CLEARANCE SALE Norton's shelves and counters are crowded with a lot of goods that must be gotten rid of before spring comes. semi-annual clearance sale is inaugurated this year with the best values ever offered to the Alliance public. These are cash prices. Our CARPETS AND RUGS BLANKETS AND QUILTS Men's all wool suits, fancy worsteds and cashmeres, nobby styles in winter weights. All suits up to $16.50, now . 9 Stylish, smart suits. Best shades of greys and browns and fancy mixtures. Reg. $16.50 to $22.50 val., now 15 The best suits in the house. Smart, snappy styles. All hand tailor ed. $22.50 to $35 values. Now These suits include everything but the blue serges m $6.35 Your choice of any boy's or young men's overcoats They are exceptionally good values Youny men's long" pants suits. All suits up to $ 16.50, now 10 off on everything for cash, not specially priced $8.50 25 Per Cent Discount on all boys' Knicker- 4Qr bocker suits. Hovs' Knickerbocker pants ... . About 1,000 yards of taffeta silk. 27 inches fQc wide, for Ujrks 36 inch dress goods and suitings, worth up O to 75c, now Heavy corduroy velvet suitings, $1.25 values, now 96c Heavy black broadcloth, 58 inches wide, EP 1 IQ $ 1. SO values, now MP" 1 lot of men's ties 19 1 lot of men's ties 29 1 lot of men's ties 49 1 lot of men's hat, $3 value, $1.98 1 lot of men's mittens 125o 1 lot of men's dress shirts. Monarch brand Si-C 1 lot of men's hose, 50c values, 3 pre. for l.OO 1 lot of men's hose, 3 prs. for 25 Men's fancy vests at 1-3 off Men's storm coats, special val ue 92.68 Men's storm coats, special val ues 4.98 All leather cowhide suit cases 3.98 25 per cent discount on all men's and boys' sweaters. All men's overcoats, from $15 to $30 values, $44 f.g rhis means am over- Ik I 1 I f coat in the house I SHOES i lot ladies' shoes, 25 Per Cent Discount Special prices on ladies' and children's house slippers LADIES' UNDERWEAR 2-piece underwear, 65c and 75c quality 48 Children's and misses' union suits worth up to 85c now 3?C MEN'S UNDERWEAR Heavy fleeced union suits l.OO 1 lot heavy wool fleece shirts and drawers ?) Men's black all wool two-piece garments, $2 values, now 1.29 Jersey ribbed all wool shirts and drawers, $3 values at 2.29 Special price on all boys' underwear. t lot of men's whipc rd pants. fc f f $7, values now Pe 1 V Men's corduroy pants . . ! 25 discount Men's duck coats 25 per cent discount $3.25 i lot sheep lined coats, cor duroy collars, now Ladles' Auto Hoods & Toboggan Caps i lot $1.50 values, now 98c 1 lot 85c vals., 69c 1 lot 40c vals., 25c Norton's We have the, goods as advertised SHOES i lot men's and boys', 25 per cent discount Special prices on men's and boys' hi;h top shoes James Francis O'Donnell MONOLOGUE ACTOR WILL APPEAR AT THE ALLIANCE OPERA HOUSE ALLIANCE Thursday, Jan. 23, 1913 FOR THE BENEFIT OF" HOLY ROSARY CHURCH Admission - - - 25c and 50c Tickets on Sale at Holsten's Tuesday morning Classified Adertisements The following "Want Ad" are ;lassif ied under appropriate headings 'or the convenience o readers. CASH RATES One cent per o.'d each Insertion. No ad received 'or less than ten cents per inser tion. Black face double rate. CREDIT RATES One cent peri ord each insertion, but no ad vert is ng account opened for less than ! twenty-five cents and no ad charged 'or less than fifteen cents per week. ! Slack face double rate. It answering Herald want ads ' jlease mention that you saw it in his paper. A classified advertisement will In troduce to each other the next buy r and the next seller of property n this town. PAINE FISHBURN GRANITE CO. Grand Island, Nebr. Make the best monuments and will save you money. Call on AL. WIK ER, local salesman of Alliance, or send to Grand Island for price list. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS See E. c. Whfsman for lowest prices on painttng, paper bunging and kalsoiuining. THREE MILK I'houc BUM 4S5. (4S-tf i COWS for sale. Missouri sorghum cents per gallon, at RO GER'S 85 ABSTRACTERS E. REDDISH Bonded Abstracter. I- have the only set ot abstract looks in Box Butte county. Office n McCorkle Building. 10tf-670 HOCSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE. Including furniture, rugs, cook stove. H.i.-oliiK- range, etc. Call 103 Lara nile Ave. MBS TIIOS. REGAN Advertisement 4tfl76L' Curtis Best and Gooclt's Best flour at E. 1. Gregg i Son'.- Kvery sack guaranteed. Phone 165. 2Stt-i::4' L. W. BOWMAN Physician and Surgeon Office in First National Bank Bldg. Phones: Office, :!62; residence, 16. Prescriptions to drug store or medi cines furnished from office, if pre ferred. 50-tf-lCOS Advertisement LEGAL NOTICE In the District Court of the Cnlted Slates lor the District Of Nebraska. chadron division Phone 649 Buy Nohe's Bread Phone 649 We Guarantee Satisfaction Do not accept a substitute but be sure everv loaf has our label, which reads: FOR SALE OK KENT. Seven room house. Good outbuilding. Bam for four horses. House for automo bile. J. B. DENTON. Advertisement 5tf 1772 FOR KENT. Nicely furnished steam heated rooms. Rent reasona ble Address "M", Herald office. 1 4114141 NOHE'S HOME-MADE BREAD We also make VIENNA BREAD and all kinds of FANCY CAKES. ORDER BY PHONE 649 FOR RENT. Office or living uiHna First N&t'l Bank Building. I7lfl ls MISCELLANEOUS Buy your coal of Rowan & Wright, t'hone 71. f All kinds of feed. In atiy quantity The purest and most delicious home made candles ever sold in Al liance now a feature at Brennan's, Corner Drug Store. Advertisement - 5-H-1776 ' COAL AND LUMBER Buy your coal and lumber from this company. Quick deliveries ami full weight on every load of coal. DICRK1 LlM DEK & coal 00. Phone -ll I 7!-Stf TEACHERS' EXAMINATION Regular state teachers' exainlu.i tlon will be held lit Alliance, Friday ami Saturdu. January 17 and IK, testred, at E. 1 I'houe IK, 9tM343 Gregg 4i Son's L 13. DEI J -A M KEED. County Superintendent vdvcrtiseiuciH 5-24-1781 Money to loun on real estate. F. tf. Reddish 3tf Rowan & Wright, coal, wood aud iiosts Phono 71. tf WANTED ft lady agents, good pity. Highest price paid , v t II J.- . wl JTiirc '' Anderson's BtlMUo, nvl U for Hides and Mirs. .,M M u N1 ik(i Oscar O ' Bannon, 1 Alliance, Phone 9, ' -liiiaiiv-w, tun u Alliance Oiecan Rowan s Corner. Mil lie erj MISS HOHIIOW AY 1751 3-tf 17H5 ti-tf Coal office at Rowan's feed store. ROWAN c WKIGHT, phone 71. tf LOST. Brown Combination grip, tietweeu Alliance uud Scolsbluff, on autto road. Reward for return to Geo Snyder s cigar store, Alliance. JACK HAWES 17ih-6-lt Bargain in slight ly used piano. Call at oik i MRS IDV M ROSS Advertisement 5-Jt-l77:l : SING I .E AND DOI lil.E HARNESS AND SPRING WAGON FOR SALE One set of double haruees, firM class condition; oue single harness, fair condition; one good spring wag on. Will sell cheap if taken at once Inquire at Alliance Cleaning Works. Phone 5. C M KEELEV Advertisement Stfl7ko IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE In the Matter of Thomas I. Threl kcld. Bankrupt--Case No. Li, In Hnnkrurtcy, voluntaiy ptiltlcs. Publication Notice to Creditors At Chadron. Dawes county. Ne braska, in said distrLt, before Krei. erlck A. Crlies, referee in bankrupt cy, January Nth, Ittf, To the creditors of Thomas J. Tlirelkeld. of Alliance, Box Butte luu.ity. Nchra.-ka, a bankrupt: On the 4;h day or January, lilt. Thomas J. Tlirelkeld wi duly ndjudi cated a bankrupt, and on the :!rd day of January, lfl$, said bankrupt filed his application for discharge. It Is hereby ord red that the lHth day of February. I!"i:!, be, and the same Is, hereby fixed as the date on or before which all creditors of and all other persons interested la said es tate and in the discharge in bank ruptcy of said Bunkrupt shall. If they desire to oppose the same, file In my office at Chadron, Dawes county, Nebraska. In said district, their apparaace in writing in opposi tion to the granting of said dis charge, and also within ten days therarter file in my said office spci itkal ions of the grounds of suid opposition. Witness my hand this Kth day of i January. A D. Ittl. FREDERICK A CRITES. Referee In Bankruptcy. IM it LEGAL NOTICE Notice for Election for Court House Bonds said day for I lie purpose of voting upon the following proposition, to- wit: Shall the County Commissioners of Box Butte county. Nebraska. Is sue the bonds of said county, In the sum or Sixty Five Thousand (tfS.OOO) Dollare, of the following denomina tions, viz: Sixty Five bonds of One Thousand Dollars each to run for period of twenty years from the date of issuance of said bond, bear in Interest at the rate at fl.'c pef cent per annum. In:;-n.u payable semi-annually, said !n'cret and prin cipal payable at the fiscal agency of the state of Nebraska, in NVw York city, state of New York, said bind Issue to be known as "Cjur '.: ise Bond Issue"; tU bonds to In i. su ed for the following purpose, fa-wp.: For the erec tion an.l i:i.i- i i n a Fireproof Co.irt House, far the of said county, to b erected and constructed on lots 13 und 23 In County Addition to the city of Alliance, Box Buite county, Nebrae- a. according to the recorded plat thereof; and shall said County Com misskntis be eniowered to makn an annual l -vy for a oiifficlent amount to j.y the Interest on said Court Mouse bonds in the sum of Sixty Five Thousand Oi5.0u0.U0) Dol lars; and shall si id commissionere be empowered to make an annual l-v to create sinking fund for the pavment of the princijial or sold Sixty Five Thousand I $" .000.00) Dollars, Coi:rt House Bond Issue? By order of the County Commht sloners of Box Butte county. Nebras ka. J. M. WANEK. Chairman. Attest I M. S. HARC.RAVES. Clerk. 1HI 4-7t Notice is herutty given to tlie qual tfied voters of Box Butte county, NV bruska. that upon die written request of at leas'! one-fourth or the leal voters of said county, an election will be held at the regular polling places in each precinct of said coun ty, on Tuesday the IMh day of Feb ruary, 1913, from the hour of eibt a. m. to the hour of su f m. of A new photographer in Alliance. Watch for his advertising. Adv lK00--U RAILROAD MEN HERE H. P. Kaufttuau. of Omaha, travel iug passenger iigi til for the Hurling ton and the Cohwudo 4k Southern, was In Alliance ou Weditesday, nc (ompauied by Edward Emery, travel ug paasenger agent for the Balti more H Ohio, with headquarters at Omaha. The gentlemen were inter viewing prospective visitors to the 'uaifuration iu Washington, on March 4th. Insuratnc adjusters were a the ..i.v the last t the vvi-.-k making settlement with Heal Brother.-. for the losses sustained in the fire at I lie concrete biock plitut laat week.