The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 27, 1913, Image 4

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Lloyd C. Thomst. City Editor
Published every Thursday by
In corporate 1 1
L oyd C. Thomas, President E. C. Drake. Vice President
John W. Thomas, Secretary
Entered at the post office at Alllnnce, Nebraska, for transmission
through the mail us secmid-clas matter.
Subscription price, 1,M per year In advance
The circulation of this newspnper Is guaranteed to be the largest
In western Nebraska. Advertising rates on application Sample copies
In the death of Bishop John Jos
eph llogan of the diocese of West
ern Missouri, which occurred at the
eplcopal residence In Kansas City
last Friday, Uie Roman Cnthollr
church of America loses Its oldest
prelate, both In yearn nnd point of
service. He had been bishop for
forty-four years, when he succumbed
to an attack of pneumonia, February
Proposed New Building for Alliance
Should Have the Assistance
of Every Loyal Citizen
No. Mill, the editor or Tin- Herald
has not been writing editorials for
other newspapers lately, and knew
nothing of the contents of the arti
cle to which you refer until after It
had been published in Dint apei . By
the same token, no one but the ed
itor ha been writing editorials for
The Herald lately, t un our esteem
ed contemporary up the etreet say
as much?
The editor of The Herald never
gambles for heavier stakes than
doughnuts, lonce does not wish to
lut on subscription Hats; but we
have the following proposition to
m.ike to the esteemed editor of the
Semi-Weekly: If he will show us in
any recent issue of this paper any
statement in which any one was nam
ed as having subscribed, but who had
not, we will make him (the S.-W. ed
itor I a present' of the price of a
year's subscription to pay him for
his trouble.
Perhaps the people of Alliance do
not fully realize the Importance of
the imminent now on foot to erect
a suitable Y. M. ('. A. building In
this city. The early closing of sa
loons, the working man's club, is all
right; and the surveillance of other
places where young men, and older
men, too, congregate to spend their
evenings and Sundays, may be prop
er: but effort to Improve the so
cial conditions of men that stop with
the above fall far short of meeting
the requirements for successful work
along that line. You can't save men
from evil ways by turning them out
on the streets. 5ive them a place
o go -a place to enjoy themeles
without injury to themselves, a
place where they can be entertained
under wholesome Influences.
Let everybody set interested in
this matter; and It's a matter that
will interest almost everybody. If
properly presented. If we may ven
ture a suggestion to the committees
who have the work In hand: Give
everybody chance to Help. Take
It for granted that all are interested,
(live the man of small means the
same opportunity to help that is ex
t nded to the man of wealth. The
poor mam's dollar contribution may
not buy many bricks for the build
Ing, but it will mightily Increase his
Interest In it, and Is deserving of
the same praise that the thousand
dollar contribution receives. It may
require as much sacrifice on the
part of the giver. Don't pass up a
man because his business may Ken
to not comport with V. M ('
work. Give him a chance. It will
do him good If he helps. Go to the
saloonkeepers as well as all other
In Ihii unit nt flu. iiov ,.rn in i lit
business men witli your subscription
against the Kellogg Com Flak. Co . 'J"18- Wt' ,0"bl if UWr ' " saioon-
on the ground of violating the Sher- korPer ln Uptown who will not don
man anti-trust law, we are not fam - a,e liberally. And the more he gives
Mar enough wiih the facts up6n fo ne!,) make 'oung men sober and
which the suit is based to express industrious, the less he will feci like
an opinion. We are, of course, In maktn booze fighters cut of them,
favor of breaking up the breakfast l0 ""' t,,lnk member or one
food monopoly, ir one exists, which 'hureh will be less interested than
does nut -fern til h.tvi In . n niiivi n
the member of some other church.
yt; but we must confess l lore are " ' l'lPosed that most church peo-
two things that incline us favorablv m " ' 'iing. in t .M. C. A work
towards the Kellogg people, the met- ?re members of Protestant churches,
Its of their it nods unit th. fnet Hint 'ml not all. Down at North Platte
lhey have treated labor fair when ,nHV "gaged In a great onttV
other cereal food manufacturers have '""K" u" '"' erection or a . M l'
done the opposite A building, and th;- chairman of
- their boosting committee is a wide
awake young man who is number
ol the Catholic church. Some mnv
, not be in sympathy with this work
.... .nuance woman , i hid win .because they do not understand it
'""""!" 'Bi wutonuou 01 mve them Information about it. If
womnH ciuos 10 oe Hem in (ins you hear of sonic one who is oppos
3 me miiiu in pru. i ne t to . M. C. A. work, go to him
Hl.llCHl K clllllU lit' tile Si II, MUUfMt. .....1 1 I 1 a. . 1 ... . -X
, - 7 1 ;" v " mm explain n 10 mm .Mile tit-
iooi uisirrei oi neon K win m , , .. we believe, you will find
' represent.' on. II is bis opposition is due to lack of In-
ecMi d thai lit ere will be about formation
fortv or fifty out or town penpl. in rhe r. If. C. A. bttlUHSB in Mil
a:i.n.!an-e The sessions of the are is to be an accomplish..! fact
'" ""' neui in one or tne within the next year. Every person
' " ' c.Miiiniieii . wo W ,epn it along will be glad of it
"; ""' '' '' Resides the business afterwards. Give them all a chance
sermons then will be public pro- .
grains rendered I he program will
publish, d in The Herald before
the coiim a i ion is held.
Some times a short serial story
may be properly used as a "filler"
In a local paper that has mere space
than news; but as between the or
dinar) "continued story' and a ser
ies ct articles such as the btfi Of
Woodrow Wilson, now being publish.,
ed In The Herald, there Ib no com
parison. Such reading Is Interesting,
besides giving the a fund of
userul information, which cannot be
said of the "boiler plate" stories
published ln cheap magazines and
some newspapers. Another thing in
lavor of the biographical articles is
that they cultivate ft taste for whole
some reading, which Is a matter of
great importance, particularly with
younger readers.
A happy crowd of Heiulngford
yoniiL p. oole autoed down to Alll-
; Rnttda) evening. Paejr lunched ,l,e piano sale
at tne iimiington and a iiuartet.
Wade up from the crowd, sang sev
era) tongs In the crowd were C. K
it nb. i .:, r, .. Hie Wi !ls. Alex Olds,
Bile BroWB, Win. Walker. Delia
Prown. Otto Chrig, Ruth Wiltsey and
Jlertha Siagg.
Miss Inez lllslup is sick with scar
let fever.
D. J. St. Clair, of Omaha, salesman
for Orkin lirothers, U here duriut:
A 1 1. unload of soldiers will' pass
ttatOUt h Allian . at five o'clock this
e 1 from Kt. McKenzie
liu baby boy . f Mr. ami Mrs. Phil
ip Nohe. Jr., is sick with (he starlet
ft tt r.
Mrs. K. J. Wilson received a tel
egram on Tuesday stating that her
sinter-In law. Mrs. John Shaw, of Re
atrlie, had died suddenly.
Hear Spurgln, who has been con
here a few month ago with Harper's
Ladies' Toggery, has returned to her
position here and wilt again assist
In arlng for the many customers of
this popular store
Mr. and Mrs J H. Rrown of Sher
Idan county arrived In Alliance this
morning on their return from their
visit in southern Nebraska and al
so 'Smith county. Kansas. They re
port having had a very pleasant vis
it with old rrlends
i s
Alliance. Nebr., February 25, 1913
The Hoard or County commission
ers mot pursuant to the call of the
clerk. Members present: S. C.
Reck, chairman, C. L. Hashmun and
J. M. Wanek.
Claims rir road work in Horsey
precinct were checked and It was de
cided by the board to allow claims
as fib d
The petition of Frank McCoy, et
al, to have road vacated on record
as road number twenty two, as tltat
part of said road between sections
26, 27, ;!4 and M ln township 24
north of range 4!i west. It was tie
Med by the board to view tfiis road
before taking action on same.
Motion by Hashman, seconded bv
Reck, that the following notice be
spread upon the records and pub
lished in the legal county papers of
Box Butte count. Nebraska..
Notice of Bond Sale
'Notice is hereby given that the
County Commissioners of Rox llutte
county, Nebraska, will meet at the
Court House in Alliance, Rox Rutte
county, Nebraska, on the 10th day of
March, 11113, at 10 o'clock a. m., of
said day, for the purpose of receiv
ing bids on the $65,000 court house
bond Issue; said bonds to be Of the
following denominations, viz: Sixty-
five bonds of One Thousand Dollars
each, to run Tor a period or twenty
years Trom date or issuance, bearing
Interest at the rate or five per cent
per annum. Interest payable semi-annually,
said interest payable at the
Baca agency of the state of Nebras
ka, in the city of New York, state
Of New York.
All bids to be In writing and ril
ed with the county clerk on or be
lt. re 10 o'clock a. m.. on the 10th
Iday or March. ItlS, and accompanied
With a cert it iid check or npt less
than ten per cent of the amount bid
Those not accompanied by a certified
check will not be considered.
"The County Commissioners re
serve the right to reject anv and all
"By tinier of the Hoard
Roll call was ordered by the chair
man with the following vol. :
I. M. Wanek, not voting.
C. L. Ilaishman, voting "Yes".
8. C. Reck, voting "Yes".
Whereupon the board adjourned
until tomorrow .morning. Februarv If,
IttB, at I o'clock.
M. 8. HARGRAVKS. Clerk
Alliance, Nebr.. Feb. 26, 191.!
The board of county commission
ers met pursuant to adjournment.
Tin re b. inn on file a petition sign-
(I by Oregory Zurn, et al, for the
appointment of G M. Rullock to fill
vacancy ol Justice of the peace in
Second Ward precinct. Alliance, Rox
Rutte county. Nebraska, and it ap
pearing to the satisfaction of the
board that such vacancy exists ; he
is hereby appointed to fill such va
cancy and duly qualified to act as
such justice of the peace, until the
next general election, upon filing the
proper bond and subscribing to the
required oath.
It is the order or the board that
the personal lax of Prude Rovies for
the year nos, mm and l!H2 be
stricken vcm the tax rolls, as prop
erty ussi teed was in Morrill county
at the iivie assessment was made,
in I sani vas assessed in said coun
ty. It is the order of the board that
tin- perttnal tax of Peter R Work
man for the years 1911 and 191:.' be
stricken from the tax rolls as prop
erty i.ssessed was In Morrill county,
Nebraska, at the time assessment
was made and was assessed for
these years in said county.
The petition or Joseph Riihon et
al to have road altered on record as
read number one. as to that part of
saltl road between sections .11 and
.12, 29 and SO, 19 and SO, in town
ship 4N north, range ,"l west. It was
decided by the board thai Commis
wioner Wanek view this road and
report as to the advisability cf this
alt. ration hefort taking action.
The report of County Treasurer
Martin for the last half of the year
1912 was examined by the board anil
Then being on file a petition sign-
.d b Janus Kennedy et si for the
appointment or D. W. Waters to fill
the vacancy cf Justice of the peace
in First Ward prtciiKi, Allian: e. Rox
Rutte county, Ntbravka, and It ap
pearing to the satisfaction of the
When the boys arrived to build the
rires yesterday morning and opened
the back door to go for aome coal,
they discovered some strange animal
anxiously waiting to get In. On be
ing brought lit and the snow brushed
awny, It proved bo tie a full sized
Rill (dew i goal. It was carefully fed
and watered, after which our staff
artist made the drawing which ap
pear herewith. Attached to the
goat, before it was given its clean
ing up, were various pieces of news
paper, which, on being investigated,
proved to be copies or the Times.
"Hooray," said the boys, "The Her
ald's got the Times' goat."
In spite of the many dentals of the
various editors of the Times that
there is or was a Rill Due, The Her
ald's photographer succeeded 1 in
getting a snap shot of that mystcr
ious person Tuesday afternoon. A
jrut is being made from the pUture
amt will appear in the next issue of
'The Herald. We will make no
charge against Hill Due for printing
his picture hut wish to help satlsry
the curiosity or the readers or his
own paper as well as or The Herald.
W'e reel that we at least owe a lit
tle or our column to him, in return
ror the kind compliments giv n us
through his department.
It is an Alliance barber slu.p. An
Irishman enters to be shaved. He
takes a scat and barb -r proceeds to
hither him. Rarber is sudtlenly call
Ad Into an adjoining room, where he
Is detained some time. During his
absence the barber's pet monkey
Jumps rrom his resting place, seizes
the brush, antl proceeds to finish
lathering the Irishman's face. Then
he takes a razor from its case, strops
it, and turns to the Irishman to
shave him. Irishman sits up sudden
ly. "Shtop that!" he exclaims. ''Ye
kin tuck th' towel in me neck an'
put th soap on me fa:-e. but. be
gorrah! yer father's got to shave
me!" Rv one of the boys.
Some or my rriends seem to have
plenty of postage at least, from the
valentine which I received through
the mail a few days ago. The hand
writing on the envelope was the
same as on the brickbat printed in
the last issue of The Herald. A
In autiful hand painted (?) picture
adorn, d the top of the vaien In 3. un
derneath which were the following
comforting words:
"You are all drets and show
And the people from you blow.
They see by that look on your face
The earth tor you has no plnoe."
It is indied gratilying to me to
learn that my overcoat of a couple
of winters am !,nd my lust summer's
suit have made a hit with someone.
A si k man, giving the name of
Win. Young, who stated that he was
soit 'i to Crawford from Sau DlegH,
C.ilitornia, -lopped at The Herald of
fice yesterday afternoon and asked
that we thank Father Donnelly thru
th. columns of The Herald ror fur
n. shing him with funds to continue
his Journey. Mr. Young stat. il thai
he had had twenty-thrte operations
and appeared to be in a pitiable con
dltion. We gladly thank Father Don
nelly for this man. for his act of
kindness which was certainly de
serving in this case
'.hi I. v. a) to
north and stent, on
v est on.
fitiid to his home on account of be
'ng quarantined ror scarlet rever. Is hoard that such vacancy exists; he
ir.iw back at work again. hereby appointed to fill such va-
I - fancy, and duly qualified to act us
Mr. and Mrs Llge Thayer and Mr. Oh Justice of the peace until the
FIRST PBeDVTiiM ru.toru '""' Kr BUb Pome left for their "' general elect: .n. upon filing
F,K' CHURCH ,,, ,. .,, si i a-Linger ain-r ' ll' proper bond and subscribiim to
IB Alliance for some time They l '"e required oatn.
It ft on 41 Tut -day noon. The county treasurer reported
I 14.t6.00 from poll tux and $13.10. oo in
Mollie D. Chesnut. of Torrington. I Bridge fund, and the same were
an expert stenographer, has been ordered transferrtd to the (ieneral
lit I . h i e.l hi Mi'lrin lt..jilt.. .... ! fund totnl of a 1 Tthli
. . , , , . . . - - " ' ' IB ..III I . -
" . .. . . "HMO. me l; pallv ,,ullllK ,nelr 81K.,.lul aU,
Orkin l.tothcrs rt port sev eral
Baking Powder
Purity in food, lower cost of living
these are the demands of the day.
Pure food is health, and health is economy
itself. We cannot have health without health
ful food.
The most healthful foods are the quickly
raised flour foods biscuit, cake, muffins,
crusts and other pastry, when perfectly made
from wholesome ingredients.
Dr. PRICE'S baking powder makes these
foods in specially attractive, appetizing and
wholesome form, and for both economic and
hygienic reasons, such food should be more
largely substituted for meat in the daily diet.
But bear in mind that alum, or
unwholesome baking powder,
can never make pure, whole
some food.
Bonded Abstracter.
1 have the only set of abstract
jooks ln Box Butte county. Office
a McCorkle Building. l0-tf-670
Highest price paid
for Hides and Furs.
Oscar O ' Bannon,
Alliance, Phone 9,
Rowan's Corner.
room house. Good outbuildings. Barn
for four horses. House for automo
bile. J. B. DENTON.
Advertisement 5tfl772
FOR BXCHANOS Large safe, like
new, for smaller one. O'Keefe Bros.,
Rumer Hlock.
Adv IS57-10-tf
plac4-. Inquire of .lolin Graham. Low
ry & Henry OnmgO.
FOR KENT. Nicely furnished
rooms and houses for light house
keeping. Close in and modeirn. In
quire of Mike layers, 219 Yellow
stone. 1860-10-tf
rent. 404 Cheyenne Ave.
Horse and cow hides are well rur
red now. Those who have planned
to have robes and coats made should
select the "hides while the fur Is
heaviest. Item em her the $1000 Guar
antee that protects our customers.
M A H k'S . A HN'kS 4Tt 1 P X W
Hkdv -12-2t-189t
Notice is hereby given that I will
not hereafter be responsible for any
debts contracted by my wife, Mrs
Ina E. Fogle.
Dated at Alliance, Nebr.. Jan. 2,
1913. v J, FOOLS,
Advertisement Jf-.1t -1 SI 6
by man and wife. Experienced. ur
erences. Call or address 'Alt Yellow
stone. Alliance. 12-lt
Voting married couple wish to rent
two furnished or unrurnlshid rooms
in modern Alliance home. Do not
wish to do light housekteping. I'tv
fer on first floor with easy access
to bath. References If desired.
Sermon subject next Sunday morn
lug, "The Hiddeii Word." IV IIP
Evening subjeet. Confidence To
wards God." 1 Jno. 5:14, 16.
deal Christian
Sweeney, leader
lis Zeal
A woman sulfrage meeting bus
Mothers Can Safely Buy
Dr. King's New Discovery and give)
I ! Bruce Crawford, Niagara. Mo., writes
U Heeson. of Denver, mauag i "Or. King's new Discovery changed
alis of pianos in the last two or
three days Anum their customers it to the little ones wheu ailing aud
lire It. E Sptncer. Elks. Mr. Itadc ' suffer in if with colds t-oiurh thrmtl
hi man nuiimKr , Ik. lias . ... . . , - , . w
b, en called tor next Tuesday after- ; ' " , h ' , ,'nl,:i11' .''' purehas-I or lung troubles; tastes nice, hartn-
ncon ;t the home i.l Mis (! I i""11" " n. aieieria ; teas unce usetl, always used. sirs.
Fernald, 60.1 1 .a ramie avenue. A
Ktueral iuvitutLon has b. n ext. iule.1 u
to all who are interested in thlis r of the Denver branch of the Stud our boy from a pale, weak, sick boy
move QMS I to be thei. baker automobile branch there, de to 'he picture of health." Always
parted for Denver via auto VVednt-4 helps Buy It at Fred E. Hoisted'
WANTED. 20 lbs cltan cotton morning E. D. Henry aecom Advt Feb ti-27
Be, at Herald office No woo! want lnied him as far us Bridgeport.
"' W H FOR KENT 4 room lUMUe. IihjI
M las Vesta Clark, of the Gage laraiule uve. O'Keefe Bros.. Ruint r
Watch for the Industrial Edition. Millinery House, Chicago, who was Block IS0X 12-tf
Buy your coal and lumber from
this company. Quick deliveries and
full weight on every load of coal.
I'hone 22
- i
I. un ii expert piano tuner, will be in
Alliance during Orkin Brothers' spec
ial pi. .un sale. Leave orders for
tuning at the piano store. Rhone
Adv LRH907
Hamilton pays HIGHEST HRIt'ES
ior miner n ut t-gss. rtiuiie nim
O'Keefe Bros., Real Eetate, Rum
tr Blk. 190-1tf
WANTED. Clerical position. Any
kind steady job. References. I'hone
Aderfisement 1 l-4tM809
LOST. -On Tuesday, February 18,
a Rebecca Lodge pin with tnree links
of the I. O. O. F. attached. Mrs
W. H. Zchruug, phone 604.
1884-1 l-tf
Surprise Your Friends
For four weeks regularly use Dr.
King's New Life Fills. They stiniu
late the liver, improve digestion, re
move blood impurities, pimples and
eruptions disappear from your rate
and body and you feel better. Be
gin at once Buy at Fred E. Hoi
Adv I Feb 0-2T
Buy your coal of Rowan & Wright.
Phone 71. ti
All kinds of feed, in any quantity
desired, at E. 1. Gregg & Son's.
Phone 155.
Keystone Restaurant
is the place. Meals H cents. Chick
en dinner on Sunday. Short orders a
specialty. F. B. Thomas, Proprietor
Money to loan on real estate. F.
V. Reddish. 3tf
Rowan & Wright, coal, wood and
posts Phone 71. tf
Coal office at Rowan's feed store.
ROWAN & WRIGHT, phone 71. tf
STORE Til EM. Phone 6.
Advt lOt ft 844
Grand Island, Nebr.
Make the best monuments and will
save you money. Call on AL. WIK
ER, local salesman of Alliance, or
send to Grand Island for price list.
One set of double harness, first
class condition; one single harness,
fair condition; one good spring nail
on. Will sell cheap if taken at
once. Inquire at Alliance Cleaning
Work Phone 58. C. M. KEEI.KV
Advertisement- 5tti 7so
See E. C Whisman for lowest
prices on painting, (taper hanging
and kal.somining.
Curtis Best and Gooch's Best flout
at E. I, Gregg & Son's Every sack
Ruaranteed. Phono IK.
fVl i SSAI ISI ciirirhiini w r
mmuvmu a fcivl gllUIII JJ
cents per gallon, at
yonna cows or heifers that will be
fresh this spring. Nutue price in
first letter. ). SHARP,
Moffifi, N. l.i
187U-I l-2t
ilton's. Phone (89
FOR SALE (iood residence lot on
Box Butte avenue, easy terms.
O'Keefe Brothers. Ruiller Itlock
Adv 185710-tf
Phone Blue 485.
COWS for sale.
i-h Shire Weighs 1450 pounds.
See F B. Thomas at K.-v stone Re-
taurant. Ivll -tf
- ...
Watch for the Industrial Edition.
hov nice dean Nigg. rhead Lump
and Nut. and Eastern Hard nut eoal
phone to No. 22.
Dlerks Lumber a Cp$l Company.
in .Jllane for sale cheap for cash
on uccount of poor health of owner
Old established trade Buildiug rot
sale or rent Address - R", Herald
If you make GOOD 111 I TER bring
it to Hamilton. He pays highest
prut 1846-10-tf
Old papers at The Herald office at
I ceuts per buueh.