The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 16, 1913, Image 6

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    Lumber Holds Own
in Home Building
BMMN it can Im adapted
to all kinds of structure
and be made to tit all .sized
jKHiket books. It's the most,
elastic building material on
earth and, judged from the
view)oint of health, makes
the best all round house
you can build. It's a ioor
conductor of heat or cold
and rejects dampness abso
lutely, keeping your house
rM from mattinGM and
bad odors common to so
many other kinds of build
ing material. Prove we arc
light yourself by jotting
down these features and
thetl v isit a few of the frame
houses right here at home.
This may seem a lot of
trouble, but you don't build
a home every year and it
pays to build wisely. It
also pays to look closely at
the kind of lumber you use.
There are many many va
rieties and they all have a
favored purpose. We know
their uses ASK US.
"There's No Place Like Home'
Forest Lumber Co.
Advertisement 6-tt-l-f1
West Florida lands
Small farms, improved and un
improved, easier terms to pur
chasers than rent, crop grows
all the year round. Oranges,
pecans, tigs, corn and cotton.
Healthy climate; tuberculosis,
asthma, catarrh, rheumatism, all
disappear here. Large bodies
of tine timber hinds. Excellent
mill sites, subdivisions to the
deep water city of IVnnsacola.
Ask us questions, the answers
are FREE.
Charter Land Co., Pensacola, Florida
Advertisement 1508 18 Hit
on violin
Phone 175 Alliance, Neb. J
Suth Omaha Commission Firms WeM
, Known in Western Nebras
ka Merge Businesses
The following announc nient re
reived by The Herald from ft . B.
Tagg, of South Omaha, Is of Inten t
to many western Nebraska stockmen
who have transacted business with
these firniB for year.. They are
both well known and have a gnat
deal of patronage from this sec-tlon
of the country.
Special Announcement
CaHh on hand, 11-15-12 1M:I. 1ft
25a.ilzadL ILTotes
OMh on hand. 12-15-12 2517.75
Water Depnrlmimt. month ending
lie (-ember 16, 1f12.
Summary of ras-h book:
Overdrawn. 12-1512 H47 51
Water 28U.25
Maintenance of meter
Nebraska, Tuesday,
ary 7, 1913
Clty officers' reports were re-
delved and read as follows:
Report of Police Magistrate for
Ioeembcr, 1!12:
Fine 1 125. (0
Marshal Fees If.tO
Overdrawn, 11
Material and
15-12 ..
$ pl4.ll
Cost of pumping 227.05'
Total I16O0
Receipt from city males .. 6.75
Report of City Treasurer for De-
tember, LtlS:
Jlalance ler. :trd :!24.09
Light Dept 2::::o.7fi
Water Dept 1067.67
Interest on deposks 30.76
kMUeellaneous collections 15.50
County Treasurer 27.80
1 Maint. of pump equip
Malnt. of distribution
Pumps and wells
Kx tension of mains . .
ti.Y in
Income Account
Total oiieratlng revenue ..
Total opernt. exp... 409.76
Kqlupnient 65.40
( hrardravws
:I41 .80
475 16
General funds 241.81
Streets and alleys 679.87
Fire and water 2266.69
Officers' salaries 348. :!5
Ltahtin 2500.31
Interest on warrants 37.98
Sewer 41.06
Bslsae Jan. 3rd 416.72
2.50 '
e. i:n
Overdrawn, 12-15-12 1017. 51
J. D. K.MKRICK, City Clerk.
Tagg Bros and Smith Bros Com
mission Co. have consolidated their
hualness at the South Omaha mar
et and in the future will have the
.same salesmen and the same man--agemtut.
Smith Bros.' location In
the cattte yard has long been con
sidered one of the best in the yards.
.and will now be used for all our
xnttle. Art. Tagg will be the head
cattle salesman and Hilly Orchard
the assistant. F. W. Liglufool will
be our brandtnan.
In the hetp barn Smith Hros.' lo
cation will be used and M. C. Wll-
ksfssa sal e B OssssUm win took
after the selling and buying. In the
lirur vards eue firm will keep Its
former locati.;i and salesman Bert
Andei ma will Smith Bros.' hogs,
while w. b. rati eU vai
Bros.' hogs, assisted by Clyde Kells
Smith Bros.' office. No. In I Kx
change Blelg., will be used and we
M ill he ulessed to iu t and and all
friends of either firm at any time.
In the consolidation SOCS firm re
talus their firm name, so that stock
billed to Tag Bros or to Smith
Bros, will be Bandied by us to the
very best possible advantage and re
mittance promptly made.
By W B TAtiO, Manager
TbS following claims
Join Garret t, labor
Stephen Jackson, killing
burying dogs
Dlerks Lumber Co., lutiVht r
K. W. Ray. materlnl sttd pjttmb-
(Irand Restaurant, board prls-
I). K. Jacobs, reeling fire hose,
Henry Illume, reeling fire ROSS
J. W. Leggett, do
Fire Dept., tournament ex
penses John Wallace, hauling hose.
II. I'. Uirge, fire watchman..
11. I". Large, fire watchman..
J. R. Snyder, hauling hose cart
II P. Large, guarding prisoners
Newberry, mdse
Boyd, salary
Jeffers. do 80.00
Barnes, do I M
Gregory Zurn. do 25.tlO
.1. ft Carlson, do 75.00
I'ercy Cogswell, do 28.0i
J. 1). Kmenck, do 25.(tO
Kugene Burton, services .... 20.00
Eugene Burton, services .... 6.00
C. A. Lalng, salary and exp., 150.00
K. M. NiiEsbutun, salary 95.00
City Light IHpt.. street lamps 86.38
City Light Dept., street and
City Hall lighting 227.81
City Water Dept., supplies and
water 25.28
Geo, Simpson, labor 5.20
W. Hancock, labor 4.06
(mo I'opp, labor 10.57
I'luke ru n Detective Agency,
services 122. II
Wiggins Ai Babcock. acctlng.. 423.49
O. A. Grannuni, labor 49.30
W. I). Zediker, material . and
plumbing 66.30
ftnssnfcrSM & Fox, blacksmith
work 6.25
C. A. Newberry, lanterns for
fire dtpt 10.50
Light Department, month ending De-
c mlM r 15. 1912
Summary cf Cash Hook:
Cash on hand. 1115-12 1M;..1S
Light 19L.2I
I'ower 172.S5
Service deposits 60.00
lainps 14T.SI
Scores of Herald Readers Are Learn
ing the Duty of the Kidneys
To filter the blood is the kidneys'
Wlic n tiny fall to do this the kid
neys are weak.
Backache and other kidney ills
may follow;
Help the kidneys do their work
Use Doan's Kidney Fills, the test
cd kidney remedy.
Allinnce people endorse their
Mrs. J. B. Whaley. 422 K Oreuo.i
St., Alliance. Nebr.. says: "I havcj
had no reason to change my high !
opinion of Doan's Kidney Fills since!
I publicly recommended them in!
May l'.M)7. Over three years ago
my Kidneys became oneiiy m.eoreiercci
ami th" kidney secretions were tin
SStafsl. Whenever I Hooped, sharp
pa!ns darted through my loins und it
Acs difficult for me to straighten. I
tricei many remedies but all Jjiilcd to
h'lp me until I procured Doan's Kid
ney Fills at Moisten s Drug store
Tii. y brought relief in a short Hi ie
end I continued using them un''l I
was free from kidney eomp.niut."
For sale by all dealers. Friee 5i
cents. Foster -Milburn Co., Huffnlo,
New York, sole agents for the;
United Staffs.
Remember the name -Doan's -and
take no other.
Advertisement Jan 9-16
Additional Civil Sirvice Examina
tions to be Held in Alliance
during January and
Night call boy for the trainmen,
Bsrts, IsM tf Tuesday night. Roy's
father, whi was taken home from
the hosplial Mondny, is Improving
rnpldly. He expcc.s to be in his
! .- it Ion as principal of the Central
school next Monday.
Brake n. an Sexton, who has been
SnOBO lag the Holidays wlih his fam
ily in McCook, returned to Alliance
Tuesday morning.
W. II. law, formerly a switchman
lu re, writes that he Is now working
for the N. F. out of Troy, Montana
He Is conductor on a helper engine.
They help trains fifteen miles eas
out of Troy.
Knginct r Nleholai had u very ser
ious fall in Klgpinom last Monday
morning. His enilne was standing
over the turn table and Nieholai was
oiling. In some way he slipped ainel
In trying to save himself he landed
cn the frozen cinders In the turn
tTSbl i l both feet. Both aukles were
badly sprained and he has several
painful bruises. He was brought
home on No. 44 and at once taken to
the hospital. Mr. NtchotsTs Injuries
are not permanent but they are very
painful and it will be several months
before he can work.
Fireman Ambrose has been sent
to Kdgemont for ten days. Fireman
Trimber, who has been in Seneca,
has returned to Alliance.
Conductor and .Mrs. Burt Richard
son have returned frcm a three
months' visit to Sacramento and oth
er coust points. While there they
met Mr. Mccarty,
man here. He is
Mr. Ric hanlsc n s
Caity has a fine
electric company.
formerly a brnk.
married to one of
sisters. Mr. Mc
positlon w th an
. fyiBHB. sHhsSlilBSaVMsflslsHhk
'iC sH
gffi sbkBI'hsi H
am if ' aV ' jnV
From panning
Seymour Thomas
Official Story of the Life
of President-Elect
By William Bayard Hale
Street lighting
Misc. Rt.-tipts
Cash on hi nd, 12-15-12 $2517 75
.Merchandise 482.47
Service deposits 15.00
Power plant ksaor 309. 2J
Coal Ill.ft
I'ower plant sup. and
Maint. of di(. syst. . . .
DttStOSMWO pn iuis ep.
95. 13
January 20
Lecturer cn Read Feonoiuics tfe
OSsto). The Fnitcd States Civil Ser
vice Commission calls attention to
the lai that i i the requc st of the
I tepart n:i nt Of Agriculture the max
imum age limit for the examination
fcr keturer on road economics (fe
male) to he held on January 20, has
been changed frc m 40 to 5(1 years.
January 7Z
Medical Interne: salary $600 per
annum u it h maintenance; to fill va
( ancy in Goveininent Hospital for
Insane, W.ishington. D. C. Iabora
torv Aaw4stSBJ In Ceramics (male);
salary S04 to $1,200; to fill vacancy
at Bureau of Standards. Filtsburgh,
Fa. Pn - Feeder; salary 25 to 27Vs
cents pi r hour, 8 hours per day; to
fill vacancies in Government Prist
ing Offi e.
January 22-23
KnUneer (niulei; salary $60o; to
fill vac amy in Indian Service at Tul
alip Indian School. Washington. Jun
ior Computer (mslOt salary $9uft to
$1,320: to fill MU'iini'ti's in Bureau of
Mines, Washington, D. C. Junior
Chemist tiuntei; salaries from ll.SJI
to $l,.:s; to fill vacancies at Bureau
of Mine, Flttsbnrgh. Pn., and Wasu
lugton, D. C. j
Januaty 27
Alloy Chemist imalc); .-.ilarits $2,
400 to $3.0(10; to fill vacancy in Bur
eau of Mines. Department of the In
terior. February 3
Map printer (male!; salary $t,2O0;
to fill vacancy In Geological Survey.
Washington. D. C.
February 5
Knginrer. Sawer and General Me
chanic tmalei; sal y $1,200; to fill
vacancy in Indian S. rvtce at Fort
Belknap Agency, MmKana. Timber
BOSlSf tmalet; sal.iiv 1.080; to fill
vacancy at Lal'oluie Agency, Indiun
Botfnoor Bell, who has been in
the hospital, expects to go home the
last of the week. Mr. Bell h a
made a fine recovery from his rc
OSttl operation for appendicitis.
The many acquaintances ainJ
rriends of Mr. and Mrs. Algie r, now
of STieridan, Wyo., will be very sor
ry to learn of the death of their In
fant daughter. It seems the child
became tangled in the bed' clothes
and was lOMtllorsd before found.
m m m
On Wednesday morning No. 42 was
si-veu SOOTS late. A stub was made'
up on the high line and run as first
No. 42. The delay was caused by
heavy Snow in ihe mountains, espec
ially lit the Cascades.
This well known Look, written l.v tliis
in this issue of The
author, begins
Illustrated with Exclusive Photos
Kvc ry line of this story of th'.'i life of our next president is In
terestloai M you are not a subscribe r send in your nam" at once so as
to ",et every issue. A large number of extra copies of this issue srt
he In ; printed. Order tho paper sent to your friends and we will semi
them the paper, beginning with this issue. The Herald considers itself
fortunate in securing this meritorious article for the benefit of its read
ers. If you are a subscriber send in your renewal in orcle-r to not miss
S sinnle paper. Enclose 25 cents extra and git one of our valuable1 Far
col Post Maps, described elsewhere in this Issue of The Herald.
Many either interesting features and SfttdOl will appear In The
Hn-ald during the year 1918, including several spwial editions that Will
be a credit 'to western Nebraska. You will set- many times your
money's worth.
Service. Wisconsin Assistant Chem-
Sularies l4nt- j.t (male); salary $1,000; to fill va-
Oifi e sup. and exp IK I rsaff in Kuglneer Department at
Maintenance of nuieis 6.3U j,ige. Fhysieian oualei; salary
Distribution 397.77 $i,ooO: to fill vacan les at Navajo
Fewer plant equip 109.03 1 Agency (Tohatc hi Bo.irding Bskool),
Office cepjip
Metirs and iraitatlationa
A. Gust Sefclk left on Tuesday for
Missouri Vallvy, Iowa, where he went
to work In the Nurth WeBteru rail
road shops. He has been working
the past year for Os ar Kvans, the
brick muson aud plasterer.
Income Account
; I'otal operating revenues
Total operating expense ....
Net gain
Cash gam
Service deix.i-it ice U eM)
Sel deposits pd. out LYtSl
.55 ( tuyenne HJvtr Agency, South Da
llkota; Sant Ageu;y, Nebraka,
1 Western Navajo Agency. Arizona,
$l,2et per annum. Topographic
Draf sman. Copyist Topographic
Draftsman; salary $900 to $1,600; to
lilt vacancy Coast and Geodetic Sur
e. Surveyor imalei: salary, tran
st man $lot) to $110 per month, sur
,er $125 10 $150 per month, with
l iiinsteel ner d'em in lieu of sub-
loUteit-e. Assistant Chemist tiuule);
Slaty $l.2t; Geological Survey.
$5084.63 j
$3181 45
. 2043 40
. 1138.05
508 48
. 629.57
On Tuesdays tlie helpers at Fdge
moat, Ardmore and Marsland were
pulled Off and they will now r&n 011.
ly single trains on the west end.
'rii! makes the work better for ail
the men during the cold stormy
m m m
Engineer anetf Mrs. Rockey have the
sincere sympathy of their many
trie nds in the death of their lit r I
son leroy. The railroad orders. P..
Of L. E. and G. I. A., ent many
beautiful flowers and the nr ciliera
did all they could for the son owing,
pare nls.
Fireman Townley, who is in tlie
hcspltsl, is slowly recovering in. at
the torUm bviniK received during
his fight with th.- fire at Marsland
last week. The cut In his foot is
hosUsg hut it will be some nuuitbs
before he can fire an engine.
Last Muuduy ulght thc iiuuluuists
gave a grand bull for the benefit of
one nt their members, O. S Captain.
A number cf the younger SMSSSSfS
tSOk charge of the ticke . selling and
were very succcssail. The dance
StSS m UM Opent house., wttti the
be'st of niusie furnished Sy Mrs. Wik
ei's oix-hestra A large crowd were
present and the ball was a success
bi'th tinanclally aud socially. The
machinists are BUStlSflB and never do
iinythiug by halves.
Railroad men don't know us yet
whether to treat the coming "hobo"
convention, announced to be held in
N'e-w Orle ans. January 2 as a Joke
or a real serious proposition, but it
is generally known that when the ho
boes got together las year in Ohio ;
they drew pretty close on to thirty-1
five thousand peoplc. James Eades
Howe is president of the Hoboes As
COiSttOB. and its membership reach
es to all parts of the I'nited State-s 1
and c.ciada. -Railway Record.
With the new year the Burlington
Is making a change in its train aud
itlng rules. Hereafter auditors will
not accompany the trains, but will
beard the train ai division points
and ShjSafe the ace-ounts of the con
ductor and compare his figure's with
the number of passenger on the
train Railway Record.
Attorney Eugene Burtcn went to
Hurrikon. Nebr., on legal business
last Thursday morning.
National Mazda
The quality lamp cuts the
light bill almost half. Un
necessary to have them on
a switch and they cost no
more than the other kind.
Hardware Co.
Kllllllllillll lllllllliaraBsMsW WMMMWWi H
Removed with MOLESOFF, without pain or danger, no matter how large
or how far raised above the surface of the skin. And they will never
return and no trace or scar will be left. MOLESOFF is applied di
rectly to the MOLE or WART, which entirely disappears in about six
days, killing the germ and leaving the skin smooth and natural.
MOLESOFF is put up only in One Dollar bottles.
Eacl bottle it tsiwtiicd putiui itctipt of price is Mitly packs ia a plaia cast, ae
ceapaaiet ky full euittieei, aa caataias aaauia ttaMdy ta ftwira tiM ar taa ataman; SOU 3
or MARTS Wa tall MOLESOFF asset a aws.itis GUMMTEE. if it faMs to isasva yout MOLES or
SARI mt will promptly ttUrt tka dollar Lottars ftcat ptrttaafts e all kaaar, taiifkar with much
valaakle infotmatioa. wiN kt atailtd fraa uptn rttuatt
PVsaaKI ini'ntion thin
paper when auswe'iinu
(Juatantet'd by tjMl Flu. l)u
DrofM Act, Jan itfOfl.
FU ticla DiNtribuliiiK Cumpuny
IVnsacola, Florida
tributintc Co. under
Se rial No. 42ft&.
Food and
4m m