RECORD OF The Events of the World In Paragraphs. TWO ATCACKS ON TURKEY. A Summary of Affair Abroad and at Home MIsrellaneoMB Happen ings Accident Storm and Ship Dim) rrt-Sport. POLITICAL AND PERSONAL JANUARY. 11 The United State government warned Cuba that political disturbance on the Island must cease. FEBRUARY. It The Manchu dynasty abdicated the throne of China by an edict vesting tbe sovereignty In the people. VI. Ari nna proclaimed a state of the I :nlon II. Yuan 8hlh Kal elected prelilent of the Chlneso republic. M. Roosevelt formally announced thnt he would accept the Republican nomina tion If offered him. MARCH. If. Yuan 8hlh Kal Inaugurated provision al president of China. 18. Judge Mshloa I'ltney of New Jersey was Installed a associate Justice of the United State supreme court. APRIL. 14. The state department warned the Mex icans that their country will be held responsible for the protection of Amer Icsns. MAY. . I. Gen. Bennett H. Young elected com mander In chief of the United Confed erate Veterans. II. The Danish crown prince proclaimed king as Cluistiun X. II. The Socialist national convention at Indianapolis nominated Eugene V. Debs and Emit Beldel for president and vice president 17. President Taft Informed the Cuban government that the United Htutes would not Intervene in Cuba. JUNB. It Republican Rational convention met In Chicago. 21 President W. II. Taft and Vice Presi dent Jsmes 8 Sherman renominated by tlic Republican party. 3fc Den o. ratio ntitlnnal convention met at Ualtimore. JULY. ' 1 Wood iow Wll- m i u l I son nominated for president by the Democratic convention at Baltimore. I. Governor Thom- 1 as R. Marshall .nominated for vice president by the Demo cratic conven tion at Balti more. 1. The national Prohibition con- IMasffir " , it ventlon met at ' Atlantlo City, N. J :t U a vote nf 55 BKK ' n, to M the United State senate declared that by American Cress William I Association mer of Illinois ,,. had not he-en Woodrow Wilson. . .i.,rv J 111 II IH'H AOODST. .The United States senate warned for- elgn nation attains! acqutrinK naval ' military sites near United States pos sessions. I National convention of the Progressive party met at Chicago. 'J. Theodore Roosevelt and Iliram John son nominated by the Progressive na tional convention at Chicago. X. Second regular session of the 6'M con gress closed SEPTEMBER II. Judge Alfred B. Beers of Connecticut elected commander in chief of the U. A It at Loe Angeles I OCTOBMR. 19 Dr Alexis Carrel of the Rockefeller in.-iit in. was awarded the Nobel prize of SSs.000 for achievement n vuraery. UV. Peace protocol slgneil by Italy and Turkey, bringing to an end the war over Tripoli. NOVEMBRR. f Governor Woodrow Wilson of New Jersey and Governor Thomas R. Mar shall of Indiana elected president snd vice president on the Democratic tick et by an overwhelming electoral ma jority. Popular vote: Wilson. ti.lW.itti; Roosevelt, 3,92S.140; Taft. S,::;ii.C-. Debs. 673.7S3 (approximate); Cbafla, IflMM. ! Treaty between Great Biitnln and the United States adjustintj the north At lantic fisheries controversy re titled in aahiiiKlon UECEMBER. X Last session of th Ud congress opened. I. President Taft recommended measures to strengthen the army snd n ivy in his annual message to congress S. Woodrow Wttfoa'a Mtb Btrtbday cele brated at Staunton, Va., where h was born in 185ti. tl The commercial treaty of IKJi with Russia, which was abrogated by the United States, ici minuted roruls and a !W vard d.h in It see ond at Auckl.ind New Zealand Both at w hi Id's recoi d. APnti.. 1. iitfiinl w.iu the ntitinnl race with f'am l.i ilgc on tin- 'limine; time for 4V mil.-. 2 minute? 3 xecunds XL .Mai.. I league haRclmll seanon opened. It MIKe 1 1 in of the New VorK Athletic cluh won the annual American Mara thon at Boston, covering the J mile course In houis II minutes 111-6 sec onds MAY X Jerome D Travels, defended hi title of champion by defeating Gswsld Klrkhy at the Metropolitan Golf asn- 0 tattOYI tournament at Short Hill. N J. 17. Abel R Klvist made a new record by running the 1,600 meter race In I min utes 69 1-6 seconds nt New York. JUNB. 1 Jame Duncan made a new record with the dlscus-145 feet 9 Inches. Klvlat rsn 1,500 meter race In I min utes 6ii 4-5 seconds in New York city, heating his own tecni-d msde May 27. I. Tagallo won the klnglisli Derby at Ep som. I. Mark 8. Wright clesred II feat 214 Inches in s pole vault at Cambridge. Oswald Klrkhy defeated Jerome D. Travers at Atlantic City for the New Jersey golf championship Q. llarvnnl won varsity eight rowing race from Yale at New London. M. American marksmen won the Inter, national shooting competition at the Olympic, game In Stockholm; gran.: aggregate score of I.iiM. Cornell won all three host racing event at Pnughkeepste- vanity 8 oared race, 4 mile, time 19 minutes 21 2-5 seconds; varsity 4 oared race. 2 miles, time W minute 14 1-5 seconds; freshmsn S oared race, a miles, time 9 minutes, II 2-6 BSjOOPdS JULY. L Miss May Sutton won the clay court tennis championship of the United States by defeating Mlsa Mary Brown at Pittaburgh 1 Jack Johnson defeated Jim Flynn in the 9th round for the heavyweight championship at East Ess Vegas. N. M Ad Wnigast declared winner in a II round contest for the lightweight champlonslrp. defeating Joe Rivers at 1 .os Angeles, Cat. Formal opening of the Olympic games at Stock holm. 7. Jim Thorpe of Carlisle. Pa., won the pen tathlon In the Olympic game. 12. Ted Meredith (American) won the 41)0 meter race In the Olympic gautes, making a new world's record; time 4N seconds. 14. K K. Mc Ar thur of Houth Africa won the Olympic Mara thon at Stock holm. America won the track and field meet at Stockholm with 128 iolnts to Sweden's 101 and Englund'a tit! Thorpe, the In dian, won the decathlon Olympic games ended Sweden won with a total of 123 points; United States, 129; England, Tl. United States led In firsts with S; Sweden second with 23. Arthur Chappie ran a motorcycle a mile In 29 1-5 ttcconil and .i miles In 21 minute 2nS 4-5 seconds, both records, at Brighton Beach. N. Y. Ernest Barry, the English champion sculler, defeated Richard Arntst of Aus tralia over the Thame course for the championship of the world. AUUUST. Arthur Chappie drove s motorcycle a mile in 38 4-5 seconds at Brighton Beach, beating his own record mt July 24. SKFTKMVKR. Jerome Travers won the amatew nolf championship of the United States, de feat. i.g Charles Evans, Jr.. at Whea ton. 111., in the round The Chicago Americans defeate Phil adelphia at Chicago. Insuring the league pennant to the Boston Red Stex for the world's series. The New York club ef the National baseball league cinched the pennant by defeating the Bostnn club ra New York, 8 to 3. Matt McCrath made a new at or Id's record by throwing a V pound hammer a record distance of 191 feet hscties; former record ISO feet 1 Inch. Photo by American Press Association. Jim Thorpe gBlS, THE DEATH ROLL Noted People Who Passed Away In 1912. VICE PRESIDENT SHERMAN DIED Renowned Authors, Noted Artist, Kmlnetit Statesmen and Knlersand Kamou Soldiers Crowd the Idst. All Kank.B Leveled. JANUARY 1 Alfred Tennyson Dlckenson of the novelist. In New York. nw 67. 1 Rear Admiral Bobley D. Evans. U. 8. N.. retired. In Washington, aged H. FT. Judge William l.ochren, noted jurist, former commissioner of pensions. In Mlnnespolls, Minn.; aged su FEBRUARY. I Gen J. B. Weaver, who was candidate for president In 1S80 and again in 1892, at Des Moines; aged 79. 9. Abbe Charles l.m son, famous French preacher known as Pere llyscinthe, at Paris; aged 86. I. 1. Mr. Roger A. Iiyor, author and one of the founder of the Daughter of the AmeVli nn Revolution, In New York City; aged 8.'. MARCH. T. Renr Admiral G. W. Melville, noted naval veteran of the civil war and lat er an arctic explorer, at Philadelphia; aged 72. B. Gen. If. If. Bingham, member of con gress known as the "father of the house," at Philadelphia; aged 71. II. Senator Robert I.ove Taylor of Ten neee, a veteran in national politics known as "Fiddling Bob," In Wash ington, aged 61. APRIL. 4 Dr. I. K. Funk, author and publisher, at Montclair. N. Jt; aged 71. I. Emily Soldene, vocalist, actress. Jour nalist and novelist, who Introduced Gilbert and Sul livan operas In America, in Lon don. 11 Gen. Frederick Dent Cmnt. son of the late Gen. U. 8. Grant, In New York city; aged U2. Miss Clara Bar ton, founder of the American Red Cross soci ety, at Glen Eclio, Md. ; aged 90. li. W. T. Stead. Journalist Hrul reformer, at sea; Hgcd t)2. Isldor Straus, merchant and philanthro pist, at sea; aged 7. Francis D. Millet, artist, at sea; aged 65. Col. J. J. Astor. soldier and capitalist, at sea; aged 47. Jacques Futrelle. author, at sea; ajjed 37. !t. Justin McCarthy, novelist, historian, former member of parliament, at Folkestone, England; .ngtd 82. MAY. I Homer C. Davenport f.uuous cartoon ist, la New York; Bgad u 4. Frederick VIII. of lcnnwk at Ham burg. Germany; ag. il 69. B. Wilbur Wright, aviator ami acioplana inveuter, at Dayton, U. ; aged 45. JUNE. I. Mrs. Margaret S muster, poet and au thor, a Maplewood, N. J.; aged :t 4. Eliza A re hard Conner, nodal: refiwiner and writer, in New York city;, aged 72. :0. Lottie 4lUson. actress known, for ycum as the "Llttlo Magnet." in New York city; aged I! . Gen Cdarard Stuyvesant Brass, noted civil IBM veteran who commanded llw fanioo. Iron brigade, at Fond: lu Ijic; aged - Iteld Marshal Sir George ttluart White, defender of Ladysmicln In the Boer war, at London; agedi 77. 8ir l.vurence Alma-Tadema. the fa mous English unlit, at vt, iuin. Germany; ag d ;'.. Ba i BBBBWtieu, LQ Br jHjj mm . b!bbbbbibbbbbbbbH9l ibbbbW I 5 Clara Barton. 1 Photo by American Press Asuoi lation. Joe Wood. Itoston Americans. . S C A It Y Kol. enialneri ! inland won Mara thon and cha laonshtp of the world at Edinburgh . I IBM) i hours 3.' minutes 6' recond. Barney Rt-llly hroe the record of the 8toughton slide iskli at Milwaukee with a 137 f..ot jump V George liouhag tan 5 two meters In la minutes 4-5 second In New York, a world record Pat Mm ion i: l heaed an 18 pound khot 44 fee and a half inch In New York, a recoid Jack Filer made a new recoid in a 7& ysrd I'.uidle race in New York; time t second. rUMKlf ARY 7. Willie Iloppe retained hi title ol world's oiiBmpion at 18.3 balk line bil liards by defeating Ueorge Sutton M0 to 30 in New York II. The woild's record of 6 feet Inches for Indoor high jump beaten I S. C. Lawren'e. wko leaped C feet 4ij niche at Uostau 9. slilbau defeated Attell in a 30 round Miu, tet for the feathet weight okasa pionship at ixs Angelas. Cal It HCM II Arthur i'oa'.r famous :Mofesieaal Vunner. tin'- a tie raid daah in a l i ooroatnt Ralph De Palma won the VaBMterbllt auto cup on the Wauwatoaa course, Wis.: time 4 hours "."0 minutes ::i i4 seoonds; dis tance about 300 miles. The Australian team won the International cricket match by a margin of Hi runs in New York I. Miss Margaret Curtis of ton won the na tional woman" golf champion ship at Man chester, Mass., by a score of I up and 2 to Ida 8 In the opening game of the world's series at New York the with Joe Wood in t lie box. def gated the New York Na tionals hy a aoore of 4 to z it. .stun Red s.. won the final game In the worl.l m championship series, de feating New York Giants J in I it Boston Willie Kolehmainen. the Finnish cham pion made a new recoid In Marathon racing by running the distance in hours Si minutes 39 1-5 seconds In Nsw ark. N J NOVEMBER. . Ilarvat.l d. feaied Princeton In the an nual game at Soldiers' lield. Cambridge 16 to i Uis.-ousiu defeated Chicago, 3D to 12 at Madibon I Carlisle Indians defeated Army. !7 to 6, at West Point. Pennsylvania won over Michigan. to It, at Philadel phla i Thti annual footh. til game of Yale and Princeton teaulted in a lie scote of to 6 at Prlaeetun. Pennsylvania de feated CarlbaV Indians. 34 to Z6, at I'lilladelt.'ua Wisconsin defeated Mln nesota at football. 14 to 4, at Minneap oil Mulligan won over Cornell at Ann A i Lor. 3u to 7 I I ' i ail f. kiii. ill tajini defeaieit Yale. 30 lo 0 at New Haven Chicago won over Minnesota 7 lot. at Chicago I Ad Wolgasi defeateii foi the light weight i !.Mipii.nlnp by W illie Ritchie hi t round si Ikgli city cat i'ei.tiaylvania won a: reottiall ovei Car nell. 7 to '. at t'lnlsilelpMa HIS dav u.e le r: wiin a New 17. J. P. Jones, former Cnlted States sen ator from Nevada, at Lo Angeles, Cal.; aged gf, S i'oI James Cordon, noted ex-Confed-Bt Be, at OkOtotML Miss., aged 79. i Rev. Dr llobeit Collyer, noted Uni tarian preacher, in New York city; age I o Drx.'KMBRR. I. Gen. Julius II. Stshel. Federal veteran of the civil war. In New York city; s.fcd 87. i. Uett Gates p ThruBton, civil at ct etran. author and iiislorlan. at Nash ville. ng d 77. Z Prince l.tilipold. regent of Bavaria, at Munich; aged m. i JANUARY. U. The RtunrlRfl steamer Bus foundered in the Black sea; 172 lives lost. 18. The British stesmshtp Wiston Hall wrecked off the coast of Aberdeen shire; 53 seamen drowned. FEBRUARY. 1 The British submarine torpedo boat A-3 sunk In collision with gunboat Hazard off the Isle of Wight; crew of 14 drowned. MARCH. 13. American fishing schooner Patrician wreckeil off Cape Sable; captain and 9 of the ci. vv drowned. 16. 10 lives lost by the sinking of the Ori ental liner OeMM after collision In tiie English channel. APRIL. 15. Tli- While Star liner Titanic aunk by colli sion wltli an Iceberg In longi tude 60 14 west, latitude 41.46 north, at 2:20 a. m. Out of 2.208 passengers and crew only 707 were saved. Among the Americans lost were Isldor Straus and Col. J. J. Astor ID. Steamer Texas, under the Turk Ish flag, sunk In the gulf of 8tuyrna : M pas sengers drowned. JUNE. 8. Krencn submarine warship Vende milre sunk in collision with the bat tleship Saint Louia off Cherbourg; crew of 'S'. drowned. OCTOBER. 41 The British B-2 suhmurine cut in two by an ocean liner In the English chan nel ; 1 drowned. DCCEKIC. 10. British battleship Ceuturlon ran down, the Italian steamer Dvrna in the Ung llsh channel and sank her with all her crew. BaBB& BflH 14 Col. Astor. 1 ACCIDENTS ON LAND JULT. Gen. ttbert Frederick Hoke, s aUtttn gutshed. Confederate vetcean,. at Ra leigh, V C. ; aged 75. Boieri IVIajitaMna Barri.t Bresrning. only of the English, poets Rob ert RkunlBB) and Lllr.abeth ILasrett Brown g, at Asolo. Italv: Andr- i.ang, English, peet, crUic and noveUat, it Banchory. Scotlan.E aged at I'an.i tienliam Rouse., probabiy the oldesA ...tree In America, ail Ohlo ville. N V.J aged 81. Mutsuliito. emperor ol? Japan at To kyo; aged du. vriucceeded by his son Yosiilhito.l AUGUST. . Massenet. French ..wnputtr ef opera music, at Paris; aged 70. Ir. florae" Howard F urn axe. noted St.aki sp.-m an scholar, at Walling ford. Pa. ; aged 9, i Rev. William BoMli. founder and gen Brajl nf the Salvation Arniy, In Lon don, aged HS. SUPTEMBER. L Maj. A. R. Calhoun, a etvil war vet eran, iournaaisi and author, m Brook lyn: aged iX i. Lieut, den. Arthur MaeArtlinr. U. & A., retiied. at Milwaukee; aged 87. t. Ex-Senator Hernando De Soto Money, at Cult port. Miss.; aged 73. I. Barog ItorachaJI von Bielierstein. net ed (Jerman diplomat, at Berlin; aged 70. OCTOBER 7 Fx .Senator W. A PefTer. one of the Populist leader in t Le senate, at Cre tin'..!. K in ; aged 81. J. Weldon (trillion lleyhurn. United States senator from Idaho, in Wash ing! . aged Cm I- Robert Bwr, the novelist, at Wolding- nam. r.ngisno. aged 41 & Hen 11 B. Car rington, U. 8. A. retired, a veteii',1 of the plain and the civil war. In Ronton ; aged 88 f7 Mm. Judith. French actress, w ho as the idol tif her day. rival .if ft.iiiiel and friend of Hugo ai'di'ieirgeHand In Paris, aged IKV fe) James School craft Slisrman vice pi esideat of the United Htates. at Ut: b Harris A Kwing ca. t. i., agea ssvEMIBIt A Miiitil Hauk-Wsrtegg. retired prima donna, famous In the title role of Car men hi Munich. Bavaria. lander Rayner. United dials senster from Maryland, in Washington JANUARY. 2S. 15 miners k i 1 ; . -1 and 40 Injured by dust explosion at Kemmerer, Wyo in B wreck on the Illinois- Central at Klnniiinil v, II., the former president of the road, J. T. Harniian, was killed: also F. O. Mel.mer, second vice presi dent of the Rock Island, and E. B. Pierce, general solicitor of the same system. MARCH. 18. A mysterious explosion killed & men at San Antonio, TeK. L0. Explosion Wrecked the San Rots mines at Met in tain, (Htln . burying over 100 inlaw ra Ji B miners klllef y an explosion at Jed, w. Va JUNE 23. 40 people killed by the collaree of a decayed dock at Eagle Park, Grand island, Niagara- river. Jans 4. 4! ki.V.1 and many Injured on. fhe Dela ware and Lackawanna railroad in a rear end collision ait Gibson's Narrows. N. Y. 6. 21 killed and 3D- Injured in am accident on the Ltgouler Valley railroad at Wil pen. Pa. II. IH killed in a collision on the- Chicago, Burlington and (Jtuncy railroad at Western Springs. 111. NOVEMBER. 11. IV p .(. . killed and 48 injured in a col lision! on the Yazoo and M iss:1ppl Valley railroad at Montz, La. 13. In people killed and 14 Injure-1 in a wrec.t on the Cincinnati, Haioilion and DavLiin railroad nuar Indianapolis. DECEMBER. 3 12 killed and many injured, mm a rali- roavt .... . i i at Dresden , O. GIRLS IOENTIFY ASSAILANT Stanley Naylor, Charged with At tempted Assault, Identified This Afternoon by Glrlt He it Said to Have Attacked About two weeks ao two young 'iris. rlaugliK rs of a prominent -Alliance faulty, were atlfltked by an unknown man during the night, while their pttrentH were out of town. He Bnttypejtl the liottse through I window, blew out the light which they had burning, anil attacked the elder of Ihe two Kirls. He became frighten ed and escaped without beins ap lirehended. A detective wa hired from Den ver and after thoroughly Investigat ing the case. Stanley Naylor, tvho hast been painting signs in Alliance for about three yetars, was arretted jtnd charged with the crime. He is DOW confined at the eonr.'y jail. He stoutly maintains his lnnocense. This afternoon he was thoroughly sweated by the officers but would not confess lo committing t lie crime. The parvnts and two girls were brought before him a.ntl itlentifietl .him as their assailant but this seem Ingly had no tjafect. The evident e secured so far is mostly circumstan tial and the identification of the two little girls is the strongest evidence yot secured. The preliminary hear ing; will not he had for it few (l:iys If Naylor is found guilty of the charge against hint it will undoubt edly result itt a long penitentiary sentence. MORE CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS' Arftlitional civil service exam illa tions will In" held in Allunrce on the dates given below. Full information can be obtained by the tool secre tary, .Ur. Johnston, at tlite- Alliance postofflefe. January 8, 1913 .Ittnior Alloy Chemist unufiei. sal ary $1.5iJ to $1,800 per yeair arwary 13, 1913 Chief of Field Service in: Rural dotation (Qtalei. salary H-.tHV) per annum. January 22, 1913 Tariff Clettt (male), salary $1,200 per year. BtOfj Printer (malH. sal ary $2 per diem. Cadet Officer (malo), salar t600 lo $720 petv year l'rts r"49der (male), salary $4X0 per year. CanfH Kngineer (tisule), ffiiiis to $780 nsjr fanvr. WEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Reported by F.. E. Reddish, Bomded Abstracter, Box Butte Coun ty, Nebraska c Fub a! OX r:r.o HENRY CURL ARRESTED Colored M?n Charged with Gravs C -e Charge May Be ( Spite Work Henry Curl, a married colored man living in Alliance, was arrests Tueftday afternoon at two o'clock rhargetl with attempted assault on Ola Slater, a six year-old colored girl who VM at his home at the time Curl i notv confinel in the county Jail. His preliminary hearing will probably he held on Saturday. The mature of the evidence is such that police officiuls state that the charge may be spite work. M ARSLAND SALE A GRAND 8UCCE88 The sale of lots and acreage at Marsland last Saturday was a big; success. The owners Of the townsite ftom the advertising done in The II. raid a big slice of the credit for the successful sale. Colonel Cooper of Crawford and Coursey of Alliance were the auctioneers. Over fifty lots, two so a re tracts and one 460 sicre tract were dispos ed of at bargain prices. It is likely tfiad another sale of lots will be held Ul the spring. Jainss x dhrtnsn. JANCARY. t. The i:.(...utahle Life Ajwuraare building Uurncd in Sew York; j persons killed snd 19 injured. 17. Nearly li.DUVt BtldlnjJJS huriLed in Osaka, Japan: loss tn.OUO.ux). 21k Flrtt destroyed tho Academy of Music and anwt building in Pittsfleld. Maas ; lues ttuO.OOD. PEBRUAvRI. 4 11. factory hluto in Fhiladelphla. S. Hotel Ixjwney bucavd at Lanaina. Mich : loss SttXl.OOO. 21 Fire in the Icimno.- and residence see tiin if Houston. Tea , t-auaed a loss -A ki.).mo and left MM) pciil llOiaalBSa UAHil S. Youns's pier, nu it-sort at Atlaatic City, burned; kMv i,.n.mi.. A run. &. The steal Ui'.a.n ijnarteii in fin. cus, Sy.ia. burned, luas,MW MAY It l-':.u.i.-i la the business district of II i. Tex., caused a loss of U.uss.- m Htotttrta old Kuttiw liii nisi m Ualttntore JUNE. i L4JSJ aasjajN Iwrsjad la tiaisntiiiopi JL'l.Y J l-'ii 9 in the business diitriet of North Adams. Mas , caused a loss ef .. Tlnih in. I l-sland . it aweut by tire; luas tal.OUO hV A $L'.ui,uuu -hre in Vaana ver, U C. tnEPTKUllK.t 1 Kite in Ocean Park, a resort near l.u Angelas, OaL, caused damsae of over f 0" OCtUilKR I. laiaa uf (I nW.OiW by fire in the B slid O, railroad pier at Plilladelphta. LC Ktia in i ne sloreliotiss of the Cnited Mtatss arsenal at Kenicia, Cal., caused a loss of over tl.onn.Oi HovEMBan at. Ktaioes in the business district of Put nam i .inn , iused a loss Of 6M.UItf. IB. "t he) WsjtSjrta town of Washington, the Teaas "ciadl of liberty," destroyed by (Ire I'ECKJSBBK fj). i w of sros.otk) by rta ne in the bun ties district of Uui ilnnati I.incitlfi land ( :t. to t met-: lots '1. :;, block : Muu Add. to. Alliance j. EL Phetaa to c. I. sturgis?. east !iu feet lois 7, 8, H, block. !t, m.v. :tdd. to Alliance .... tOO .loiin B Barger to Busarj R. Bar- ger: interei to XV'4 sec. 14, suitl NBM sec. S4, twp. 7, ra nijta SI 1 Levi lleuterbiiugh tt Henry QaJut! sec. '1, sec. 14. K' L sec. 18, BWIfa see. 18, Si of 8t ae. 11, NV-NVWi sec. 2.4.. NVtiUH. Mt'c 18, is 1 1 in tw 28, nangc 50 I W. K . Ilryson to Andrew Olson SVfc sec. -WWl Ci.roltiif lleaUr to William. 8. UcLaan ud Margaret U u l.enn: lot 4:. block ::. Alliance. 1050 Kitti. BcltOfJ to George J. HfUMll lot , block I, Cirst add. to Alliance 4U00 Kscitrcr A. Ijockwood to Uwija Uliti E. .loUnson: lots 2-:'.-4, SK'.,X and K'i.SWV Of sec. lS.ri-.' 4S0U William iltlthell to (ieooge W. Loer: VVtWV', sec T-itt-451 and BhjbBtWU sec. la88l .. I ( hdiles KV". LockwoOnV ! Ben .i.i ut. ii K. lotaaon: lot i of NAV'iNW, sec. 3-2r52 ... I Christina F. Met. t( tUorge Bom: - Wool Mk first tstld. to Alliance 1881 C. M. Cox, sheritt f Bos llutle ctMinty, to The Kiiuitablc Land Co.: SK, sec taVIMI ....ftf.1t U Banks Wilsooi to Maty S. Wilson: SW4 bOb. B-88-4S L ANOTHER BOND ELECTION The county commissioners have called it special court house bond election to be held on February 18, 1818. The following petition, signed by 488 names of legal Box Butte county voters, was presented to toe county commissioners at their meet ing held at. the court house on De eember S'.rd. As more than one Third of the legal voters of the county have signed tUie petition the commissioners called the special diction to take place a above stat ed. TO TILK HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF BOX BITTK COUNTY. NKURAS- KA: Petition "We, tlw- undersigned legal voters of Box Butto county, Nebraska, here by respectfully petition the County Commissioners of Box Butte County, Nebraska, to call a special election at each, potbng place in said, county, to be held on 1 uesday the 18th day of February, 1818, for the purpose of voting upon the following ques tions, to-wit: Shall the County CoutmisRloiiiers of Box Butte County, Nebraska, issue the Bonds (at said County, in the Sum of Bitot) Five Thousand. ($05, 000.00 1 Hollars, of the following de nominations, viz: Sixty Five Bonds of One Thooanad Dollars each to run for a period of twenty years from the date Of issuance of said Bonds, bearing interest at the rate of five per cent per annum, interest payable semi-annually, said interest itnd principal at the fiscal ageney of the State of Nebraska, in New York City, State of New York, said Bond Issue to be known as "Court, itouse Bond Issue"; said bonds to be issu ed for the following purpose, tt-wit: For the erection and construction of a fireproof Court House, for the use of said' it.nunt.v, to be -tweted and constructed on lots 22 and IS in County Addition to the city f Al liance, Box Butte County, Nebraska, according td rahe recorded plat there of, and shall said county oooimis tioners be empowered to make an annual levy for a sufficient amount to pay the interest on said Court House bonds tn the sum of Sixty Five Thousand ($65,000) Dollars; and shall saitl commissioners be empow ered to tnakif nn annual levy to cre ate a sinking fund for the payment of the principal of said Sixty-Five Thousand ($65,000) Dollars. Court House Bontl issue?" It is protiaAte that the speeial elec tion, if tailed, which is very prob able, will be sometime dtunag the month of March or the first of April. 8888 Banks vYtfctOa to Mary S. Wilson: N'W4 sec. 13-8848. . 8888 I. Banks Wilson to Mary S Wilson: SRa sec. :2-26-4S.. J400 .1 R. I'Uelau to Alia Cat He Co.: ft NB'i, SW'jNKVi sec. 81, and W'e NWV,, SK1, NWV sec. :!2-24-47 1 QeortM L Taylor to Nellie B Furmati: S'.fc of Sla sec T 28-30 2t00 Myra S. Morrison to Magjsie Zurn: lots :t-4 in tract :!5, sec add. to Duncans north side residence tracts to Alliance-. 100 Frank Catiey to Ralph C Watu- bauuh: UU sec 4 24 47 .. IS00 Ora K. Fhillips to Fred Craw ford: SKt, sec. 22-25 51 . . . I Lou Skala la in Allutuce over Christinas, tisiting with many of his friends, who ait glad to see bim out again after bi tinni operation at. the hospital. 0000:00000000000 o AFTON o 0000000000000000 Tits steadier has been very cold and windy the past week. The -octal Friday nigtltt at the La- mon school house was well attended. md the beskets Wen suctioned off by Marion Sheplterd, baringing a good BfJetj the net proceed. being twenty- six dollars and twenty tents. Miss QnM I'.urkholdtr is the teacher, and 180 pupils of the ssbool rendered a fine program which showed skill of tbe teacher In tiie nhasd room. Bee Mr, Ooo. Haauian and Aunt Sal He Underwood returned home from Lineville, Iowa, where they have been visiting the past three weeks aitta relatlrea and old time frlecala Tit, y report a fine time. Miss KUiel Hagaman and Mrs. Ce cil Qlatj were visiting Friday night 81 the borne ol W. S Ookor, and toi li iu the social. UiM Mabel Oaaaj has been help ing Mrs W. S Coker the past we. k V l.yie ( iker and Roy started tor Befvof Crossing Sunday afternoon 10 visit a couple of weeks with their grandparents and other relatives a a a Mahal Corey und Dora Coker were 8 Jot Carey's Sunday, see Miles llugaman has been busking torn for (luy Worley the past week.