The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 13, 1913, Image 1

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    Atatc Historical Society
Gives all the news of
Fcx Butte County and
Cty of Alliance.
The Alliance Herald
Largest circulation of
any newapaper in West
ern Nebraska.
Progressive Democrats of Alliance Land
District Endorse Candidate
for Register.
taking (hn me of the Alliance Her
aid some three or four year ago,
ha brought that publication to bo
recognized as the leading Oeruocrat
o newspaper of Western Nebraska.
Mr. Thomas Is a staunch Bryan dem
ocrat and gave his best efforts dur
ing the recent election for the
cess of progressive democracy.
F. W. Johanwen. Editor
No editor appreciates the eBteem
and good will of his fellow editors
more than does the editor of The
Alliance Herald, and no one feels
more like reciprocating the kindness
of brother editors when there Is op
portunity to do so. There are nine
democratic newspapers in the terri
tory comprising the district of the
Unked States land office at Alliance.
One editor publishes and has editor
ial control of two papers, so that
there are eight democratic editors,
seven besides The Herald editor.
During the past few years intense
presssure has been brought to bear
upon this paper, and we understand
upon some of the others, to compel
them, if possible, to yield to reac
tionary influences; but without ex
ception they have remained true to
the principles of progressive democ
racy. As announced last week, I am a
candidate for appointment as regis
ter of the United States land office
at Alliance, under the administra
tion of President-elect Wilson. Pre
vious to this announcement, many
f my friends acceded to the re
quest, of another candidate for an
endorsement, with the understanding
that 1 wss either not a candidate
for no appointment or not a candi
date for the office of register. Hut
tbe democratic editors of this part
of Nebraska, who probably under
stand the situation in thin land of
fice district as well, or better, than
any other claws of persons, have
lined up solidly in my behalf. I can-
find words to express my appre
ciation of their confidence and good
(Will, which will always be utosi
highly prixe1 whether or not I re
viv,. the appointment for which I
am a candidate.
Editor Alliance Herald.
editor of The Herald and he has al
ways been found to be loyal to his
party, a worthy man and one well
qualified to fill the position he asks
for and his appointment would meet
iwlth the approval of every demo
cratic editor of this district, while
it might not meet with he approval
of a few of the "Pussy Foot" fel
lows who put themselves up as the
self styled leader of the democratic
party In Northwest Nebraska who
have done more to help defeat the
cause of democracy In the northwest
than they have done good. We are
informed that , recently
from Texas, is on the ground asking
for the appointment, but as we can
Bee It is entitled to nothing
as against such a man as Mr. Thom
as, for such milk and water demo
crats as he should not be recogniz
ed. Let us have good and worthy
men in these offices who are loyal
to the principles of the party at all
seasons of the year and you know
where they stand on all public and
political questions and not those who
attempt to carry water on both
shoulders. The Chronicle is in fav
or of Mr. Thomas- for this position
when the time comes for making
the appointment and we will be sat
isfied that no mistake win be made
in his selection.
(Note. to reprinting the above I
have left the name of the other can
didate blank, a I do not wish to ap
pear to be "throwing mud" at a
competitor, even whan renaming
what another editor has properly
published. J. W. T.)
' . C. I.. May.-s. Kditor
Hushvllle, Nebr., Feb. 4, ISIS.
What the Boys Say About it
Following are the endorsements
of i lie seven democratic editors a
bove referred to and some clippings
from their papers:
C. K. Mark, Kditor
-Mitchell, Nebr.. Jan UL 1913.
Air. John W. Thomas,
Alliance, Main lit
Dear Mr. Thomas:
Relative to your candidacy
for appohi tine nt by the incoming ad
ministration to the offir-e of Reg in
fer of the T. S. Land Office at Al
liance, Nebraska. I wish to assure
you of my good will and to say that
I believe that you are entitled to
the position. As editor of the Alli
ance Herald you have given western
Nebraska an able and fearless cham
pion of the principles of progressive
democracy, which fortunately won at
the last election. Mr. Wilson should
fill his appointive offices with men
of character in sympathy witli the
spirit of the times, men who have
food faithfully for the idea.s of
popular government as advocated by
such leaders as Bryan and Wilson.
Those so-called Democrats who were
strongest in opposition to these nr -u
ciples are now clamoring for posi
tions, and pointing to their historic
Democracy u proof of their fidelity
to the people's cause. SnptlblicaM
and reactionary Democrats should
mot be favored in the tu w adminis
tration above its real friends and
tfce friends of the people. I wish
yon successs. Truly yours,
Mention is made of the fact that
John W. Thomas, editor of the Alli
ance Herald, is an applicant for ap
pointment to the office of Register
Of the T. S Land Office at Alliance.
under the Incoming administration
.Mr Wilson would make no mistake
In the selection of Mr. Thomas for
this important poaltloa, Mr. Thomas
is thoroughly a progressive and un
der his munageimnt the Alliance
Herald has grown to be the fore
most Democratic newskaper Of this
district and a power for good in ad
vocating the principles of good gov
ernment for which Mr Wilson stands
and which brought about his elec
tion. Mr. Thomas is an able man.
to which might also he added that
perstmally he is a man of unquestion
ed integrity and unblamable char
ecter. The Incoming administration
ill the interest of the people needs
Die i-oouerative support of men In
sympathy with the spirit of
Dear Sir:
I have information that John W.
Thomas, editor of the Alliance Her
ald, is an applicant for the Register
ship of the U. S. Land Office at Al
liance. Being in a position so as
to be familiar its to the qualifica
tions of Mr. Thomas, and knowing
him to be a democrat who has la
bored under difficulties for the suc
cess of Democracy, it gives me
pleasure to endorse his candidacy
and I sincerely trust that he will be
successful in receiving the appoint -iment
to the position for which he
aspires. I believe it will be to the
best interests of harmony within our
ranks in Western Nebraska and
meet with the approval of a large
majority of the citizens in the Alli
ance Land Office District, there
fore I pray that you will use all the
influence within your power to have
Mr. Thomas appointed to the Regis
tership of Alliance I. and Office.
John W. Tliomus, editor of the
Alliance Herald, made his first trip
to Rushville on Tuesday of this
week. Mr. Thomas is a candidate
I for Register of the V. S. Land of
fice at Alliance ami has the endorse
jmenii of nearly every good democrat
I in the Alliance district, as he is
jtwell qualified for the position and
I has evermore stood out for those
principles, so famous these days as
j to be termed progressive, and has
bean a staunch follower of W. J.
Bryan and all that he stood for.
Here's hoping Mr. Thomas will land
the plum.
The Enterprise would be especial
ly pleased to have John W. Thomas,
editor of ' the Alliance Herald, ap
pointed Register of the U. 8. Land
Office at Alliance, Nebraska. Editor
Thomas is not only qualified and
very efficient, but also deserving
and a clean capable honest, man.
We believe we voice the sentiment
of the entire Bryan-Wilson press of
taw district when we recommend
Thomas for Register.
Con. Lindeman, Editor
Crawford, Nebr., Feb. 12, IDS.
John W. Thomas, editor and pub
lisher of the Alliance Herald, one
of the beet, newspapers in Northwest
Nebraska, has fought gallantly in
the front ranks of progressive de
mocracy during his newspaper car
eer, and now that a la a candidate
for Register of the Alliance If. 8
Land Office, and being well quail
fled for the position. I cheerfully
recommend his appointment to said
.office. CON. LINDEMAN.
Publisher Crawford Tribune
Kditor Thomas of the Alliance Her
laid la a candidate for the register
Iship of the V. 9. Land Office at. A1
i Mance, and here's hoping that he
will land the Job.. He has served
nobly in the rank of progressive
i democracy and haa manfully with
stood the Jeers of the reactionary
wing of the democratic party for
the paat four years, never allowing
1 the Bryan banner to trail in the
duet. He la well qualified for the
position and is more deserving or it
than any other candidate in the
field. Success to JOHN W. THOMAS.
Vic Covalt. of Clemanv was in the
cUy for a couple of days the first
of the week, placing hie name on
I The Herald sub. list while here.
Twenty-Fifth Birthday of Alliance Will
be Celebrated on Tuesday,
February 25th.
On Monday evening an enthusias
tic crowd of Alliance business and
professional men, met tosyssner at
the court house to consider plana
for closing the court bouse campaign
and to plan for the big Alliance
Birthday Banquet. A. D Rodgera oc
cupied the chair, with Dick Waters
as secretary. Some who had not
voted for the court house bonds at
rthe last election were present Hui
gave their reasons. John W. tSuthr
rie proposed that a committee of
Box Butte county citizens be up
appointed or elected to act in eon
junction with the county commission
ers in awarding contracts for build
ing of court bouse, etc. The propo
sition of selecting committees to he
at the polls and at work on election
day, which is next Tuesday, were
discussed. Mr. ttodgers stated that,
he would annouace the names of com
mitt S Tuesday evening.
Lloyd C Thomas then brought up
the subject of a banquet to be held
on the 2501 birthday of the town,
which would be on Tuesday, the
25th. There was some discussion at
first as to tbe enact date, it being
thought by some as by The Herald
at first, that the 28th was the prop
er day. Lloyd told of the proposi
tion being suggested first by Mr.
Johnston, of the postoffice, and how
it had met with the approval of all
business men. F. M. Broome, E. H.
Boyd, W. D. Homer. H. M. Hampton
and a number of others endorsed the
proposition On motion, it was voted
that the chair select three commit-
Leading Alliance Citizens Meet at City
Hall and Decide to Erect
Fine Building.
As announced In the last issue oi
The Herald, J. P. Bailey, of Omaha,
state secretary of the Y, M. C. A.,
accompanied by A. 0. Knebei, Inter
national secretary of the railroad de
partment, arrived in Alliance Tues
day morning. Both are energetic and
likeable gentlemen. They made
many friends while In the city. t
two o'clock Tuesday afternoon a num
her of leading business men of the
city met with them at the reahh nee
of Superintendent Young and dis us
aed the proposition fully with Mrs.
Young, who is the prime mover In
the proposition and who Is giving I
large part of her time and attention
to It.
At eight-thirty Tuesday evening
share; that he believed $:10,00 could
be raised in one weak. Sup K. K.
Young stated that the Burlington had
offered to at leant put in the heat
ing plant, that Vtoe President By
ram would be here this week and
that the matter would then be
brought to hla atenion. Mr. Bailey
told how Urand Island raised $66,000
and said Alliance could do Just as
well in proportion to size. Council
man Sterns told how he had engag
ed In railroad work at Hastings six
teen years ago and of the benefits
derived from a Y. M. C. A., and that
he believed the time had come to go
through with the proposition Ihla
summer. W. W. Norton said Alli
ance should have a Y. M. C. A by
teas, of three members each. One
committee to handle the finances and
sale of tickets, another committee to
arrange program and a third com
mittee to arrange for the banqmt.
Mr. Outhrle told of the numbers
of the Nebraska State h ire i reven
tion bureau who would le In Alliance
next Tuesday, and urged that a ban
ouet be given them. This met with
instant anproval. Guthrie and Rum
er were appointed as a committee
to sell tickets for and handle the ar
Fire Chief Romig and other mem
bers of the department spoke of the
coming tournament and other matters
of interest.
Tuesday evening another meet in -:
,wm held at the same place. Presi
dent Rodgers appointed a committee,
consisting of E. G. Uilng. Geo. Moll
ring and Bruce Mallery to act with
the committee from the fire depart
ment, on advertising the tournament,
etc. The committees appointed to
arrange for the birthday banquet
.were: Committee on banquet, Kdgar
Martin. J. N. .Johnston and Guy
Lock Wood. Committee on Kill, rtaiu
i ment and Program, Lloyd C Thom
j as, F. M Broome and K. H. Boyd.
Committee on Finances. W. D. Hum
er and L. II. Highland
Committees appointed to work in
I precincts on election day (next Tues
i day) were: Lake precinct, MotlriOC,
Zediker and Hughes: first ward.
Vaughan, RodgerB and McCorkle; sec
! ond ward, Spacht. Thomas and Me
Far land.
after the close of the mass meeting , all means and gave It his endorse-
at the court house, a large crowd of ! ment, stating that he would help
people gathered In the council chant- !. when It came to raising the tmmey,
ber at the city hall. Mr. Hampton, 'Postmaster Tash stated that it was
In (tilling the meeting to order, told .simply a matter of ways and means,
of the urgent need of a Y.M.C.A. for that he had thought of the matter
Alliance, how Mrs. Young had nobly 1 and realized Its need for years, that
taken the work of starting the pres- 4,000 people, by donating an average
en movement on her own shounders. i of only $8 each could raise $.12,000.
and introducer Mr. Knebei. He stated that he believed he could
Mr. Knebei Is a forceful speaker ! pay thin for each member of MB
and held the attention of the crow.) .family and for the bulldog without
for three-quarters of an hour while j having to sell his auto, which was
be I old of the great good being done greeted with laughter, and when he
by this institution in other cities like I stated that he believed he could
Alliance. He told of the immense i multiply this donation by three lie
convention at Chicago hurt. October j iwaa loudly applauded. Mr. Tash
at which seventeen hundred railroad j stated that the subscription and plan
men were present from ail over the , or paying n installments would make
iKKnarjCKatimero '
i sapsr.
Northport, Nebr.. Nov. :',0. 1 12.
lit n A. Brewster, Kditor
Should Be Appointed Register
John W, Thomas, editor of the
Alliance KeraM, has announctd his
candidacy for the appointment of
register of the V S land offi e at
Alliance. The editor of this paper
has known Mr Thomas for several
years, has watched bis course us
I Dear Sir: I write this letter on
behalf of Mr. John W. Thomas, who
aspires to the office of Register of
j the V. S. Iand Office at Alliance.
Nebr. I know Mr. Thomas to be a
clean, honorable man, and can heart -;
ily r .'ommend him for the position
and as there will bo. I presume,
'many applicants, would ask that he
receive fair consideration.
Very respectfully yours.
C. D. Casper.
(Note.- The Northport Herald will
be moved to Itridgeport. March I,
191'.!, ami become The Bridgeport
Herald. J W. T.I
I'cter M. Ramsing, Kditor
John W. Thomas for Register of
The Alliance Land Office
When Wocdrow WUsoa becomes
president of these I ii i 1 i ll Stat s and
sees fit to make a change In the
office of Register of the I .and of
fice at Alliance, he can make no
mistake in appointing John W. Thom
as, Kditor of the Alliance Herald,
to that position. Mr. Thomas has
all the qualification necessary. In
sides being a Christian gentleman
and an educator of ability. Since
Every Progressive
Alliance Business
should be represented by an
advertisement in the
Industrial Edition
of The Herald. It will be a
complete and reliable direct
ory of the city of Alliance. It
will contain much informa
tion about W estern Nebras
ka. Several thousand copies
will be printed. The price
will be five cents per copy.
Advertisers are now reserv
ing space. Regular rates
I'nited States. Canada and Mexico
He told of railroad men who had
been aaved from wrecking their Uvea
by the help of the Y.M.C.A., of how
(hat many people had the idea, that
a Y.M.C.A. was a pkc only for sol
emn faced young men, hut. that it U
run by and tor red blooded, common
men, and rfbw'a secret aiy of exper
ience and ability is placed in charge
He told of the immense amount of
money, aggregating many millions of
dollars, Invested In buildings in this
country. And of the encouragement
being given by the railroads and thel
o fltinls. He drew a word picture of
th. aiorage railroad Y.M.C.A., show
ln the usefulness of It to the rail
road and other men. describing the
arrangement of a building of this
kind. H: told of the instruction
given railroad men. He stated that
he had been twenty-one years in
the Work and hoped to be In that
Ritch longer.
Mr. Hampton then introduced Mr.
Bailey Mr. Bailey came to Nebras
ka eleven years ago and has been
in tin V. M. C A. work Tor 4wenty
flve years. He told bow that he
had been it: every city and town in
hraska with a population of over
i. otto many t tanas. He (old about
Hotdrege, Omaha. Lincoln. Fremont.
Beatrice, llastingis, Columbus, York,
Cbadron, Central Ctty, inward, Drawl
Island and North I'hitte Told how
these cities had raised funds aid
:he buildings they had built ajul art
constructing. He told how three
Seward hoys made it possible I
Jhat city to hav a Y M. C. A. Ha
then asked, "Will AtUance put tmib
the effort ? Will Alliance maintain
a Y. M . C. A.?" He told how a
Y. M. C. A would help the city by
bringing in people. Mr. Ba'ley Hun
stated that the only way to get a
building lo re is to Jus: s, triply do
it". He Ld that whin we
ready for the campaign hen a in m
would be sent to dlre t and organ
ize the Tcr;e to do lit work Ha
stilted that cumin rtec3 should be
appointed bO mak plans ard arrange'
the details of the campaign., that
a building should be arreted here to
,t not l ss than ItlJMN abuve the
cos! of the site. in sii not less
than tr.xi I feat. r Balle
iiocn lii re six times but said
t easy for all to donate Mr. Bailey
aid the only thing to do with the
knockers was to come down on them
hard, if any were found. Mr. Bow
man, of thn Brake, made a motion
that, tbe meeting give the proposi
tion or a Y. M. C. A. us hearty en
dorsetaeat. TMs was unantsaanaly
carried. Motion af Bruce Mallery
trlat an organization met tins? be held
In the council chamber on the even
ing of the 20th and that Mr Hamp
ton be elected chairman and F. W.
Harris secretary, was unanimously
carried. The organization j meeting
will be held in accordance vlth this
motion, next Thursday evening. It
Is expected that a large crowd will
be present. A general invitation has
In en extended to every Alliance cit
izen to be there.
Mrs. Howling, wife of Francis
Dcwling, wbo presented "We Are
King" for the benefit of St. Joseph's
Hospital, has asked The Herald to
publish a list, of the receipts and ex
penditures of the funds received.
She states thai Mr. L'or.Vng Is in
error only by ncgl t ing to render
an Itantissd account of the funds and
that instead of leaving town Satur
day, as has been stated, he did not
leave on! 11 Tuesday noon. Mr. Dow-lin-4
went to Hemlngford Wednesday
of last we,;, and returned n Thurs
day. Mrs. Howling is si III In the
. with her lares small okiMran.
She states that the agreement In
regard to the receipts from the !-n-tcrtarnmeni
was that the expenses
wtre to be deducted fi no tin total
receipts; that the balance was to be
dlvl led and th M Mr. Bowling's per
I'cnal expenses were to be deducted
then from the hospital's share.
The itemized statement rendered
are 1 is as follows:
I Box offi .e at Opera House . .$ 63.00
i Tickets sold at Acsdemy .... 2X.&0
Total $ MMM
: Tin:: g, adv. and job work ....$ S.;!0
Herald, adv. .mi job work .. 4.00
; Opera lions 15.00
has 1 1 ray age 75
hj ; Brush and v. hlte aing 50
Ccstunies und extmss
Total $ iio.SO
until this time Alliance didn't hne
th. V M . C A. bug " hut that n new
seemed to blue taktn hold. His I), luting the expenditures from
speech was well liked and made a I tbe receipts leaves a balance of
danf iin'.i . .-sion. $45.00. Mr. Bowling's expenses
lion. W . W. Wood the Spoke, I (hoard and rocuii as shown by re
stating thut all were cum in ed that ; ceipted bill from landlady, for the
Alliance should have a building. W i three and oin-half weeks in which
I) Burner stated that it would be a ! he whs engaged in the work, were
tod thing and that lie would be ; .Vm. luasmu'h as the hospital
ta tjjMnx
glad to see it. F. W. Harris awOQr
ed the proposition and spoke of the
I amount n ;-essae to r use. m c.i
I Mollrmg ssld the Y. M. C. A. would
be a good thing and offered to nrt
the ball rolling by subi-ribiim fifty
! dollars A. I Uoduers emphasized
j the Med and said he would help
and that he could be counted on to
do liis part. James Hunur gave
his t uiliinx tiit'iil and said he a 00 Id
ie $ '.! or $4h toward the build-
lug. F. M. BrOOma stated that this
! was a matter th;.t had ccuio up for
! a number of years but b, ause of
lack of interest had failed so nir.
but now It asasnad time tb go ahead;
that an institution of this kind that
is not always grabbing for the dol
lar is a good thing and that the
plan proposed is practical He suited
that the proposition of asking the
business mem aloue to handle a pro
position of this kind is hardly fair
and that every property holder in
the oily should be- asked to do hi
share e.f the proceeds was only
122. M this d'd nit make up enough
to pay this expense
'The programs were gotten up by
Mr. I 'owl i t Mrs. Howling Mutes
that it 1b always the custom for
them tt have for theniielves what
ever the profit amounts to on the
programs. The Times received in
addition to ihe above amount, tin
for printing the programs.
Those In charge of the hospital
are naturally disappointed that noth
ing was recched for its benefit from
the entertainment. It is deeply re
gretted that publication was made by
tin- Times of a charge against Mr.
Iiowling without sufficient investigation
On Saturday, February 15th. there
will be given; for one day only, spec
ial State Tea-'hers' Kxaminatlona as
the Court House.