored and semi-tailored hats, including the captivating Bulgar Turbans, Oriental Toques and other jaunty, closefitting styles in all the bright, attractive new colors of the season. Attractive prices, too $3.98 to $10 Miss Vesta Clark of Chicago, the expert milliner from Gage's Millinery house, Chicago, who made so many friends in Alliance last fall, has returned for the Easter season and is ready to greet customers at the familiar location, the store with the beautiful front HARPER'S LADIES' TOGGERY GEO. W. DUNCAN & SON The senior member of this firm vm here before the town WtM start ed. He came about the last of March. LtM, and in April he filed pre-emption papers for the southeast one-fouith of Se u j 5 4 s , on which Duncan's Addition lo the city of Al liance i located. The junior inem PST of the firm was born here soon after Alliance was started and ha Maided in this county, except about four yeara at Fort Morgan. Colo , and one year "n California It is needless to say that bo.h members of the firm are well acquainted in Alliance and Uox Untie county. For eleven yeara Geo. V. Duncan tried farming in th's country, during the dry year that dUcournged vi. era with less determination to make a success vt it. In l'.04 he moved with Irs family to Fort Morgan. Colo., where he af terwards went into business. In March. IMS, his wife did, the re mains being brought back to Utl for interment In May of that year he and his family moved back to thta city. For about a year he as sisted it sale-man In some of the grocery stort, when he bought out W. A. Springer's grocery, 119 West Third St. Bert, the juwlor member of the firm, has had an extensive experience as a grocery salesman Together they have built up a large joelnetis, which all who know them will admit la well merited. J. P. HAZARD John Pock Hazard, the surveyor, began his career on this mundane phere in Boone county, Indiana, in the year 1850 The years of hie youth were spent in Missouri and owing to casualties incident to the Civil War and the poverty of his parents, his education was very lim ited. Hut after reaching the age of personal responsibility, he made amends to some extent, qualifying Himself for school teaching, whWh vocation he followed for many years, then taking up civil engineering,, as his main work, while he te also ad mitted to practice as an attorney be fore the I'. 1, Land Department. Mi Hazard arrived in what is now Box Butte county on August 16, 1884, made permanent settlement therein April 15. 1885, has been a citizen thereof ever since, and has no in tention of changing his residence. MOSES WRIGHT Mo Wright located in Box Butte county the same time as Mr. Rowan, at Snake Creek. He lived on his ranch until ISM, when he came to Alliance and went into the livery business, which he engaged In for three years, selling out and going east as far as Wood Kiv r. where he was for three years. He then returned to Alliance and went into the feed business with Mr. Uregg. under Die firm name of Gregg ft Wright. He sold out to Mr. Gregg j after a couple of jears. In I'.tll he i went into the coal business with Mr. Kowan Mr Wright and Mr. Kowan are pr bably the "old; timers" ct any firm engaged in business in Al liance. W-iat You Have Been Looking Fot Meritcl While Liniment Is a prep aralion that gives universal satisfac tion in every instance where a pain killer and healer is needed. We do not believe you could get better liniment at any price. F. J. ilrennan exi lusive agent. XJ.-i89:--Mar 6 :'" One of ihe markets available for Aliif-ka coal, were the coal fields of the Territory developed, would be to supply coke to the smelters and foundries ou I'uget Sound and at Portland, San Krancisco, Ios Angel ea, and other cities on the Pacific coast Most of the coke now con sumed ou the coast, according to the I'ulted States Geologi al Survey, is imported from Germany or England or is brought from the eastern states The following Interesting poem was written by Celwyn K Hampton, a retired army officer, now living at San Antonio, Texas, and published In the San Antonio Sight, January 26, 1913. We publish It because it a timely and Interesting. "All Germany Is In an uproar over the repeated assertions that the de feat of the Turkish army was due to the inferiority of its German train ing and armament. Germans con tend that, on the contrary, it was owing to the Turks' failure to put that training Into practice, and to their utter unpreparedness for war. "The kaiser Is enraged at his diplomats since he has discovered that the czar was long ago fully in formed of the Balkan confederates Intentions, while he himself has re mained in Ignorance." Daily Press. 'The Bulgarian method has all the cheapness and simplicity of the whole tribe moving out to battle, with the women folk along to do the cooking." Letter from the seat of war. The nations from their forums loud ly bawl That God has found His chosen sons at. last. About the seven seas re-sounds the call, Each voice a little ruder trumpet blast. . So Nlnevah exulted, in her pride. Till Babylon awoke, a stately queen; Then Media, from her barren moun tain-side, And Persia, came and swept the cities clean. Came Hellas from the cloudy, sterile west, To crush the mighty kings of Or ient; But Hellas paused awhile in glory's quest, And sank beneath the legions Home had sent. Rome's empire passed to Teuton and to Turk, Who sat upon her thrice-exalted thrones. Replaced her temples with the mosque and kirk, And reared their walls of ravished temple stones. But Othman is outworn in this, our day; We blithely hall the coming, con q'ring Slav. We smile to hear the Turkman's snarl, at bay; No rights can such decaying lag gards have. Make haste, you peoples, to amass your wealth! Haste, also, to the spending, while you may. In public revel, what was got by stealth; The universe may topple any da) ! You Jovian editors behind the desks Whence you dispense your verbal chloroform ; You statesmen in your serlo-coinc masks. Who point with pride, or view with quick alarm. WTha do you make of all that's gone before? "That each of these coniained the germ of death, Concealed within her very being's core, But we are gifted with Immortal breath!" Of death! Yrs, each abandoned truth And simple living, honor and the sword That stood her well throughout her days of youth. Then crumbled, with her all-corrupting hoard. "But we are Teutons chosen, fair haired men. The Anglo-Saxon. German. and the Swede, Ai'd Yankee-- geds returned to anh again ! W shame the weakling of a !" ser breed." Ho Teuton, mark the ' mwi' oi Iht Slav, T. i t new-old aav ::(.. l:om Lis howling wild! Fall flagrant, weli s:o l. d larder that you h.r.. Is treasure-trove t you barbaric child Bui Ivan, if we die saluting you. Our fate should warn you Net.te- sls is sure; Win n you are rich and senile-feeble, too. You II fall before some Nogl who is poor. GEO. W. DUNCAN & SON GROCERS WANTED. -0 Iba. clean cotion rags, at Herald office. No wool want el. l-'H HANDLE THE Celebrated Advo Goods Canned Fruits and Vegetables, Preserves, Jellies, Jams, Coffees, Teas, Pancake Flour, etc. Lord Cecil Brand Extra Quality Canned Goods and Coffee Flour Seward "Gem" and Lexington "Cream" Two Brands That (live Perfect Satisfaction Our Stock is Complete Our Prices Right Our Service Satisfactory Phone 32 119 West 3rd St W. R. DRAKE' CITY People of Alliance know the kind of Meats sold and service given by W. R. Drake when running a meat market before. With better facilities and bet ter location, he can satisfy all old customers and any number of new customers that may favor him with their trade. A Full Line Fresh and Cured Meats, Fish, Poultry, etc. On the corner, Box Butte avenue and Fourth street PHONE 40 LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Probate ot Will The State of Nebraska. Box Hutte County, 88 In the County Court. The Slate of Nebraska, to Ida May Ross. Chester A. Rom, Maggie May Wiseman, Eva Marie Ross, and to any others interested in said mat ter: YOU AUK HEREBY NOTIFIED. That an instrument purporting to be the Last Will and Testament of Alexander C. Ross, deceased, is oo file in said court, and also a peti tion praying for the probate of said Instrument, and for the appointment of Ida May Ross and Chester A. Ross as executrix and executor That on the 15th day of March, 1913, at 14 o'clock a. ni., said petition and the proof of the execution of said in strument will be heard, and that If you do not then appear and contest, I said court may probate and record the same, and grant administration of the estate to Ida May Ross ami Chester A. Ross This notice shall be published three weeks successively in the Alliance Herald prior to said hearing. Witness my hand and official seal this 26th day of Febiuarv, IH13. L. A BERRY. (SEAL) County Judge. Adv-- Order for Hearing Stale of Nebraska, Box Unite Coun ty, ss. At a County Court, held at the County Court Room in said county on the 18th day of February, Ifttf. Present L. A. Bwry, County Judge In the Matter of the Estate of Ab- ner L. Monroe, deceased. On reading the petition of (leorge E. Hughes filed herein, praying that administration of said estate be granted to himself as administrator. OROEREO. That said petition will be heard on the loth day of March, 1913, at 10 o'clock a. m. That all persons interested in salt' estate may appear ;ii County Court on said da;.-, and show cause if any there be why said petition should not be granted: aud that notice of Ihe pendent y Of said petition and of said hearing be given to all persons interested in a;l matter by publishing u copy of this order in the Alliance Herald, a weekly newspaper published In said county, Tor three successive week prior to said hearing. I. IIEKRY, iSKALi . County Judge. Ml-il.31 Found a Cure $09 Hheumatlsru. 'i suffered with rheumatism for two yesn and could not get iuv riht hand to hit nioulh for that length of time," writes Lee I Chapman, MapuMon, .,wa. "I suoVreJ terrible pain s. I could ix,t sleep or lie still at night. Fife yearn ago 1 began using t hauiberlain's Liniment and in two months 1 was well and have not suffered with rheu matism since." For sale by all dealers.' Advert isement. i