The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 05, 1912, Image 5

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Greatest invention ever made in welding
Welds Perfectly
Cast Iron, Steel, Aluminum,
Brass and bronze
We have the only Autogenous Welding
Plant in Northwest Nebraska. With
this process we will weld your
Broken Automobile & Machinery
Parts and Guarantee All Work
Saves Machinery Saves Time Saves Money
1 14 West 2nd St. Alliance, Nebr.
pi Will you help? Just send the
L coupon and Sunshine will come
II 2fe . a. .
to you where it comes, it stays
ooSE -Wiles Qiscuit (p mi-ant
HakerM uf Sunmhinm Aiirnia
njfSWw !
Loone-WiU. Biscuit Company
Omaha, Neb.
Plus send in FREE "Surprise
of assorted Sunshine Biscuit
Nam .
I! Grower Name . . -
We iff pleased to Insert in thin
lue of The Herald nn ml ve-rt is'-nicnt
for Koae-nkrnni ft Km, the blink
smiths, a n mm n cine the Instnllallon
In thlr shop of an Xiite-teiiou-
welding plant Welding by this new
process is remarkable ul ox
er the old methods Some kinds of
work Can he done successfully thai
cannot he touched hy any other
mat bod, ('rucked automobile cylin
ders and other expensive pieces of
machinery thnt would otherwise
have to be thrown into the scrap
pile enn be repaired and made as
good as new We are especially
pleased that one of these plants
has been installed in Alliance, thus
having, done in this city work that
would otherwise lie sent to Denver
or other largo cities
- ' ' "
$100 REWARD, $100
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there Is at
least one dreaded disease that scl
ence has been able to cure in all
its Stage, and that is (litarrh.
Hull's Catarrh Cure is the only pos
Itlve cure now known to the medi
cal fraternity. Catarrh being a con
Btttutioiinl disease. requires a con
stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is taken internally, acting di
rectly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system, thereby de
stroying the foundation of Ihe ills
ease, and giving the patient strength
by building Hp the constitution and
assisting nature in doing Its work.
The proprietors have so much faith
in its curative powers that they of
fer one hundred dollars for any CAM
that It fails to cure. Send for list
of testimonials
Address F .1
ledo, Ohio.
Sold by all druggists, 7,'ic.
Take Hail's family Pills
Advert isement
Cheney ft Co., To
for con-
Hon. John 11. Strashurgcr returned
the lore part of Inst week from his
eastern trip, accompanied by Dr. A
Clarence Bchoch of Chicago They
were in Alliance Friday and la wired
The Herald witli a very pleasant
call. Alter inspecting the country
around St rnshurgei . Sheridan county.
Dr. BchOCh decided to locate in that
community and accordingly entered
a claim lo a section of I'ncle Sam's
land, upon which he will take up his
residence within the next six months.
He returned to Chicago, leaving Al
liance on 42 Friday night, expecting
to come back to this country next
a. i.
New Hair Treatment
We now- carry the new discovery
for the hair, Mcritol Hair Tonic,
compounded hy the American Prim
and Tress Association, We will lie
pleased to have our customers
it a trial We are nuthorlz d to
guarantee it by the assori.r ion, to
which we belong. F. I llieiniaii.
Advert ii ment 52-4t
Delia WatSOn, ol The Herald force,
visited over Thanksgiving and the
l;:-d of the week with her paronts
near lleniingford
If N. W'orley left Saturday night
fir Omaha, intending to go from
there to Iowa points and probably
into northern Missouri to purchase a
bunch of full blood Hereford hulls to
ship to Alliance, part of which lie
will use on his own ranch and sell
part of them. Mr. v.'orley and other
leading ranchmen of this section be-
: lieve it will pay to improve the
bred of cattle in this country and
will go to considerable expense tor
that purpose. C. K. ClOUgh is one of
the other Hereford men who will do
j t he same.
The Skin and Not the Blood
UhUI recently it has been a gen
erally accepted theory that eczema
was a disease of the blood. Bclen
tlftc investigations have taught us
that eczema is positive!) a skin diS
use and curable through the skin
atone Meritoi Kcema Remedy is
applied directly to the diseased skin.
I the effect Is marvelous and its re
suits permanent. Do not delay trj
ing Meritoi Kc.i ma Keim-dv. !'
, Advertisement M tt
- - o
V. M. Kobinsoll, of Omaha, man
I agei of the piano department of the
firm of Orfcln Brothers, who has a
branch Store in Alliance, was ai his
! ranch over Thanksgiving He has
two ranches about fifteen miles
northwest of Alliance and makes his
Inline there.
Mr. itohinsnti le conducting a big
sale of pianos in Omaha and states
I thai business has been very good
there The local branch, managed b)
Mrs. .1. T. Wiker. reports several
' very good sales lately.
Miss Delia Held, county superin
tendent, who fell and broke her
Wrtal last nwk, still find It nece
ary to have npllnln on the injured
arm but ntate that It Is now getting
much iM-tter. Bhe slipped on an Icy
Sidewalk lat we-ek and In falling
brok one of the bones in the left
She has continued to give steady
attention to her official duties and
the accident did not Interfere with
dfl work
A New Discovery
Otic of the sensations of the,
twentieth century i Mcritol Rheu
matism Tenders. A boon lo ev. r.v
sufferer. The bos! known remedy
for rheumatism in nil its forms. Am
those who have tried it. K. .1. Br n
Advert isi men! fil'-tt
We have only a few of the Well
Chnitt (maps) left which we offered
a a premium to subscribers to The
llernld. We want every ubcrlber
who Is entitled to one of these to
have- It before they are all a;onc
Will e'Vcry subscriber who Is entitled
one of them, hut who ha not
yet rccedved It, kindly notify us
IMMKDIATKI.Y? We ate now mak
ing another premium offer and can
not promise to furnish any of the
maps after the- present small SUPpI)
has been exhausted
Famous Stage Beauties
In addition to the civil sen h e ex
smtnatiOUS already announced In for
mer Issues of The' llerahl, the fol
lowing have been announced to take
place in Alliance on the dates nam
December 11, 1912
Scientific Vssistant in ChoeSl Mak
ing (male), salary $1,010 per ve-nr.
December 11-12. 1912
Agricultural Inspector (male), sal
arles $1,200 to $l,4tu per1 annum, to
fill vacancies in Philippine islands.
December 16. 1912
Lithographic Map (Engraver (male)
salary 11400,
December 27 28, 1912
Bducatloual Position Philippine
Service, salary II ,$00 per annum
with advancement to $1,900 and $:!.-
000 as superintendent.
December 30. 1912
foreman of Laundry ttualei, sal
ary $1,200 per annum. diiiinisl ra
ti ve Assistant in (Same Preserva
tion Onalel, salary $2,500 per annum.
Drives off a Terror
The chief executioner of death in
Hie winter and spring months Is
pneumonia. Its advance agents are
colds and grip. In any attack by
one ol these maladies no time should
be tOSl In taking the best medicine
obtainable to drive it off. Countless
thousands have found this to be Dr.
King's New Discovery. "My litis
band believe it has kept him from
having pneumonia three' or font
times." write Mrs. Henrge W.
Place, kawaoavllle, vt.. "ami for
COUghS, colds ami roup W have nev
er found its equal." Guaranteed for
all bronchial affections. Trice 60cts
and $1.00. Trial bottle tree at Tied
B, Holsten's.
d eit Isement M it
Playgoer will be interested te
know that the company which op
ens at the Thelan opera house start
ing tonight Is headed by two music
al comedy stars who have toured
this state uia ti v limes. Thev are
John B. Frank and Miss Nellie Wal
ters wlio featured in the "District
Leader" and the "Flower of the
Ranch" so successfully. Miss Watte!-
closed th' season just passed
at South Mend, Intl., With "The Cat
and the Fiddle" in which she WM
ft attired strongly, and Mr. Frank
was with "The- Golden Girl" all last
season playing John Cor! Time in
I In West. Ft .V slock
are so fortunate as lo
stars like Miss Walters
Frank. The opening play
three ai t musical comedy
night at the Th'-lan opera house,
with four high class vaudeville acts
change of play every, night- during
this engagement
. .. ...
look with hofTOr on skin e-ruptlons.
blotches, sore's or plmplos. They
tldin'l have t he-ill Fen- all such
trouble s use llm klen's Arnica Halve.
It glorifies the face. Kxe-ellcnt fnr
eeema on- salt rlie'iim, it cures sore
lip, chapped bauds, chilblains; heals
burn, cuts and bruises. Unsurpass
ed for piles L'."n a I Fred R, Hoi
Advert laesssni l$-4!
Announcement was made at Wash
ington last Sunday by Ihe American
Pence society of the designation ol"
December 15 as "Pence Sunday." in
accordance with a custom which has,
prevailed for more than twenty years
churches and Sunday schools through
out the country will on that day be
called upon to emphasise the barbar
ities of war and the- growing move
meOtS toward a world court and in
tei national peace The Herald nOPM
to see the day duly ohseTvcd In Al
liance and other places in this part
of Nebraska.
Foil Foul Plot
When a shameful plot exists be
tween liver and bowels to cause ills
tress by refusing to act, take Dr.
King's New Lite Tills, and end such
abuse ef your systeun. They gemtly
compel right action of stomach, liver
and bowels, and restore your health
and all good feelings. 2'ic at Fred
k Holsten's
Advertisement "i J - 4 1
Mrs Julia T. Heion, of Alliame.
known to her many friends as
"Grandma Itoon", spent Thanksgiving
al the ranch near Cleinan with B.
Men SO Boon and "the hoys". It
was a big family gathering ami one
te be remembered a long time.
Since' the- extraordinary Christinas
offer of The Herald was made in
the last issue new subscribers have
been received In great numbers and
, old subscribers are paying in
vance to get the Inter Ocean
The Farm and Home', with the
Xinas package of (16 pie-re.
Hms is short and you should
a 1 1 v .Ullage
made here
of t lie except iolial ot ! r
Read The Herald'
offer on page 2.
big premium
Mails close at the Alliance post
office ae follows. Mountain time:
offer t.wo
ami Mr
will be a
drama to-
East Bound
11:1(1 a. in. for train No. 44.
11:00 p. m. for train No. 42
West Bound
LS.M p. !- for train No. 4$.
11:00 p. in. for train No. o
South Bound
12:20 p. m. for train No. 30:r
11:00 p. m. for train No. 301.
On Sunday and holidays all ulght
ma; Is cloBe iit $.'0$ p. m. Instead of
1 1 00 p in. I it A B. TASH. P. M.
.1 en Vf ; ; , . v
IM W 0 12 er 16 GAUGE
Mi Id riU Repeating Shotgun
KJI I !u J .J.ll. -Tl ,1 . .... . a
Mf mid. rfrcuvi-irpMl them Rata. Jn-e, Maw aedfea nua-i ,-aa I are into the aceioa.
Thr nrrhamuD , erua. unpLr, wrar raaiMai The eVxibla ritiannn puff atw-U iaalaally two irn,l mint
..r,-,,, , mr.u.i iimimf a. lion t uhkk 1,1, im ii aul.jmftbr in .,1 h , k mai'i Kan h,. ki,nL.
All Maiknt air auoagly maoV. tarlv balanrnl. a.ruralr. hard hilling ui. and err ihr Qui tru and MM lo tale
Jews aad clraa Uluatrauaa thow, M irl 24 iiaoV "A" 12 tause ; 11 ha all tha fratutea aMMM loea prrfeci sure.
Sea three (taanpt poitife tod., fee ear catslef ajeacrikinvf Ike fall fflurn
Ae 77arjn rearms Co
I J Willow Street New H. C.aa.
One Hundred Dollars
any case of Catarrh
be i-ured by Hall's Ca-
We offer
Reward Bos
thin cannot
larrh Cure.
F. .1. CIIKNKY K CO., Toledo, O. ;
U e. the undersigued, have know n
V. J. Che-iiey foi the last 15 years,
and believe him perfectly honorable
kj ail bnsinsnM transnei iem aud b j
iiauciully able to carry out any oh
ligulions made b his firm.
Tolsdo. o.
Hall' Catarrh Cure i taken in
'eriitilly. acting directly upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of the
system Testimonials sent free. Trie
T.'i ce-nis per bottle Sobl by all
Tata- Hall's Family Till -for con
stipat ion
Aelv e-rl iseiueiit
An Ideal Christmas Present.
are making end
Stamped Memo
Take advautaue of th.- following
special offer we
Genuine Steel l)ie
gram SMaw ioil )
We will stamp in gold any single
initial r any MOMBran of I We
initials, style shown at the lle-r-altl
office on one ejuire i 24 sheets I
of high iuality mt-u fhsisb paper,
and furnish 24 euveltpeM I not stamp
ed) t,i tuaicii, put up in an attrac
tive box. appropriately covered with
a Holiday design ami tokcludtng; a
twee color sit el die ntamped Xmas
gift card, for tin cnt.
Alliance. Nebr.
an Ot
Ad vert isement .
Could Shout for Joy
"I want to tiiauk you from the
bottom if my heart," wrote ('. H.
Rattar, of Lew isburg. W. Va . "lor I
the wonderful double beuefp i Kot :
from Kleitric Hitters, in curing me1
of both a severe case of stomach
trouble and of ism. from j
which I had been hii almost helpless
sufferer for ten years. It suited my j
case a though made just for HM "
Fetr dyspepsia, indigestion, jaundice.'
and to rid the syste-tu of kidn
poisons that cause rheumatism, CI,
trie Hitlers have no superior Try
them. Rverj buttle I guarantied to I
llatitafy. Only U Cdmta at Freel K.
Vdvertisemelit 52-4t
Are You Afflicted with Piles?
This disease, whether acute Or
chronic, is easily and rapidly over
come by using Mcritol Tile Itemed? '
eiives positive and permanent relief!
when all others fail, aud v.e heartily i
recommend it to any sufferer.
Advertisement H 4t i
It para to reload your eheHel Ymir finpty tired nkettn arr thr rxpen-ave
frati ,f factory swim amid Ion. Th- v'ri- atronsj ami sorv! a nrw, ami il's
rsy t r, liiad! Met h- dr-CSS and rea -li, It. htartt fmmdrr . nimp shrll
on to hull. t. You o load tnei .ss tn S. R. rartridr. ( Buying tenVtn) in !J
hour at total rxpri'sr "?'. : rusting tintti U voirnrH SSc.; nrw factory
farlridK Coal tt.&t. Free Mi ul Hand H. nW trll all ahmit rrloadita all
rilTr, pi-t.-, and tir-t(rnn atnmiiiiitioii : letn parrs of va'iialdr information
frrrfor S tamps postage. Thr Martin Firearms Co.. it Willow St.. Nrw Haven, Conn. ,
Removed with MOUSOf F, without pain or danger, no matter how targe
or how far raised above the surface of the skin. And they will neve
return and no trace or scar will be left. MOLESOFF is applied it
rectly to the MOLE or WART, which entirely disappears in about six
days, killing the germ and leaving the skin smooth and natural.
MOLESOFF is put up only in One Dollar bottles.
tick battta is ttieirttt pestesid in itctist ut rici. it neatly packtdl i a plaia casa. ac
csmtaaiei by 111 ttractwat. an caataias tsuk itmalt la tssiatt sitkt r ta sitiaaii MOHS
at WARfS Ws sell ktOUSOH sei a letttide GUARAHItE if it fails t imee yaut SOUS at
WART mi will Bdaaptlt 'atumJ the dollar Letters hem we all kaae. tftkr with :k
talaakle leteraatieo. will k am led free apet reevest
Ple3sVRd int'iitum this
Lanpor wlien w.t i ujj
(Juaiaiiti-e-t! by t I Klu. DtntribuUsafi Co. mule
I 't un
I Vti.sacolu, I'ltiiiila
Ai t. June UO, V06. Se-iiiil No. J.'ti.'i:;.
the FihmI