The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 05, 1912, Image 3

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    Progressive Women
Demand Admiration
For the fight ihejr sre wrag
ing against Influences that
tend to demoralise the home,
From time immemorial they
have been the i r i m e
movers in home building
From our experience tow
homes arc bnlH in which
woman dot's not have a
head, end when it cotnee to
selecting lumber it dpee not
take them long to eee the
s;iing in the carpenters
labor hill by supplying him
with nice, smooth lumber
that comes ready to be
nailed on. The modernly
equipped mills, from winch
we buy our lumber, pride
themselves on smooth, high
grade stork, and the finish,
flooring, ceiling. siding,
casing and base we handle
certainly justify I careful
comparison by any home
builder who wants the most
for his money. Come in ami
see it.
"There's No Place Like Home'
Forest Lumber Co.
1610-5-21 Advertisement
See me before you build.
I can do your work anil
save you money.
Plans & Estimates Furn
ished Free.
Mrs Ally Hr Hnd children UN mov-
InK letS town Mil week
The Mlnne ( endollne nnd Nora
Johnnon were . --. -?- i - to '.Milliner
ClmrleH llushnell w at tending to
business matters at Alliance Mon
Mart and Utile Hon
on M for their hone
Mrs Ben
left Tuesday
at AJIIssce.
West Florida Lands
Small farms, improv ed and un
improved, easier terms to pur
chasers than rent, crops grown
all the year round. Oranges,
r cans, tigs, corn and cotton.
Healthy climate; tuberculosis,
asthma, catarrh, rheumatism, all
disappear here. Large bodies
of fine timber lands. Excellent
mill sites, subdivisions to the
deep water city of Pennsacola.
Ask us questions, the answers
are FREE.
darter Land Co., Pensacola, Florida
Advertisement irGH -4s-lo't
Mrs. Holla Johnson was an Alli
ance visitor Monday, point' down on
David Scott' came In from Ion a
Monday for a visit with Ills grand
mother. Mrs. MelMunkey.
Fred Mellck returned Sunday from
a few days' business trip to the
eastern part of the state.
(ieorge Maker returned Sunday
from a two weeks' visit with old
friends in Vermont.
Miss Bits DslilSf H in em
lug pnsenuer on 19 Sunday from Al
liance. QeOfgS Walker and t'amii: left
Thursday for a few weeks' visit with
relatives In Missouri.
Miss Delll Heed of Alliance
spent several days the last of the
week visiting the schools In this part
of the county.
Miss Katie Kremont h was SO in
coming passenger Sunday from Alli
ance, going out to leo Moller's for
a few- days' visit.
Kd Stciiicl loaded nil car Wednes
day and left Thursday for his tie,
home in Wyoming. Mrs. Steigel and
children will visit friends here un
til after Thanksgiving before they
Hell Marl moved his household
BOOd to Alliance Thursday. Mr.
Mail tnd Mr. Bacon eecb took a
lOSd down tor him. They expect te
make their home at Alliance for the
winter ami will go on their home
stead in the spring.
Miss Opal Maloon, who has been
agisting wiili the bouse work at
the home Of Mrs. K. A. Clark, lert
on 1': Thursday for bet home in
Bootb Dekots.
Mr. and Mrs. l-'ivd .Welatnl and
children rcturmd Friday from Coun
cil Muffs, ktWS, whore they have
bees for the past few weeks visit
tSjg Willi Mrs. Neelalld'w mother.
Mr and Mrs. Krnest Kinsley left
on 44 Monday for their home at RaV
vennn. They came up Thursday to
attend the funeral Sunday of Mrs
Kensley's mother, Mrs. Thorpe.
Miss Blanche Humphrey, who has
bees clerking in the Bushnell store
for the past few months, left Tues
day for her home at Vantasel. Wyo.
Miss Humphrey made many friends
during her short stay here who will
regret very much to see her leave.
The Portrait Habit
Habit is acquired.
Some will appear before
our camera regularly
others, less mindful of
their friends, only at
lon,u intervals.
Get the Habit
and come often
Alliance Art Studio
114 E. 4th Street
First Door South of Post
office Memingford, Nebr.
V ' I kMIl
vf '
Make your Christmas Gifts
Attractive at Our Expense
Regardless of the size or value of the Rift itself, wrap it in in a neat paper, put
on a few Xmas seals and Xmas stamps, inclose a pretty gift card, and attach a fancy
tag or express label. It is quite the thing to do the practice is growing year by ear.
Besides, it adds a lot to the holiday sentiment. Perhaps you have priced these "fancy
fixings" in the tores and found them "too expensive." If not, price them now. Then
you will fully appreciate this liberal offer.
A 226-Piece Assortment Free
To Every Subscriber
Each piece is distinctly designed and colored, beautifully embossed on fine white
stock and fully equal in appearance and, quality to the "very best'' subjects offered in
the store at "those high prices." Here is a comprehensive assortment, a variety to
meet tvtry want and large enough for the whole t amity's use. It contains:
6 Large Cards
8 Medium Card
10 Small Card
25 Large SeaU
10 "Do Not Open'
50 Medium SeaU 15 Pott Cards'
50 Small SeaU 6 Large Tag
16 Stamp 8 Medium Tag
2 Christmas Folder 10 Small Tag
Stickers 10 "Merry Christmas" Stickers
We have tried to realize eerv.vaiit of our readers in this assortment to make it
complete and of die best quality. We have given a great deal of thought to a balanced
variety, even Including Xmas Pott Cards, so that you may "remember'' those to whom
; ii will not send itt. It is with great satisfaction that we offer this assortment to
our readers, realizing that not only the quantity but the quality will favorably impress
every recipient that every one who receives this package will be more than satisfied.
The Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer
Is the only weeklv published by a great Chicago Daily. Thus the special advantages
in securing and printing important world's news are clearlv obvious. From both Tur.
DAILY and Till Si NOW editions of Tin Iviir Oct. an', which is acknowledged to be the
ablest edilrd publication in the West, the cream of editorial thought has been selected
t PHI YViimv INTER OCEAN INO FARMER, When you add the special features of its
own various attractive departments mhi will realize and appreciate t lie big HMMttjr'a
Worth given in each issue Of Tui WllaX INTO OCIAM AND FARMER at its regular sub
scription price of ii a year.
Farm and Home
.Is puM'slicd twice a month, 24 issues a y;jr, of from It to 48 large pages; chock-full
bf Information anil suggestions wViich you wilHind nowhere else. It deals with every
thing of interest to the Housekeeper, Farmer, Gardener, Fruit Cirower, Dairyman, l ive
Stock and Poultry Keeper. Each issue lias several special articles by well-known
w l iter- about the farm and how to make it pay. A year's subscription will Include the
big Poultry Annual isue, printed in February, which alone is worth the entire price of
the whole year's subscription. Every one who has or ever expects to have poultry
should be sure to get the Poultry Annual.
Pit ( "
I 2.A
The Alliance Herald, 1 year
The Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer, 1 year
Farm and Home, 1 year ....
Big (226-Piece) Xmas Package
Total Regular Price
voi are already a subscriber any one of these publications your tin:? will be extended
one Jul! year from ti. .fate of your present expiration.
Address all orders and make all remittances payable to
Alliance, Nebr.
It Can Be Relied Upon
The American Drug nnd Press As
sociation authorizes its member to
taurautee absolute!.. Meritol Hair
Tonic. It has no equal. It is a
wonderful retiKHly A trial will con
vince you. P. J. llrennan
That simple remedies arc iiest has
aKttin been proven Harry Thiele.
1'ruKKi'. reports that many Alliance
people are receiving yi'K'K benefit
trout simple buckthorn bark, jjiycer
me, etc., us mixed iu Adler i -k.i. the
German appendicilit. remedy A SIN
OLK DOSK helps sour atouisV b, gM
OB the stomach and cuustipatiuu IN
aTANTI.V becaus!- thi.- impl) mix
ture antiseptttUts I lie digest i , u - ami draws off the impurities.
Many Alliance People Have Found
This to Be True
Are you wretched in bad leather?
Does every cold settle on your
Ikes your back ache and become
Are urinary passages irrepular and
These symptom.- are cause ti mis
pct kidney weakness.
Weakened kidneys ueed quid help
Doau's Kidney i'ills are sjapeciall)
prepariMl for wtakeiied kiune.vs
Alliance people recommend them.
Mrs. L. A Henedict. Swe 'water
Ave.. S Alliance, Xebc. sa "Koi
several yars 1 have used DflM'f
Kidney l'ills mid eonsider them an
excellent kidney remedy Durins the
winter months my kidneys become
disordertd but I always procure a
supply of Moan's Kidney fills at Hol
steti's drut; store and they drive
away my trouble. (loan's Kidney
l'ills have been taken by other mtMU
hers of my family and have broaKh'
gTMtt benefit. I highly recammend
this remedy to other kidney suffer
ertf ."
For sale by all dealers l'riee 5
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., lSuffalo
Xew York, sole agents for the Unit
cd State.-
lvcmcuiher the name -lKan'--ani!
tnkc no other
. " . m Is fell
Adv el t iKCIllcnt
Tile priMMii exact valuo of ko!I
i 9-i7 1 i3442ft323 per fim ounce,
at rordiuK to the computation table -of
the I'll tt.-tl States HeoloKIcal Sul
vey and the Hureau of the Mint. The
u' r.u. eoiuiiiert ial price of silver
in Mil BTfta MBta per fin ounce
-that's one thinjj vou are
looking (or iu these davs
of high living cost Calumet insures a wonder
ful saving in your baking. But it does more.
Iunsures wholesome food, tasty food uniformly raided food.
C alumet is made right to sell right-to bake runt. Ask
one o( the millions of women who use it or at.k few grocer.
World ! Pur Food Exposition, Chicago. IIL
Pari Expoutioa, Fraatca, March, 1912.
You don't sae mnntu when uju Av hrop or it-ran halting Douulei
Don 'l bo mm' J- Bjy Caiumet. Il i m-re rcummiim more whulttomt
five bat result- Calumtt is far tuptriur to tm.r m. 'k and soda
Try a Herald Want Ad
Shop the Easy
Way by Telephone
Thousands of housewives all over 'the
state make the wires tingle to store and shop
every day.
Telephoning is the convenient way to
shop. Just a few words every morning and
your day's shopping is done.
The Bell Telephone brings the stores to
you, making shopping a pleasure, whereas it
used to be burden.
Most everything you want you can get
here, but occasionally you'll wish to Inquire
RbOUt rice1 in other towns, and then you'll
Bnd the long distance telephone necessity.
Vou ean talk nearly everywhere over the
M Bell."
Nebraska Telenhnne Hn
"HcU System"