ikitititttttttt4tk4ttmA.AAA..... ......... ::::::t""""""",, eeepeeeeeeeeeee It may be fun to ride a steer but you'll get there quicker in a j T WEPT r 1 aafcmhlflitftl ' il ' I FORD fettHB HHHB BN9R hhhiH1 astM-i We have just received a carload of eight of the new 1913 Touring cars. They were unloaded on Tuesday. Part of them have already been sold. The rest are on our sales room floor. Will you come and look at them. Let us take you for a ride in the bracing western Nebraska air in this incomparable car that sells for half what the heavy, expensive-to-keep-up cars do. Every improvement made in the Ford for 1913 has been carefully tried out and thoroughly tested and every one of these improvements gives added value to the car. The Ford for 1913 is far ahead of any other low-priced car. We have ordered 1 10 for western Nebraska. We expect to sell more. We have one for you. It costs you nothing to test the Ford. We invite you to compare it with other cars selling for much more money. Our garage is the best equipped in western Nebraska. Special attention is given to repair work which is done by first class competent repair men. No matter what kind of a car you have we can repair it. LOWRV 8c HENRY Garage, McCorkle fx I as AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED STUDEBAKER AUTOMOBILES m t4l 4 4 44444444444444444444444444 4444444444444444 4 4444 444 5 444444444444444444444444 4444444444 444444444444444 t 444444 4 4444444 1 444 8 . T C4 444 4 44 444 44 4 4 4 4 4 444 44 4 4444 4 444 4 444 4 444 4 444 444 4 4 i -:4 4 44 . !44 44444 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 444 4 4 4 4 4 444444 eH& '-'JmW biscuit : mvm Have you accepted our offer a captivating "Surprise Box" of Assorted Sunshine Biscuits FREE to prove their quality? If not, won't you now? You incur no obligation. Sunshine Vanilla Wafers for instance, are crisp and dainty, with a wonderfully delicious, wholesome flavor. Try them. Ask Your Grocer JoOSF W'll-KS JISCUIT (OMPANY Bakers of Sunshine Biucuitu I 10c ... '''' - ' ''! ' ' hat iimjimiii . i Loose -Wilo Biscuit Company, Osaka, Neb. Pirate send int i-'Kl-.K "Surprise hoi" ul Assorted Sunshine Hiacuiis. Name A Jdress Grocer 's Name AJjress . lnaljf ' HOWS THIS .i Dollar nl Cat. inli Hall's ('a offer One llm. ilr lieu aid for any ease Hi. .i n ii it In' cured bi tnrrli Cure K. .1 CHKNKY a. CO., To) 0ao. 0 We Hie ggQlOISlgglMl. have knnwii V. J. Cheney lor thS last I,', years. mi beilefu 1 1 fit) perfect lj hoaorahlo in ail buslaosi transactions ami B- nam uilly ahle in i an y out any 00 ligations Sjade liy Ins firm. NATIONAL HANK OK OOMIf KJtCK, Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in Utraelly, net lug dire iy oaon iiioiiii ami raucoua lurfaeea of tfttt in. Testlmonlala sent free, Ta peats ier bottle, Bold ly Druggists. Take Mall's Cainil.v I'ills lor ttlMsttaV). Ailvi-i i i.-einctil AN UNLUCKY TWO STEP J, . Russell, the trail drummer In lira. Minnie WJJter's orchestra, ab aotvtely refuaea to play tke "Cotton j Pabea" rjajl ttnta. ih Mjra that be : played it once at a m$ dance in cago ami on bla araj botae be nearly run over ami killi' I street cir, Aootber nlgbl be bad played it al a ilanci- at tin' liln LMOrDOnl I IUD, After that dance bo areat into a cafe to eat a s intlwicli. BOUM fel lows o( into a ftgaf ami one of them threw a iiin beer Main which just nlaaed Ruaaell'i bead by the fraction of an loch, The atein wan so BH'AHF that it almost knocked him KI.AT so that he was not alih to r NATURAL. . ASK FOR DIVORCE riu folkiwina . ' i-j. m.- from the iHraad laland Independent is regard- int; pari its who were married in Al , lianoe. Kntii r Uoekey of Alliance I la father of the lad) and the man Ms a son Of D1. !'. Van Vleck, who. was ooaaty clerk of Bberldaa county i for many years: Mis. Alhertena Van Iflack an Bat unlay filed a petition for divorce at; the of floe op Clerk i.annman, of the district court, from laevia Van Vleck. They wen- married In Alliance oa April Js, ltdB. Cruelty ami noli sup port is alleged. The plaintiff a-ks for eQUltable relief and the restora tion of her mnldan name. ADDITIONAL. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS Civil Service Will Give Examina tions at Alliance in Large Number of Subject examinations al keeping (female), $7 per month for ten months per year La organic Chainlet (male), $iit to MOM par year. Deputy Shipping Cboi mi ae lon er (male), Moo, Laboratory Assist ant (male). Light home Service. Chi- i $!l 10 ' December 9, 1912 a) j Inatructor In Mine Safety imalci, ' $1800 to M400. December 11. 1912 i I laboratory Assistant in Oeramhsa (male), MOO to ItSOf. BtaUattcai I Bdkor, ! to 11100. Dental in terne (male), per annum with maintenance. Library Catalogue, . $7.". per month to RII temporary ra eaacy In National Museum, Waahlng ton. I C. Advanced Aobrantloo Kn graver imale), M00. December 11-12, 1912 Aid ami Deck Officer I wale), $7a per mOOtb. Assistant Chemist, $1200 to $1100, December 1 j, 191? Soil PhyalclaJ ( male) , $1:200. December 18, 1912 Timber (Svtlmator (maleli $1(00 10 $1800 pel- year. PORTO RICO'S NEW WONDER I'orto Itieo the Prl' e all STEEL DIE MONOGRAM ERY STATION An Ideal Christmas Present. Take advantage f the follow log Special off r we are uiak on Oenulne Bteei Die Btamped Mono graiu niaitoocry. IrVe "iil Mamp in uolil any s.ii;.' tal a! or am) Minion aw of Laru initials, styles anoaaj at the Her a!d o'T e on one quire ut heejtal I blgb guelMy Ikaen finish paper, and furaiah ti rnvalopea lam atanip oil 1 la niatih. put up in an attrac tive box, appropriately eovereil with a Holiday rjoclgU ami kkClndmg a two color stiel lie Hiampeil Xma Itlfl 1. nil, for gf etiitx. HERALD PUBLISHING CO.. Alliance, Nebr. an :,i ii art iseim-m Old papers at The- llerald oCReg at 5 tents per buncb. In additiou to Hi j ready announoed In The Herald the United Stales Civil Service will give I eaamtaailooa in the loHoarlag aub 1 I iM'tfl on ih.. aalasa srtvssa l-'nll nsir. " r roiu i.u .Hay l'o. !o K:eo oilm . . ,. .... ,. , v reports 01 a nouui-riiii m-.v n:sco Johaetoa, local iac rotary, al the Al liance postoffice December 2, 1912 ft aa latum t 'hernial in Kadlo-Actlvl- $00f, December 4. 1912 ul liualei. salary $iiuu In 7$0. Teat her of Metal Workinn and Me chnnlaal Draw lag (ggale), $- par annum and iiuarlers Itotaiiical Ti .1iiHi.1i i.j . $1.111111. Herdaaaan, $000, irlontlfH Assistant (aaaia), in Ligkt aoajao Bt-rvUe, i.".tm. anoiyal 'in. tlei. $ 1 4 to Teacher of Hulls' MAKE FLYING TRIP Measrs Cmnatotk and Jameson, of Rlcharda v- Comatock, B)laworth, made a Flying trip to fjordnn on Thursday via Alliance. They cairn to Alliance on tic train, took an auto to Oordon, aoM a ran h, and returned to AHlaaee in time to cat h tie noon train back to aWawntth HAMBURG-AMERICAN l.itrii.m s ..i 0. ovan 400 Mill's RETURN TO LOS ANGELES Ward Norton and wife, af BT spt ml lag tin- taramer ami fail with iiis par ante in Mllaace, have returned to their iioine mi California They lef Kridav man fu- LXM Aniieles via Denver. Ward's address in l.os Angelea will he i'i'im West llat. GOT MANY DUCKS Butea C-oi)laud returned KrMa from a veek'l trip to the Hand hills where In anil aOUM others sn Bfad a large number of ducka. Batea is an eathualaatlc portamaa ami a wmmI gbnt) as is ivldoaned bp the large amuBui of gaaM be returned vv ii h iery that is Detievee win vault) tw-ne CM tile people RgJBOB 'I' Man hall, lot' liarceloiieta, writes "Dt Kinn's I New I liscov ery is dOlBg splemlal I Wflkr here' It cured me about five 'times of u-rrihie couulis ami colds. iv iBUle), salary I sun to MMO-lafctt my brother of a severe cold in foreman of Laundry iinalel, salarv i his hi st and more tbag -'" other-'. In the ..rl.l 1 .' 1 0.000 TOM a who used ii 011 my advice. Wa hope tbbi groat madfcetae will yL be sold in oveiy driiK store in I'orto Itieo." Kor tbroai and lung Lraublea (bare is got hint: better. A trial will con vime you of its merit. :"n cents and $1.08, Trial bottle tree. Quaraateed h PVed R. Hlleteo. Advert Uellielit In answering advertisements please mention this paper. CRUISES TO I UK Panama Canal tuk West Indies 2 CRUISES FROM NEW ORLEANS BY 1 hi: S.S.Kronprinzessin Cecilie tn.oeo Tons.) Uaving JAN. 23 FEB. 10 The lilml ltoutt for Tour lata f rous V raii-ra Sstutee. 16 DAYS $125 np AND 8 CRl ISES LEAVING NEW YORK ta Ida a. uoi.tkh tis.seg 'l i'i, kwT.tf.tf N( .v V ,rk JAN- 4, 39. FKB. 3A. MAKea SO, 1 WIS. arsl S. a. It IOHIA I (.lit: (ir. Tons), JAN. 15 r'l.ll - MAUi II I! Al'lllt. M. 1I O il a a I .1 au.l i v a I aitto ami i.u -- " 01TS ami i-u dUo eriir 1 raa Otttnt. Around taa ar.iJ, Unit and t-nnit. ate. Write for tllustrated booklet HB. Hamburg-American Line ISO W. Haoiiloluk St.. a i. at-o, in.