ClosingOut Sale I 1 . 1 - ansa tmmmmm C eta a 1 a i mm 1 -r . - a 1 em el ev mm - , I .J - V til t . v t- II i lie Limre oiuikcy oluik iiuw ijciiim suiu ai iiivihuiy Price. A splendid opportunity to save money on seasonable goods JW illinery $1,000 Fall and Winter stock. Retail price cut in two. $10 i)iv.x Hats for 6 Dress Hats for r. Dress Hats for 4-.75 2.25 2.00 All Children's Hats, formerly kf $1.75 and $2.25, to close at.. A Big Stock of Trimmings, Ribbons and Flowers at Cost Ribbon Special Worth IS to 2."c, all for, per yd., QC Velvets in all colors and black 75c values at . . . . 40 and 45c :2 values at. per yd. $1.00 Hosiery Children's 25c hose, now , 10c Children's 30 and 35c hose . 16 ami 25c Ladies' 50c ami 75c hose . 25c House Dresses 2 dozen. While they last, only 98c $ 1 . 00 to $1.50 ready-made Waists, to close out at 35c, 40c and 50c Tea Aprons and "2 C , C House Aprons.. loOOC W. B. Corsets $1.25 models, now $1.50 models, now S3. 00 models, now 75c $1 $2 Gloves Children's Mittens $1 Ladies' Silk Cloves 10c 60c Silko, per spocd .... 3c 4 skeins Pearl Luster . . 10c Embroidery Silk, per skein 4c 75c Ladies' Silk Cloves . . . 45c Long" and short chamoisgloves 40c LACES 60c Laces . . . . yd. 40c 40c Laces . ... yd. 25c 25c Laces . ... yd. 14c iSc Laces . ... yd. 10c ioc Laces .... yd. 5C All Edgings, per yd. 4c 25c Lmbroideries .... 15c Muslin Underwear $2.00 Princess Slips . . $1.00 1. 10 Skirts .50 75 Nightgowns ... .40 40 and 50c Children's Skirts .20 Outing gowns . . 60c to $1.25 (Notions MISS MARY REGAN, TRUSTEE Opera House Block Alliance, Nebraska mmmm W ' gauge UlCtFlUl Repeating Shotgun Madr I Mr out by ill depeftdabilily. TV taGd lop and nd rirctioa krrp g- and powtfet away ((am yuui ty; 1 sKS, rtrctivr repeat than Rin. tin-t. mow IMMM m.Urr ate I trtinlo ttw action ll.i mrc haniim It ilrixig. umplr, vrrar trusting Tlsr duubla rltraroirt Pujl any .lirll instantly : two Iprrial drvirr, prrvrnl accidental diurnalfe wf jlr actina it unlockrd. and an automatic rrcoil block m.kra bang niri hatmleaa. All Martina air altongly maoV. finely balanced, accurate bard bitting gum, and are the qui keM and eattrii lo taka dewc and clean. UluiUauoo thows Muriel 24 grade A 12 gauge ; it has all tba fratum ibat make lut a pcrfacl (urn. Sod Am .lamp. po.t.g today for our 136 'ir fflarii irrarm.s ( o pajr catalog de.cribiup (be lull artn hue. Willow Street New Have, Cans. It pay to reload your sheila I Vrxjl ......... Bred shrill ire tin expensive part nf factory nuiiiinllinii. Tin y're ;i- -liotijt and good al HW, and it a n-y t.. rrluadl Merely dc rap md r :i -lu ll, laser! pam&ct, i rrp mi to bullet. Yr.ii i load I'M) .M l S. R. rattrtggee (haying ballets) i" !5 ' al (OtJ eKttrnae TTc.J east't'f Millets ymtrv.ii a, : i w in u.ry i -,' I (at..) U..nk tell- all ril...nt r. !..a.iuK all I lin1emi ainrminilinn : twi ! varnaim- i.ii.inuaii.m, i Marliu Firnrms Co.. 4.' Willow M., .N. w Haw i,. 1 omi. A THANKSGIVING INDISCRETION By WILLIS BROOKS. M. lut lotllftd a "iiclnllon St n H i! by "tttt n who rilHlll n'l nrini'i' ill i n .tllon Is ilit- iHIrm thoy ! bOfM to do. Now ftHfj !n!" ihiii tmgata I in in la tiir tictat tin i mi turn, Si fut illtim r into TiifflfiltallTrfTf All v.a not iis IfJMl mm' 'oa. Aflt t ITa had I'fl ItH latila Pit hp wtiinfil ul tin' iin' nit Id . "!. tt mo out mi' cleat ft Dip i. i lile," Sn I t l l if. I hrt'p ho hrd TIikiukIi tin- (Ml to llM iillpy, I town tin. iiIIi'V 1(1 I ho atipcl Trwn xnys Itf. "I.p' ;o nn d tlly With I he lpIHe till key RMJMt." Any belt in the store - - 25c Needles and pins 4c 30 and 25c linen collars - - 10c Buttons, per dozen - - 4c 75c fancy hat pins ... 20c 50c pillow ruffling - - - 25c 40c fancy hat pins - - 15c 25c pillow fringe - - 10c Hairnets - 3C 35c pillow fringe - - - 15c ioc handkerchiefs - - 5C $2. 7 5 hand bags - - $1.50 Harrettes ... 10c 2.00 hand bags - 1.25 Jeweled back combs ' - 35c and 20c .75 hand bags - .25 THANKSGIVING. Hy CRACE M' KINSTRT. "TtfCRB Klad to be ItTtgtgj To loin in Thnnkagiving. I'n: holiday time who can match It ? t ut thoughts dark and murky A well ai the turkey Baa 1 frrr for S iflr, pi-lnl tamtis pontage Th Try a Herald Want Ad And let the cntn-berry the hatchet. Uo welroma AlUM II iimuii And t'ouKln Stisnnna Ai d all the kin tMalafl 10 dinner. Kor MMk "it"'" M ilt'uiaitt. A 1 1 I tiiius lit., llio HtgSMIi l .o n; i. in i.- ji-ii ii v. Inner. J I 'TWOUldB't plpnaed mo better If he Ast me to be presldunt. So in leas'n half a Jiffy We wua In a resterunt. "Now," Fnys pn. "go thrntiKh tho meenu, I' is in' nto the bill o' fare, "Order what you want." for ha knew I waa hungry aa a tear. First I ordered "tweet potatoes. Charlotte roosh nn' oyster fry. Fish. l-e cream un' stewed lomatoea. Apple, mince an' pumpkin pie, Turkey with a lot o' sturHn'. Then some thing! that I fernet, tit the waiter brought enough In. An' we et un' et un' el. Satn'dny t ie 'anetftMogl Listened for un hour to ma While she Klvo cm an oration Hnut reformln' me un' pn; Said that ever since ThanUsKivIn' We'd been happy well an' strong, So shn guessed Hint glmpla llvln' Would bo propel rlsht ulnng. NATIONAL PROCLAMATIONS. Washington Issued Two and Madison One Lincoln Fixed the Custom. Tnd llrsi TbaokaKivlug proclutuatioo I sailed ii prvsident o( thm Unlit siMifs tviis tliiit of Prtwtdcol Qaorge Wuiilngtoa Oxlng nt" , n'v. l'i;, 1781), us u day "to in- devoted by tba people f lb cm atntw to tbe aertrlct that greut mid glorlutu beinn win the benefloaOl nutlior of nil (lie Kinni tOMt wns. that is or that will lie." The occasion was the eatAblLabtuaut of the nit ion noder the constitution. kVrtaiblltjcton issued u second TbflDkl Kit mis proelaoMtton, uanlog tihu s day, i'i l. It), 1703, Maa a day of public tbnnk IvlDg und prayer." The OCCa sioii tills lime was the putting down of Mif. whisky riots In western Pennsyl ranla One of the things the first ptvaldwt enjoined I lie people to ask of God was to "preserve us from the ar rogance of prosperity and from hazard In;; the advantages tve en.h y by delu site pursuits." There Is uo record of any other tfeiiiikaglvluu pruclnnatloiia by IVaak lUKToil or rtny of bis sui egaaOfa up to the i Hue of .Mudison Tba nrcnatOH then was the alaXnlng ul the treaty of in-lit after the war of isi'.'. Tbtirg- day. .Ian I '2. I8I4V was the tla.v set aside for the "humble adoration of the jrreat sovereign of the universe." In another part of this same proclamation the Deity is gpokgO of lis "tbe Peneli cent parent of the liuinan race" '1 here were a few other autMgqlMai iresidential irociamaiious appointing th.inksKiviim days on grant and asp :ial occasions, bul it was A Inn ha in I. m coin who made our present national I'hanksijiviiia day a llxture by laauing annual proclamations. Look Over His Line Hanan, Edwin Burn E. P. Reed, and Sher wood Ladies tine Is the finest line shown west of Chicago by any retail dealer. Look Them Over Telephone Your Thanksgiving Cheer ThanksRivinK is a day crowded with pleasant memories of other years a day when we all long to be at homo. But distance and business cares keep most of us away, and so we turn to the tele phone to send our message a message that will give so much pleasure to the old folks at homo. On Thanksgiving Day the spirit of Good Cheer will Hash over the wires to hundreds of thousands of homes. Join the family group if you can, but if you can't there's the Hell Telephone, reach ing nearly everywhere.' Nebraska Telephone Co. "Bell System" MOLES AND WARTS Removed with MOLESOFF, without pain or danger, no matter how large or how far raised above the surface of the' skin. And they will never return and no trace or scar will be left. MOLESOFF is applied di rectly to the MOLE or WART, which entirely disappears in about six days, killing the germ and leaving the skin smooth and natural. MOLESOFF is put up only in One Dollar bottles. Each bottle is lorweided postpaid an receipt if price, is neatly picked in a plain case. C companita by M direction., aaa cealaini iioueh remedy It ifajaaj tiihl fl ten oidlnaiy MOLES or WARTS. We tell MOLESOFF under a positive CUMANTIE. if it fails to remove your MOLES If MART we will promptly refund the dollar Letters from personages we all know, together with much valuable infirmatian. will be mailed (tee upon request. I'lease mention this Florida Distributing Company paper when answering Pensevcola, Florida Guaranteed by the Fla. Distributing Go. trader the Food and Drugs Act. dune :tO, ltM. Serial No. 4rii:;;;. 18 ! 1 Cold Wavea and Dear Turkey. 1'roiii time LSeaBemoflsl there ha tM'i-ii a snyini; tlint it roltl Ttankagrirlng eve meant ilear tnrke.v .lust what ef fact gold went tier lias on turkey price has Barer beta ei pi a I pad, hut of raconi rwira the auparaUtlon hnn b?n con BrlBed at ItKlSl galf the time, for prices bare been bigii all the time, so that If hnnkcdvlng ee iiaiinenetl to tie void btdlgvora in the aaylug couhi join the "I told you so" chorus. Hut it the weather was warm Bttd pfit-'ga weie still hih-well. tlte less BtUd the heller It was hail enough to pay llie pfiogg wirhout hirllltH '"r I'eusou. Job's Turkey. NafMAf seems to know the oiiuin ol th phrase "n poor ua Joli's turkey." r.ut. inaamgjlng the rafefaocg la t the Ritrlkal .loh. there was one ailvaut.iue In lag) turkey s emaciation ut least to I he turkey He could tint lie killed f t T IUI Bill agiVigSj dlMBgl If I hi.- was the lime when Jnti had so many ImjIIs, how ever, it la safe lo say there was gg I'haiiksiv Log dinner. Antiquity of Thanksgiving. Not alone in New Knlam!. hut in New York, waa TagglajjIrlBg celehrut il ut a ver early day In New York, or New Netherlands, as it was then i 'a Wed. there are lei olds of ThalikKiv Ua proclamations in Q48 and IttA?, the lust meiilioiicd LlgitUJ - d by l elcr bun esiitit us tioveruor. Alliance Cleaning Works 4(:( Box Butte Ave. CLEANING, PRESSING, REPAIRING Only Steam Preaaer In the City LADIES' WORK'a 8PECIALTY Phone S8 Stanton & Stanton, Hgrs. BEGGING BY RAGAMUFFINS. LOCAL PARAGRAPHS Unuaual Feature of Thanksgiving Cele bration In New York. In aotue ways the celebration ot ThankFix Iiik In the metropolis la ahui'iir lo that In oilier purta of the Country fttt example, tbe New York er gtuffa h insclf with turkey and other tilings and feels only thankful because be ia full. In one aspect, however, tiotbaiu'a observance of the day ia distinctive. 'Ibis ia tbe ra'aiuutfi;; parade of the children Ihemselvea up in rues or in outlandish costumes, the little folks at a it out bet; gjlaaj pet. uies. rhudna doocbaltg, gW"! paaaaralpjr with gtocklBSja idled with Hour and pgrgdlgl tbloiih I he stieets in K'eat gpggaj lel by bands cousistint; of wash boilers, tin horns and almost anything else that will make a noise. Nobody seems to kiio how the cus loin originated, bag It is grBWUe from year to year Little is said ahout it in the BgarapapaH. but any one on tbe street on TteBBfcagTtWg eVsf ia apt to he made ueiuiuted with it. lie or she will he tot lunate not to lie slammed Bfgjf tiie hack with a Hour tilled slock m, Soii.e of the children's parades are reall.x ipiite elalnirale uffuirs. la-in the limit In the uiotcstjue and in boy autica. 3 laOUla Bauer lofl last Sunday morn inn for Hill City. S. I., his former boago, far a gaoatb'g visit with friends. a a a Mrs II W Martin, wife of H. W. Martin of the HurliiiKton simp force, waa tiken to the hospital last week. a a a Mayor W () Ihiincs made a bual nesa trip to HeiuKford Friday. a J. W. tlutlirie, of QfBJ a; (iuthrle, i' ruined to Alliance Saturday from ;i short trip up the rivvr. a I-rank Mil Iuiik. ot lii-tdKi-port, waa in Alliaiivc Baturda) a K. . McKall. fgjtggjgrl f Alliance but now living at Merriman, Ne hraskii. was in Vlllance on Saturday. He went from iiere to I'aulett,, eaSt of Alliance. a e e C. C. Smith bewail VOffe Monday morulas; on a horse barn, to he uaed in his business of Buying and ship pinu it is 2N by fu feel, and is located oa the tread side uf Chey eoue avenue betwei-n BrsnoBd und Third at root a.