i Mat. Historical Society cp Gives all the newt of Box Butte County and City of Alliance. The Alliance Herald Largest circulation of any newspaper in West ern Nebraska. VOLUME XX ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY. NEBRASKA I THURSDAY. JANUARY 16, 1913 NUMBER 6 BOX BUTTE HOGS TOP DENVER MARKET Joe Bills Raises and Fattens 300 Pound Fat Hogs on Box Butte Corn. Sell for $7.60 Cwt. ' Interesting Reminisences i ' 5 ; i :v' ' -MTrfi A Few of the Fat Porkers On Friday, January ::rd. Joseph properly. They can be marketed at Bills, who lias a large ran h and a priee ranging from 50 cents to $1 farm about five miles south and east per bushel. Two or three crops of of Alliance, shipped to Denver a j potatoes will enable a man to pay carload of 70 fine, fat hogs. These for a fine little home here, while hogs welshed an average of 300 the farmer in eastern and southern pounds .each. They were far super- states would be working from throe ior to the alfalfa fattened hogs of to five times as long perhaps tori t;- , Colorado, and s.ild in fifteen mlnutnier, . after being on the market, for $7.t0 "I shipped four ai loads of choice per cwt., topping the market. I cattle to the Allen Dudley Couinils- All of these lios were raised and slon Company of South Omaha re fattened on Mr. Bills' farm. It took tently They netted me a good anon I .three months to fatten them. I priee. We can raise just as good Tha pictures shown herewith show grass fed cattle here as can be he hogs fm ding and five wagon raised anywhere else. The grass in load on Box Bu'.te Avt nue. AHi- this section of the west is very nu ance, cool haS Into town to load M;e j trltlous and fattening, car. Mr Bills is standing on the! "America iB very different from from wagon the phi, . I the old country. 1 was apprenticed In ;. inter-, a v Mr. Bills i flic j when a boy for four years to learn Herald reporter his views cf farm-' the carpenter trade over there. My 1::, Stock rais'i:., and the Chan esi father had to pay fio to get. me for making a emd livir ; an:l snvlne; started and he also had to furnish in Box Butte coanty. His reinlnls- my bed. My mother had to do my censes are very interesting and tell washing every six weeks and I had of early days in Box B ttte unity. to walk twenty-six miles through the Mr. Bills said, "Hot raising in snow to get the washing home. northwestern MohrsslM is far super "When I go: to be IX years of age lor to that of the eastern nud south-1 Prince Henry wanteil me for a re- ern stales for several r.asons. There . cruit for his army. I de'lded to is no hog cholera or Other dlasttae fool him, I went to Branchovan and here. It does not require any mare gave a man tea dollars to lake DM land than elsewhere where land cut five milts on the water to a c.ost.s from $lat to 2on per a r sailing vessel which was going to while good land can be purchased I America. My fare cool DM $22 and here for per acre. Hogs can be board an the ship. We had some i raised in thi rrgion with less ex , very hard storms. We landed in pense, less work and less capita,) Baltimore. Maryland. I worked there than in the neighboring and eastern awhile and in Ohio, from w o re I states. Tin re too mu h ol the haul went to southwestern Kansas. I earned profits are squandered for went west as far as lirnett, which 1 fun and enjoyment after the busi- something thai will realize nothing in was the terminus ai that time of the n ss had bet n transacted. return. Of course our land here is old Santa Pe railroad. I walked 26 A lumber of new candidates wen- to miles west from I -a met t and struck initiated into the order and speech- is made by several of the uiembeiv. ans from stealing them. I was arm ed with a couple of bIx shooters so that when the Indiana came I had to fire twice as a. signal. The buf faloes came to water in the after noon about three o'clock. The hunt er would shoot them for their hide and a little of the meat, which was sun dried and sent to Kansas City, 1 saw all kinds of wild game. We took our seven wagons full of buf falo hides and dried meat and start cd for Kansas City. When we got there they sold the meat for eight Cents per pound and the hides tor from four to five dollars each. These hides would be worth a great deal of money now. I left then and wandered about through Tennessee, back up to Iowa, and finally wound up at Pawnee. Ne braska, where I heard of Wymore, which was the new division point on the Burlington. I built the first house in Wymore in a corn field. It was for Sam Wymore,' who has been dead many years. I stayed there for six years and after wandering around through Wyoming for some time struck DouglaB juet as it was starting. 1 had to pay eight dollars a day for poor board and slept with rattlesnakes for bedmates. The town of Douglas was built in ten days. I then went to Fort Robinson and helped build the officers' quarters. "Prom Port Kobinson I went to Al liance, which was to be the new division point. 1 went to Brand Lake. There was nothing there but tents. 1 bought fifty dollars' worth of ship lap. tar paper and a cook stove from Otto Kelt li son and hauled it to the place where Alliance now stands. I then built the first house in Alliance. 1 stayed here and work ed at the carpenter trade while the town was building. Helped build the high school house; Pletcher build ing, Norton building, Opera House Mid a lot of buildings that were burn ed up at the time of the two big fires here. However, some of my work is still standing. I made store fronts for Newberry, Norton and pletcher, I also made furniture from rough w od-s, one lutercstlcc piece being the Alliance National Bank counter, which was made from rough Missouri walnut which cost lno per thousand feet. The freight made it cost $20 per running foot." Mr. Bills has accumulated a good sized chunk of Box Butte county laud since Fettling hero and ;s m t ins a success of fanning and ranch ing. His success with hogs shows w hat can easily be done h pr iper met hods. R. R. Dept. Interested Railroad Department of the Interna tional Committee of Young Men's Christian Asso ciations take Interest OFFICIALS TO COME TO ALLIANCE Dr. AUce M. Day Young has been In correspondence with a number of parties outside of Alliance who should be Interested In the new Y. M. C. A. building for this city. Pol lowing is a letter received todny in reply lo a letter addreesed to the New York headquarters of the Young Men's Christian Association: St. txnits, January 16, 1913. Mrs. K. K. Young. Alliance, Nehr. My deer Mrs. Young: Your letter of recent date nddroeeod to Mr. Lncien C. Warner, New York City, has been referred to me as traveling railroad secretary with a relation to some of the roads In the west. We are very much interested In I The Biggest Ever Athletic Entertainment Odd Fellows with Families and F,r oy' Big Athletic Entertain- Peddlers Have Enjoyable Time Western Nebraska Traveling Men Enjoy Themselves at Regu lar Monthly Meeting The Peddlers, the new trawling men's organization with headquarters it Alliance, in: at the I. O. . P. hall on Saturday evening and spen' an evening of pure, unadulterated Friends Meet In Grand En tertainment and In stallation OVER TWO HUNDRED PRE8ENT The installation of the new offi cers of the L O. O. P. No. IBS, lo cated at Alliance, was made by Onuir C. Strong, of llemlngford, DIs trict Deputy Grand Master, at the ball Tuesday evening. The ele five officers who were Installed are: Charles .leffers, N. O., Lincoln l,ow ry, P. O., II. II. Brandt, V. Q., A. 3. Macy, Secretary, and J. H. Denton, Treasurer. Over two hundred people wci present In the hail, which was filled o overflowing. After the installa tion ccremonrtes, which were very Impressive and In which (Band .in-i tr Strong was assisted by a number of the Brothers from llemlngford, a the organization of a Railroad Young j PW. consisting of speeches. d Men's Christian Association for your community SOd I hope that your ex pectations and desires may be real ized. I have an cngngeemcnt next week with Slate Secretary ItaMey of Nebraska who has had this mat- tor upon his heart for some time. We shall talk it over and probably at an early date either Mr. Bailey or nivself will plan to visit Alliance aim I want to assure you tli.it in this connection we shall certain ly get In touch with you. You will be Interested to know that qtrlte a number of the various Itailroad Young Men's Christian As sociations scattered throughout the country are in existence today be cause some good woman appreciated the importance of making some pro vision for the railroad einiih were spending much of tin Ir time in saloons, pool halls, etc. Under seiutratc cover we are send ing you some pamphlets relating to .'he work of the llallroad Young I'tjjl'e Christian Associations which may he of special interest to you I wish you would examine with care If you have time the lititle pamphlet which describes the Association at Helper, 1'tah With appreciation of your kind letter and assuring you of our Inter est in the matter that Is upon your heart, I bt g to r Mia in, Yours very truly. A. 0. KNKBKL. Itailroad Secy. HILLIS-TOOHEY alogues and music, was enjoyed. After the program the hall was filled with tables and the banquet be gan. The orchestra played a nuni ber of choice select lone of musk'. When the tables hud been cleared speei lies were made by a number of i lie lodge members of Alliance and Tjy a number who were visiting. A flash light picture was taken by Ml. (Irebe and all went to their homes. feeling that this woe the best enter tainment ever given of its character. State Apportionment of School Fnnds December Apportionment of Funds for Schools of the Stats Amounted to $328,104.48 BOX BUTTE'S SHARE $1744.90 County Superintendent Delia M. Ueed has divided tho December I .V.- -w--... . . j state apportionment of school funds j for Box Butte county among the districts entitled to receive I lit same and sent out notices lo school dir jeclors last week. Nebraska has at fine school fund lo be divided twice j each year among the schoc'.. of the ! state, amounting to n-arly two-thlnls Of a million null.. i per annum, The 'amount appor' ioned to Box Butte ! county la $ 1 .744 :D. To this is tidd d Hie sum of $745 00 from other sou re- The marriage of Miss Pearl Hillls ; '""king the total amount to be to Mr. Henry Patrick Toohey wa8 apportioned by the county superin -olt unitized by itev. Pr. Donnelly d pendent $2.48!.1)Q. Holy Rosary chafed Wednesday j n. list of the districts of morning. The bride was beautifully iox ,,u,, county entitled to a attired in a while messallne bridal "'""'" In the D eii.b. r apportion-net. . ment st Opera House, Fri day, January 17th BY ONE OF THE BOYS Kverybody come and bring your families. It will lie Tor ladles us well as gentlemen. There will be quite a number of boxing and wresrtltng matches, and as the Indies and child ren don't have the opportunity of seeing an exhibition of this sort very often, let them come and enjoy a ' nice evening's entertainment. There will be any amount of hletlc fonts. such us clmlr and barrel Jumping. hand springs from different positions ami mat work of all kinds. -Among the most Important features will be Frt.r k Carter ami Jack Klaiwin. two aspiring heavyweights. In a fle round corniest. Un Pllkinglnti and l. P. Large will go four rounds. These two men have given several exhibitions In Alliance, and their services are in demand quite Crs quently Then, there will be a three, round go by D. P. Zedlker and Prank Hart, two good boxers who oan ghe n good account of (themselves. Wm. Monier and 5us Poterson will give a wrestling exhibition They, too, have appeared before the public several limes, and are good ones. Ward Hall and Clarence Schafer will also do the wrestling stunt. They are a pair of small boys, but exceptionally strong, and will interest you. Be tween all of these contest there will be athletic feats of all kinds. tJeorge Nation will appear In some high kicking him) will also do a very high barrel Jump that is out of the ordinary. H. P. Ijarge will do a per ilous leap, head foremost over a row of chairs, lighting on his head. This is a feat that would make Mat Oay sit, up and take notice. P. H Noh will give an exhibition on the paral lel bars. Quite a number of the fire boys not mentioned above will take pari in minor events too numerous o mention. We have Nicholas Bchi folio chested wore ways than 'a farm er can whip a mule. The proceeda. will go toward sending a delegation to North Plaite January -1st to at tend the Plremen's Stale Conven Htm. Kverybody welcome, and don't forget to bring the family. Admis sion, main floor 50 cents, balcony cents. ; JAMES FRANCIS O'DONNELL not so valuable when H 'Ollles selling il. hut we raise just as much a buffalo hunting outfit going west, good corn here as was raised in I r j! a Job night herding with them eastern and southern Nebraska. Our at Jl'.I per month. Saw nothing but staple crops here are corn, wheat, spi lt, oats, barle.N ami potatoes ho' winds and swarms of grassJiop pi US thai darkened I lie sun principal crop t lie wind didn't blow they "Potatots are the in this county. The funnels raise drop to Hie ground and pile up knee all the way from to 9M bushel" deep on a horse. per acre, depending upon the work All I had to do at night was to growing and will be a power in Us they do and their ability to farm watch the mules to keep the Indi- field. Before the refreshments were sen d a boxing contest was furnished by two of the leiding fire department When b:,xers, who acquitted thelliselve-, would nobly in a fh c round bout. The organization, which was badly nttded in this section, is rapidly IsTllflU I'&mhLL JLV 1 i?r -"85 -own. with bridal veil, carrying white roses. The grtom was dress ed in conventional black. The Im 3rcive Catholic wedding service, during which the beautiful ring cer emony was observed, made an im- ipression on the many friends who I filled the large church, that will be rcmoJubeivd for many years. Mr lobfl Burke actetl as best man and J Miss Klva Ilillis, sister of the bride. Im bridesmaid. She was attired in; i I . : ' . Ill 1MI lullllA l . tun mi . - . i a pj i r mm . A fiv;.' course wedding breakfast 1 us served to the bride and groom and sixlien guests, who were prea- Bt b invitation, ut the Triplet i home, after Hie ceremony. The hap py couple were escorted to the noon train by a large crowd. They d ; parted for Denver, where they visV cd until this evening with re Is lives of Mr Toohey. Prom Denver they i 'iu lo Kansas City and easti in points. On their honeymoon trip they will visit with relatives of the bride ai Pacific Junction, loam. Mr. T il Hillls, father of the bride, came to, AIMHiice from Pacific Junction for ( In ceremony The announcements UnU' ilr.it the couple will lie M home in Alliance after Pebruary 15th. i Miss Hlllis has lived in Alliance for some time and is w II known ami 'jSUtOJ in society here as at Bur ' . Iluvton headquarters, where she has ! ejtpahly filled a responsible position I Mr Toohey has a host of fr.eitds in I the city. He holds the important M-siliou of manager of the Western1 !et graph Pnion at Alliance. with the amount eweh will receive Dist. No. Aim. Dist. No. last 1 $ :il.4L' 36 10.H2 'I Htf.Oo .1$ la4". :i IB.06 HI 27.70 4 25. 86 41 28.:i 25.88 42 22.15 1.073.01 45 ... 24. imj ! 4.1.45 It; 21.22 B) ::4.2i 47 fthtt 11 20.1 48 12.47 1 12 20.52 4! ... 20 !0 ! U 2.8:i 50 13.82 i 14 . . 25.8l 1 .... 2X ; j 15 2 !.0 52 18.45 Ml ... 2I .2J M 26.7H 17 ... 2ii. 7 68 ;:ii.il 18 M 67 14.74 20 (MS 68 25.85 j 21 2;.7! He .... 2122 22 .... 2I.:M 72 ... 17.09 ! 23 ... 10.60 76 26 78 ! 25 ... 2V86 78 24 3 27 .... I8 60 7h l'J.37i 28 .... 2.f.6 HO ... 13.82 1 15 25.86 81 36.85 ' If, . . . 25.86 2 14.31 ' 31 .13.26 121 P.t.86; 3J 20 31 125 10 37; 34 ... 24.S4 NEW DEPUTY SHERIFF J. B laicj s has resit led as d . , iity stsarlff to accept the p.isitiou of James Prancls O'lmnnell. mono logue a tor with a record of nfteeii years on the American plutform. will appear at. Hie Phelan Opera House im Thursday, January 23rd for the heneflt of Holy Rosary church. Mr. tPDonnell Is without a peer in his profession and he will be heard by a large crowd. See the announcement elsewhere In this issue. LINCOLN MAN CONDUCTS SALE) i.iaiinger of the urds .it AlHonce C. H. Perrls, proprietor of the Or iental store, Lincoln, who is a broth c of Mrs. K Simmons, urriveti in A 1 1 1 it n - jmaterday. bringing a large il M rtnient :f Oriental ami funcy ;cot!s wh' h are being placed on sale tit the Simmons store, us will lie seen by the advertisement In this ssue of The Herald Mr. Perrls li 1- been in Alliance before and has LOOKS LIKE APPOINTMENT Judge W. S. IDlgell. who lias Nebraska, received a wire yesterday from tjoveruor .Moreht-ad ask In: him to come to Lincoln. This looks very much Bke an appointment . 11 STOPPED DANGEROUS FIRE The fire department was called out at l::hi this afieruooii to a fire at tho rear of 522 Box Butte Av. Hut a -.he- bad bet 11 thrown near a frame, shed, wnJch was burning fiercely when discovered, fanned by Burlington stock . Iht, vt . na w wUk.h )tad His reaignatlon b,H. blowing. Bills and Five Loads of the Hogs- Photo by Grebe. .4.. ....... ..1. lan . 1. .. . ...... as . 1 1 . 1 nuei'ii iihii enec. itita t day and ho will begin atdJng as stock yarils manager Saturday. D. , ilavie.M who ha tteell manager of 1 lie 1 i stock yaids will go to Joneslmrough, i I'huois, and engage in furmiug Sheriff Cox lias appointed Jas Mil ier douty ti fill Hie position made vaxaut by Lucas' resignation Ixn't tail to see Clifton Mallery D. L. Wells will lecture at the Crystal Saturday, on "Convict Life, in Ohio Penitentiary." Has only pictures ever taken in a penitentiary. Mrs. Carrie Lore goes to Ikmver.m Ihtvkl Oarrkk " on January 20th. tonight for a week's vlsK with with a company of nil e people Klks friends. ! t.'ouree. The department arrived in time to proven: a serious bla.e, on which water was being throwu by pontile, w ho were Uviug nearby. wi s 1 IMPORTANT Owing to delayed train service the story of the life of Wuodrow WlbMiu will not begin in the tleraid until next week Watch for H. Important spesial sales advertised In this Issue.