Build With Wood To Suit Your Noeds Today and enlarge as your demands require. That's OM of the big Advantages offer ed in frame construction over all others. Future ad ditiona can be provided for right in your original plans ami the money saved by building only for pffcgenl Qgtjdg can go on working for you until the enlarge ments are desired. There are a lot of other advant ages too that wood con struction offers and before you decide on your material is time time to investigate us thoroughly as you can. Our experience covers near ly every phase of tlie build ing question and if you think our advice is worth having, it's yours for the asking. Come in and get right on this lumber question. I jet uh show you wherein the mills we buy of save you dollars in labor and time in doing by machine work what the carpenters formerly did by hand. It's surely worth while to you and it will be pleasure to us. There's No Place Like Home' Forest Lumber Co. ALLUNCE. NEBRASKA Advertisement 2-2-161 1 Building See me before you build. I can do your work and save you money. Plans & Estimates Furn ished Free. O. H. MOON West Florida lands Small farms, improved And un improved, easier terms to pur chasers than rent, crop grown all the year round. Oranges, i pecans, tigs, corn and cotton. Healthy climate; tuberculosis, asthma, catarrh, rheumatism, all disapiear here. Large bodies of tine timber lands. Excellent mid sites, subdivisions to the deep water city of Pennsacola. Ask us questions, are FREE. the answers Charter Land Co., Pensacola, Florida .Advertisement 1568 4 i:;t The Portrait Habit Habit is acquired. Some will appear before our camera regularly others, less mindful of their friends, only at lonj; intervals. Get the Habit and come often Alliance Art Studio 114 E. 4th Street WASHINGTON LETTER THE NATIONAL CAPITAL Event of Interest from Government the Seat of (I'nitcd State I'resii Aaaotlaiion t Washington. t. C, Derpmber 24. All Aboard for the Parcel Post All tlM big and little official or the l'otof fi- DsSSrttBSSt, from chief (tonerul Hitchcock down to the division superintendents, and "Con stables", who hold eontnlssinai as Inspectors, have told the postmasters of the country Just what they are to do, t oput the parcels post Into op eration on the first day of the com ing year. The genernls are finish ing their tasks by securing the pub lw iHon of their orders, ami are as cautious as mayors with public proc lamations, that their individual names are not overlooked, when it comes to setting the type. The postal army Is ready for the attack, and indica tions are that the new scheme will work smoothly. A comparison of t In stone raise indicate that for nil I I hauls on packages of any the express companies lu apcf rates than the though for short distance rharges are less. Atlvo- of the parcels post, who have liuhtltij: for years, are accept- cept short size, that still offer post office. postoff ict- cates been Ing the new scheme as an entering wedge, but the tight for an unlimit ed parcel post, without zones, and with a common rate everywhere, Is being carried on in Washington with undiminished energy. e The President of the Senate Two years ago the senate was deadlocked, and no president of the body was chosen. Then Vice Pres ident Sherman was on hand, and there really was no urgency over the matter. Hut with the death of the Vice President someone must act In order that measures may be signed, etc Senator Clalllnger was chosen by the caucus two years ago, but the progressives have succeeded in pre venting his election. It is agr- 1 that Mr. (fitllinger may fill the place one-half the time, and Senator llacon the other half. The two men have shiny bald heads, and look very much alike, and one has to look twice to discover which is which in the chuir. The democrats will settle the ques tion after March 4th. Chief of the "Close Friend" Set Every time there in the government, pers announce that mond Is mentioned, Is a big vacancy the enstern pa 'John I lavs Matn " and this was the case the last time the day fol lowing the death of Ambassador U'hltelaw Ueid. Hut up to date, in four years, Mr. Hammond has pulled off only the stunt of being special ambassador to the coronation of the king of England, and in signing the lists of contributions to republican campaign funds close to the top. As "the close friend of the president" Mr. Hammond has bashed tor foar blessed years in the executive sun shine, and traveled the golf links over a distance of several thousand miles. The net result is that by the time two-thirds of this long name Is pronounced popple usually smile. The private tinseled gentlemen of the White House will choose a new chief on March 4, and it Is predict ed thgl the mining SHf flMSI will fee supplanted by a college professor. Want the Liberty Bell The defendants of the signer of the Declaration of Independence met a few days ago in the national cap ital, and unanimously regiU-red their protest ngainst the Liberty BStl DOtng moved to the San Kraucisco Exposition, on the ground tliat the western dust and suit. air. together witli the rucking incident to travel, would he un Injury to the reltc. Meanwhile the CalifOrnlans, touvfug, arranged a petition, signed by school children w hose signatures react) out for miles, and by mostly i-vevyborly rise In California, are pulling every String with the official of I'fciladel phla and of the state- ef PenwyUMB ia. to get favorable action. The - gressmea at Washington are tM-ing importuned constantly to Intercede, a The President in Panama nnd the matter was taken to the at torney general, who after a careful Investigation, railed the snip n lot terv. and It was declared off on tip very morning It was scheduled to occur. There were :!.",0hi packages listed. Short Cut to Equal Suffrage. Congressman Krench of Idaho pro poses In a bill recently Introduced, that the right of all women possess ing the qualifications of age. resi dence, property, or education, re quired of men to make them legal voters, be extended to women In all states of the union, at all elec tions for memtx rs of the House of Representatives. Mr. French's Idea Is that as congressmen are pun-ly federal officials congress has the power to give the ballot to women in their election. Government Reclamation Work The reclamation fund has amount ed to $100,000,000. and the receipts from the sale of public lands is con stantly uddlng to the amount. The Secretary of the Interior says that In the government work, great care Is exercised to have plenty of water to supply settlers at all times, while tin re is great risk on many private enterprises of an Insufficient water supply during dry seasons. Hncle Sam is delivering water on different projects to mote than 1 4,000 farms. The House of Representatives did rather an unusual thing in ousting Representative Bowman, republican, who bus held the seat ns a member from Pennsylvania for two years, and then refusing to admit George It. McLean, his democratic oppon ent Hoth men were held guilty of spending money beyond the limit, thus exceeding the speed limit pre scribed by the corrupt practice act. A two million dollar memorial to Abraham Lincoln has been assured by the action of the senate, in ap proving the recommendations of the Lincoln Memorial Commission. It will be erected in close proximity to the great Washington monument in the national capital. -A genius has taken out a patent on a marking devise for hens, and no matter how large the flock each hen laying an egg Is credited with her performance, and at the end of the month her exact score is known. Are You Afflicted with Pile? This disease, whether acute or Chronic, Is easily and rapidly over come by using Meritol I'lle Remedy. Gives positive and permanent relief when nil others full, and we heartily recommend it to any sufferer. Advertisement 3--4t SECURE EXTENDED TERRITORY The good work being done by Messrs. Lowry & Henry in I heir rap idly growing automobile business has resulted in eight counties In western Nebraska being added to their terri tory for the Studebaker line of au tomobiles, making them ggateral western Nebraska agents. Mr. John Graham, an experienced auto sales man. has joined their sales fbTce and will give bis time to the le of these csrs. $100 REWARD. $100 HOW'S THIS? The readers' of this paper will be pfensed to leSUU that there is at MWt one dreaded rfiseitse that set enwe has been able to cure in all its Stages, and that Is Cutarrh. HafT's Catarrh Cure is the only pos itive cure now known to the medi cal fraternity. Catarrh being a con stitutional disease. rerinirvs a con stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, acting di rectly upon the blood and mucous SUrfnoes of the system, thereby de stroying the foundation of the dis ease, itnd giving the patieor strength by butldin-: up the conntif irtfoii and assisting nature in d'oing its work. The prop i tors have so much faith in its PUratlVO powers that they of fer one hnttgred dollars for any case that it f -i's to cure. Send for list of testt'r '-niials. Addr P. J. Cheney Co.. To ledo, Ofttl. Sold by all druggists, 7"r- Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. A CORRECTION QUESTION BOX FEATURE ARRANGED FOR DEALERS Omaha. Dee. 13 Question boxes, in which members will be permitted to ask questions relative to the ha rness, will be the feature of the all uuul mooting of the Mid-Weal lm- plenum Healers Association. Which will be held ill Omaha lauuarv Sin A committee will have this d pal lure in charge and urge all mem iters who attend to come prepared to fill the bog The show to be held in connection with the meeting will be aimth-r big feature Th. ahOU promise- to be more pretentious than ever. Prac tically ali the spuce has been dis posed of and tlie exhibitors art- gl ranging many novel and interesting enhihlts. The program, which includes iuau aatlooal speakers, will lie sent to members toon. President Tafl and party are off for Panama. As well as Mr. Tjfl likes Washington, and with only u feu weeks mort to stay, ine could not olthstnnd the delights of iana inu. The president was ofivn called "the traveling man of the Koosevelt administration." tut duriug his own term of office lie has not delegated the Job to any of his subordinates. In the blgnOOS of his heart he felt that Governor Wilson ouulit also to enjoy PanamUi nnd offered a war ship to the incoming president for thai purpose. Tlie world's finest and most instructive trip is drawing peo ple by the thousands, and the Ham burg -American lias bus pressed some of its best ships Into service. Ac cording to the recent message of the president to congress K7 per cent of the excavation work at Panama lias tbeen completed, and M per cent of the conciete of all the locks is In place. In a few months the bed of I the canal will be simply a basin of I water, stretching the expanse be tween the oceans, and the army ol workmen will disappear A great many eonuressim u arc spending Christmas at Panama with their fam No More Oead Letter Sales It has I en the custom for man.v ve.ns for the Post Office Depart ment to collect all the unclaimed packages from I lie Head letter Office and hold an auction. Different pack ages were listed in a printed book, and a brief description of the eon tints was given, then the auction SOT, without allow inn examination, called for bids, and the person mak ing the highest offer secured the' mysterious package. Sales have al Sraya been well atttnded. and some of the purchases proved to be bar gains, while others were a perfect hoax Tliw year the merchants of Washington protested vigorously. In ttir page article- wild page nine in the last issue Herald the name ,r r M one of the members of tlu map on of The Harris as Alliance school fovird was omiited by mistake. New Hair Treatment We now carry tie? new discovery for th? hair. Merfcei Hair Tonic, compounded bj the American Hrug and Press Association. We will be pleased to have oiar customers give it a trial. We are authorized to guarantee It by roe SSOmilstlon. to which wo belong. P. J. Itrennan. Advertisement 5-'-4t BUSINESS COURSE APPROVED BY BO ARC? One Hundred Dollars any case of Catnrrh be cured by Hall's Ca- We offer lien. ird for that cannot tnrrh Cure. F. .1. ("HKNKY & CO. Toledo, O. We. the undersigned, have known F. .1. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and fl nanciully able to carry out any ob ligations made by his firm. NATIONAL DANK OF COMMERCE, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken In ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 76 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation Advertisement NEBRASKA FAIR ASSOCIATIONS MEET AT LINCOLN JAN. 21 The State Association of County and District Fairs holds its annual meeting at Lincoln on January list in connection with the meeting of Organized Agriculture. This associa tion is composed of representatives from ali the county fairs in Nebras ka, now numbering fifty-four, these being also affiliated with the state fair. This annual conference of fair officials is doing much to establish uniformity in agricultural exhibits in the counties and to encourage better farming through the stimulus of healthy competition. These county fair associations and county agricultural societies also have a direct connection with the State Board of Agriculture, which bogy is made up of members elected from the various local county socie ties. The present organization of the State Hoard of Agriculture la fixed by statute and consists of 2l members elected by the county so cieties as follows:, 5 from the first congressional district, '' from the second, 5 from the second, f from the third, 6 from the fourth, 6 from the fifth, and 5 from tlie sixth. State meetings of twenty-two ag ricultural societies will occur in Lin coln during tlie week of Jan. 20-I4, and the big apple show and corn show will feature two of Nebraska's most profitable products. Drives off a Terror in is are by The chief executioner of death the winter and spring months pneumonia. Its advance agents colds and grip. In any attack one of those maladies no tune should be loat In taking the best medicine obtainable to drive It off. Countless thousands have found this to few Dr. King's New Discovery. "My hus band believes it lias kept him from having pneumonia thISM or tour times." writes Mrs. UOOfge w . Place, Rawsonville, Vt., "and tov coughs, colds and croup we have new er found its equal." Guaranteed for all bronchial affections. Price ."aid-, and SLOP. Trial bottle fie.? at Fred B. Moistens Advertisement .".'J-If - NEBRASKA STATISTICS PUT STATE IN HIGH RANK Omaha. Nel.. Dec. .r, Though U-ntli in population among the twelve states Of the Middle West, wtuch in clude llhaois. Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, tlie Dakotas, Michigan. Ohio, Indiana. Wisconsin and Minnesota, Nebraska is third m number of cattle, fiUh in nunibt r of swine, fourth In wheat production., fifth in corn prodawttion .urn sixth, in: owe production. These facts were- made public by S. ("'.. lias sett of GibSon, in an address oni Ne braska's anmX SSSS before the Ne braska Farmers' Congress in (Kmitin last week. In compunMon with the 1 "lited States in total population, rural nop- ulattun and uvea. Mr. Itassett iler ed these figures: Ne Bnaska fcaa T.:: per cent ot" total population. E.7 per cent, of the rural population and .5 per cent of" the land area,, yet Nebraska produces 7 per cent of the corn. 7 per cent of tlie oAaUJC and 5 per cent of the- oats. NebnaHka arodured five pel- cent of the en tin- com crop of -forth America. South America, Europe, At lion and aUUStiatta A very remark able SBOSSfngT, asserted Mr. fttissett. SIMPLE MIXTURE HELPS ALLIANCE PEOPLE The article in The Herald last week regarding the establishment of a business and liiganaSCf III eOBWS department in the Alliance tity schools has met with the instant ap proval of the SehOOl board. The hoard had considered the proposition a year ago but on account of link ol spuce and funds tlie new department was not established at that time. Tils course Should be a part of the high school. The board would like to have the new building made large enough to accommodate the eightli grade. Which is now taken care of in (lie high school building. This would ; give enough additional roOgi in the i high school building to care fur the : business department Tlie board would also like to M tnhllsh au agricultural department with a teacher for twelve months I ever) rear, This department would b- of great value to the eutirj western end of Nebraska and prob lems peculiar to this end of the state could Im- worked out under the direction of the expert to be hired In answering advertisements please mention this paper 'Pant- situsfe remedies are in-st haw. again been proven. Harry ThleA?-. Druggist, reports that many Alliuwe- poouie- are receiving QUICK Senstt from simipVe buckthorn barii. glyrer ine, etc., its mixed in Adlec-i-koi. rile fTeeai IB appendicitis remedy. A SH.V-lVfJ-: LXMEC helps sour sLoinaclx. gag on the stomach and consJlpufctog) IN STANTLY because this simple rtrtx-oitre- the digestive or gauss and draws off the tnLpu.v-ai.e-s Advertisement - ' Foils a Fout PHoA When a shameful plot exists be tweeu liver and bowels to cause dis tress by refusing to act. take Dr. King's New Life Pills, and eud such abuse of your systeat. They gent 1 J compel right action, of slumach, liwi and bowels, and rOStOfS your health and all good feelings. J."- at Pled E. Holsteii's Advertlsi meal M-41 The Skin and Not the Blood Christmas Electric Chafing Dishes Coffee Machines, Bread Toasters and Sad Irons Aluminium Coffee Percolators Community Silver Rodgers 1847 Silver Carving Sets, Cake Mixers Crumb Trays and Scrapers Gillette and Auto. Strop Safety Razors Pocket Knives Scissors and Shears Coaster Wagons, Velocipedes Sidewalk Sulkies, Irish Mails 22-calibre Rifles, Air Rifles Ingersoll Watches Boys' Tool Sets. etc. Newberry Hdw. Co, A Happy New Year to You At tins time, in the midst of the extra work at the year's end. we like to pause a moment to extend to our friends the com pliments of the season. Happiness, you know, is the only tiling that increases the more you give away, so are want to pass along a word of good cheer. We give this as our New Year's pledge: Throughout the year we shall make very effort to keep nnd merit a reputation for ethViftit service arid fair and courteous dealing. Nebraska Telephone Co. "Bell System" I l MrMk I p 4j fflm at "55 SSSSSSS SB I! ' I I Ferndell Fruit Butters lend zest to any repast. Their delicious -- spicy appetizing taste once known is never forgotten. Mallery Grocery Co. ' Quality Grocen" rntii raeaatly it nan !''' -rally Hi'-eptd theory that toz-tua was dlsaaas ol tiie blood. Si ie tifii investigation! anva taught us thut niisaaia i nontthmljr skin iis cu6- and enraMa tiuoush tan aktn ulon-. Mt-ritol RcSMM RMSSdy is itppii.-d dlrantly to tia- ilssassd skin, the effect is marveloun and Its re Mil, iw.rmiinfnt. iKi not di'lay try ing Mf-ritoi Bosaaas Baasag I llretiuan. Advert ih.meni J. ryi 4t IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE BUY A Gem Desk Calendar for use on your desk during the year 1913 The handiest appliance you can get for keeping memorandum. Price with Stand, $1.00 The Herald Publishing Co.