jlUANCE jfcRAU) 10HM W, tiiomas. Bdttor Published every Thursday by The Herald Publishing Company. Incorporated LLOYD C. THOMAS. Pres Tress. P. A PIBRSON, Vice Pres. JOHN w THOhAB, Bee'j Entered at the pOStOfflOS nt AM ance, Nebraska, for transmission through the niallB as second-class matter. Subscription, $1 60 per year Id advance. The circulation of this newspaper Is guaranteed to be the largest In western Nebraska. Advertising rates will be furnished on application. 6ample copies free for the asking. TMS PAPER REPREStNTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING BY THE GENERAL OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIFS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 191! MARRIED Mr. Henry VV. Schutle and Miss .May B. Piercy WN man-led the ev- enlng of November 25 th si the home of .Mrs. T S BfOWn on Yellow Hione Avenue, lli v A L Codfroy official lag. The wedding CUM as a surprise to the bride's friends, who had BX- ted it later but nut at this lime. Tho groom, Who formerly liv ed In Alliance and in now living at Sedalia, Mo., where they will make their home, arrived the same day from the east, lie is employed as h hoilermaker at Sedalia on the Mis souri Pacific line. The couple left on Hie midnight train for a honeymoon trip, ending up at Sedalia, wliioh will be their fu'urc home. The bride will be missed at tin- telephone office in Al liance, where she was employed and where she has been a wry efficient operator. mention His paper. In answering advertisements please Read The Herald's big premium offer on page 2. AT THE A CHURCHES io Qjoto.aonoToims EPISCOPAL CHURCH Services 2nd. Ord nnd 4th Sundays of each month at 11:00 a m and 7:30 p. m. First Sunday In each month at 11:00 a. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 10:00 a in. Junior Auxiliary. Chapter A, meets every Tuesday nt 7:.';o p tn. .lunlor Auxil lary. Chapter B, meets nt 2:30 every Sunday afternoon. lion am Presetting, Coin mil h Ion Service. The subject whence the sermons for the morning services will he gathered during the next three mouths will be, "Ths Miracl,..- of Jesus." with the situ Of grasping their meaning as one of Christ's methods of teaching the principles of a true life. Dot. 1 The (laderene Demoniac. S The Nobleman of Capernaum. 15 The Story Of Blind Itartiiu.e us. 22 Th. liaising of Lawnus The rulfillment not the In struction of the Old II The Way of Lift. GKO. G. WARK, Missionary. Phone i'd. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. B Brown, Pastor Phone 710 10:00 a.m Sabbath School. 1 1 :00 a. m. Public worship 3:00 p.m. Junior Kndeavor 6:30 p. tn. Christian Kndea vor. 7:30 p tn. Public Worship 6:45 p.m Thursday, Bible classes 1:30 p. in. Thursday, Midweek prayer meeting-. Thanksgiving service this morning ai 10:30 a. m. Kev. Wltte will preach. ess CHRISTIAN CHURCH At the Basement 10:00 a.m. Blblfl school rallv. It: 00 a. in. Preaching, 7:30 p. m. Preaching. PRANK ALLAN WOTBN, Phono 75:. .Minister. t TAKE EXTENDED TRIP .1. K Snow and Maniel Dunn. Drom ill. nt ranchmen living ai Alliance, J lOfi for an extended trip to Los An geles, San Ik-lgo and other Call for Dit poiuis. TtltS dp uioraing. .Mr. Snow has relatives living in differ OB1 parts of California and will doubtless make a good, long visit. e TIERNAN DIES John Tiernan, S2 years of me and an old lOOMtOi Of Alliance, died at twelve o'clock Tuesday- The obitu ary will be given la the next edi tion. DEATH OF AGED PARENT CLOSES SUCCESSFUL REVIVAL MEETING Mm 4 Pee Watson Receives Ntws His Mother's Death of EVANGELIST F. E. DAY known in i:angelist y g. Day, of Lincoln. Wiitosu. I closed a very successful series of re vival meetings at the Christian church last tight and departed lor his home in Lincoln to spend Thanks giving with his family. J, T. Watson, battel Western Nebraska as Pets arrived in Alliance from Mitchell yessterday and remained until iliis m ruing. He received a telegram Tuesday from Council iUutfS, Iowa, informing him that his mother, .Mrs. Barab Wstaoo, died there Ifoadny uiUit. He w ired ba k insi met ions to I Thanksgiving. ship the rem :tius at his expense to Elder Prank Hemlagford, Nebr., for interment. KlrS. Watson was past tttOtj yesnt of ag.' She has a sou buried in the Hemlagford cemetery, and it pas Pete's tesire thai she bs laid t- p : there As this is written Wed 11 : --day evealag Ot can not give pa 1 t icul.irs of the funefal. li was .the remains would tali tThuradaj mora- B. H. Hageinaa, the singer, end his wife left for Seward lo spend their expected that arrive on 44 las Bister W k b Francis Li- 1. w ho w a - In ili nice lore last reprt sent lux s: bospltsl of Oread island. passed throogh this pit) yesterdsy on her stay to Bridgeport, Dal ton and Oth r tOWtt 3 .-iutii Sin- had is- it ( i Chaw ford mid Chadrot tad was Mian Woteii rennets that there have toon thirty-four .ui- ditloBS to the church. The meetings vers well ntteaded tad great Inter est was slow n. Bvaagellti Day sad Mr rlngetnaa and wife have done treat deal of goad during their stay here. Ni t Sunday evening ur i:45 a Christian Badeavor Society will be i rgani.-d. ll y .ig pi ople are in rlted to sttead. A fount People's Class will also be organised tn the Bib s hoel nexl Buadaj Services Will n. held as usual in the basement . is ev i r . lo A ill, cordial Invitation well pi used t tved ii tin- i the h ital. a aid to express of its readers by donations of ace ,, the assistance re ..a i: donation for I w i.lle.- The Her ;u-r thanks to IhOtt w ho k;nd! .is-ist .1 either cash or prod METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Olin S. Baker. Pastor Phone 90 ided JOE WESTOVER MARRIED Ai The Herald toes to press the following assjoenosinnni is re eired: "lr. and Mrs. B V. Il ppi h an nouuee the man : tge tf their daogfe ter. Pearl. lo ItOSph Lawreir Wstover. at their home. Iloadsy. Novesmaer - 1013. BtahvUlo, n--i raska Mr. Westovr is a v-ry pOp'jUr AM ante oung man. H piomiiunt number of the Klks. and a MSiahei Of 'he law firm of BaTStg I VVl i( over. They will rtilfT their tons in All tan 10: 0i a. in ftitdtj Si liool Hible Cltasas 1 1 00 a in. PubUe worship. 6:80 p m. Youag people's Bpvrorth League mreflnC Th U i !.-:' u .11 be Chtrlei Utstoa Buhject, "Beadtag pgrtt Ussssngers; Uwveloplaf Lean rt by Giving Met Bsspnnslhlllly and i CoastUuency." Mark 1:713; Baod. Il:t3-S3. T:30 p.Ot, Public wairsnip. Prayer, Blhle stady ami saolal hour, Wedaesdaj tveadag si 7 ::o. The doors of i his church are open M all people ai all service. A cor dial and home WStOBtte 'Xte!idtd lo all to worship with us. it aaj hate to other rharrb iioui in the sity see SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST lihhaih school u1 the reesssvact of Mr.-. PilkliiKton every Saturdav af ternoon at :: o'clock MRI JOHN PILKINGTON. Supt U. P. CHURCH 10 00 a lyessons. 1 I : (Mi a m 7:30 t.tB. tn. Sunday school. Graded Preecklag. Praachlaav Prayer meeting, Wednesday even in, nt 7:30 A L GODFREY, I'aator. Phoiie III BAPTIST CHURCH a. in Sunday school it. in. Public worship. p in B, V. P. V. 10:00 II :00 8:30 :;o p. in Public worship. Ladies' Hible class every Tuesday evening at church at 7:30. .Men's Hible Class meets on Wed nesday evening at 7:30. Mid-Week Prayer Meeting Thurs daj evening at 7 :;i GKO A. WITTK, Pastor. Phone 113. Ml iMMANUEL GERMAN EVAN GELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH Corner Yellowstone Ave. and 7th St. !:3o a.m. Sunday school. There will be a special service at Itamaaoel's Bv, Lsttherat churab next Sunday, Dee. I, comuienciiig at Hi: 30 O'clock a. m The Rev Kd Oeltehloeger of West Point, Nebr., a special representative of the home mission board of the Lutheran church, Nebraska district, will be with us and preach the sermon. All German Lutherans and all others who are Interessted in the work of our church are most cordially invit ed to attend. In the afternoon at 'J o'clock a business meeting of the congregation will be held at the church at which Rev. Oi lschloeger will also be pies cut. Bines this Lutheran congrega tion is still being supported by the Church as a mission and since the mission board is greatly interessted In its welfare and especially in the steady growth and progress Of tie congregation in the past few years and the promising future before it, it is tO bt expected and hoped thai all members of the congregation will be present to attend both meetings. On Monday morning Rev. Oelsch loeger accompanied by Bevi Lang will proceed to Heoilagford, where be Will meet the Lutheran congrega ' ion of thai community and from (here to Crawford aad Untt J'. O-, visiting the whole mission field of Northwestern Nebrasska, whicb is in charge of Kev. Titus Lang. German and English services Sl ternately Sunday evenings, upon an Qouaoetaent, Qonaaa-BagltSh parochial school from September to June, five days of. the week. TITUS LANG, Pastor 793 Niobrara Ave., pnooe 369, THE ALLIANCE HERALD ADVERTISING RATES Miss Marie Disiner left Sunday for a short vudt with friends in New Ooatle. Wyoming. Mrs. I B. Kniest entertained the Daughters of Isabella at a Kensing ton party Tuesday afternoon. Hrown and child 1 n yesterday Uj with relatives Mrs. A. went to Boottablaff spend Thanksgiving there. Thos. Higgins and side, have moved to wife, of Lake Alliance and hfevsj takt p parsonage rooms nt. the Catholi' J. W. Guthrie BDSdc a business t r i i to the North Platte valley and the UntOO Pacific territory the first of the wash, see Mrs. Margaret Triplet! will serve a special dinner to her many board ers this noon. Her guests will num ber about fifty. see Tell your friends about it, the won derful subscription offer now being made by The Alliance Herald, the greatest subscription offer ever made by a western Nebraska newspaper. W. K. CuttB, of Liugle. Wyoming, was in Alliance Tuesday and Wed nesdny pnrchsslng a carload of pota toes for The Lingle Supply Company. in which he Is a large stockholder. The attention of our lady readers is called to the Change in Miss1 Mary Regan s advertisement of the Btnch- ev stock of goods in this issue. Some rare bargains are offered in season able goods and it isn't probable thai they will last long. : It will be a favor to your friends who do not take The Herald, as well as to us. if you will tell them sboul the great combination subscription offer now being made for only a Short time. See particulars in the big announcement on iagc two of Section I. D? PRICE CREAM BAKING POWDER A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder Indispensable to best results saves worry saves work saves money aaves health saves complaints at table INTERESTING OPEN LETTER TO PARENTS Superintendent Weidenhamer Gives Advice Through The Herald Parents Should Heed CHILDREN SHOULD ALSO READ Supt. w. M. Weidenhamer sends The Herald the folic wing "Open Letter to Parents", which not only I contains a lot of gojd advtoo. but I contains a large amount of infertna I tlon Hint all our retdol'S, whether parents or not. will find very Inter esting, We hope every reader of this paper will rend it: An Open Letter to Parents I presume it is pretty well known I by the public Hint our company is and of of Itniken How, oike' of the s, terminated a Alliance Tuesday 'Live in and Let Live" Prices, Lower Proportion to Circulation than Rates of Most Newspapers EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 1, 1912 display Advertising First tUSCrt iOO, per Inch. eolUBUI measure $ .111 Subsequent Insertion, without change, per column inch .. ,Zk Kxira charge for preferred position Utd fee first insertion of tdvertlte meats containing difficult compos i bon. Reading Notices and Want Ads Bight point Ho man ieooMuoa read lag) type, five oeatl per line each Insert ion. No rending Dotlo ouat 11I less i htm two lines, '.lark face type, i" or II point, ten i. 'tits tier line each insertion. Kach id 01 It point bead liat Patent ed ss two lines; II point heed Bag (Hinted tht'e'- lln s Credit R3tes No tdverttstag account opened for less than Su cents. A;' tor less ban thai anioun' should hs paid for in advan c. Jcb Printing With Where e pr latins ouncction with adv 1 ave type selling, a ten Ul'-I be made rill-: HKitAi.n 1 'i ni.is 1 1 1 t ; en Advertising . ordsred in -iug so as 10 nimble reduc- in 1 lie price Pl'HLISHINt Mrs. .1. (1. Paint. 1 wife o the editor Broken How pa pet five weeks' visit in noon and left on 44 for home, she is the mother of Mrs. .1. CttT of ibis city and Miss Mini a Painter, sales lady at the Norton store The XmSS cards, seals, stickers, stamps, folders, taus. post cards, etc., included in The Herald special sub scription offer are up-to-the-minute stuff and are sure to pis 1110 you. See samples at this office or call up :'.!( and ask for a representative of The Herald to call on you. The following lawyers- attended court this week: County Atty. It. F. Williams, H. .1. Curtis and K. II. Hut ton of Oshkosh; S G. Heeler sad .1. 1 Halllgan of Krafts Platte; J. C. Sullivan of Hrok.cn How ; i'aye K. Williams of Bridgeport . and 'tys. Barker and Win. MltCtSUB of Alli ance Oshkosh Herald. m m if you mini taythlksg la the line of statiotHM-y. papeterles, printed sad ngreved cards, eic, you siiouid call at The Herald office AT ONCB and L-iivi your order. We can furnish you saythlag you want. If you give us pour order in t'tata. see ('. C. Smith retui-Keil lasi Thursday from VeteatiBo, abere lie was csWed :'s a witness in thi' trial of ;i couple of horse thieves. The horses were stolen several years ago sad brought to Alliance and sold. Tin evidence aviiiust ill.- two was so strong that tiny decided to plead guilty gad re ceive their ssotoarn without stand- lag trial. see Mrs M. Huff of Bdgemoni, s. 11.. (nil - down : Alliance on (J Tues- , day alght, returning the tot! day oa 43, accompanied by her two daugh ters whp have be n attending school at Bt. Agnes lAcademy. roe gtris will spend their Thanksgiving vaca jtion ni hODJOi returning 1 1 school h rc teat Mondffi trying by evt ry av ailable means to lessen the nUOsber Of opportunities for railroad incidents to occur. But it is not well known by the public that the persons most freiiiently lulled on the railroad are not e-i : seageta, not railroad employes, not persons having any legitimate busi nesss on railroad premises. i re fer to the fact , published in the re ports of the interstate Commerce t'oin mission, that about sixty per cut, or more than half, of all the people killed on the railroads of this I Country are trespassers men, sro- men and children vvlio have no right I to be on property of ttue railroads. I but w iio nevertheless jump on our 'cars, walk land not infrequently slefl)pl on our tacks and use our lriilis as thoroughfares. Every day about 1 1 oj these peo ple are being killed somewhere on the railroads of the Baited states, I or more are being killed this year. (0,000 have been killed in the la-t 10 years. This ts contoarabie lo the slaughter of war,- it is truly ap- 1 paling. Hut let me point out again thfst these pegpts had no right to j be on the railroads; they were tres passers, ahose presence on the prop I ertj vas ualsdful, snd for whose safety the railroads can not possibly j be responsible. 1 And who are these 1 who ate bains killed s ; credible frequency? Are BObOl s and bums" Net uk oas. only tell 1 respasters kflk d THING be done to stop killing (tippling children? It seems to me something CAN bo done. I feel that the parents of this city should be frankly told about the situation and their inter est appealed to in the matter of keep ing children away from the com pany's grounds, except when they tire legitimately called there. I regret that now and then some I an erroneous understanding that children are driven away from the tracks because they might pick up a little scattered coal or n few bits Of kindling; but I do not think that idea is general. We want to save our coal, but much more do we want to SAVE THE HOYS land the girls tool from MfTILATION and DEATH and to Save the parents from BORROW. Por this purpose I hope WO may obtain the co-operation of the officers, the citizens and of EVERY PARENT In this city. Un less we pet this, and especially un less parents do their duty in this important matter, eventually some one s boy or virl will pay the penal ty with broken limbs or possibly the loss of Ufa, This is not an appeal on the- raere fact that the laws should tw en forced. It is true that the law against trespassing, especially ires ptasstng by children, stronger than any law Are the legs and arms, and even the lives of little children too high a price lo be paid for what fun there may be in playin on the tracks or jumping on and off moving cars? Mothers and fathers, if VOL think so. that will be law enough; for the remedy is ire your hands, and you can prevent the maiming nnd killing of these little 1 ties wo one else can do it forbidding them from coining on railroad tracks and especially hxm Jumping on and off the cars. W. M WKI DUNHAM KK. Superintendent, (. R Ai U. by the POPULAR ALLIANCE TRAVEL ING MAN WILL MARRY t trespassers Hi such In they just all, b snj POT eut of tin are of the tramp cla Seventy per c; ni are repute- Harry Zi;kert and David Prow nar fBlletrorth wore 'he nasi week at the hemes sad Mrs. A K, Bails tad Bt Um J, H. Blddle, stvd t Rh til git BUgden in Alliance. The nun left on .' Sunday night zickcrt going to Chicago to The following are anions who attended court here this suuden ! w. T. McLaughlin sad Fred visiting! of Pawlett; ISen BkllOB, Hoy of Mr. and Hen Stephnse of K ickeil ;ilid Herman, Bd Cook, Willis 0 JasV oiing Mr spend the a la ter with his nether and take 1 course in vocal BSUSic, and Mr Sugilcii to Omaha for ths winter. Rrad The Herald's sfftr on page 2. big premium $$ GET WISE ADVERTISE $$ those week 1 Blank, Bkties ; .hike othler, John, Charles sad fames Murphy of Lakeside; Marlin Kochford of Klls worth; Oea Morgan, Bay Weatovor, .lack Hums. Chas. Tiernan and C, II Tuiiv of Alilaaoai Use Morse. Mr, Arnold and Kd PHeaterBstg of Bd' ward, and Sle riff New of BBBOVille, -Oshkosh 11 raid. Read The Herald's big premium offer on page 2. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE I bio people, many of them worklog an 11 going to or Ironi work WoU-tO- I do, rsspeoted useful cltlsens, TWEN TY PERCENT ARE CHILDREN UN DER 1 1 fEARS 01.H Today, soma where in this country, two Or three little children h.MVo been killed playing around tracks sad cars. So it was yesterday, so it will be tomorrow, and so it uv- rages day it tad day out nil the year round. The railroads and their employes are not relent to the sor- r v. QgUSed la thi way; on the cou- trsry, ihey sre doing aii they cat to avoid Hose the saddest of aii acci dents, There Is not a swltchmso in Our yard.-- who litis not time and 'train denionislud children against the danger tf jumping part, mi oas srho docs not dread the peer pi'-s-en' possibility of having to lift some broken little body from under tht car vvneeis. ii tnat we railroad no u tan do Shoal if. however. bj rgry tittle. Children Doatlate to come OVery day to our van!- to ptaj on the (racks, to hop on the strs, and all too often to ties-; wiili dis- satsf hecBaae it i ta possible for us to kei p theai all away or to keep an syt n ever one of them. Novv, it is bad em ugh to run over grawn up trcspassitt rs, but cannot SOME invitations have sen received number of Alliance friends of thur K. Brown, sn Alliance traveling man. for his marriage oa December lltli to Miss Winifred K. Kibln Hoary, Nebraatta. Miss Klhbe former school teat in r at Morrill. b raska, and the daugbti r of A Klbbe, a wealthy Henry mercliant and owner of Several western Ne braska farms sad ranch s. Tin- Invitations read ;is follows: "Mr. sad Mrs a p. Klbbe invito you to be present at the marriage or ineir uaugbter, WiaMred B., Mr, Arthur B, Browa, og Wedi daj evening, December nth, Bigot o clock, liilj. at Henry, b raska. gt hoasa sftar January 1818, Alliance, Nebraska." Mr Browa la employed by w nd Brothers : Clarke, the w hole Bale grocery cr Unooin. by a Ar- '. of is a Nc P to Mailt. Ita.v Mrs. Dr. Churchill r0C0Btl ri B ed B litter frost her mother, Mrs C, Rsstgnte, -viio had gone from Nee Vork to Na-aville. Tenn.. to spend the winter with her daughu r. Mrs 0- A Clark. Mrs Baetgatg enjoys Bfx tiding her winters in Teaaeesee, hBl duet SOt forget Alliance and Bog Butte eouaty, Nebraakg, where she has many frieads. Irs Wood K Milliken of MctJrew. Nt br . niadi a very pleasant visit at lie home of her mother, Mrs. C "all. in Alliance, from vVedlic. 01 net ones until Tuesday of w i. sin aas seootapgeiod by utile son, Bugene. D du this her R ;d Tht Heiaids offei on pacie 2. big premium