The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 19, 1912, Image 1

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    B Bl
Sec. 1, 1-8
The Alliance Herald
...... - 1 : .
Largest circulation of
any newspsper in Weil
em Nebraska.
Dr. Alice M. Day Young Starts Cam
paign for $40,000 Building.
Much Needed Here
. f !
Picture of Crowd Jamming Bee Hive Store Satur
day Afternoon. The Result of Forceful
and Judicious Advertising
Dr. Alice M. Day Young, after In
vestigating conditions in Alliance ful
ly and learning the pressing need of
a Young Men's Christian Association
organisation and building in Alliance,
has started a campaign to raise $40,
. 000 for the erection and furnishing
of a four-story building for Alliance.
At a meeting of the Woman's Club
at the residence of Mrs. W. R. Pate
recently Dr. Day Young took up
the proposition with them and se
cured their pledge of assistance and
A guarantee of $10,000 to be raised
by them among Alliance people.
A large number of wealthy west
era Nebraska business men, property
owners and ranchmen have signified
their intention of donating large
sums. The Burlington railroad offi
.FVials were called upon by Dr. Day
Young last week, when they agreed
to do their part.
Alliance is at the dawn of a new
erm in civic prosperity. The many
municipal improvement! made dur
ing the present city administration,
such as the installation of the latest.
&ut up-to-date street lighting system,
improvements in water and light
plant, extensions of city sewer and
wnter workR, and other municipal
improvements have awakened the
spirit of civic pride In our city and
the citizens arc taking hold of sucli
propositions as the erection and er
gantzatlon of a Y. M. C A- with
vigor and vim, and are putting their
thouldcrs to the wheel in a manner
to make the town take great strides
in the next few years.
Dr. Day Young will have the as
sistance of private individual in In t
campaign as well m a number Of
.local organization. The Herald. Hie
young people's organ ixat ions and the
The efforts of the Young Men's
Bible Class to have a Hub room for
boys and young men have met vviili
i.lie approval of everyone. The need
of a large building, in which 1'nrnir.ii
ed rooms could be rent id at a ra
son hie price by young men, where
th could have a cafe and re-jtau-tttlM
and where swimming pool,
hewer baths, and reading rooms, has
been felt in Alliance for a number ot
By this time next year Alliance
will have a fine building and a well
organized Young Men's Christian
Association, if the efforts of those
who are waging the campaign are
appreciated and they are assisted by
all who should help. Western Ne
braska has had a prosperous year
and the outlook for the coming year
is very bright.
V 'I1
BBasaBBBBBBBBatVaBMnlt' v9 J
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The Infernationa) Concert Com
pany, one of the finest of the sea
son, will appear at the Methodist,
church Saturday evening, Dec. 21st,
at 8:15, under the auspices of the
Kp worth league. This is a trio of
unusual talent a reader, a vocaliBt
and a violinist, all specialists in
their line. An exceptional treat for
this holiday season. Admission,
adults 50 cents, all students of
schools 25 cents.
W. S. Kewer, proprietor of the
Bee Hive, is an energetic and suc
cessful advertiser. During the last
few weeks he has used a large
amount of newspaper space with
astonishing results to one who Is not
to familiar with the advert'slng
game. The Bee Hive Is no.v holding
d closing out sale of their im.nense
Boek of Christmas novelties and
! toyr.
hast week Mr. Kewer placed large
nds and drew his plans for a big
sales campaign with judicious cart
and with knowledge and foresight
that showed experience. His adver
tUcinent in The Herald last Thurs
day was Interesting and attracted at
tention. The accompanying picture of the
In ii. of the Bee Hive More last
.Sutuiday noon shows what advertis
ing will do. It had been advertised
that Santa Claus would Brrive at
the depot at noon and go to the Bee
Hive store. He was met at the de
pot by not less than five hundred
little ones, many of them nicoinpun
ied by parents. The crowd followed
Santa to the Bee Hive where they
proceeded to load themselves with
the many bargains on display on the
counters and Bhelves. This picture
shows the crowd on the outside of
the store, unable to enter because
of the jam. This was a practical
demonstration of the result of ad
vertising aad the liberal use of ad
vertising space The sale still De
tinues with unabated vigor.
Judge Westover, in District Court,
Makes Injunction Forbidding Is
suance of Bonds Permanent
Because the Alliance Times left
out the publication of the lnl no
li, e giving notice the special bond
election held In November at the
same time a the national election,
from Its Friday issue Just before
election, the election waB declared
illegal by Judge Westover Monday
afternoon and the injunction against
issuing bonds made permanent.
The Times, which has held the ti
tie of official paper for Box Untie
county during the last year, attempts
to shift the blame onto other should
ers but does not deny the fact that
it. erred in omitting to publish the
notice in its last issue before elec
tion. The Herald published the
same notice four times but as the
first publication was less than four
full weeks before the election this
notice whs of no value in this case.
The Times was evidently under tho
Impression that a legal notice pub
lished once a week in a semi-weekly
paper was legal but this was incor
rect as It Is necessary to publish
legal notices In each Issue In onier
to complete the week.
A large number of llcinlngford
izens were present in the court
room nt the time the injunction wait
made permanent. It had been ad
mitted by prominent Alliance attor
neys for some time that the omis
sion of the notice In the one Issue
of The Times would undoubtedly In
validate the election and the court
house supporters had resigned them
selves to defeat.
Most Disastrous Fire in Alliance for Years. 400 Children
Thrown Out of School Until New Quarters are Secured
4.. . -.
Building and Contents Insured for $17,750. Firemen Save
Many Residences from Grave Danger
The wetMIng Of Miss Km ma Tasli
and .Mr. Axel Johnson at the Tash
home in Alliance last Tuesday even
ing was performed by Rev. (). S.
llaker. The wedding ceremony was
a family affair and attended by only
immediate members of the family
and relatives. The ceremony was
performed at six o'clock.
Over one hundred and fifty gnesi
attended the reception given at eight
o'clock. The house was beautifully
decorated in pink and white color;
the flowers were pink carnations am!
white chrysanthemums. Music was
rendered by a picked orchestra.
The bride was very prettily now n
ed In a dress of cream crepe de
chciie, with pearl trimming all over
In the receiving line were Mrs. V.
K. Holsten. Mr. and Mrs. I. K. Tash.
Mr. TlkaO, Johnson, brother of the
groom, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. tJripp.
and the bride and groom. A co.y
CMper was very prettily decorated
atnd was much admired by the guests,
Punch was served by Miss Mae Cra
haui and Miss Laura Mounts.
The happy couple left for their
honeymoon Wednesday tvening. They
went to the eastern (tart of the
state and will visit relatives In Hatt
ing. Kearney aud at other point
They will be at honte to their friends
after H'ebruary 1st at No. I02K Lara
mie Avenue.
Mis blanche Kibble has accepted
a position as stenographer lu the of
fit of T. H. lleeson. Alliance man
agei and district special agent for
the ebraska Telephone Co. The
telephone business has grown to
sutti proportions as to make a
stronger office force necessary, and
Miss Kibble has qualifications and
business experience that will uo
doubt make her er i"es appreciated
mSSvLil SSifcffi.?' ii ' Br 'B
BHSHtetf ' aJasH
H"JHHbH bsIsiJsbl I SsbbBI bt
Ktre. after roof had fallen, south- east corner of building.
Photd by Men Anderson.
tattoo us combustion Is generally a
copied as the cause of the fire Mart'
B'JSfc!JSs," EhSBH sia ti ' 'IbJPbbi
Kire totally destroyetl the Central i made Iter ic efforts to save to
School building arly Tuesday morn
ing. This building wav the largest
and oldest school building lu Alliance
and was attended by over 400 of the
lower grade pupils. Tho fire was
burning fiercely wiuso discovered
and although the fire dparttnont
building, it had gained so much head
way and the sdrong wind fanned the
flames so fiercely that no headway
could be made against them
The ruins of the building are still
sniukUig The bell loser and west
wall were dynamited at eight o'clock
Tuesday morning because they were
tottering in the wind and were lu
danger of falling any minute
It Is supposed that the fire started
in the coal bins ou the nortb side in
the basement close 10 the furnace
A large amount of slack coal was
Stored there and the theory of poo-
over t betn. The first firemen ar
rived before they were awakened
and endeavored to help i hem save
The fire was discovered by Kilns sonic of their personal belongings.
Miller, living hi 7I; Sweetwater Ave The only iliing saved out of i lie en
nue, who turned in the alarm by tel- tire building were a mattress and a
epbone. When he discovered the 60) doll aeJBO.
fire it was shooting from the north number of photographers were
windows and was reflected on the at the tire and secured pictures One
staiidpipe Just across the street from f the best was taken by Hen An
'.he school building on Box Butte Ave- den-on, showing the southeast cor
nue. The first fire alarm was fol- ner of the building after the rOOf
lowxl by a second, which brought h id fallen In. This picture is repro
hundreds of people from all over the due, d herewith.
!' Many of the firemen took extreme
The first man at the scene of the risks in their effortB to stem the
fire was Kire Chief V. K Itomig. who fire and save at least part of the
lives across the street southeast ot building. Die brave young man pull
the building and who was awakened i the toratsjii frmi windows through
by the smoke drifting through his j B?b!ch the fire was shooting while
hottOB before the chief's alarm, which 'the walls overhead were In emiiiln
is in his bedroom, rang. Immediately .. ni danger of toppling over on btoj.
af'er his arrival Hi, first hose cart,! Cinders and sparks were carried
drOwtt by six firemen, moat of thssn IfrOB) the fire in a southeasterly dl
night employe s u: the Burlington rtctlon for a dis,an. e of four blocks
yards, arrived an I a si ream was on acid for a time it looked as If a gen
the fire seven minutes arter the'(,ral on Icn might be caused,
alarm sounded. The roors of one or. two buildings
The second hose carl ami the hook close by caught on fire and a hose
and ladder arrived within a few oiin- inpany was withdrawn Troiu the
OUO and t nee mreaius of water burning bulldiug and plated at the
Vera ptnylnf where the fire was i adjoining houses to put out the
loaC-t. on the mirth ide It vv small fire. which were startinK. U s
siHHi se'U that there was no poiwl ! idents and property owners lu the
b I) pi -.,ing the building or any: path of the smoke and cinders were
part of it The smoke and gas blow , out with lines of garden hose and
in;-, to the south and east side, of ' et blanket.
the bunding would have suffocated a The attic of the building wss filled
;, leoa bj minute and - nothing could with old books and records, wind,
be done there, although some of the burned fiercely. The fa't that the
brave firemen made repeated at- floors and woodwwk of the building
1 1 mpts to enter t he buildiug there wr oiled regularly to keap down
and save thai part of It. dust Ma( make the bulldlns; mors
The Janitor. J. K. Corp, and his aauitary made the inflammable mater
qsj In law and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Utt burn much easier.
Cross, Janitor a the KmentiSi school.. Among ke furniture and supplies
were asleep in the basement In the burned were about Idas) worth of pic
south ud of ths building. They iurw, the organ from the Baptist
were uuahle to save any of their sjsnreh which hatl tieeu moved there
personal belongings and were com , tae ,lav u. fore to practice wUb.
pellcd Ui rush out of the bulldiug lu j .
their night Hothes with wraps thrown (Continued on Page