The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 26, 1912, Image 5

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The following "Want Ada" are
classified under appropriate headings
for the convenience of readers.
CASH RATES One cent per
o.-d each Insertion. No ad received
for lass than ten cents per inser
tion. Black face double rata.
CREDIT RATES One cent per
ofd each insertion, but no advertis
ing account opened for less than
twenty-five cents and no ad charged
for less than fifteen cents per week.
lack face double rate.
Ir anawering Herald want ads
piaasa mention that you saw It In
this paper.
A classified advertisement will in
troduce to each other the next buy
er and the next seller of property
11 this town.
. E.
Bonded Abstracter.
I have the only set of abstract
tookR in Box Butte county. Office
In McCorkle Building. 10-tf-570
RENT. 151 T West Fourth street.
Phone 674.
Advertisement 2tfl728
FOR RENT. Nicely furnished
steam heated rooms. Rent reasona
ble. Address "M", Herald office.
FOR RENT. Office or living
rooms. First Nat'l Bank Building.
A fine office or store room for
rjot in The Herald building. First
f'.oor. Best location in Alliance.
Kent reasonable. Apply at Her
aid office.
C '-tf Advertisement
Missouri sorghum 85
cents per gallon, at
Silverware and Jewelry
I have the agency for the rclcbrat
ed RodKers silverware and also for
Jewelry. I have a fine line of sum
pies which I shall be pleased Ut
show to any persons wishing to in
spect them with a tie), to ordering.
I'hone fit.
Ml West Third Street, Alliance
Advertisement- 2 lt-17:!4 ,
Dressmaking and plain sewing at
reasonable prices. Also. stamping
and embroidering.
Mn. DUmef and Mrs. Wright.
middle aged lady wanted. Perman
ent place. MRS. W. H. EBHRUNO.
Advertisement ltfl7LM
We have only a few of the Wall
Charts tmaps) left which we offered
as a premium to subscribers to The
Herald. We want every subscriber
who is entitled to one of these to
have it before they are all gone.
Will every subscriber who is entitled
Ito MM of them, hut who lias not
yet received it. kindly notify us
IMMEDIATELY? We are now mak
ing another premium offer and can
not promise to furnish any of the
maps after the present small supply
has been exhausted.
Physician and Surgeon
Office in First National Bank Bldg.
Phones: Office, 062; residence, 16.
Prescriptions to drug store or medi
cines furnished from office, if pre
ferred. MtM6M Advertisement
qair at The Herald' rtfficel Refer
to "M". M-tf-1679
A five room cottage for rent. Lo
cated at seventh and Pig Horn.
Kuonc 454.
Advert isetnent ootntH"
Buy your coal of Rowan & Wright
Phone 71. tf
All kind of feed, in any quantity
desired, at E. 1. Gregg & Son's.
Phone 155.
Money to loan on real estate. F.
I Reddish. 3tf
Kowun & Wright, coal, wood and
Bosts. Phone 71. tf
Coal office at Rowan's feed store.
ROWAN & WRIGHT, phone 71. tl
Highest price paid
for Hides and Furs.
Oscar O ' Bannon,
Alliance, Phone 9,
Rowan's Corner.
LOST -Large Moore's black foun
tain pen with pocket clamp attached.
Reward for return to Herald office.
Cut Flowers and
Potted Plants
Fresh flowers every Friday morn
Ixave your orders at mra.
Zehrung's shop. Phone TIB
Advertisement ltfl7IH
Grand Island, Nebr.
Make the best monuments and will
save you money. Call on AL. WIK
ER, local salesman of Alliance, or
send to Grand Island for price list.
See E. 0. Whisnian for lowet
prices on painting, paper hanging
and kalsomining.
Having sold the City Meat Market
to W. R. Drake, all accounts due me
for meat are payable to him. All
persons knowing themselves indebt
ed to me are requested to call and
settle at once.
J. R. BAR P..
Advertisement 51:1-1660
shoats. W. A. Springer, Alliance.
All of the players in the COmpQUy
that will present "The Divorce Qu?fr
tion" in Alliance on Dec. ::i have
been employed by Gaskill & McVitty
only for their ability as actors and
actresses. It costs the firm dire-ting
the play $250 a night to1 put on
the play. --Advertisement.
F. W. Feidler of Sioux oounty,
father of Miss Anna Feidler and
Mrs. Lee Roland, came to Alliance
via Scottsbluff last Friday for an .v
cr Sunday visit with his daught i
Ernest Powles, of Bingham, ac
companied by his UM !, Mr. Powloi,
who lias been living la Old Moxif O
for a number of years, are in I tie
city for a lew days on business.
J. F. Mote, superintendent of the
electric light plant of Chadron, ar
rived in this city Tuesday for a few
days' visit with his brother, A. S.
a e
M. C. lAKney, traveling salesman
for Donald Wholesale Grocery Co.
of Grand Island, left this morning
for thiit city on business with the
house for which he travels.
a a a
Some Iowa parties learning that
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Kewer expect
ed to leave Alliance for the south,
have been negotiating for the pur
chase of the Bee Hive atone,
e a a
Dr. W. K. Miller of Marsland MOM
down to Alliance on 44 Sunday, re
turning on 4:! Tuesday.
a a
Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Nichols went
to Whitehall, Mont., last Friday to
visit at the home of their daughter
till about the first of t he year.
THREE MIUC f'OWS for sale.
Phone Blue 4S5.
Omaha Beef and Pork. Sour Kraut,
Spare Ribs, Mime Meat and Dill
A New Discovery
One of the sensations of
iwentietb century is Meritol Rheu
mat ism Powders. A boon to very
uftrer. The best known remedy
for rheumatism in all its forms. Ask
those who have tried it. t, J Bren
Advertisement "- 11
FOR SALE. Cow. age 40 months,
fresh once, milked 15 months just
dry, due fresh Ke.bruao . raaau
rer cow. Price 150. if sold before
Dec. Inquire at Herald office. j
Advertisement I'Jr-ltWH
Mrs. Jennie Reed and daughter,
Mrs. Ruth Tragesser, left Sunday
night for Marshall, Missouri, for an
extended visit with Mrs. Reed's son.
Will Reed.
Traveling Salesman R. M. Hake.- I
left Saturday night for Broken Bow
where he expected to meet Mr.-'.
Baker and the children and spend
a few day visiting with Mr. att
Mrs Beryl Moomey and family. Mr.
and Mis. Maker expect to take Hp
their residence in Alllani e amuu :ii
atiout a week or ten daya.
Rev and Mrs. .1 II Brown left
Monday noon for a week' trip to
eastern Nebraska points
, j
One on The Herald Reporter
The Herald reporter goi things
mixed in his w rite up of the Soules
Henderson wedding in la. : week's Is
sue of the paper. He should IgnrS
stated that W. W. Norton was the
best man but made a slip of the pen
and unintentionally culled Mr. Nor
ton the "bridegroom". The mistake
was apparent to most of The Her
ald's readers and the reporter has
been compelled to buy attveral rig-
Miss Hael Bowman is home from
school In Lincoln, for two weeks' va
cation. a a a
Kugene llurton, county attorney, in
In oottsbfaft over Christmas visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Axle Johnson re
turned from their honeymoon Chtist-
mns day .
a a a
Miss Nell Shrew sherry is spend
ing Christmas holidays at her home
near Ellsworth.
Barney Huber came In from Run
ning Water precinct this morning to
attend to business duties.
Miss I.ola Worley is home during
the two weeks vacation. Miss Wor
ley is attending the Peru State Nor
mal. 1
a a a
Miss Annie Kennedy, sister of
Burr Kennedy, was home over Christ
mas. She is teaching school south
of Alliance.
Tom O'Keefe left Alliance Wed
nesday night for Kearney, where
Mrs. O'Keefe and their son are stay
ing, visiting her parents.
a a .a
Miss Bertie Vernon, a teacher
from Rapid City. S. D., is spending
her holidays with parents. Mr. and
Mrs. W. E. Vernon, of this city,
a a a
Miss Maine J. White, eighth grade
teacher of the Alliance city schools,
left Friday for St. Louis, where she
will spend t he Christmas holidays.
Miss Jennie Sugden left Saturday
for her home near Spade ranch. She
expects to return before school be
gins, that she may finish her school
year here.
a a a
The report last week was that
Mrs. Worley was very Blck. Mrs.
Worley is improving greatly and is
hoped to have her health restored in
a short time.
a .a a
Mrs. M. S. Hargraves returned
from her two weeks visit with par
ents at York. Mr. and Mrs. liar
graves left I'uesday for Hay Springs
where they spent Christmas day and
returned Thursday noon.
a a a
The heme of Mrs. Wayne End titer
was opened to her friends Friday
night at a recital given by two of
her efficient students. Misses Beulah
and Dorthy Smith, assisted by Mrs.
Hillebrand of Chadron.
Miss Bessie Graham, formerly of
this city, returned home Sunday to
spend the Christmas and New Year's
holiday with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Graham. Miss Graham
held a position in this city with the
firm of Boyd & Barker until she re
ceived the one which she is now
holding, as secretary of the president
of Peru State Normal School.
Henry Hler of Antioch was doing
Christmas shopping In Alliance on
Tuesday, and remembered The Her
ald with subscription payment for
L913 for himself and his sister. Miss
E. A. Hier, liishop Hill. Illinois.
Miss LU fie Weller of Omaha was
a gueet of Mrs. Philip Nohc, Jr., ov
er Sunday, leaving on the Monday
night train. Mis. Weller is a dis
tinguished pianist. At the Sunday
morning service at the First Pres
byterian church she accompanied
Mr. Nohe, who sang the beautiful
solo, "Palms"
The services at the Catholic church
.n Christmas day were very well at
tended, over 300 taking part In the
.mimuniou service.
m m m
Mrs. II. Merk is recovering from
an op ratkMI lor gall stones and ap
pendllltls, The Herald Joins her
iri. a i in hoping that her tmprow
a ut will continue until completely
f, Itcrtd to health.
Mis H F. Gallup, mother of Ml.
J W. Thomas, la isiting her daugh
ter ami family for u few days. Her
llMM is at Mitchell, Nebr.
Mrs. Win. Itadeun and dauahter.
Miss Ella, of Stati on, Nebr.. arrived
n Alliance last Saturday noon to
spend the holidays visiting friends
in this eMy. Mrs. Radeunz is a
sister of E. Becker.
e a a
Mrs M. J. Moist, mother of Editor
Aloist of the Tim. will leave to
morrow for Cleveland and Toledo,
Ohio, stopping enroute at Knoxville,
Iowa, for a few days' visit with rel
atives. After her arrival iu Ohio,
bhe will spend the balance of the
winter ut the homes of her sou and
daughter, M. 8. Moist of Toledo, and
Mrs. O. M. Miller of Cleveland
8upt Griggs and wire were In Al
liance on Friday
Miss Nell Shrewsbury went to KIN
worth on Saturday to visit during the
Mrs. Rodence. of Stanton, flnblM
ka. and her sou are visiting with
her brother, "Bill" Backer. The)
arrived Saturday mid will remain
during the holidays
a a a
Mrs S. O Lewis and children.
from iienton. Nebraska, in Kejrapsha
cowntjr, are In the city visiting dur
ing the holidays with her brother. W.
Frnnk Garrett and family moved to
Seneca on Saturday, where he lias
taken up a Klnknid homestead.
Miss Susie F raster, of the Chndron
Norms! and formerly of the Alliance
sell, ils, is in the city visiting friends
during the Christmas vacation,
Mrs. Chas. Nines, or White Clav,
Nebr.. is in the city visiting her
daughters over Christmas. Tliev
are attending the academy
Ed. H Reid. of Torrlngton. Wyo .
was in t he city for a couple of hours
Friday on his way home from a trip
to Omaha.
Charley Hubs, or He in ing ford, was
In Alliance on business Friday.
Charley is now proprietor of a thriv
ing barber shop and pool hall in
llemingrord. as well as being inter
ested in several other lines of busi
ness E. 0. Whlsmsn and family went to
Mason City on Saturday, where they
will visit with relatives for a month.
Misses Marv imrt Kit
daughters or Jack Carey, formerly
oi Alliance out now located at Mon
arch, Wyoming, were in !h eilv Siit.
urday visiting with friends before
taking their departure for South
Hampton. Ontario. Canada nhnro
they will visit With relatives for n
couple or months.
Miss White, of the Alliame Uv
schools, left Friday noon bound for
St. Louis. Missouri. Greenville III
and other ad lucent ftftl t' U I i l ll -n
will visit with relatives and friends
during the Christmas hollduys.
F. W. lledengren, day ticket agent
at the Alliance depot, is on a trip to
Omaha. He will return after the
holidays and if dnme rumor is cor
rect he will not return al , ah,
there, it may not be true but if so
we want to be the first to offer con
gratulations. Arthur Brown, the traveling man
who was recently married to Miss
Winifred Kibbe, of Henry, Nebr., re
turned to Alliance on Friday. He
and his bride are now on an extend
ed honeymoon trip to eastern Ne
braska points.
Mr. I Inargarten, manager of the
Dierks Lumber Company, is in Lin
coln witli his family for a Christmas
visit with his sister.
a a a
Mrs. Robt'. Ilolden, daughter of
Mrs. Regan, is visiting her mother
and sister over Christmas. Her
In ma is in Sheridan.
a a
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gruenig, or
Mailt n, were in Alliance Friday to
meet t heir son, who was returning
from K arney. where he is attend
ing the Kearney Military Academy.
He is tlx first bov from this section
of the country to attend the acad
emy. While in the city Mr. and
Mrs. Gruenig visited with Rev. Ware.
Sam Wilbur made a trip to Den
ver the last of the week, going Fri
day and returning Monday.
Miss Lura Morris was the reeipi-
n of a beautiful Christmas pres
ent in tlie rorm of a Schmoller &
Mueller piano, purchased by her
parents, Mr. anJ Mrs. A. II Mor
ris, from Mrs Ida M. Ross.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Glaze of Pro's
en Bow visited last week at the
luniie of Mr. und Mrs. Clias. Glaze.
The two Mesnrs. Ola.e are brothers,
a a a
On December Pith, Mrs. C. S.
Worley, well known in Box Butle
county but who now resides in the
Je-ss neighborhood in Sheridan coun
ty, was brought to Alliance by her
daughter, Mrs. Anna W. Fanning,
Tor treatment tor hemorrhage, with
which she was suffering severely.
The last report The Herald had
from Mrs. W:orley she was recover
ing but still weak from the loss of
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Corp and Mrs.
I'. A. Cross, who were burned out
oi a home by the burning of Can
tral school building last week, now
rSOMs at 189 West Seventh street,
in xi door west or Mr. and Mrs. J
C MoCorkla's i ssldnotis
At the Christian church Hie mem
in" sermon subject arlll be, .! -1-
atld His tiethst liiene." The eveol
sermon subject will be, "Jesus and
l he Closed loor." The C K leader
will be J B. Wallace
At Immanuel Evangelical Luthcrr
church on Sylvesii i Eve. the last
evening in the year. Holy Commun
ion will be given. On New Yen's
day services will be held ut 10
o'clock in the morning, and a bus'
net meeting in the afternoon.
At the EpiMopai church Sunday
there will be special aervices with
special music as announced hereto
rota in Tim Herald.
For making quickly and per
fectly, (blidous hot biscuits,
hot breads, ca' pastry
there is v c i jtj for
Baking Powder
Fflry Ymmrm thm Standard
A Carload of the finest
boxed Washington
ever raised in the western apple
country is placed on sale today
at the
Get yours early, order by telephone
Free Delivery
to tbOM who act as the loial rep't'sentativt's of
Everybody's magazine ami The Delineator
all in addition to liberal commissions. Let
us show you how you can
Secure a Share
simply by forwardinn the subscriptions of your friends and
neitflilors and collecting the renewals of our present sub
scrilwrs. Try for THIS month s prises. There are lots of
prizes that can be won only by ikmsoiis living in towns
same M.e as your own. Write at oaoe to the
ttuiierlik Bulldlmg, New York City
Councilman und Mrs. K. J. Stern
lett Monday night with (heir little
son Herbert ror Lincoln, to apend
Christina with relative. Mr and
Mns. Stern roruierly rexided in the
capital city and have nxtny MsSsflS
Mi and Mr. .lack Mcttlen. who
reside eighteen mileu et of Mara
land, atopped over in Alliance the
Mint or i be wefc to do aoiae Christ
mu shopping on their return rrom
Scottsbluff. where they had been
i visiting at the home of Mr Mett-
lenV brother, ('hurley Irons
Kdward Dunn, mayor or Cliimgo,
in writing bis opinion on the pis
"The Divorce Question' mi.vs it is s
play aitb the stronueM moMl La.
son to it that he ever muue.saed. H
' is enthusiastic iu his praise of tha
piay as one that should be sen by
SCJ peroo -Advertisement.