jeading J. B. DENTON'S Variety Store We have a big lot of Xmas things com ing and must make room for them. We will give special low prices to reduce stock and make room for Xmas goods With every purchase amounting to $1.50 we will give a beautiful 1913 calendar plate, price 50c We have children's wagons, wheel barrows, sulkies, rocking horses, etc., on which you can save money by pur chasing now. SELLS HOES Look Over His Line Hunan. Edwin Burr, E. P. Reed, and Sher wood Ladles line Is the finest line shown west of Chicago by any retail dealer. Look Them Over The Savory Roaster represents perfection in the art of roasting meats or poul try. You will get the cost bac in satisfaction the Very first time you use it. Prices $1 up. 1SEWBERRYS HDW. CO. EARLY WINTER TRAVEL SPECIALTIES NOVEMBER 19TH AND DECEMBER 3RD Join "'' N M6 of Ilu-se excursions and let me show you the rich tnrin lands irrigated by the Government where you do not haw to pay it profit to anyone kin pi return to I'm le Sam durimi thencM twelve years, the cost of irritation without interest. ALFALFA! Mere you can see ahout IJ.imhi acres of alfalfa now in slack. It is a wondreful showing and tells you better than I can what you can do on your homestead HOMKSTKAhS CLOSE TO TOWN You need not no more than three or four miles from I'owell to trt "s good farms as any now grow ing bumper crops. Write today rot illustrated folder with map liou ing how conveni 'ntly these gift of the Jov-riiiuiit i,re located D. Clem Deaver, Immigration Agent 1004 Farnain street, Omaha, Kebraaka SUPERINTENDENT W. R. PATE BIG CONVENTION AT OMAHA Alliance Teachers Say Best Conve:v tion Ever Attended I'rof. W. It. Pate, .Misses Cabus, Sherd etna n, Niedermerer and Et. Ball were the teachers from llox Butte county who Attended the Ne braska State Teachers' Association meet inn in Omaha. There w as to tal attendance of 5,800 at this con vention, or 1,600 more than ever be fore. B. L. Rouse, who Instructed here at the institute last summer, was elected president of the associ ation. The theme of "Efficiency In lowing subjects otK's discussed: More Practical," the association was. Bdacatlott." The fot were the important "Making of Schools Agriculture." "Do mestic Economy, and Manual Training.'' The Alliance echooli now ii M li the subject! above mentioned. Among the resolutions adopted one asked f-r more state aid for weak district! to enable every school in till state to have at least seven mouths r school each year. This would be of ureal benefit to the Western end of the state, where there are many thinly populated dis tricts Which need aid Another res olutlon recommended free high school tUKicn fur student! who DOOM from weak disi rii is. Another resolution r commended thai state aid be giv en to every high school now teach' Ing agriculture and sug-gesied .that $-,"011 be given to each school This would he Of great lietn fit tO the -Alliance high schcol. Supt. I'ate left on Tuesday and re turned the nexi Monday morning. On his way heme he stopped over at Orleans, Nebraska, winch is his old home. Where h.- visited relatives and friends. The other teachers return ed tin last of tin' week. HERALD CHRISTMAS EDITION WILL BE FINEST EVER Western Nebraska's Leading News paper Will Issue Twenty-page Special Edition Surpassing All Pre vious Efforts The Alliance Herald will issue early in Dew mher a special Christ mas edition of at least twenty pages that will he a credit trj ths own and the paper. A beautiful Chrisl mas cover in colors will hi used and Hie usual high grade I ..iptr Will be used throughout. The demand for advertising space in this edition is very great and all advertisers wan. inn special spa e should reserve it at once. Special cuts for the use of advertisers will he furnished. SHOOTING GALLERY TO CHAD RON. it B. Robert, proprietor of thai Alliance shooting gallery, has re- moved to Chadron, where he will con-' tinuc in the same line of business 1 While here lie has had a very gocd ! business and the weekl) prises j which he gave every week in t In form of a rifle or cash prizes were eagerly contested for. i Guaranteed Relief for Women I'ainfui menatruatioa and ail thsr ailm. ats peculiar to worn n are, we believe Miosl etfe lively U the use of Rexall Vegetable Com pound. We have r ited man Igataa DM in which this valuable rented has helped work very gratifying re sults. In all eaaea of painful men struation or troubles ini !en: to the change of life or pregnancy, Infernal 1 spasmodic pains, hysterical convul sions, cr imps, ovarian colic and pains of the uterus, hack and loins, we rec I ommend Retail Vegetable Compound, with the understanding tbn I M does got help you, all you hav e to do la to J say so ami we wiil refund your men i v. their evenings in the saloons. The same claim is now made at Washing ton, l. IV, as uill be seen by the following vu m in. m the Mutual Ob server Of November 16th: Washington creaks who have been i!i:: lelng the moving pasture thee- i i fc.r young people away from lerious things ami corrupting their mar lis received a blOW today when the Kxcise Board Of the Dis trict of Columbia announced that the "movl i" are responsible for the falling off in the liquor traffic in Washington. There has be, n an undeniable slump :.i :ht saloon business here in the last year. The Kxcise Heard v m interested in knowing the pan 1 Members asked proprietors of IS about It and nearly all of them - lid it was because people were tig to the moving picture the aters las ad of loafing in the aa :i ins am: other public drloktoi pin es. SUFFRAGE MEETING IN OMAHA. Omaha. Nov. L'T. On Dec, mb i 5 a'! I 'I (In- Xi'liraska IV I -ll the A ' .alu :i w 'I in. M iiu d . ...... i v .i in in Omaha. In vl. w jf r ( nt v. t r. t fcr e : ml suffrage i.i Or. u.n. Arizc.ia. K mi him and J I "in, and the excell nt program ' - i o gventicn prsmtei it to b Keeedlngly kttarei : g. Mr. Rlt hard L. .Metcalf. edit- r of "fii Commoner," and candidate fcr Ojveraor ami United States Bonatcr, :i be om at the speaker-; Hon. ' U. K anedy, formerly ruin i States Congreacuwn, ami one of the ' i knowjai tewretsj In the state, another. Ai pet, tin- program is ! .. COiUnleti d bat Mu Man rs as well known, and d jus those mi at ion i d will be eat; rained by niemlM and sneclal bey a s im d for Tin Cttj " rUBctl eadguarti ra in Kmml Suffi l BRENNANS j CORNER I : Opal Fountain I I Best Luncheonettes : Hot and Cold Drinks I Served by an Experienced Man c Women! If weak, you need Cardui, the woman's tonic Cardui is made from 'gentle herbs, acts in a natural manner, and has no bad results, as some of the strong drugs sometimes used. As a med icine a tonic for weak, tired, worn-out women, Cardui has been a popular success for over 50 years. E 57 The Woman's Tonic Mrs. Lula Walden, of Oramlin, S. C, followed this advice. Read her let ter: "I was so weak, when I first began to take Cardui, that it tired me to walk just a little. Now, I can do all the general housework, for a family of 9." Try Cardui for your troubles. It may be the very remedy you need. WILLIAM MITCHKLL prmleea oth as wt ll reri Delegates the Omaha hi(l rates :;hi- vieit Ohamber wall fax Mi Interested I!! Furnaces for Cold Weather The most satisfactory way ot heating a house is with a furnace. I handle the Wise and Jewel furnaces. I'hey can be seen at my shop hav ra. lirs d to attend hi Omali i ts v. liet her d l ;: i r a as raw ri.m w ill n.- of r! il in.pc I mal of teaall Vi i able Compound tends rentier the monthly periods Bor is time and amount, and to h a and lrescn the tissues 1 .' Uumi B drui roouJ . glfit nt from it sold merai Ive orgaua. it con na tort If a or tutbit-faAuinj Tbers are many s ElUM a a MJ who can'.. to the lie- Ti suits they have obtain d Hemamm r each boUW la i!h our guarantee to relieve, or your earner ia k Price, i note in this oommunity only al our store. Ki aall Btore. r. B. Holeten. i.H7(i advertlaemenl Tie CELEBRATED WED DING ANNIVERSARY .1. 1' leliseu. former BOS Unite county com miss loner, celebrated Ml sreddlng anniversary lust Sunday at his home near I leinitist'ord with a banquet at which there were owi one hundred gasggf. MOVIES" WIN A POINT Claim Is Made That They Promote Temperance Some lime since The Mel aid put) lished a new item from sonic Amer illy hi which It was claimed thai moving pleture shows wireprov inn a help to temperance by draw Ins men who would Others L-e pe'id Women We Gua-antee This ll' you suffer from painful mnnstfU ; n if you are undergoing change of life If you are pregnant use Hex aM Vegetable Compound, We guar antee that it will help lessrn the ir ri'.etioa and allay the pain tg the mUS mlar tissues of the uterus thai it w ill render the monthly ( sriods nor BUal a time and amount; that it will relievo lenaorrhea, tncastnisl brad Sobs and const ipai ion or your mom y lack Recall Vegetable Compound iH a boon to ailiiiK women It BOBUaUM no uarcoiicH or aabK-formlng drnga ami therefore. ma be used wiihont li si (anon. Why continue to sgffsff when we guarantee to reaj that it Keaall VegsHaMe CompQUMl dm i got help you. we will refund the saaM) yog paid for it? full directions aceomp any each bottle. I'rlcc, $1 no Sold in this community only aj our store. 1 in- BeaaU itore. k. i: llolatan al-Jt-MTtl Advertisi BMnt. NOTICE I'ersonal laves an- due Noveiulx-r 1st. Oelimtueui iK-t ember 1st. K M M VltTIN. OgBJgsjf Treas. au--t- ItiuT Advert isement I have experienced men for my plumbing work. Am equipped to handle all kinds of work. Now is a good time to have that plumbing jobput in before cold weather sets in. TXT. Plumbing and Heating PHONE 435 ATTOBNtY AT L SW. ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA BURTON & WESTOVER Attorneys at Law LAND ATTORNEYS Office First National Bank Hid i'hone t8o. ALLIANCE. NEB. H. M. BULLOCK. Attorney at Law, ALLIANCE, M01I, F. M. BROOME LAM) ATTOHNF Lueastpsrlanossi KsOsItsi i s. i.itndnfll's ft Kiiaranteo for prompt and cfflclont rwle Office in Opera House Rlock ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA BRUCI? W ILCOX L a wyer and Land Attorney Priirtlllnnpr In civil courts lnci I89S sa4 Ketrl-Uor f. s. luid ufllcp from 1903 to taf Inrormittinii by rnll it -pc-mity orrir in bAROOmoa nuii.niHO ALLIANCE - M III) :skl DR. H. H. BELLWOOD, Surgeon C B. A Q. Ry. Office Over Holsten's Orug Store Oay Phone 87 Night Phone 86 OKIF UOPPKRNOLL Ken. I'hnni' 20 r. J. PETEBgg Ks. Pboasaj Drs. Copper nol I & Petersen OSTEOPATHS Rooms 7, 8 and o, Rnmer Block Phone 43 GEO. J. HAND, PHYSICIAN AND SCRQIOH Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat DR. C. H. CHURCHILL PHVSICIAN AND St'HOEON (Successor to Dr. J. E. Moore) OFFICE IN FLETCHER BLOCK omee bourn 11-12 a.m. 2-4 p.m. 7;S0-I p, m. Office i'hone 62 Res. Phone, 8 j H. A. COPSEY Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 3flO Kes. Phone 342 Calls answered iiriimotly da and niirht OS tee. OSJofSt Alllsac Natlooal Baok duiiuiuk um me rost umce. J. P. HAZARD Surveyor and Engineer, ALLIANCE. NEnKASK A Parties oat of town sboeld write, as 1 out innrli of 1 lie time. Cliurires will not ex ceed ia.OO mid SSpeaSSS pit day. Dr. Oliver McEien Physician and Surgeon HCHINGFORD. NEBR. SPECIALTIES: Diseases of Women sad Children and Genito Urinary Organi all calls metre, prompt!, day or night HARRY P. COURSE! Gtsfnl Aactiooeef Farm Sales a Specialty TKK.MS REASONAULI Phane 64 ALLIANCE. NEBR PiJrr' 1 iiw . var 7 - ii. i. i ;. tv LBH DENTIST, OPEHA HOUSE BLOCK, PHONE 167 Alliance, Nebraska G-C O-. G-ad.slo- Licensed Embalmer Pho in; I I );iy 498 ( Nicfht5io Curtis llt-st and Oooeh'S Baal fl'jur it K I (r-SK Sou's Kvery tack Kiiaraut-i-d I'hone 15i it-tf-isia The Portrait Habit Habit is icquirecL Some will appear bi-fore our camera regularly others, less mindful of their friends, only at lonjr intervals. ( ret the I labit and come often Alliance Art Studio 114 E. 4th Street L M. Scott, Auctioneer Lakeside, Nebraska Will cry your galea anywhere, rjeee me or leave date at thg Alliance Herald.