Will Tngf BaSd trip Cnnvford J ho firm of Iho WMl to a. i) Naur, HiHTire or HmtMm county, w.m in Allinnce on business tho Inst of tin M-k 0nr ttratmni Friiljiy to BMlM it.i went lo laki-Hi(l .1 sl(( of :t few ChadrOB. ROtftg from there on to Omaba otw tho NoHkwwluni Mi I In n I'nlvorslty of NflSfMSS loy nnl I ti well :k ii:ilntpl With Home of the hoH in Allium' who iitteinled there 1 with him Tho following Item ( lipped from tin- DtatfWfStt) Plaee (lepnrtment of the Lincoln lally Stjir OOMfM a former Alliame youtiK lnly who Is now emploxeil at (Jrand Island: "Miss Irene Koup left Sunday even liiK for Crand Island, after spending a few days with her parents. Mr and Mis (' Koup of West KlRhteenth Htreot." Read The Herald's offer on page 2. I big premium Mrs. '. I'. Winger! I enjoying a vlnit from her father, .lames Itavis. of Denver, who 4irrived Tuesday. Miss lorn Wailiim. of the IBB forve, was ill the first w'ik Miv. I'.ertha I'arkyii, of PIANO SALESMAN HERE SERVICE DEPARTMENT All inquire, on farm .ubiecta will be vivrn careful and prompt attention Edited br J. E. WACGONFR Addrea I H C SERVICE BUREAU HARVESTER BUILDING OflCAGO MOLASSES AS A STOCK FEED yr"'r tan? F? ,lrainf,d ' "ill not he bothered with this pest. W. C. Starter. Vlnegrove. Kentucky; f8 U ,,,1'v r"ws ,n so" ,h,u contains ...... , , . ,1, I too BIIICll water tor the proper growth wiites: "What do ran know about the . ....,. ! , m . ; of ordinary props. If draining doe value of black Itflp or low grade mo-j , do m m Mrg lasses as a feed, and now niucn sliouid J r Hurling of tin l M. U'yroff, representing the Si limoller Mueller IMano (Company, of Omaha, waa in Alllane on bus! MM for his firm the first of the week, conferring with the local agent, Ida M. Ross, who recemly re- Oanton. i eelved a large conslgnmoent of their be ted?" The Kxperiment Station Ilulletln No. 118, of the Massn' husetts Kxperi Ml Station. Amherst. Mass, gives a very comilete digest of the subject of molasses as a feed. The conclusions do not seem to he verj satisfactory Ret rid of it by cultivation. A few crops of corn will help rid your land of this pest. Yours veiy truly, i it r srcuvicK nritEAU. HARVESTING ALFALFA regarding Its value. Where it can be j Rep,y to 'oh" MGeary, Canehlll, ! ( The Herald's if) Alliance for a tew siibsn ite rs, days. is Mrs. !arton of Scottsblefl. MMXNH ponied by her son. IONler, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs .o. (I Smith, of Alliance. pianos. Mr. Wyckoff left Tuesday night for Omaha, going via Oshkoah, where tiny have a local agency. BIG HUNTING PARTY obtained Cheaply, and when, the grains are high priced, it probably has a place! in the feeds. It is sometimes fed by diluting It with water so that stock will drink it. but gMierally it Is used to give cheaper feed! more palutnbil- ity; that is, it can be mi veil with chop- Arkansas "Can you tell me when to cut alfalfa o as iior to injure the succeeding crop'.' When is the beat time tb har vest red clover for hay?" The usual practice is to cut alfalfa B. K Hark, publisher of the Hem Ingford Journal, has been in Alllanii on husinoes a couple of times the List wook. Mr and their throe farcy, of in Alliance Hugh, Lewis and George Heal, Nor man Williams and It. B, tirebe com posed a hunting party that wont to OOOM Lake, thirty five miles south east o MJance, for a hunt over Sun- j day. They went Saturday night and expected to return Sunday night, hut Mrs GtUM Rose and j Jnlss(,(l t licit- train, and had an ex sons and Mr and Mrs. tra d.,vs hunt. They secured a fine Lakeside, were shopping ; tmrh of ducks and Keese. Mondiiv and Tuesday. . Read The Herald's offer on page 2. ped straw or other coarse hay and, WhM iml of thp I'nts are in uiouiu. tuu u em ai inis John Wiker. of Orkln Mrothers Piano Company, intuit' o flying trip to Miirsland Monday to sell a cou ple of fine pianos Mrs. Itrown. mother of II B. Brown, a leading druggist of Scolts bluff, was in the city Tuesday uc companied by IfkM Picket t, of Ra venna. Mr. and Mrs. W W Norton re turned Tuesday n ion Iimiii Oenver. where they accompanied Mr. ami Mrs. Ward Norton on tlolr way to California. iig premium stock Will eat this to get the molasses. It Is also used to quite an extent with alfalfa meal. Its principal feeding constituent te the sugar r carbohydrates, and the conclusion of the Bulletin seems to dp that these can he bought more cheaply in such feeds as corn than In the molasses. However, it would be well for you to find out what it would cost you In your locality before deciding as to feeding or not feeding It. At the stage there wi'l not be so much dan ger of injuring the next crop as If per mitted to stand longer. From the standpoint of feeding: value If will not depreciate to any extent until the Beld is practically in full bloom. Red clover hniild be harvested when the plants are in bloom. If cut be fore this time It will be difficult to cure because of the amount of moist ure clover contains when green, while on the other band, if permitted to AT THE THEATRES Regular program! will be given at1 the theatres this evening. As advertised in The Herald the Protean Conceit Company will be at the Bmpreae next Monday evening.! Tins high class concert company is I out under the auspices of the Inter-I national Lyceum Bureau, of Kansas I City I'ae Hell Cochran is pianisst, W. K. Hubbard, basse cantante, and Gertrude Tyler Butler, soprano. The company will be here for the one performance only. present prices of other feeds, we are Inclined to believe you will find that stand too long the leaves will break an investment In molasses for a feed! off when owing, also the stems will will not be a profitable one. i become more fibrous and c mrse, thus Yours very truly, i decreasing the quality of the hay. I H C BBRVICB BURBAU. If anj machine ga trouble, or Is not up to date you can hardly afford to store K and try to "get along" with LAYING TILE IN QUICKSAND Reply to M. B. Harton. Mlshawaka, !t anothr year. Investigate the new machines advertised, and you Will be surprised at the Improvements. Indiana: "Will you please give me a little information on laving tile on a farm that has a quicksand bottom, a-. ,, , , . . , , .... " oeo that sheds are in good shape nkn n t fi in oo i n i nil, A.iit . ....,, v.. ....is to protect tlie stock that are in the 8. K. Warrl First National a.! Bcottublutf, lk, cashier of the ili. W bo now lives eat i i to tlie cit v on On Monday and at the Kmpress f be shown The will be shown in Tuesday evening ealure films win drama "Undine" two parti. pasture. The first storms do stock more damage than later ones because they are not accustomed to them. yesterday noon In order home over Thanksgiving. to be at SELLS MEAT MARKET smartweed?" This is quite a difficult proposition, and we believe the only way that re sults can be obtained Is to use some durable timber and lay a board in the bottom of the ditch on which the tile can be laid to keep it from getting OUt Annu; vjsjt t0 "state Agricultural ti mi?-. i uw uuiu iitTU a iuiar:i LIVE STOCK MEN ENJOY TRIP Miss Hot-once Coffin o and Miss Irene Baker of were shopping in AUianci urdav. Miss Coffin teat h s in Garden county -math of and Miss Haker I.- a soul It Sh county teacher. Qe Ofge Flack, o the Occidental 111111(11111? & Loan iModatlon of Oma ha, returned to Alliance Friday from a business trip Bp the North Platte valley, and Immed atel) went n to On Monday of this week .1 l. Barb sold the City Meat Market cor-, ner of Box Butte avenue and Fourth street, to W. R. Drake, who is well known in this city and surrounding ........- I.....U.. - 1.. I I I i i I f , ii mil; mm iiici l. lieeil 111 school l(H, ,,,.,, )USn,.KS here. Mr. and Likesside Mrs. Harb will leave in about a week to spend the winter at Springfield, .Missouri, where his parents reside. They expect to return to Alliance next spring. Mr. Drake will no doubt receive a fine trade again. He is a practical butcher an I familiar with the meat business. He starts out right by ordering an advertise ment in The Herald, to which we i call the attention of our readers. i lakeside Ellsworth las! Sat irldan about the same width as the tile, that is, for 4-inch tile a 1x4 board would bo sufficient. At the points where the boards join, a short piece 12 or I t inches long should be placed below so that there would not he a possibility of the tile becoming disjointed by one end of the board settling. If you can get a considerable fall, the sand will probably not bother in filling tin the tile, but if you cannot got a fail of three or four Inches per loo feet, it would tie best, if possible, to fill In about the tile with clay ot some other soil through " which the School Is a Pleasant One. South Omaha, Nov. 18. Proclaiming it to be th" best and most enjoyable excursion taken in many a day, some 100 men of tiie live stock business in Spilth Omaha returned alter spending the day at the state agricultural col lege. Tic visit to tlie farm school with its many sights of interest to those engaged in the stock business, an excellent dinner at the household economics department of the farm and then the big football game in tlie aft ernoon 'oft nothing more to in' desire.' 'jy tlie Visitors, Professor Hliss, hi" errnw nf teiw-hnrt; nnrl tlie entiri' iti water would seep and at the same, dl.nf ,ldv m ,h:uiK(.(1 ,or wh ho time keep out the sand. pitality before the train left Linco As to smartweed. we believe if you for south 0"-iVn 8 FIRST SHOWING OF HOLIDAY GOODS w I have on sale the largest and best line of Holiday Goods ever before shown in our store. Nothing to gladden the hearts of the children ;it Christmas time has been overlooked. We are certain you will rind our stocks in every way desirable. The very latest in Mechanical Toys and Dolls the latter line including the popular "Campbell Kids' and charac ter dolls introduced forthe rirst time in Alliance. See these goods the quality and the reasonable prices at w hich we are selling them will commend them to you. And, Shop Early i i i i I i i 1 i 3 Christmas Toys in Abundance Brin the children here. It will be a treat to them. Our line of animal and mechanical toys contains so many articles precious in the eyes ot childhood, that selection is easy. We have priced them RIGHT and even a lew cents Will buy toys ot unusual desirability and durability. Dolls for Small and Large Girls Some dressed in beautiful clothes ready to en dear themselves in the hearts of the wee ones. Some have fallen asleep waiting for their little mistresses-to-be to take them up. The line of "Campbell Kid" and character dolls is something new they will delight and please the little folks. Fancy China One-Fourth Off No gift for a woman is better than our handsome China. This store's reputation for selling only the choicest patterns and wares is well known. To stimulate Christmas buying ol these useful and desirable wares, we otter all our fancy china at the substantial reduction ot i er cent. It will pay von to buy tot youraeli and friends. Christmas Books for Everybody We have Christinas books for all the young and old, Our children's storv and picture books are a source of never-ending pleasure and content ment for the little folks. T he older boys and iris will appreciate the books of boys' and girls' stories nothing trashy ottered you only the best and these at prices you will cheerfully pay. I i 1 i 1 8 8 MILLER BROTHERS 8 Furniture and Chinaware ALLIANCE, NEBR. Rugs Christmas Toys BUY A PIANO for a1 Christmas Present from 0RK1N BROS. (Successors to Benneti A PIANO FOR A I CHRISTMAS PRESENT ... ' ' ' n n f buki M is the best thing you can buy. And when you can get a high grade, guaranteed piano from this com pany tor from $250 up on terms of only $6.00 per month and up you have a proposition that you should give serious consideration. A piano in your household will be enjoyed by everyone. We handle the Chlckering, Knabe, Ivers Pond, Kurtzman, Packard, Kohler dc Campbell, Huntington. Harvard, Bennett, etc., a total of 22 different makes and will be glad to help you make your selection. We have a stock of slightly used pianos from $100 00 up Victor Yictrolas We handle a complete line of Victor Victrolas. Prices from $15.00 up. The largest stock this side of Omaha. Orkin Bros. Mrs. J. T. Wiker, Manager Successors to The Bennett Co.) OPPOSITE POST OFFICE Alliance, Nebraska i, I if. wfyx v'- SSBxrC'i - 47 SSafaTF aVaal gfv2