The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 28, 1912, Image 1

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    :it o Historical Society cp
sect rr.
The Alliance Herald
S6C. 1 uTg
(To Giv
e Than
The Bountiful Giver of All Good Has
Crowned the Year With
Manifold Blessings
Story !!in Hour
; Librarian of Alliance Public Library
Adopts Beautiful Custom Fol
lowed in Larger Cities
The Herald's Cause
For Gratitude
At this season ff (lie "; r w hen
Thanksgiving cheer is in evident
every when it is difficult to find
words to expresi th feelings of
gratitude that well up in one's heart
without making UM of those words
and ex pressinns which httve been re
peated so often as to hennie hack
neyed; but the occasion demand!
raeogail ion. particularly in the fear
of out' Lord nineteen hundred snd
tsWelve, and any sincere expression
of thanksgiving In timely and good.
We Bead not have presented to
our view for our Information a list
of the Meaalngi which have been
ho crod upon us by a kind Provi
dence, but it will help It) a better up
precJatlon of them if wg take time
to go over them in our minds; and
tdill we cannot name or think of
them all. tor wo are the recipient!
of many bleaalnga that have come
to us unawares How many acci
dents and calamities, how much of
disappointment and distress have
BO me close to our doom and then
pa.ssed us by without our Knowing of
their nearness.
Besides the reasons for thanks
giving enjoyed in common with otfe-
ers, The Herald has special reaaOBI
for gratitude at the present time.
During the past few months there
hits been a marked improvement in
business. htch has enabled us to
make temproveiBcnti in the paper.
a source of Mtlafactipn ' "in- read
ers iis well as to us. repressions
of appreciation have come unsolicited
and thole arc cause lor t ha nksgi v -inn,
lint probably the best expres
sions of appreciations come through
subscriptions to the papal, which,
have been gratifying indeed. lur-
lnu the last mouth more money VB!
eaoelved on subscriptions to The
Herald than daring any previous
aaanth for leverel yeere.
Kor all of which, as well as for !
"other things too numerous to 111e.11
tlon"i we give thanks.
How It Will Be Observed in Alliance
Palen services of ail the cburcbeal
will be held at the Kirs! I'resbyter
lan church at U;:;o Ihis morning
He. W'itte. pastor of the llapnsi
ahnrcg, win deliver the ntjdrasn
Music will be rendered by a special
As announced in the church items
of this issue there will be special.
Tbankagivlbg services at tbe Imiuun
uel Herman Lutheran church
The fummenl "i Holy commun
ton sill be observed at "::! a in.
at si Matthew's Kpiseopai church.
Mara gdil in beid a' I ad ml W
the Holy ilosary Catholic, chun h at
o'clock Kveiiin services at 7: 'ii
p. m.
The business jdaces will If closed
modi f the day, pari oil til OBI re
maining open tins morning.
As announced in this paper tin
hotels will serve special dinners and
it is expected that ihey will be
The I'eddler's Hall this eveninu
will be a grand ulfair. Admission
will be by invitation only.
The Herald is issued at seven
o'clock tin's morning in ordtr 'hat
its subscribers may have it for holi
day reading.
i. VI the postoffice the carrier windows-
will be open from :.' to ;! p. m.
Mail win not be delivered by carrier.
Bring Your Invitations. If You
Have None, Get One
The committee in charge of ar
rangements for the peddlers' ban
quel and ball UWigbt at the opera
house wish to extend .in invitation
to over) traveling man who happens
to be in the city today to come 10
BighL 1 you have not an invitation
sec the committee and net one in
order that you may he admitted, a.-,
it is necessary for .'ill admitted 10
have an invitation.
S. K. Warrick has traded his
large residence on larnmle avenue
to J. K. It lee for his residence just
east of the I'leslivteriall church.
itsstdisw - ,--s'-'
Four little Santa Clauses l)iy as
can le I
One was knot Led to next week
and then there were three.
That Is What Will
Happen to Your
Christmas Joy If You
Don't Shop
Mrs. Wilson, librarian, has institut
ed a weekly story telling hour at
the Alliance public library, The plan
has been adopted in many of the
larger cities with excellent results,
but had not been tried in this city
until last Saturday.
All children ten years of BgC or
under are Invited to Ik- at the library
from one to two o'clock on Satur
day afternoons. Some person is
previously selected as story teller
for the day. Last Saturday, which
was the first story telling day for
Alliance, addle Kobertson of
the BmeraoU school was story teller,
and a most Interesting story teller
sho proved to be, too. as the many
Children present can testify.
Although there w'ere many child
ren present last Saturday, the at
tendance will no doubt increase as
"story telling hour" becomes better
known and grows in popularity, as
it no doubt will. Miss Niedcrm ver
0l Central school Will be story teller
next Saturday. A cordial Invitation
is extended to all c hildren up to ten
years old to attend.
Rushville will Not
Play Football
At the last moment the It ush i H
team either got cold feet or wanted
to stay home for Thanksgiving and
after making all arrangements to be
here decided that they could not
come to play the local high school
team, which has been going UsMUgh
B0me very severe practice since the
last game and would have given the
Rushville boy I a bard slide for their
The high school line up VOS to
have been:
Tully left end
Davenport left tackle
Worley left guard
Unman center
Qraham right tat id
Darnell right tackle
! Bench right end
Bloomfield quarter
Spacht. left half
Schafer right half
Keegea fall back
I' is a great disappointment ti the
local hoys not to gel to play this
team sgnia and word was not re-
ceived Until about six o'clock Tues
day evening that they would not
cone. It was hoped that a local
team of US-foOtball players could be
I organized but this has bean Impose!
I ble so no name v i II be given at Hie
fair grenade this afternoon.
" Grand Ball Last Night
'Annual Firemen's Ball Big Success
The annual ball of Hie Alliance
firemen given at the opera nones
i last night was indeed a marked sue
'ct-SS. The floor was crowded from
I the opening of the doors and t he
I many happy couples thronged the
m m un i il a late hour
Muiic was rendered by i picked
I orchestra from the gent talon! "''
, tatnable in Alliance
Messrs. Uutarie, Ridge! I, inaejit,
. Ptlkington, MeCorsglag and t hief K
inig recelveil many c ongnil ula' ions
Oormick and ttosalg had charge ol
: on the arrangements Menara. M
I C irmick and Koiuig had Charge Of
1 t be floor.
The ball was a success in a finau
j cial way sad Ike treasury will ps
Beted a gg insist
j Mr. and Mrs. K. I !regg, Mr and
Mrs ('has llrtukiuan, and lt
Gregg win partake ef Tkaakagiviag
'turkey today at tin- home of Mr
ami Mrs K. M. tJregg on the ranch.
I'll Get You, Mr. Gobbler
With Apologies to James Whitcomb Rileyj
4 ft, AmJbH TBunaaannMnm-nPIBianmnaanna
GEORGIE, like another George who lived in
timet way back,
Took hit little hatchet out to find what he
could hack,
Looked the pleasing prospect o'er and softly mur
mured, "Gee;
I've no time to monkey round with any cherry
tree !"
Thought about Thanksgiving that was but two
days away;
Said, -I've got to have a turk to celebrate the
Sashayed toward the turkey yard and gave a sud
den shout,
"I'll get you, Mr. Gobbler, if you
Watch "
GOBBLER had been fattened up and given corn
to gorge
Till he was a whopper and was 'most as big
as George.
So when Georgie waved his blade with bloody, fell
Turkey simply gobbled couldn't scare him for a
cent ;
Kioucked and strutted round awhile, his wattles
flaming red.
With a manner trucu'ent that very plainly said,
"Look sharp or I'll flog you 'fore you know what
you're about.
An' the gobbler '11 get you if yon
1 DON'T know of anything in all creation's plan
That can scare a boy more than a turkey gob
bler can.
With his tail spread like a fan, hit wings down
on the ground,
Strutting round and gobbling with a terrifying
This one made for little George, who suddenly
turned tail.
Dropped hit hatchet in hit flight and legged it
with a wail,
Every step imagining he heard that turkey shout,
"The gobbler '11 get you if you
I ; . Watch
Out!" i
1ATER on that Mr. Turk got hit, as turkeys may,
4 Specially if they are fat around Thanks
giving day.
Father came upon the scene and set a pace to hot.
Strutting gobbler had to execute the turkey trot.
George, who taw hit enemy with head upon the
Didn't thed a tingle tear or feel a single shook.
But when served his portion waved his drumstick
with a shout,
"We got you. Mr. Gobbler, 'caute yog