3f2f vf WSJ 838 IK 15 he Drake Hotel is ready to j serve Luncheon, Parties or Ban- quets at any time. Don't be afraid to talk with the management about J tha menu or decorations. BOWMAN & SON HI i CORRESPONDENCE HEMINGFORD CLEAN UP SALE TO REDUCE OUR STOCK OF Edison Phonograph Records We will Cut the Price BEGINNING NOVEMBER 20th, AND CONTIN UING UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Amberol Wax Records, the kind you have OCp always paid 50c for, will be on sale at wJb Standard Wax Records, the 35c kind, ocp will be on sale at If You are Interested You will Supply Your Wants at these Prices GEORGE D. MM Exclusive Edison Agency Alliance, Nebr. Colo r homes, retUfflng to h.is homo (iii Monday. Phone Your Coal and Wood Orders TO No. 22 Dierks Lumber & Coal Co. JOHN GARRETT Successor (o Frank Wallaci) Transfer Line 4:1$$ Household joods moved nromntlv ViV$ and transfer work solicited. Office at Rodgers' Grocery, Phone 1. Rev phone 583 Mrs. Kr'1 llticke was Shopping in Alliance ii couple o days i in fir' of Um Week. Ill N. A. Ho-key was Attending to business affairs in Alliance between i rams Wedtn -day. Mrs QeOfge Baker was a paaMU' ftf to Alliance Saturday, returning Sunday. 9 Miss Sadie Hopkins was ;in Altl Met) visitor Saturday, returning sun- day. k i. Pierce returned Sunday from Omaha, where hu spent a few A9fK Um last of Um week. e Mrs. B, K .lolinson was a passen jrer to Alliance Tuesday, returning Wednesday, Mrs. Amelia Johnson went down to Alliance Monday to spend I few days with her daughter there, Charles Bushnell returned Satur day Prom Morrill, where he hail been for the past few days on business. Qeorge Carroll returned Saturday from Kansas, where h' had been for several days disposiiin of a car of potatoes Quite I number from town attend ed the silver wedding anniversary of Mr and Mrs. l'ete Jensen south west of town. IMiilli, II,li.,.l Sir who hn lieell I quite sink for the past fojw days. Ml reported ;is feeling some better at present. Mrs. l'ete Swansnn was an incom- ins passenger on 13 VVedm sday from Kansas, where she upenl the last tWO weeks visit inn friends Mrs. B. A (Mark and children were passengers to Alliance Wednae day, where she will visit with her mother and listen for a lew days. B. s. wiidy left Thursday fori Pennsylvania, where he noes to dls- pose of a car loail of horses which he shipped a few days ago. Mrs. c. K. Rosenberger ami little Mm returned Thursday from Penn sylvania, where she went a lew weeks SCO to see a sister who was unite sick. m e Dr McKwan was called out to Sioux county Sunday evening to see Byron Pocket's bob who is quite sick, lie was called oiii again Wednesd ) morning, .Mis. Qeorgs llaganiaTi ind dantfh- toll visited with Mr. am: Mr.- .lolm tt'ot a few days gg , k ,,nd r port a fine time. 0000000000000000 o MALINDA SQUIBS o oooooooooooooooo Miss Beulah Reddlan rtoited home folks over Saturday and returned to Alliance Sunday, her brother Roy and mother accompanied her. Mis. c R, McKlnney started for her home in Portland, Oregon, Bun day morning, her sister Miss Shirley llagatnan accompanying her, Miss Boh iiiuiiiiian rode hone bach Thursday evening to the home of Joe Carey, Friday going on to Ail' in -: to take the teachers ox satinet Ion. Miss Knima I tower visited the past w k with her friend Miss Myrtle Carey. Wednesday afternoon those i wo young ladies visited Miss llurk- holder's school in District No. I. .). C, Wright will sooti move to i heir new homo in Alliance to school their! boyi We wish lliem well in the move I hey are making as we aii- .always ready to o I r a word of I encouragement to help a friend I slang, Mis ('. G. M Kinnev and slstel Miao Shirley 11 a an man antoed from iai Alliance Saturday evening of last Dr. JAS. week to Afton to visit over night at the Home of 1 Ii. Ueddish and re part a very pleasant time. Mrs Mi Kinney will BOOB start for her home in Portland, ore., Mtaa Shirley hfagaman expects to accompany Mrs. M( Kinney home. I. em Ituer went to Minatare today with a load of spuds. ArttMf Lore and Holland Hoss went to tfM Itluffs Wednesday, ess Mrs Hubble and uraiiddauuhtcr re turned from AUhsgee Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Cal DUtT made a "nisi to ss trip to the Itluffs Thursday. Mi-ss Clara and Delia DetT VWMed at the Bert Miller home Sunday. 0 SOrgl Denton went to Minatare on Saturday after lumber for a shed and thus the Kinkadcrs continue to urnw ami expand. Mr. iiaii. teacher of the Malinde I BChOOl was in Omaha last week at tettdlng the State Teachers' meeting, . returning Saturday to Malinda Mr. Dunlap and daughter Avis were in Alliance last week working in the interest of the wholesale house he is representing. We Welcome Woman and Her Suffrage if through it slit' will sc coinplish n gregtC-f Interest in nood homes ami set high er Idesis for the youth of our country. By Inspirit ' woman is a lioino builder Itecause she realizes the good Influence, it has on the children, ami you men would be terribly surprised if you knew as well as we tlo what jjood common seiw ideas they have OB arrange ment ami in the choice of lumber. They Know that our smooth finished siding ami casing, lase and mould ing is a labor and monev sav er because it requires no extra work from the car penter or painter, and their taste in the selection of doors and windows usually adds beauty and attractive ness at little extra expenst . If you're thinking of build ing we want to talk to both you and your wife and help you select your lumber. P. HAXFIELD Dentist OVER BRENNAN'S DRUG STORE All Electrical Equipment Evenings by Appointment PHONE 525 RED There's No Place Like Home' Forest Lumber Co. AUIANCE, NEBRASKA l609-502t The Palace Feed and Sale Barn J. B. HUNSAKER. PROP. Convenient Location, up-to-date facilities, courteous treatment, best service, charges reasonable. Your Patronage Solicited Corner 5econd St. and Laramie Ave. ALLIANCE, - - - NEBRASKA Win. Curry went out to Sioux coun tv tile first of the week tor a lew I days' visit with his parentB, H!s father baa been itulte poorly tor seme time. as I it. B. Johnson received a mess. me I Sunday from Texas thai hi sister. I Mrs. Thorpe, was very low. Me left Il -J. ..riitilnii tlfit 1,11 ill I- DUHURJ . iiiii- I "I .i . - The second message came Monday that Mrs Thorpe had died Sunday evening! ami the remains would be brought here tor burial. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE CHEAP Two Ford Roadsters, one Metz and one arterc ;i. Splendid Values for the money. I also have a mail route to let. J. C. McCORKLE. ii DR. F. W. BOLANL) First Door South of Post-office i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 y, i 1 1 vi . ntui. CASH PRICK LIST COAL Cash prices in effect at present time are as follows: Sunshine Maltland Lump, delivered, H.7S Sunshine Niait., washed nut, del.. 8. SO Monarch (lignite), delivered - - 6.25 J. H. VAUGHAN&SON Wholesale and Retail Feed and Fuel Phone No. 5 213 Box Butte Ave. 000000000000000 I o A r TON 0 ooooooooooooooooj i Mi- Joha Baglehorn is vefj poor I ly at tliis writing I ut 1 Bailie riui. rwo i.i w.is vlaltlng j al Hayard hwM week, I W s t'oker was helping Qeorgs 1 ' ark butcher Tuesday. Uls'sle t'oker visited her brother and family Tuesda) Bight, Joe fare) has been digglns Ales Itnderwood a well the past week . . I 'i,s HagagMg is ga ' in; rore I (or Alien Wright tii!.- wenk. a . e s i Btvorybod) is agjoytoj the lovel) I "c;,tlnr and ir.iii"4 to : their corn I busked. ... , We hear the hum of the bu-v ihrasher in our wldsi . 1 1 1 everybody w ants to thrash. Ates Underwood and lmtll vis i'i. at the home of ' i ' NT ; II--. in.ei s lasi Sunday. lii ou over see such lovely Weather, and -vfiybod busy in the corn tieiu. Miss llonnie tlavauiaii is home OOee mole after spend inn about two wiH'kb with Mrs Heibett Kobinsoii e s I John Hunt of Bayard visited over Sunday at the Ceorne Hugaiuau and . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 1 1 Carney and Colorado Lb Both Lump and Nut Let us figure on your Winter Supply Phone orders receive prompt attention 1 E.LGREGGiSON I M"f" -1 S