Classified Adertisements The following "Want Ada" are e assified under appropriate heading for the convenience ot readers. CASH RATES One wed each insertion. No for lee than ten cents tion. Black face double CREDIT RATES One word each insertion, but Ing account opened for twenty-five cents and no cent per ad received per Inter rate. cent per no advertls less than ad charged for less than fifteen cents Der week. Black face double rate. Ir answering Herald want ads please mention that you saw it in this paper. A classified advertisement will in troduce to each other the next buy er and the next seller of property In this town. THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING BY THE GENERAL OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIFS ABSTRACTERS F. E. REDDISH Bonded Abstracter. 1 have the only set ot books In Box Butte county. In McCorkle Building. abstract Office l0-tf-570 TO RENT FOR SALE OR RENT. Seven room house. Good outbuildings. Barn for four horses. House for automo bile. J. B. DENTON. Advertisement 5tf 1772 FOR RENT Office rooms. First Nat'l Bank 17tfll86 or living Building. BARN FOR RENT. Jim Rice place. Inquire of John Graham, Low ry & Henry Garage. S.'44-9-tf . FOR RENT. Nicely furnished rooms and houses for light house keeping. Close in and modern. In quire of Mike Bayers, 219 Yellow stone. 1 860-1 0-tf FOR RENT Four large rooms aod bath, with heat, electric lights, toilet, hot. and cold water East front, over Klen ton's garage, modern and in first class condition. Apply to H. J. El lis, phone 151. 1884-1 1-1 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED. Clerical position. Any kind steady job. References. Phone 651. Adertisement ll-4t.-1869 LOST. On Tuesday, February 18 a Rebecca Lodge pin with three links of the 1. O. O. F. a-ttached. Mrs. V. H. Zehrung, phone 604. 1 884-1 1 -tf Highest price paid for Hides and Furs. Oscar O ' Ban n on, Alliance, Phone 9, Rowan's Corner. 1751-3-tf NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Not it e is hereby given that I not hereafter be responsible for debts contracted by nn wife. Inn E. Fugle. Dated at Alliance, Nebr , Jan 18-11 V. J. POOLE Advertisement -8-51 1 81 5 will any Mrs. Surprise Your Friends Fur four weeks regularly use Dr. Kings New Life Pills. They stimu late the liver, improve digestion, re move blood impurities, pimples and eruptions disappear from your face and hotly and you feel better. Be gin at once. Buy at Fred B. Hoi sten's. Advi -Feb 6-27 HEMINGFORD lntrretinq. Snappy Nevss Our Sister C it v of By Special Correspondent Powell, of Canton, was a city Thursday F. W. Hucke was an Alliance on Tuesday. Delia M. Reed, visited llem Tuesdny on oiinty school af- KeystoneRestaurant is the place. .Meats It cents. UDKa en dinner on Sunday. Short orders a specialty, i' B. Thomas, Proprietor. 1830-9-tf SINGLE AND DOUBLE HARNESS AND SPRING W AGON FOR BALE One set of double harness, first class condition; one single harness, fair condition; one good spring wag on. Will sell cheap if taken at once Inquire at Alliance e leaning Works. Phone 58. C. M. KEELEY Advertisement 5tf 1780 Curtis Best and Gooch's I lest at E. 1. Gregg & Son's. Every guaranteed. Phone 155. 26 tf-1342 flour sack 85 Missouri sorghum cents per gallon, at RODGER'S. A. L. visitor Mrs visitor Miss ingfojd fairs. G C. Wright and family, or Bil lings, arrived Tuesday to make a v is ii with Mar.c Kelster. Editor A E. Clark, of The Jour nal, was a west visitor on .Monday, returning on 41 Tuesday. Tlie Epwovth League young people of the Methodist church will give a table social on Friday, the 21st, at the church. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Klemke were calls d to Snyder, Nebr.. lasl Friday on account of the serious illness of Mrs. Klcmke's mother John Anderson, lar druggist here. New Castle. W.vo. several days witli L. W. Physician Office in First Phones: Office. Prescriptions to cines furnished f erred. 50-tt'-ltios BOWMAN and Surgeon National Bank 362; residence drug store or from office, if Bldg. 16. re- Advertise inent Buy your coal of Rowan Phone 71. A. Wright, tf All kinds desired, at Phone 155. 2:-tM342 Money to K. Reddish of feed, in any quantity E. I. Gregg & Son's. loan on real estate. Rowan & Wright, coal, posts. Phone 71. wood F. 3tf and tt Coal office at Rowan's feed store. ROWAN & WRIGHT, phone 71. tf COAL AND LUMBER Buy your coal and lumber from this company. Quick deliveries and full weight on every load of coal. DIERKS LUMBER & COAL CO. Phone -22 1779-5U formerly our popu but now located at made a visit of old friends here. I Clarence Carroll recently returned frOU Oklahoma and Texas points, where he disposed of several cars of the famous i!o Butte spuds It. B, Johnson has reached his des tination. Palm Beach. Florida, where he expects to bask in the sunshine of magnolia and orange blossoms for awhile. Mrs. Robert Ashford, who was un til recently confined to her bed be cause of a severe attack of inflam matory rheumatism. Is now able to be around. election is over again and indicate a very close, niar tlie court house. At this the "ayes" and the "noes" ooooo o o o o o oooo RENO oooo 0 O (V o o o o a 0 on the siik list Mrs II llier with a bad cold. .lames VanBosklrk and bride visit ed at Henry liter's lasl Sunday. Mr and Mrs. II. liter visited with the Lclstrltr.' lust Sunday afternoon. Daffy Is on the sick is somewhat better at Mrs. J. C. list again, but this writing. Mrs. I,ca Sturgeon has been on the sick list fur several days, with a very bad cold. Mrs. L. M. Scott has been sick for the past week with la grippe, but it some better now. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Brandt visited with Mr. Brandt's parents last week and also helped butcher while there Jim and Allie Jameson left for Iowa last week to make that their future home, their families having gone some time previous. There will be a box social and diincr on the 21st. at the Quaker Val ley school house, for the benefit of the Mhoeti Everybody invited. Mrs M. G Wnmbaugh was called to Crete, Nebr., by telephone Mon day night, on account of the serious illness of her brother. She left the same night. Miss Maud Dawes, sister of Mrs. Frank McFall, wild has been visiting trlendl ami relatives for the past three weeks, left for her home In Wyoming Tuesday noon. Well, returns Rin for writing REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Reported by F. E. Reddish, Abstracter Bonded Avoid Risk Without Rii'x WE CRATE YOUR GOODS STORE THEM. Phone 6. WALIACE TRANSFER LINE Advt I0tfl864 OR PAINE FISHBURN GRANITE CO. Grand Island, Nebr. Make the best monuments and will save you money. Call on AL. WIK ER, local salesman of Alliance, or send to Grand Island for price list. Avoid risking what may result from a neglected cough by using Rexall Cherry Bark Cough Syrup for its relief. You risk nothing whatever when you ley It, because we sell each and tv trj bottle with the positive guarantee that it will give relief, or money back. Can anything be more fair than this? Can you afford to experiment with other remedies most of which are not guaranteed in view of tills honest offer? When we say that Rexall Cherry Bark Cough Syrup is in our opinion the best on the (inarket for all kinds of coughs, we say it because we do know that it is made of the purest ingredients obtainable, and that it contains remedial agents that in the opinion of medical experts are the most effective for the relief of coughs and the irritatmo and inflam mation ot the bronchial tubes Children like Rexall Cherry Bark .ugh Syrup because it is pleasant to take. Remember that we guaran tee it to satisiy you. or money ones. Prices, 2.1 cents. 50 cents and $1.00. Sold in t ti is community only at our store the Rexall Store F. E. Hoi sten. 1848-841 yOW S A L E M I S C ELLA N EOiJS See E. C. Whisman for lowest prices on painting, paper hanging and kalsomining. THREE MILK COWS for sale, l'lione Blue 485 (48-tf FOR SALE Good resilience lot on llox Hutte avenue, easy terms. O'Keet'e Brothers, Kuincr Block. Adv 1867-10-tf FOR SALE Ranch of 8480 good place, reasonable pi ice i . rin.-. Block. Adv- 1857-10-tf O'Keefe Brothers. acres. easy Rumcr for BXCHANOE Large tafe, Ufa new. for smaller one O'Keefe Bros. Rumor Block. AK -1867-IO-tf - - ritrrm to trade -Eastern v. a. .-..Ik:. Uiul fur a ranch In central lf t s I I ill Nebraska Mate you have in your J. D. RA1TT IS04-7-41 what first letter North Bend, Nebr STALLION FOR SALE T-S Shire. Weighs s.n F II. Thomas at taurant. I OR SALE I "Old Intors. Second Hand Frost, Box Butte Ave. 188211-1 I4M pounds Keyatoae Res ihji-o-tf Trusty" Store, 1 lie J Blue both claim a victory A baby boy visitor came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. E Wolf on Saturday, Feb. 15th. All are doing nicely and we sincerely hope he will have a long and happy existence. A bountiful fall of the beautiful lias given chase to our poetic thots of romping gambolling lambs and budding dandelions and we are hack to the coal bin, as of yore. M Miss Fanny Dobow, president or the Rebekah Assembly, of Coleridge, Nebraska, was a Hemlngford visitor on Monday, and participated in nn in itiation of the Rebekah's that even ing. "Why Join I Left Home", a popu lar comedy, will be given at t he op era house March 17th, by the Ep- worth Dramatic Club. If they muin-J tain their usual high standard of ability there certainly Is an excep- tionai treat in store for Hemlngford. Professor Hardy W. Campbell, the soli expret, will lecture at the opera house tonight on a scientific handl ing of the soil. He will also en deavor to have nearby farmers of this vicinity cultivate ten acres Back according to his methods, so that he can more easily prove his idea by having convenient supervision. The experiment Is certainly worthy of the cause and it is hoped that experi menters will not be 'lacking. Our recent fire has been the sour ce of much animated discustion dur ing the past week, the bulk of which has been the denionstratde success of our wa,ter system and hte magni ficent work of the fire boys. The conditions were ripe for a serious conflagration had not these two fea ture's been so pronounced. There is now no tiues.t.ion that the fireboys' organization will be given the re cognition it richly deserves. Edward S. Wlldy to Fred A. Noe land. lot 2 and 8W NE and S NW $2400 and Paul Strehluw to Powers, W'Vfe sec 5-26- $1 nderson to Nels Anderson, sec IN-2K-5L 1 Charles R. Whorlskey to Sarah Col lins, N NW sec I and E NE sec 2-28-51. $100 Grace Frank to Charles R. Whorls kev. N NW sec 1 and E NE sec 8-8841. $1 him' 5-28-48. John Werth William F. It. Hans NE'i Haaaaer N A V V iiton's. 1847-10-tf I! FANS WANTED al llain I'llOlle ;.V.i. If you make GOOD it to Hamilton. lie prices. BP I TER bring pays highest 1846-10-tf Hamilton pays HIGHEST PRICES for butler and vggs. Phone him, KM, 1815-Hi-tf Baby pictures free studio this week. 11 It ai the Aadersun Free, Absolutely Free Beginning Feb. 15th and ending March 15th at the Alliance Art Studio one easel or paper weight with all orders for photos am unting to $4.00 or over You can have any photo you wish put in 114 East f suits St fatal 111 DR. P. W. BOLAND First Door South of Post ofrice Memingford. Nebr. Sheriffs Sale By virtue of an ord r of sale di rected to me from the Clerk of the Dittiict Court of Box Butte county. Nebraska, on a decree renired In said court on the 17th day of Decern- I ber, A. D. 1012. in favor of It M Hampton, as plaintiff, and again?! Walfrtd Johnson and Clara Johnscn. as defendant, for the sum of one hundred forty-five dollars and sixty five cents, with intercut at 10 per ctnt and accruing costs, and direct inf thai the premises therein de bt rb d, to-wit: Lot number seven tn 1T) in block number twenty i Jin i the first addition to the tow n Of Alliance, Box Butte county. Ne breaks', be appraised, advertised ami sold as upon execution, to sat Iff said sum of one hundred forty-five and sixty-five one-hundredihs dollurs. and accruing costs, I have caused the following described land to be ap praised, to-wit: Lot number seven teen 1171 III block number tWOOt) (88 1 in the first addition to the town of Alliance. Box Butte county. Nebraska. And will offer the same to the highest bidder, for cash In hand, on the 24th day of March. A. D 1813, in from of the west front door of the court house in Alliance iu said county, at the hour of 10 o'clock a m. of said day, when and where due attendance will be given b the un dersigned. I Dated Ft bruary 18, Isi:'.. V. If. COX. Sheriff of said 09)0041 08fe 1 1 - tf For nice clean N'iggerheud I .mini and Nik, and Eastern Hard nut coal, phoue to No. 22. 1 lurks Lumber & Coal Coiupaii) Jens P. Jensen to Granville M. Bums, Sj and NW, sec :i-26-50. 888)80 Granville If, Burns to Jens P. Jen sen, lot 42 County Addition to Al liance. I tiOd John Keefe to Jens P. Jensen, lots 1 and t and S NE sec I '. 00. $15 Keith L Pierce to Hemlngford Op era Houte Cotnpaay, lots .: and 4. hh.rk 20. Htmingord Nib. $250 United Slats to Pearl Basal NEVi sec .7-2B-52. Paten i Untied. States to Pearl Bass, SE 4 ec 8 and lots l-2-.i 4 and E NW and E 8W sec 7-26-52. Patent Uoited States to George C. Osborn, NEV-4 12-28-49. ;Palent lTnlted States to William S. Andrus, S SW se:- 1. E NE sec II. 'u sec 18 and N NW I.: -88-8 L I'atent Qoorce J Troeper to Jens John son, lot H, block "E" Sheridan ad dition to Alliance 8808 Adam Naidl to Henry I'eltz, NW', sec 21-28-48. $750 C. ll, Cox, Sheriff. to ifcerdie (' Spriager. SW 8-88-B8. Sheriff D. Jotted states to Earl F Randal! SVi sec 6 and NE', sec S-24-52 Rec. Recpt Putted Stales to Edwaid O. Randall, NW', 1 1 and S SE. SE SW 7-24-52 Rec R cpl llniy A. Graff to Alice A. Stout N N sec 318d49. $20tm Hamilton Hall to Robert C. Wright NW, sec 2K-28-4J. $1 ( nik d NW. States sec l Pnited Kle.-. Ja ob and denies Patent C Rug i'atent to -50 I) V U.S. Land Office Notes Interesting News of Alliance Land Office PUBLISHED EVERY I WEEK to Altnu S. 27-47. Stales to Christopher NE'x sec 25 27-47 I E. M. Martin, Co. Treasurer, Madeleine Brennan, NE' 10-2 Treas Jesse to Powell Jesse. KWU that pari of SW', lying norib of (Irand Island ii Wyoming Cen tral Railroad, and NW NE SB 25-47. T8M Maude Donvoau to Steplien O. Can, lot 5. block "U" Sheridan Addition to ajhoooe. $250 la iilamln E Johnson to Nathan A. Itockey, lots 15 It; and a strip 5 feet wide on North side lot 17 and running the entire length of said lot, all in Block 80, Hemingrurd. Nebraska. 83088 Nathan A Itockey to Benjamin E. Johnson. S'- and NW, set 15. NE ', tec IS-Sf-48. $6400 tinted States lo Otto Dusiuus laur sen, NW,4 sec 18-25-5U. Rec. Reel Michael F Nolan to Daniel Marks. NW, se, 22-25 IV $4000 - - - 4 - - CARD OF THANKS To the people of Alliance and our Sheridan county friends, who so kindly assisted us in time of sick uess and yPipalkliari' with us in cm bereavement, u wish to extend our sint re and heartfelt thanks. MR AND MRS LIOK I'M VER V THE ARTICLE Is from The Herald's Saturday morn ing extra edition and rends as fal lows: WONDERFUL! WONDERFUL! The Times, having (he forms of yesterday's edition still standing, are following the practice tr The Her ald and IsHiihifr an "extra." Trail along, boys. "We'll make a paper out of that rag yet." THE BRICKBAT was received through the mail Mon day morning, written In lead pencil, and reads as follows: Alliance, Nebr 8lr:- In regard to your crltlclam Of the Times, 1 think Itl s very unjust the Times by all means excell L&C "rag" of yours. Lloyds column is nothing but exchanges as the Times says. Your criticism In saying that Mie times used Fridays forma for the Exrta, was a He. I read the paper through Friday also the extra and they were entirely different. Also You Instead of the Times copied the Idea of putting out au Extra Saturday. Critically Yours A CRITIC Too bad. too bad. Uncle J. Pier pont Morgan, sojourning In Egypt. during the winter, has been taken seriously ill with indigestion. As a result the gamblers In Wall Street have themselves taken sick and the nrite of stocks has dropped. Please get well, dear uncle J. Pierpont, in order that the price of stocks will not tlrop and cause another money panic, stopping factories anil mills, thereby shutting thousands of poor and honest workingmen and women out of a chance to do honest labor and causing intense suffering and starvation among them and their fam ilies. It's funny. iBn't it. how that one man with the stoniarn acne can cause so much trouble What America neds more than railway extension, and western irri gation, and a low tariff, and a big gt r w heat i rop, and a merchant ma rine, and a new navy, is a revival ot piety, the klntl father and mother used to have piety that counted It good business to stop for dally fam ily prayer befare breakfast, rinht in the middle of the barest: that gull fieltl work a half hour eoifW Weiluc AO) night so as to get tic chores done and no to prayer -meeting. That' Just what we need now to clean this country of filth, of graft and of gretd, petty and big, Of worship of fine houses ami big lands, and high office aiitL grand " I fun Huns Wall Street Journal. A LnOtto girl writes us to know "how to prevent her feet from p r spiring and giving off a notlceab odor." Try soaking them in hot wa ter a few' I i i ii t I, mi dear, then rrth With alum and garlic, put cold cream between the tootsies, and eat an on ion, so your breath wlU counteract, and the results will phase y u. Ex. I An Alliance man dropped into The! lit raid office one day Inst week and said to the writer, "Say. Lloyd, yo.' POOpU NMial be taking BOOM huslnet away from lhi..-e tellOOa up the street, the way & an Jumping all over you." Said we, "Wt are The fact that we are new getting city, rt.unly and land offi". business stem to rub old Due Bill tin a sc r spot." Put your specs on right, old top. and lake another look at the build ings in I lemingfurtl. Your eyesight seems a little prejudlctd. also.' J. ('. McCorkle says he was tin victim of a burglar scare Monday night that will make him wr rare ful after this. He had been work Ing hard all day and after a little nap in his osy chair got ready for bed. Putting up the window shade fcr the purpose of raising lbs win dow to allow the delicious winter o one to fan him while dreaming of tOO noon la)8I summer ami Hie ililes cf thousands of acres of fertile I 'ox Built pOBflty land, he saw, by the dim light of the silvery moon, two men standing a little to on.' side of the window Hi wati bed them tor a foe ininuitc- and saw that they ditl not move. Stepping into the living room he seized H heavy stove poker and rushing to the window again, he threw up the sash aild struck at Mi. intruders Too late he saw, tu his ama.f me n! . that the two tearless burglars were two pairs of his own trouseis, hung on the line near the window . As will be noted by the lit ws item in ,i nut Lt i part of this issue of The lit raid, the Western Nebraska Ed itorial Association, organized Monday, has already succeeded in tlie first iuiportuut thing they set ou' lo do knock out the liollen bill at LUltoln This was ckarlj against the inieresis of tlie country news papers. I believe that the members of the associatiou will feci OpM re paid for the effort made Application for Final Proof Applications for Final Proof Mary Uindinger, widow of Joseph Gladiator. Chadron, Nebr., pan of 2fi-27-,14 and J5-.IJ-47. Charley F Flehariy, Bayard, Neb., part or see. 20 and 2I-2I-U2. Win. E. Oolden, Llsco. Nebr.. part Of fi-l!' !.'. 1 Alasro W. Wllhlte, Northport. Neb., pari or section 19-20-46. Oeorge M Edglll, C.len, Nebr, part or sections .12 2!i and 2k-;i0-54. George C (Irnnt, Crawford, Nebr., part of sections II ami H 84418, George N. Eversull. Belmont, Nob., part of 2-30-fl. Elizabeth J. Wilson, widow- of J. O. Wilson, C.len, Nebr.. part or 1-29-54. CaOO. W. Ostrander. Spade, Nebr., all of LI-28-41. Snyder, Lisco, Nebr., all Nebr., Joseph E of 5-10-45 Claude E Rodgers. Lynn, part of 1840 and 21-22-48. Henry Kaufman. Mitchell, Nebr., part of 22-24-56. Wilbur W. Peters, Mil eh el I. Nebr., part of .'. and 4-20-67. JaMMM F. Queen, Morrill, Nebr., part of J0-25-57. John C. Kessler, Strasberger, Ne braska, part of 15-21 and 22-28-41. William H. Willie, Hay Springs, Nebr.. pnrt or 22-29-47. Fred Popkay, Glen, Nebr.. part of :l -! -10 and 15-30-54. Peter Peterson. Andrews, Nebr., part of is ::i :.i Joseph Taggert, Hay Springs. Neb., part or 17 and 38-33-45. Owen S Crouch, Chadron, Nebr., part of 19-20 and 29-33-46. Thomas J. Bow en, Bridgeport, Ne braska, part or is 19-50. Peter Remender, Morrill, Nebr., part of 28-24-67. Vernon C. Luth, Morrill, Nebr., part of 8 and 9-24-67. George W. Rose, Hayn, Kan., part or 29-21-50. Mlna Clark, Harrison, Nebr., part Of 25 and 26-24-67. David II. Lawmaster, Harrison. Ne braska, part or 25 and 26-29-67. Frank C. Outson. Eastwood, Nebr., all or 7-19-46. Homesteads Allowed Oscar F. Schhider, lxington, Ne braska, part or 6-18-46. Philip Castle, Bingham, Nebr.. pari of and 84-8841. Trya E. Campbell, Chadron, Nebr., part or 17 and 18. 12-17. Samuel Trlnkle, Alliance, Nebr., all or 28 25-42 Frank Cross, l.vihlc, Colo., part of 4-5 ami 14841. lorenz Heller, Nellgh. Nebr.. nil or 36-28-57. BURGLAR ENTERS HOME The home t George Caddis, , 319 Cheyenne Avinue, was aOlorod by a burglar al ten o'clock Tuesday ev uing, wlile Vr. and Mrs. Caddis were away ft r: iu he ju. Tht .r fifteen ytur eld son, Frank, whs ! the house ami had r?iired. Ha luvtrd the doorbell ring loreral tUnca but did act unswei ". He then heard the but tlttr mtar the deer with a ! key, and go Into th dlnln-. rotn. I which is directly a res the ha'l. Hum i the room iu whi Ii Frank w ki. He ca !ttl to the bui nr, who I t I li it t' keep still i r li would bloa ci'f his h ad. Instead of obeying. Frank ran th, kitchen, reached into , . ' cllnlns room. In wh'.h th' burg Mar was ci"ning the buffi:, and tur 1 d on ;h clectrl light swltoh, 1 104 bur;! ir ra out through the I front dear before Frank cculd see 'r slop b'm. A search revealed nothing atlratng, although tlie door of the library beckcase and the draw- er of the butft I were opoa. STATt l-RESIDENT HERE Miss Fanny Devow , cf Coleridge, Nebraska, state presidtnt of the Re becca ledg ', arrived In Alliance fues i da noon She was mei at the depot ; by U delta: at Ion of the Iia-mI meiu hers ami entertained by Mrs. Cal Cox and Mrs. E. M Martin, while in the city. A special session of the lodge was lit Id Tuesday tuning and pa ial work gone through. From Al liance Miss DeVoe went to Seneca. Anderson s baby pictures are the popular Sepia tuae. Age limit five years. ii ii FOR SALE dlfti,' usetl one ivn; ii h 16 hole Vimv press eai A Q Bit ICE. Alliance, Neb WANTED TO BUY Young cows or heifers that will be fresh this spring. Name price in first letter. B. N SHARP. Morritt. Nebr. 1873 1 1 2t VIEWS OF WRECKED ENGINE Five different post sard views of Hie wrecked engine which killed three aaoa last. Saturday, for sale by Alliance Art Studio, 6 cents each. Adv 1S85 I l it Dr. Maxfield has purchased the Velie automobile owned by Wiu. Mil, hell THE VICTOR TAILOR SHOP South of Drake Hotel The place to take your clothes to hae them cleaned and pressed Both ladies' and gents' work solicited. We take ordera foi the Victor toadies' Tailor ing Co. of Chicago Styles and aam ples ot itoods shown at shop Or ! ! - loi cut flowers promptly filled. MRS w. 1 1 ZEIIKCNG.