PEDDLERS ORGANIZE Alliance and Wettern Nebra.ka Trav ellng Men form Organisation for Social Betterment and Pleasure At the HurlliiRton Motel Ins' Sim day arternoon, as announced in The Herald, a number or Alliance travel In men met and formed an orgnnltn tlon to be exclusively ,or traveling men and ex traveling men. good crowd was present Rn I ranch Interest evidenced. juv .() k mood was elected president of th association, and Jack Berry sock tnry. A committee was appointed to draft a constitution and by-law and to report with the same n the n x( meeting to be held in the parlor of the Burlington at three o'clock n -xt Sunday afternoon. December Crn The purposes of the organization will be for the social benefit of its members nd their families ami to promote tne teelinn of friendship and good will among the traveling men. A general invitation has been ex tended to all traveling nun in Alli ance and western Nebraska to meet with the associntion next Sunday at ternoon. and to become charter mem bers of the association at that time BOY FARMERS BEST Breaking Corn Records The first firteen reports received in the State Boys' Com Contest conducted annually by the Btata Board of Agriculture show an aver ai;e yield of 79 bushels per acre. FdklT of the fifteen have over Mm bushels per acre and one reports 126 bushels. The average yield of the fifteen contestants so Car reported li about three times the average of the corn crop for the entire state It' the adult fanners of Nebraska raised one-half as much corn per acre as the average crop of these fifteen farmer boys it would have in creased the yield this year 103,292, 169 bushels. At present market pric es this would be worth over $50,000, 000 to the farmers of Nebraska. It would seem possible for experi enced farmers to grow at least one half as much corn as hoys under e -liteen years of age. When these a..uU farmers select and test their seed and cultivate their fields as carefully as these boys it is proba ble that their yields will increase materially. This boys' corn contest IS one of the minor activities of the Sfte Board of Agriculture which is accomplishing much in an education al way by demonstrating the possibil ities of greater production on brcska farms. UNCLE JOSEPH CANNON IS THE AUCTIONEER the and M. W. A. ELECT OFFICERS At the regular meeting of the M. W. A. held at their hall on Wednes day evening, December 4th. the offi cers for the ensuing year were e! cted. Following are the Officers: w. H. Harper. Counsel; P. EC. Romig, Ad visor; F. w. Irish. Clerk; Chester Moore, Banker. A meeting will be held on the first Monday in January, when instatla tiods will take place. Every mem ber of the order has been invited to be there and take part In the festiv ities. The recent injunction granted by th:' court of Illinois forbidding the increase in rates has been of great benefit to the order. A large num ber who droppeil out in Alliance will be reinstated. This matter was the cause of a bitter fight among the higher officials of the order. I he following announcement of a shIc oi republican Junk at Washing on. March :.. has been Issued bv LP MOcratlc stale committee of Kentucky : "Our has, artth 1'nele Ham having P tactically expired, and having de cided to retire to private life, we ' "' undersigned, will offer for sale March &, :, nt our residence, the national .apitoi. Washington, M ( the following described proaert towlt : tat One elephant about fortv years old. with raise tusks, manv iis and scratches (result or rwent lection), and M backbone to speak i hi One set or injunctions and anti-trutt laws; have been uaed very little and are just as good as they ever were. ICJ One method or revising tarirr. This is,,i,,t. t.- ... original and patent has been applied IUI . (d) One republican platrorm good as new. Has only been used for campaign purposes. In this platrorm are a number or plnnks from the democratic platform which have been inserted as seemed necessary, but they may be easily distinguished and will certainly go with the lot. (el One financial system, well supplied with clearing bouse certifi cates but very little cash. lO One plan ror raising campaign contributions. This is well worn and lias a bad odor, but otherwise in good condition. g A large quantity of G. O. P. hue a lira, . consisting of old dinner pails, prosperity gags. Tart smiles, well worn vetoes, election promises, panic threats, and other things or like character too numerous to men tion. This sale will positively take place on the above day and date, regard less of the weather and size of the crowd, and everything will be closed out on that date. Crowd will be served by the Old Hoy s Republican ciub. Everybody, regardless of pas) political servitude, is invited. This tuff must bp cleared away. TERMS: Anything we can get and the immediate removal of DlOD- erty . UNCLE JOE CANNON. Auctioneer. WILLIAM H. TAPT, Clerk. J. IMKRI'ONT MORGAN, KUHP ROOT, JOHN I). AHCHISOU), C. I) rtlLLM, BOIES PENROSE. CHACNCEV M. DEI'EW. Committee ' LAKESIDE MAN IN ALLIANCE J. W. Harris, of Lakeside, came up to Alliance Thursday with Mrs. Harris. They stayed over Thursday night, returning to Lakeside Friday noon. While here Mr. Harris planed himself on The Herald's subscription list. SUPERINTENDENTS TO HAVE RESIDENCES ERECTED The Burlington has purchased two lots from J. R. PheUn at Bixlh street and Laramie avenue on which will be erected two fine modern residences to be occupied by Gener al Superintendent E. E. Youns aud Division Superintendent W. M. V, . ; denhamer. Building operations Will commence without delay and will continue as long as the weather permits. YOUNG MEN'S SiBLE STUDY CLASS MEETING ir. sind Mrs. R. J. Main of Mor- ril- county, thirteen miles south of. The Young Mens Bible Study Alliance, were transacting business class will meet Friday evening, Dec. in town last Friday Mrs Main and 18th, in the basement of the Alliance little boy favored The Herald office National bank. All young men are With a call to order the paper for welcome, and especially are the coming year. members requested to be present. Ladies, Attention One-third off SUITS and COATS at Simmons' Hats still on sale They must go. All our customers v know we don't keep any hats over. Our hats are all up-to-date stvles. Cut prices for cash. We have just received a tine lot or Fancy Aorl suitable tor Xinas presents Ladies' are un ited to visit our store before doing their Christmas shopping jk R. Simmons CLOSING OUT The present proprietors of the HIVE STORE have decided to leave for a warmer climate and will sell their Beautiful Stock of Xmas Presents and Household Goods at Practically Cost Price What Does This Mean? It means It means It means It means It means It means It means It means It means It means It means It means 6 cups and saucers for 50c Large Pictures for 42c Alger and other books at 10c lS off on all China and Glass l& off on all Enameled Ware -25c per lb. Candy at 15c per lb. 25c Mufflers for 10c 10 off all Toys 35c Mufflers for 15c White Laundry Soap 8 bars for 25c Heavy Enameled Slop Jars for 89c English Earthern Tea Pots from 10c Lamps of all kinds at cost 5c Cigars, 3 for 10c Popular Sheet Music, 10c BEE HIVE BEE HIVE Leading Variety Store MEETING OF LIBRARY BOARD On Wednesday evening, December 4th, the Alliance City Library board met, Kollowinjs are the minutes of the meeting: The Library board met in regular session. President Pnte presiding. MemLurs present, MeHdumes Row an and J oh u son, Messrs. I'ate, Hew itt and Stern. Minutes of previous meeting rend and approved The following report of the librar ian was read and approved. Circulation Average daily c in illation . Borrowers' cards issued Hooks contributed oooooooooooooooo o STR AS BURGER e oooooooooooooooo Harry .McMillan and son Ivan are hauling lumber from Lakeside. i 1 UTS 51 4! 20 i looks purchased 25 Pines collected 14. -5 Incidental expenses 5u on November -" was Introduced Cue story telling hour, with an at tendant - of fifty children the first Haturduy, and seventy-five Saturday la ibs Addie Robertson snd Miss Kelitermjrer kindly telling the stories. Tile following bills were audited : nd approved, and ordered paid: Librarian's salary $40.01) 4.00 l: L.Mircnce Meek, janitor service J. H. Diddle, janitor service leo, l fl human, payment bks I 08 .lolin Snyder, freight, druyuge II.77 ' A Nc . berry, Bkagjwtne and paper racks, etc H8.75 Mrs Nellie Wilson, incidental expenses 50 J. J. Vance, ceimni work .... I ISO City of Alliance, lighting fix tures and labor '.'4 01 Olivers Hook Diiiding Co.. books and freight nMI Total I2H7.76 I'pou motion by Mrs. Itownn, sgs indecl by Mr. Hewitt, librarian was ins1 1 in i- I to send to the Waldorr bindery all books that need rcbincl ing. lifts, w w johxson. Bee Dick Waters and wife returned to Alliance from (he west Friday noon. Superintendent Ci. L. tirlggs was in Alliance ou business the last of III . pit. We regrei to learn that Dr. Bchlal ter and his estimable Wife are going to leave us. Mrs. Corner Schlatter is a southern lady, who loves the country where the pecans, oranges and magnolia blossoms are. Who does not? We all look forward to the time Wben we can hear the sermons of lie v. porter. Ur. rorter is a man Wbo hits convictions, and a desire to live up to these convictions. He combines a clear head and a warm heart, a rare combination but a rer) I good one. I The ladies of the 1 Strashurgcr church are going to have a bazaar nt the school house Saturday, Dec. 14, from 10 to 4. The poster an- nouuees that "there will be u lunc h ; counter running all day." Come and sue it. I'd prefer to have my lunc h counter, however, stand still. The' ladles have been very busy, and : nfhde a great number of beautiful things. Now is your chance to buy 1 nice sensible Christmas presents and help a good rinse, too. Dr. A. C. Henoch from Chicago ac- compauied John li Strasburger to: the wild and woolly west. They were much favored in having in i their POCflpanj Mrs John G KsaslW, who returned from Cleveland, Ohio, where she had been visiting her daughter and son, .Mr. and Mrs ' Sampson Wright. Dr. Hchoch was so much pleased with Sheridan coun- i ty that he decided to become a Kin- Judder. Consequently he purchased . the improvements and furniture, etc- , of Mrs. Comer Schlatter, and filed agon the section adjacent to hi rag burger. Dr. Henoch Is an excellent surgeon aud physician. We give him the glad hand. C.OODK OLDK BOY. Dried Fruits One of the most noticeable changes in prices of groceries is to be found in this staple line of goods. Evaported Apples fancy rings, ere 1fJ selling I year ago for 20c per lb., now 1 UC Apricots, fancy selling I year ago for 25c per lb. , now - - . - lC Peaches, choice grade, per lb 12c Peaches, fancy grade, in 10 lb boxes, per box $1.30 Prunes, fancy, large size, per lb 12' .c Prunes, fancy, medium size, in 10 lb. boxes, per box $1.25 RAISINS, BULK Fancy Loose Mu sea I Is, per lb 10c Fancy Unbleached Sultanas 12c Fancy Bleached Sultanas 15c RAISINS. IN PACKAGES 12 oz package. Fancy Seeded, per pkg 12c 16 oz. package Fancy Seeded, per pkg 12 16 oz. packaSe Seedless, (not a seed) 15c When in doubt as to the brand of ioods you for (JAgKTY Canned Fruit and Vegetables, ('HASH a SANMOKNS Teas and Coffees, VICTOR Spiers, K truets and Flour. YOUR TRADE APPRECIATED Alliance Grocery Co. I IS