PUBLIC SALE I will sell at my place, two miles east and two miles south of Alliance, the old Wesley Rodgers farm, on TIES., JAN. 21, '13 the following described property: OOO0OOOOO0O 00 OOO o LAKESIDE o oooooooooooooooo Mr. l.utWord returned Wundie from ii short visit to her sinter In Maryland It. A. Cook iK'coiniNinled (went) en rloada of cattle to Central City laat Friday. Mr. and Mrs. McLaughlin and daughter were Alllnnee visitors over Friday and Saturday. K. A. Westover wn in Alliance on business Friday and Saturday. The New Year dance, while not ho largely attended as the Thank Kg i Ing hall, wna (uite an much of a UCCest. The music was unusually good, and the supper, prepared by Mr. Marry, was enjoyed as only a good supper can Ik enjoyed. Ie spite the evere cold, there were a number of people from Kllsworih and surrounding country, na well as a few from Alliance. II Wl UV if J' 1 bay mare 9 years old, weight 1400. 1 bay mare 2 years old, 1200. 1 iron gray mare 2 years old, 1300. 1 black mare, 5 years old, 1200. 1 sorrel mare, 6 years old, 1.200. 1 U spring colt. 1 mule colt. 29 f Cattle 1 Deering binder, 1 Deering mow er, new; 1 McCormick mower used one year, 1 Osborne mower, 1 Os borne hay rake, Dane Jr. stacker, Dane 4 wheel sweep, 1 Goodenough sulky plow with breaker attachment, 1 walking cultivator, 1 riding John Deere cultivator, 1 18 ft. harrow, 1 disc, one Monitor grain drill, one 10 milk cows, 6 giving milk, others fresh soon. 6 yearlings, heifers and steers, 1 two-year-old shorthorn bull, good one. 2 two-year-old heifers fresh soon. 8 calves. 5 shoats, weight about 50 lbs. potato digger and one potato plant er, two sets work harness, box wagon, 1 hay rack and wagon, 1 spring wagon, 1 single top buggy, cream separator, 1 Standard churn, new. About 10 dozen chickens, 350 bushels snap corn. 8 or 10 tons good wheat grass hay. 8 ft. steel water tank. Miscellaneous stuff. TERMS: Sums under $10, cash; over $10, 10 months' time at 10 interest on bankable paper. FREE LUNCH AT NOON John M. Trueblood, Prop. H. P. Coursev, Auctioneer C. C. Smith, Clerk PUBLIC SALE I will sell at public auction on the Fred Huelle place, seven miles north and six miles west of Alliance, three miles south west of Berea, on Tuesday, Jan. 28, 191 3 the following described property, to-wit: Veils II Uhoes Look Over His Line Hanan, Edwin Burr, E. P. Reed, and Sherwood Ladles' line Is the finest line shown west of Chicago by any retail dealer. Look Them Over 0O0OO00O000O0O0Q o MT. ROSE o oooooooooooooooo (By Jack the Ripper) Joe Hills shipped a car of good hoes to Ienver the latter part of last week. John Trueblood will travel for the .Moline I'low Co. this season. Lerrie Brandt Wtm seen limiting lions io mark. I lately. Mr. and Mrs. I'owell of southeast of town were sight M-crs In the city Saturday. ('barley Thompson has been haul ing corn last week. F. II. Vnndornn haB nearly finish ed shucking corn for Joe Mills. Twenty below at Mt. liose Sunda. Prtty (old on hay hauler. Joseph Hills returned from le,iiver one day last week. John Trueblood was looking over his corn la si Sunday. 1'retty well covert '1, isn't it, John? a, a m Ceo. Douglas was seen in i. n one day last week with a of jack rabbits. Louis Hrand Is busy hauling hay these cohl linys. Jack the Hipper, Mt. Hose editor, wiis seen hunting rabbits the first of tile week. a Mr. Trueblood Jr. wan hunting coyotes last Wednesday. B . We understand Charlie Honass is going to give a dan v some time soon. Hum about It, Charlie? - F. H. V'andoran lias been stacking und hauling hay lately. Joseph Hills was an Alliance sight seer last, Saturday. Monarch No. 1 Dip 1 to 75 Cures Scabs, Chases Flies, Sure Death to Lice Certificate of Government Approval on every can THE BEST FOR Sheep, Cattle, Horses, Poultry and Hogs USE IT NOW Guaranteed by RoC Chemical Concern, Lincoln, Nebr. sod by J. R. ACHESON 6 Head of Cattle 8 Head Horses and Mules rftK 2400 pounds. 1 span of roan geldings, coming four and seven years old, weight 2000. 1 bay horse, live years old, weight 1300. 1 coming two-year-old mare mule, 2 coming one-vear-old marc mules. 3 milk cows, 2 fresh sad 1 to be fresh soon. 1 com ing yearling heifer. 2 fall calves. S head of hos: 1 sow and seven fall pigs. 10 doen chickens. Farm Machinery and Implements ; 'Tlmf ''; wagon and rack. 1 Deering 8-ft. binder, 1 5 -f t. McCormick mower, 1 Moline riding cul tivator, 1 Moline 1 2-inch gang plow, 1 John Deere riding fitter, 1 disc, 1 1 S-ft. steel har row, 3 sets work harness, 2 sets leather My nets, 1 saddle. 1 Kconeim Chief Clean separ ator, 1 churn, many other articles too numerous to mention. Sale begins at 1 1 a. m Free lunch at noon TffTIC g-C Qei If All sums ol ten dollars and less, cash; all sums over ten 1 tl CM aJJcIIC d,,n:trs. ten months time will he given on bankable paper drawing Jo per cent interest. Two per cent discount for cash. Jesse Trueblood, Owner H. P. COURSEY, Auctioneer G. C. SMITH, Clerk oooooooooooooooo o AFTON o oooooooooooooooo It It. Reddish is still under the doctor's cure. He has been a very .-irk man the past two weeks. ... Saturday Clyde Coker took a trip in the sand hills down to the ('Ionian neighborhood to visit a week with friend. Miss llollie llagaman i.Mted Mm i day with Miss Mable Carey at the Coker home. . Hurtle West ley and Clyde Coker visited Mian llurkholder's school one day last week. The cold weather has somewhat abated and the beautiful llox Hut t : kunshlne has come again. At thU writlUS the weather ejiiins like i: balmy sprint; day. Kay 'Shanklin and Kd Kintc of AM n nee were IT 1111 at the Coker home Tuesday. Q, (i. CUtrkB and family were vls I 'Uti Charley Carpenter's. Sunday, and ri port a good time. I Sweep Your Floor with Paroline In the office, store and home the most disagreeable nuisance is dirt and dust caused by sweeping. This can be avoided bv usiftff rare-line. Paroline is a scientific compound of Vegetable oils and other substances. You sprinkle a small amount on the floor before sweeping. It withers up and holds the dust. It is antiseptic and prevents disease. Paroline c?Stl very little. A small amount goes a long way. Use it once. You will wonder why von didn't yet it sooner. For Sale at The Herald Office in Any Quantity Mr. Nettie Went ley flf the Cle loan neighborhood is visiting Mrs. W 8. Coker at this writing J. C. Hawkins and wif were eall it at (i O. Clark's, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A A. Wright wei. visiting a the home of Mr. I'owel ;..?ar Here Monday. Mr. Mtffnj has hU Umdiing (lone. Mr. Van Hoskirk doing the work Koy Shanklin la going eduesday. to thrasa Forest Allen of Lakeside was In Alliance, on business last Krtdaj FRESH FISH Any Kind of Fish You Want, Every Day in the Week OBANNON BROS. XXTJLit arid. ZProd.'u.ce Store ROWANS CORNER PHONE 9 a