The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 30, 1913, Image 8

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Rumor Given in Herald Few Weeks
Ago Will Probably
Come True
The following article, contributed
by a prominent Alllnnoe man, In or
much interest:
Word was received here Sunday
noon that Rev. .lame A. Duffy, pas
tor of the Cathedral at Cheyenne,
Wyoming, had been appointed an the
bishop of the new dlonete of Kear
ney, Nebraska, ft. Duffy ban been
at Cheyenne since IHOB, going there
from le Seuer. Minn., where he had
been pastor for several years, prev
ious to which time he was
pastor of a church at Minneapolis.
Ft. Duffy is the youngest bishop in
the United States, being only .18
years old. He Is most highly spoken
of by all who know him and the
choice Is most favorably commented
on In religious circles. The new
diocese comprises practically those in
the Sixth Congressional district. As
soon as the news began to be learn
ed of the new appointment a move
ment was started by clrlrens, Irre
spective of religious belief, to en
deavor to persuade Ft. Duffy to
transfer his residence to Alliance.
A this city has the only Catholic
academy and the only Catholic hos
pital in the new diocese, and bedf
has the largistr and best equipped
church in the See, as well as a corn
modioli residence and other church
properly, It was believed that upon
proper presentation of these facts to
Fr. Duffy and examination by him
of the conditions, this ac
complished. The following telegrams
were sent congratulating the rever
end gentlemnn upon hie appointment:
"Alliance, Nebr., Jan 27, 1913.
Right Reverend James A Duffy,
t'heyenne, Wyoming.
Most hearty congratulations on your
election to the new blRhopric of
Kearney. Ad muMos annos.
(Signed) C. A. Newberry, Peter
Keeker, .1 K Oray, Thou.
Katen, (I. J. Kurke, J. W.
Tynan, John O'Keefe, H.
A. Copsey, H. A. Dubuque,
Fred Hargaiten, J. M. Ken
nedy, J. J. Klordan, John
Krennan, J. W. lluthrle."
"Right Reverend James A. Duffy,
Cheyenne, Wyoming.
Alliance Council number nine seven
five most heartily congratulate) you
upon being chosen bishop of the new
diocese of Kearney. Ad multos an-
Wslter Buechsensteln, Grand Knight
fc. F. Shields, secretary."
"Right Reverend James A. Duffy.
Cheyenne, Wyoming.
fU. Ague Court number ninety
Daughters of Isabella most hear' II v
congratulates you upon being eterafr
e' -.o bishopric of Kearney Ad
mull us annos.
(lnlj MRS. W. J. HAMILTON.
Grand Regen'."
- HQftdajr a petition was cireu'.iied
m: Ib the business men of the tii;y
ak'na the new bishop to visit a!,:
uuce with a view of making his home
In Alliance, Hnd was signed by erffjr
busineai man In town. A meeting f
tv- prominent Catholic was held at
the K. C. Hall Tuesday evening and
l was decided to send a comrnli'ee
itf llTfe to CUeyenne and hft i at
the" petition In person. Invlt.nions
r em the Knight of Columbus.
DttU liters of Isabella, Holy Xan
Knrlp'v Vnnnir Ijidles Sodlllii' ale
the Al' r Society will also be eX
tenuvJ to the reverend
The committee consists of R. M.
Hampton. C. A. Newberry and J SVt
Gutnile. Rev Fr. Dolan of Oaadrtw
attended the meeting and staled 'hat
the Cliadron Coum-ll of the KnUlUS
of CoiumbuR would most cheerful!
Join in the request to the u w
bishop and expressed himself .is
favoring very strongly the idea of
Setting him to live in Alliance and
seemed to think there was an e 1
ltnt (haute of prevailing upon him
o do so. The comnilttee expPCtl to
leave here Saturday noon. If aWtts
factory arrangements can be made.
Herewith In shown a drawing of
the plans which are approved by the
Alliance school board fur the new
Central School building It will be
noted that the building a prooned
will be of very beautiful deslan and
one that will be a credit to the city.
The outside of the building, a cord
ing to the plans, will be fa-ed with
Kdm uiont shale brick
It Is planned to have twelve
cIrhb MOM on the find nnd second
floors of the building, in addition to
which will be the principal's office
and library. One of the rooms will
be very large and used for an as
sembly IkiII on the second floor. In
the basement will be located the
bo.VH' and girls' toilets, domestic sci
ence and manual training class
rooms, manual training supply room
for tools and lumber, storage room
for books, and Janitor's quartets. The
boiler and fuel room will be entirely
separate from the main hulling ami
separated by a brick wall, tuerefore
grfatly leFf-fnlng the danger of fire
from that source
In planning the building (he future
has been thought of and It is planned
to care for the pupils for a number
of years to come, on account of the
fact that after the ecming election
has been held and the proposed bond
Issue voted it will be Impossible to
vote h.mds again for a number of
year. The future of Alliance school
children should be eared for by erect
ing a building of this nature, which
will amply house fion pupils com
fortably. It In fanned to make the building
as nearly fireproof as possible. The
approximate cost of a building of this
1 kind will be $.15,000.
The parcels post map shown In
t bis Issue of The Herald gives an !
idea of the fine map which will be I
given as a premium for renewal and i
new subscriptions to The Herald, j
Don't forget - to ask for one when j
you pay your subscription.
The people of Alliance who attend
"Dido, the Phoeneelnn Queen" at the
Phelun opera house next Friday ev
ening will have a rare treat both In
the scenery and the Imported cos
tumes. Advt -8-1M818
in Alliance for sale cheap for cash,
on account of poor health of owner.
Old established trade. Building for
sale or rent. Address "R", Herald
.812 10-tf
Arthur Wright of Canton made tl-.
nal proof before the Alliance land J
office last Friday. His witnesses i
were W, (', Phillips and Oscar How
Head in
at the
When you come to
This is hotel
Ex-State Representative Walter
Kent of Hay Springs wa in Alliance
Tueeday and Wednesday.
Rev. Fr. Dolan of Chad ton was in ,
Alliance Tuesday and Wcdmsday. Me
will use his influence In trying to
secure the bishopric of the church
for Alliance.
Pr (lleuaon of Broken How was
In Alliance Monday and Tuesday. He
and Fr. Maloney went to Hcott-Diun
Tuesday afternoon for a visit with
Fr. Byrnes.
lack Stanton, the pugilistic trax.l
Ing man. is stopping ut the Drake.
He holds the democratic welti r
weight honors for western Nebraska,
having won the belt in the Champ
Clark presidential boom.
W. H. Stoop, residing in the Star
ranch vicinity, stopped with friends
vMiterdav while on his way home
from the Denver stock show. He
stated that It was the best he had
er seen of Its nature and that the
the show cleared
expenses. The fine
a measure reaponsl-attendance.
i-i Hi-lings in May. A number or
local members of the lodge are back
ing ir. Packard In his candidacy for
the place and it is very probable
thai he will be elected. He is very
highly recommended and widely
known. We hope to see him elected.
Mrs. Lloyd C. Thomas has resign
ed her liosition as stenographer nt
the Kurlington freight office and has
accepted a position as bookkeeper
and stenographer at The Herald of
Mrs. E. G. Laing saw the basket
ball game In Scottsbluff Friday. She
visited friends there.
A P. Lee, manager of the Forest
Lumber Company at Alliance, has
returned from a business trip to
headquarters In Kansas City. He
sioppt d over at Hyannis on his way
down. i
Miss Nell Acheson is teaching
school four miles northeast of Alli
ance In the Rust district. She took
the place of Miss Purlntpn, starting
a short time ago. Miss Acheson has
the best wishes of her friends for
success in her new position.
Roy I leek with and wife are on a
trip to Chicago. Mr. Beck with Is
purchasing a fine line of spring good
for The Right Clothing Store. Mrs.
Heck with is visiting with her rela
tives in Chicago while they nre
there. On their return they will
visit relatives at Neleigh, Nebraska.
M. J. Kelly of Carroll, Iowa, a
l i( ther-ln-law of Gray and Guthrie,
visited them here Tuesday. Mr.
Kelly Is a prominent merchant of
the Iowa town and was greatly pleas
ed with Alliance.
Miss Angela Ware and Mr. Lloyd
Tully have the leading roles In
"Dido, the Phoenecian Queen," and
both are very strong in their pans.
Advt X-lt 1818
Installs New Machinery
Reck Installs Fine New Machinery
for Making Shale Brick
8. C. Reck, brick manufacturer and
contractor. Is installing this week an
expensive new shale grinder and a
large 40 horse power electric motor.
This equips him so that he has the
facilities for manufacturing fare
brick for high class architecture. He
has an ample shale supply on prop
erty owned by him In the town of
Kdgemont for making those brick,
which will be shipped over territory
contiguous to Alliance. This shale,
made Into brick in the fine plunt
now owned by Mr. R'rk, will en
able hhn to produce the best in the
west and his capacity of 10,000 per
day will enable him to fill nny or
der. He is now equipped to furnish
all the brick needed, either for fac
ing or common brick, for any build
ing which might be erected in west
ern Nebraska.
management of
$2,500 above all
weather was in
ble for the big
The seats for "Dido, the PbOMOC
Ian Queen." the High school Latin
play, will be on sale Fiidav morning,
January 31st, at Hoist en's. Price
;.U eelltS.
Advt 8HI818
Albt-rt .1 Frederick, home
is In Strome. .uoeria, v au.ui. m
has been visiting his brother. H?r
man Frederick, who lives tlx miles
northeast of Alliance, returned to
his home yesterday alter visiting
here three weeks. We understand
that he will be visited soon by Her
man Frederick In his Can !a home.
County Treasurer Martlu is a
busy man. He ! making a fine rec
ord in collecting taxes, etc. In his.
work hundreds of letters and notice
are sent out. He states that since i
November 1st his postage bill has
bet n C3.M.
( C. Smith is on a business trip j
up the North Platte vulley
Lev. D. W. Montgomery returned
to Alliance yesterday from a trip
coin a
Little Howard Cogswell will de
light the audience at the i'helaii op
era house next Friday eveuing w lien
he play the part Of Cupid in "Dido,
the ,lhoeuecian Quetn."
Advt -K-lt-1818
Dr F A. Packard, of Kearney, hi
old i. me A. O. C W. man. is a n
dtdalc for Grand Medical Examiner
before the Grand which meets
at the only
when in Alliance
The traveling men do.
People coming from a
distance should en
gage rooms by mall
in advance. We have
35 fine rooms but
they are often all fill
ed. Prices are reas
onable. Service the
finest. Take the bus;
it meets all the trains
to a
nice, comfortable,
PLAN : :
riodern in every way
Across from depot
50c 75c $1.00
HI Alliance
Deposit your valuable
papers in a safety de
posit box in our burglar
and fire proof vault. You
can then rest assured
that they are amply pro
tected from danger of
loss by theft or fire and
yet are readily
cessible in case
wish them for
you use
per year
E. C. Drake, who has been eiia!.-
, ed for a number of years in the Job
'printing business and who recently
j sold out Ins business at Granl City,
I Mo., has purchased an Interest In
! The Herald lHibllshins; Company and
I joined the mechanical department.
Mr. Drake, after fully inveatigatlnn
a number of different prone; sit ions,
decided that Alliance offered big op
portunities for growth in a live, es
tablished business such as The Her
ald offers.
C. A. Newberry is tendering a ban
quet to his employes at the Drake
this evening, starting at T::!0 o'clock.
All of the employes will be there
accompanied by their families. The
Newberry force numbers about thirty
now and the rapidly growing busi
newe causes occasional additions to
the force.
Big Clothing
Sale Continues
OUR customers who have taken advantage of this
value giving sale are coming back for more and
bringing their friends. The wonderful reductions
made are attracting many new customers. Make your
purchases now before our best values are taken
I Men s aii wool suits, Exceptionally Good Values
fancy worsteds ami cash- NL B
meres, nobby styles in aJV Your choice of any boy's
winter weights. All suits or young men's over- J 'I T
up to $16.50, now X coats in tne house . . Pvi
Young men's long pants
suits. All suits up to do C
Stylish, smart suits. $16.50, now . . . . tyOmUV
Best shades of grevs a mam
and browns and fanc Vll 25 per cent discount on .ill boys'
mixtures. Best makes Jl I lk Knickerbocker suits. Boys AO,
in the country. Reg. 11 Knickerbocker pants . . .
$16.50 to 22.50 values, now A J - - . . ..
All men's ov ercoats, from
; r. , . $15 to $30 values. This
1 he best suits in the t df
house. Smart, snappv L 11 means any overcoat m
::;,'r P7 Q-HAIS
values. Now IU hoUSe - Y ' Pltl
Quality NORTON'S Low Prices
We Have the Goods as Advertised