The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 26, 1912, Image 3

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Look Over His Line
Hanan, Edwin Burr, C P. Reed, and Sher
wood Ladies' line is the finest line shown
west of Chicago by any retail dealer.
Look Them Over
Sweep Your Floors
with Paroline
In the office, store and home the most
disagreeable nuisance is dirt and dust caused
by sweeping. This can be avoided by using
Paroline is a scientific compound of
vegetable oils and other substances. You
sprinkle a small amount on the floor before
sweeping. It gathers up and holds the dust.
It is antiseptic and prevents disease.
Paroline costs very little. A small
amount goes a long way. Use it once. You
will wonder why you didn't get it sooner.
For Sate at The Herald Office
in Any Quantity
s rt
Omaha, Dec. L'6 The Farmers'
Congress and the Nebraska Co-operative
Live Sto k and Shipping Aso
ciations indorsed by resolution and
instructed their legislative commit
tees to use every honorable means
to secure the passage of the bill
creating the Nebraska Development
and Public Welfare Commission. .A
tentative draft of a bill as proposed
by committees from the State Asso
mi kui of Commercial Clubs and the
State Editorial Association was ex
plained, after which the commission
was approved.
The commission has for its pur
pose the publication of useful facts
relative to Nebraska and the pre
vention of the publication of state
ments which reflect on the state.
Brings Oliver Typewriter
Send $5 for the Oliver Typewriter -the machine will come a-flying.
The newest Model No. r the regular $100 machine with no extra
charge for Priniype.
For tin- price of a good fountain pen you secure the World's
Greatest Typewriter. Von can pay the balance at the rate of 17
cents a day.
This irresistible "$5 offer" la sweeping everything before it. The
era of universal typewriting is coming. The triumph of the typewriter
over primitive pen and ink lias been brought about by the aame ma
chine that introduced visible writing.
Tli is is the typewriter whose high efficiency has made it the choice of
the greatest firms and corporal ions. It is the simplest of all standard type
writers, yet the swiftest anil liy far Um BMMl versatile. The moving parts
Work freely in a solid metal framework, making the machine so strong thai the
hardest usage has no effect upon it.
Most people prefer to have the machine equipped to write in Primype.
This beautiful type is obtainable only im the Oliver Typewriter.
It is the greatest style improvement ever evolved for typewriters the
most easily read type in existence the type wlii li conforms to that in uni
versal use tin the' world's printing presses! I
'I lie Oliver Typewriter aids sgciQSag SSagars la a multitude of ways.
The real life stories of achievement that center around it would fill volumes.
No matter wht your work may be in office, store, shop or home- the
Oliver Typewriter will prove itself a great nfWVnnl Og and an actual money
it stands for order ami system ami success. It is the visible evidence
of prognssi .lies- of its owner. Young people with hi a ins, ambit ion and Ol
iver typewriters are succeeding everywhere. Can
you afford to let stand between you and success'.'
Send for Special Circular and Art Catalog
Full details regarding the Oliver Kasy -Purchase.
I'lan. beautiful catalog and a specimen letter written
in I'rintype Mill be sent you on request.
Let this $5 offer awaken you to your need of The
(liver Typewriter aud the eae with which you may
own it.
Kmumber isi only and on i oiiicb The Oliver Type
Salts Otpathntst THE OLIVES TYPEWslfER COMPANY I SOS F annus St.. Omaha. Ntsf
Many people know that
Babbitt's Pure Lye or
Potash is the strongest
Cleansing Material
obtainable, therefore
A little Babbitt's I ye and a lot of
water makes an effective cleans
ing solution. You regulate the
strength to suit your purpose.
It make the home Sanitary
and Healthful by removing
the filth and dirt that cause
odor and breed disease
Hest for making Hard and Soft
Valuable presents for the labels.
Write for Booklet showing many
T. . Bok 'VlH New York City
Clay, Robinson A Co.
Chicago, 111 , December U.
On Monday of this week the mar
ket for cattle was demoralized It
was more of a case of getting u buy
er in the pen rather than price most
of the day Hulk of the beef steers
sold .alt to "Tie lewer than last week's
close, and the decline from Wednes
day of that week was $1.00 in most
instances. Salesmen had to choose
between making these concessions
or holding the cattle over. It cer
tainly wns not the pari of wisdom to
do the latter If It could be avoided.
However, thousands of cattle did not
even receive a bid, and at the close
I of the day's session around
head remained unsold. Chief cause
for one of the worst markets In the
history of the trade were estimating
the supply at iL'.ooo bend, beef cool
ert being loaded to the guards and
a big contraction in the demand from
all sources because of anticipated
small outlet for beef during Christ
mas week, when turkey, poultry and
game will be in the limelight. How
ever, the official run on Monday was
37,114. Had the estimated total of
11,060 materialized this would have
been one of the largest run here
since December IS, 1909, when 15.
40 head were received, and would
have compared with the record one
day's supply of lit, Ills, wliirh was re
COrdad November 10. HiilS. There
was the biggest showing of beef steer
sales here at $7.00 to 18.00 in many
month, while the number above
18.80 was small indeed Two loads
of prime l,668-)b. lieevos had to take
$9.N5, and the price wits obtainable
only after long and hard work on the
pnrt of the salesman.
The Tuesday fresh supply was
i!,768, which, counting the holdovers
from the previous day, made a to
tal of about 1 on sale. When
salesmen were enabled to effect a
sale, they had cause, to congratulate
themselves. In most instances buy
ers placed audi ridiculously low bids
on the cattle that thousands were
not shown, and thousands were lock
ed up to be put on the market, the
following day. All changes in prices
tended downward, especially where
weight whs present. The best
beeves that went over the scales
numbered 72 head, averaged l,40J
lbs. and sold at $8.50. They were
handled by us and owned by H. K.
Hatter of Orson, In.
The Wednesday market had more
encouraging undertone. The fresh
apply was around 17,000 and it was
estimated that 12,000 cattle were car
ried over from Tuesday night. This
made Quite a liberal supply for the
Wednesday market. However, after
a trading basis had been established
buyers made an effort to effect a
clearance at prices steady to 10c
higher than the previous day. The
strength was manifest on the smooth,
fat, weighty beeves. The top was
$3.40, paid for II head of 1.5:U-pound
beeves. Sales higher than 68.60 were
scant In number and the ihow'tg; at
$8.00 down to $7.00 was ri ry heavy,
while there were quite B number of
sales around $!.7r,.
Supplies today t Thursday t were
very small at 4,800 head. Tlx mar
ket had good life at prices 10 to 15c
higher. Quality of beef steers was
very ordinary. We topped the mar
ket with 15 beeves of 1,530 lbs. av
erage at $!i.00, owned by Peters Pros,
of Solon, la.
It has been a bad week for cows
and heifers, prices for beef grades
showing a decline of mostly 50 to 80
cents from Monday of last week,
with sales in main at $4.75 to $t! no.
Stockers and feeders went 86 to 50e
lower than last week's close, hulk
trading at $5.25 to $i.7.V
Indications are thai supplies will
be lighter next week, as the bin de
dine this week will no doubt keep
many cattle off the market that un
der more favorable trade conditions
would have been sent forward.
Should smaller supplies materialize,
we are confident of prices working
to a higher basis
Ron of hOJI today 80,000. Market
5c higher. Top $7.::."i and bulk sales
at $7.00 to $7.;!i.
Arrivals of sheep and lambs today
12,000. Prices 10 to 15c higher. Tops
were: l.ambs $H.lo, yearlings $6.88,
wethers 66.36 and ewes $4 80.
Could Shout for Joy
"I want to thank you from the
bottom of my heart," wrote C. B.
Radar, of Lewlsburg, w. Va., "for
the wonderful double benefit I got
from Electric Millers, in curing me
of both a severe ease of stomach
trouble and of rheumatism, from
Which I had been an almost helpless
sufferer for ten years. It suited my
ease as though made just for me."
For dyspepsia. Indigestion, jaundice,
and to rid the system of kidney
poisons that cause rheumatism, KUc
trlc Hitters have no superior. Try
than. Kvery bottle Is guaranteed to
Mtisfy. Only 50 cents at Pied K
Hols tea's.
Advertisement 61 It
In answering advertisements please
mention this paper.
C It's a waste of time to
worry along with incom
petent help when an
army of good material
awaits you among the
readers oi the classified
flThe want ads next
to the telephone are
the necessary lieutenants
of the modern, busy busi
ness man.
Resolve to Be Better
HcH t regarded ae the time
when a man ehould tahc etoch of hie
paet and present and matte resolutions
concerning the future. It (s well to
resolutions, and (t fs better to tteep
Chcy serve a good purpose even IT not
ttept, though they should not be made with
the Idea of breahlng them. One can be con
servative In making good resolutions and
thereby gain an advantage. Oo not resolve to
be perfect merely matte a determination to
be better. Resolve to Improve In everything In
which you arc defective. Decide to act more
ttlndly, thlntt more charitably, spcah more
pleasantly, vrortt more diligently, give more
cheerfully. Don't try to achieve the perfect,
which Is Impossible, lust try to Improve,
to be and do better, and you will be better
for the trying. :::::::: g
NEW YKAU'R is (he most uulver
sally celebrated of holidays
Christinas Is practically con
fined to Christlsn countries and
In some of these has ouly a rellglout
observance. The seine Is true of East i
er. Other holidsys are for the most!
part national In character and are con
fined to their own countries. But New
Year's In some form Is celebrated It
all lands and In not a few is the chlel
holiday of the cur. It is not observed
always on Jan. 1. the Chinese and
Jewish New Year's being notable ex
ceptlons siid the Russlsn festive 1 be
ing held on what to ns Is Jsn. 12, owlnt
to a difference In the calendar.
Especially is the beginning of tb
year a time of festival In the orient
Nobody knows Just how old the custom
is, but it probably antedates history
In most Asiatic countries New Yesr't
eve is a time for settling debts, wiping
the slate clean for the succeeding
twelvemonth. Tea drinking Is nstu
rally one of the chief forms of otmcrv
ance In ChlttS and Japan. There It if
an art. and the ceremonial on New
Veal's Is intended to outrank Stiy thing
else in the pin1, tea llfie. The .la panes;
lea room is hidden a vv ay in some seclud
e.l part of the ggrUeU. aud ouly a few
of the elect are admitted. This, of
course, refers to the private tea rooms,
the pa biff ones being frciplelited by
Mr Common People and all his wife
relations The Japs eat from a large va
riety of dishes on this day. piously
odfariaa sample! of the laada to thtli
tfvsls The day In Nippon is celel. rated
on Jan. 1. hn with us
The Chinese New Year, which is has
ed on the moon and occurs iu January
or February, l like a protoagad and
flu lifted I'otirtb of July, or rather s
the I'onrth whs before it liccaiuc suf
and sane. It lasts for several days
and Is full of color, noise and action
from start to finish. firecrackers
Chinese lantern, tea. feasting and
carnival all play their part, utnl the
new year is Initiated in a way to put
glngsf mi" ins yoaag life. The popu
I ii r granting Is "Kuiigbi." which is to
say. "i humiiiy wish you Joy." or "Sin
hi." "May toy lie yours" From this
it will be gaaa 'hat the rhuiese have
a "hi" old time. Not only do lanterns
alsiuud, but artificial flowers mid red
mottoes ornament the houses. Even iu
the l ulled States the laundries are
abandoned while the Celestials pay
ceremonial calls slid decorate ever
thing In sight witli reo paper r.aCQ
peans also pnlnt the town red on New
Year's, only they do it in n different
New Year's is celebrated for thir
teen days In Persia and Is the most
Important festival of the year. It fur
nishes a precious opportunity for the
beggars who camp on a man's door
step and blow horns until he givtts a
present. The festival Is called "No
Kooc" and iomblne.; our Christmas
and Easter. Sweets sre prepared long
In advance, and eggs are boiled and
colored. The observance lieglus on
March 2ft. and for thirteen day there
after business is suspended Presents!
sre given, among them being a coat of
honor for important persons, for which
a price Is often exacted, much in ex
cess of the value of the garment. An
other "No Rons" custom Is for dele
gations of Persians to visit the tombs
of the departed snd send up walls
both loud snd long.
New Year's Is a great day for the
children In the country towns of Ros
sis. The hoys carry peHs snd wheat,
showering those they like with wheat
and those they dislike with sns Vari
ous domestic snimsls are gayly deco
rated nnd led shout the streets. There
Is also a ceremony of changing water
Into wine, which Is harmless enough,
since. It does got increase the wine
supply. m
The great feature of the liermaft
New Year's is "Sylvester Almnd." corre
sponding In some tueastire to our watch
parties, except thHt more Ihjnld re
freshment is absorbed. The punch)
bowl Is the center of attraction, but
the punch Is usually made of h mild
Rhine wine aud does little tf any
harm. Ill fares it with the man wear
Ing a high hat on (his night, forv It is
Kinuslied vvifh great enthusiasm. Tn
Frankfort on the Main h pretty custom
Is observed. Promptly n the first
stroke of l'J every shutter Iu town tiles
open and a head appear-, with the
shout, "Prosit Neujiihr!" It Is as quick
ly withdrawn, and the shutters are re
C looted before the clocks have finished)
booming the hour
The Prem h give Chriataias a reii
gfous ol. serva nee. so that New Year's
is the great popular holiday. Qlfta are
BXCtutUged and culls are made on .Ian.
1 and nil thrOOgg the mouth.
The Biuglisti observance of New
Year's is not largely different from
RUm, except that the old year is swept
out by men and u .vs dressed us chim
ney sweeps and is msg out with muf
fled hells, which change to a c!e:ir and
joyous note at the stroke of 1 It
is to tliis. custom that Tennyson re
fers in his "In Mcuiorlaiu." mi often
quoted. "King out the old. ring in the
The rroWd before St Paul's in Lou
don OH New Year's eve are even
greater and more noisy than those be
fore Trinity . N'ew York, though people
who have only heard the (iofliatu dill
may deem this impossible.
. . .
The Christmas ami hi Inlay vaca
tion of the Alliance schools will
close the first week in January. All
of the city schools will open on Mon
duy, January 6th, 1812J. The school
board has arruugid to care lor all
of the Central school pupils in the
Emerson and high school buildings.
The 64HJ new desks ordered to care
for the Central school pupils havo
arrivtd and will be set up in a very
short time. The full supply of hooka
and Other miiool supplies to r. place
those burned w.-re ordered on Thurs
day after the fire aud will be here;
very soon so that there will be no
delay in opening school after vacation
Read The Herald's big premium
offer on page 2.
PaulW. Thomas
Phone 175 Alliance. Neb.