The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 14, 1912, Image 1

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Largest circulation of
any newspaper in West
ern Nebraska.
The Alliance Herald
Gives all the news of
Box Butte County and
City of Alliance.
Twenty-five Members Local Initiation
Team I. O. O. F. Lodge No. 168
Went to Valley Town Monday
Encampment Organized Here
Kb announced in The Herald a few
weeks ago the Rayard 1. O. O. F.
lodge extended an invitation to the
local lodge to come over last Mon
thly night and initiate a pood bunch
of new members. The Alliance lodge
es beeames oil good brother Odd Fel
lows, accepted the invitation. So It OH
day noon a lajfl number of the Alli
ance members composing the initia
tion teams, aome of them accompan
ied by their wives, took the noon
train for the enterprising little town
of Bayard
The brothers who made the trip
Wen R. K. Lester, W. K. U,iline, B.
V. Ilit y , R. 1,. Fox, F W. fin hinnn.
Link Lowry. W. 0. Barnes, .v. D
Rotifers, II. W. Beach, John K
Snyder, F. W. Hedengren, . T. M.
Uiwlor. K C. Whisman, J. M. Scott.
R. R. Kennedy. .1. A
M. B. Grebe, Lloyd C
ard water. The ceremonies wen' thei
taken up again and finished M
four o'clock after which the hall whs
turned over to the fun makers who
proceeded to arrest one of the Jolli
eat of the crowd and a mock trial
was held. It is impossible to con
dense the Jolliment and merriment
thai ensued for the next two hours
in lines of type. The poor, tremb
ling defendant, charged withj'ic bet
nou crime of being sober and order-
i 1y on Rayard water, was ably de
fended b.v Brother Reach who made
a pies that should have won his
client s release if the Judge and jury
I not peen prejudiced. The proem m
inn attorney, a I lay anl brother, show
ed that the indictment was correct,
ami true in every particular and thai
j the defendant should receive the
I iop.nuartner. s nteiice due the crime. The jury
Thomas. V. found him guilty and sentence was
c. .Mounts, uregory zmti, . R Mar imposed
per and C. W. Jeffrey. A number I. I' Cane, Grand Secretary of the
of the brothers were acc ompanied byjl. O. 0. F. was present at Hay ud
their vtvaa and families. and accompanied the members back
From the moment that the train ar
rived at Rayard the Rrothers were
shown hospitality in it finest sense
every minute of the evening and
night. Although the Rayard lodge
was small in numbers it is big i n
brotherly love and friendship. A light
rain and snow was falling wjten Ray
ard was reached but this cleared up
after a few hours anil clear weather
The ceremonies 'ere attended by
meti'!lers of the Odd Felliws from all
up and down the valley. Member
were there from Bridgeport. Morrill,
Gci-ing. and other towns Although
the rain prevented many from pelting
tin re the hall was packed to over
flowing. The lodge was called to or
der at seven-thirty and after the reg-
to Alliance Tuesday morning. -A
large crowd was present at the de
pot when leaving Rayard anil all re
turned with the good wishes of the
Rayard brothers accotniwioying them
and the hope that all would meet a-gain.
ular routine of business had
transacted the moetiiin was
over to the Alliance team.
t urned
seated at
menu wits
w ith
teen candidates were initiated
the order durum the night.
At midnight the ceremonies
Stopped for a couple of hours
a band'inel was served in the
room below the hall. Nearly
hundred and fifty were
the baniiuet tables. The
a follows:
Celery. Oyster Soup, Olives.
R natal Turkey and Dressing,
Cranberry sauce.
Peas, Creamed Potatoes. Salad
Crest m Caiio
Coffee, Ron Rons, Cigar.
After tin- bnniiet speeches were
made and toasts responded to and
a number or the wittiest of the mem
bers Cracked their latest jokes and
allowed brothers Harper and Rarnes
to empty tnd rO empty their water
glssaea which had to be filled and
re-tilled time and again until their
seemingly inexhausi ihle thirsts had
been quenched with the aid of Ray
At 0X9 Odd Fellows' hall last night
an encampment was organized under
i ho clirection Of Grand Secretary J.
P. Cage. Alter the organization of
the l.nlue was finished lunch was ser
ved. Following is a list of the Mem
bers and officials elected:
John R. Snyder, W. II. Harper,
W O. Rarnes, K. W. Ray, K. C.
Whisman, T. M l.awler, Gregory
urn. H. H. Brandt, 0. M. Cox. c.
W. Jeffers. R. W. Rrandt. Lincoln
Lowry, J, a Hopinpardner, p w
lledenuren. B. D. Henry. (' eo. D.
Darling. Roy K. Lester, John Dwyei .
Geo. J. Hand, Moyd C Thomas, Par
ry S. M alley. C.eo. 1.. Fernald. R I
Fox, F. W. Ruchtnan, fj. H. Wood.
A I). Roberta, J. R. Di nton, F. K.
MeCin niii k, W K. Huline.
The officers elected were. John
Snyder, Chief Patriarch ; Gregory
Eufll. Senior Warden; F. W. Rnrb
riian. High Priest; W. It. Harper.
Secretary; F 1). McCormiek. Treas
Orer; F. W. Iledengren, (iuide; J, A.
I loping. n dtier, Inside Sentinel; K.
Whfcnaan, outside Sentinel; G. H.
Wood, rirst Watch ,-Rd Henry, Bae-
oml Watch i Lincoln Lowry. Third
Watch; Lloyd C Thomas. Fourth
The members of the Kinampmeiit
bare extended an Invitation to all
brother Odd Ft Hows to join them la
this work.
Coming Attraction at Opera House
Under Direction of Elks
Next Tuc-iilM.v evening will be pre
sented at the Opera House the sec
ond number of the F.Iks course for
I: season. The fellows Grand Op
era Quartet. They have a program
of intensely interest Uik features. The
opportunity to hear the highest grade
of lyc.einn bureau entertainment does
not MM OftetJ to Alliance people an
ever) lover of good music and enter
tainment of tin's class should b e
Tuesday evening spent at the Opeiaj
House will lingi r in your nitioiy for
jr. ns ab one of the most delightful
events of your life. Seldom doe
this quartet ever visit a town s o
small as Alliance and thev are alwny
iej ilutnund In the large, cilie lull the
Elk, knowjng that Alliance people
are lovers ol i tie itcst 'tier,' is in mu
sic aivd drama secured tli m at a ver
high price.
Tie personnel of the quartet is as
follows: Miss Tbeo Sabin. soprano:
Miss Mabel Driver, alto; Miss Mat
puerile Fellows p initial; Br. F. BBfl
Vaadorhtinr. Meooiatad wit&t
Harry .1 Fellows, tenor and iiii.mchI
It will lie noted hi the follovv lag
l hat it is ViirhMt The comic
Saturday afternoon at :i o'cliK-k the
Alliance High School foot ball team
ill play the Rusaville team on the
Fair Grounds Ho h teams are well
matchel and in l.mhI sham-. A big
crowd is expected.
- i . a
Mr and Mrs. .1 W. Rodgers, of
Oadjr, Wyoming, are viiting for a
few days with Mr and Mrs H. K
Marvin at their home in tht city
Mr. Rodgers and wife arrived Wed
nesday noon from the wea. After
completing their viait here they will
go to Denver for a lsH.
A. T. Lunn. of the Newberry Hard
ware Company, made a business trip
to the North Plntie Valley the first
of the week, returning Wednesday.
His company handles an immense a
mount of business In that territory
Mfcss Susie Fra.ler, who wa u
teacher in the Alliance spools for a
number ol yenra and who in now a
teacher in the Chad POO Stale Normal,
la In the city via4t1n friends.
The members of the Bik'a commit
tee who have charge of the Ijssesjm
bureau course of entertainment in
Alliance during the witi'er, deserve
the assistance of every one in Alli
ance who Is hnteraated in this kind
of entertainment
The cbairninn of the committee is
F. H. Rronkhort. who is givjng lot
at effort and attention to making a
success of the course. He is being
ably assisted by Joe L. Westover, L.
D. Kauffniau and Rert Duncan
As will be noted in (be advertise
inent in this issue of The Herald the
price of admission to the next num
ber of the course next Tuesday even
ing ha been reduced sto osily fifty
cents for reserved seats.
Afiss Zola Bhephard Of Hetningford
waa'op'riiied on for appendicitis Oct
;0 at tii- hoaphtaJ by Dr. Geo. J.
Hand and left for home Monday feel
in? greatly improved.
Dr. Geo.
clin Ice.
Chlcngo, had dinner with a number o
his Alliance fricinlH at the Drnke lnat
Mrs Matthews and Mrs. Perrln of
Mnrslnnd, v isitel friends here the
first of the w,ik reluming home on
Miss Fva Clemens, ofShet Idtin. who
lias been visiting Miss Mae Nevvlwr
ry for a short time, returned to her
home Wednesday.
Members of Alliance Fruit Company
Covering Surrounding Territory
A IV Rodgers, F.arl D Malb ry M4
L H. Highland are covering the ft
ritory tributary to AUtaSMM this week
in the interest of the Alliance fruit
Qomaanjr, ot wliich tliey are lueni
bers This company, which has hoelt
steadily growing since its Orssmlflt
tJon a hort time sine, wholeaah
fruit and produce.
A D Rodgers and Bali D. Mllety
are .oveiing the North Platte Valley
and L 11. Highland M covering lite
territory east ami west oi iiianee
n. -unu of tin advantaueous location
,,t AlHamM it is a very good iit for1
a wholesale business of this kind.
, -
Charley Holsteln, brather of F. K.
Hols'ein of Alliaeee. is in the city
visiting Tor a few days. He lias just
returned Horn a visit at over a year
bis old home in hwetnn ms
boma in in
win return
the .'.lack Hills, where he
Hfter eomplet ing t is visit
J. Hand left for Denvi'
night to attend surgical
A. H. Rurge, wife and sister were
in Alliance Wednesday for a lew
hours. They had been thru northern
Wyoming looking over that cimntry
with a view of locating UMfn They
have friends In Alliance and stopHd
orer a few hours with them
Mr. Bn.yenrt, formerly proprietor of
the Alliance Tailoring Company, at
rived Wednesday noon acioimpnnied
by his wife, to sand a few days
J. f. lataimnn, of Hastinjy. Ne
btaskn, Stopped over in llain for
a lew hours visit with Irieinls on
W'ednesda.v He was returuiiiu friwii
a trip of four months in Montana
where he is aelllng goods
H. A. BSjfBMUan, Of the Drake Ho
tel. made a b isiie ss trip 1o Deail
wood Friday, He returned, Saturday
Mi Kunice Rumett startet the
ot ganjuitioit of her vocal d iss this
Breefc. She already lias over tejitv
pupils end vvlll iiave all the work sin
can bundle. She made nip to lly-
annts Wedneadny.
Dr. Single repoi;s the following
i usi's operated ui by him at St. Jo
seph Hospital 'luring the pan week
as gelling along very well: Mrs
Walls of Ring l am. Mrs. Gwen from
north of Kllsworta. 'harlos l'o.. e:'
'Allianije, Mrs. WilJey of J lafthaw.
Berntcf Armstrong of SchlU, and II.
F. Trltikle of Wguion:
. .."
Mr. Mahoney wtjo has been il the
hospital for a le days receiving ined
leal treataasaa has gone to his home
much Improved in health.
Mr. and Mrs W. M HiiajhM, who
have residcMi uear LakifUle for some
years asl. having made final proof
on their claim .auil rented the same,
will make their home elsewhere. The
came up In lltaiu e on 4. Moniiay to
spend the afternoon iu this city be
fore taking the train that night for
Grand Island, where tln will reside
for a while. Tt,e have uiany friends
in Western Ne.lwaska war will join
The Herald in wishing them a pleas
ant home wherever they may decide
to locate. The Jfftiikl affl keep them
posted on the news of this part of
The Onilcron Kappa
their regular dance at
House Tuesday evening,
ty couples were present
a good time.
club gave
the Opera
About t wen
ami enjoyed
Mr. and Mrs.
at the Ankeny
V. I), ltumer
ranch the laat
v istled
of the
The choir at the Kpiscopal church
are now rehearsing for the muak: for
Christmas day. Rig preparations are
betas made and it will undoubtedly
be worth bearing.
Th' Ladies Guild of the Kpiscopal
Church met yeslerday afternoon with
Mrs Fred. McDonald at her bOpM on
I ji ramie Avenue.
Mrs H. I, Kuhti and Mrs. J. W
Qaddle entertained a number of ladv
rtianda OB Friday. November Sth, at
the home of Mrs. II. J Kuhn at
Tin Cheyenne Avenue, to an elab
orate four course luncheon ;it I: SO
p. in.
pK Igl-.I'IU
- ' Rlue
St rauss
opel-elta. rneijpe
iit ''.lining.
opesntng Qqaatatta -
Walt" arranged,
I'iatio Seta
Sop.Mno "Nyaipbs
Duet Soprano and Hans
Part II
Group of Scotch aongs
will prove very
ami Fauns ', b.v
droop of Irish songs - Mr. Fellows
Group of Scotch and Irish duets
Miss Driver and Mr Follows
Quartette The Kerr) Da nee, MaUoj
Piano solo i On an old Scotch or
Irish 1 heme
Part HI
Penelope The Domic op-retta tor)
Simg Cycle Floras Holiday, H Lane
Wilson Kn'i
PrtaoM S ent Trio (from Faust)
Oounon Soprano, Tenor and Rasa
Baas Aria - She Alone Charmeth my
Sadness", (from (ueen of Shebai
Duet Bepraoe and Contralto i or I
T nor and Soprano. Pari (R4, Cara
( from TiarhhPla) Verdi
The Sexittte. arranged for Piano and
(Quartette (orl
The RigoVsilsj Quartette
Dr Geo .I Hand, of .Villain e. wetit
Dearpr hua nitbi i attend the sur
uieal cliiiic of the Denver city and
OOUaty Medical Vssin nation at Den
ver. Colorado This is leing held to
day. Friday and Saturday. This is
an baportaal eve,.; or Hie doeton
and is attiide by doctors from all
over ibis part ir 1 he west. Dr Hand
"Hi return Sunday noraUUI
MiS Bis acfae Kiblde is aiieiiding to
the business at ijie money order win
dow of the poaUrfOce during the ah
sem e of Miss Kdna Reniiliei . who is
itiov vi.,iiinK in Omaha. Mies Hens
diet will return Stindav
Decora! ions were i it rinl and in
while, and the ladies sMnt the after
noon visiting and Haying cards. At
the final coont, Mr. M. K. Johnson
and Mrs J KrldeRiaugh were found
to have tleil on store and drew for
the nrl.e. Mrs. Kridelhaugb was the
lucky ose and tvaa awarded a hand
some cut glass dish. Mbs lna Hell
wood as awaided Ljie consolathai
prir.e. a bunch of beautiful carnations.
Mr and VfS K. J. I.Vega have u
l. tter from their daughter, Mrs. Aga
the Newland, Greenville, Tenn . In
fiwnitng them that she Is delighted her new home in Dixie land. Sh
is greatly pleased w.n h the country an
the climate and also with the hospita
ble soutlawa people.
I'p to date K. I. Gregg ti Son have
weighed tbi season more than '!
wagon loads of potatoes on one pair
of si-ales, and the sHids are not all
in yet v
ailxosid. 0Ttes
Conduotor Tom C nnlwll had a very
narrow escape Monday morning Ho
"as pulling out of the west switch at
Crawford when bis train broke in
tWO, Mr Campbell wtm just enter
ing the wav car He waa knocked
down nnd was unconctou for nearly
thirty inlnutea. He has several bad
cuts on his head and face and a
spin Ined wrist. Hie hrakeman lloy
Rttchey was bruised up and has &
lame knee. In spite at thh' cundl
Hon the crew pluckily took their
train to Kdgemont where they were
rellevfHl by Conductor Rd Shields.
Night Chief Dispauper Pecken
paugh will have t undergo an oper
atkn for append Ickds. Accompanied
by Mrs. PeekenipiiUgh he left Sunday
night for la.ra.mle, Wyo. ifhnatcher
Coleman will act an night chief dm
inn hi Hbsence
Mrs. W W. John-son 8pnt Fridav
and Saturday of Inst week vieiting
friends in Crawford.
Fireman R F Treoiklo has made
a very rapid recovery from his re
cent serious operation at the hospit
al. Mr. Trenkle attributes hts good
fortune to the skillful doctors w bo
performed the operation and to the
fine care and attention given him by
the nurses in the St Joseph' Etta
pital. He says that if he had been
in his own home he could not have
been better treated
Operator Walters, who has been a
gent at ( raw ford for several years,
has bioTi promo-led to Rroken Row
The change was niiiile last Satunlav
Vgent Ormby who has been at Rro
ken Row s-tniie that, statkm was es
tablished has retired and la now
traveling hi California. Mr. Charles
Triplet was promoted to agent at
Chaw ford. He had been cashier at
thai plain- and by his faithful per
fornmfnee of duty has earned his pro
mot ion . Mr and Mrs. Walters leave
many friends In Crawford who wish
them well In their new home
Harold S Thomas, who has heal
the position as linotype operator for
The Herald for a number of iiit.ntlis
and who is an expert pressman as
well, has accepted the pos-RJcii o f
mail carrier with the 'Vllian, e post
office, entering upon his n -vv duiies
last Monday.
The Herald office has added new
eiiuipinent to its mechanical depart
meail this week iu the shape of new
type faces The very latest borders
and rules have been received and
will now be used in advertising and
job work
A large asd complete ft ml of type
writer type has been ad. led. This
will be of much use in getting out
long imitation typewritten letters anil
other work of ihat character.
The Herald Publishing Company
can always be depended upon to hold
its place as ibe leading newspapar
and Job printers in western Nebras
ka. A force of six i.-, eontioually em
ployed in handling ibe business. F.
ery employee of this company is ex
pencilled and 1 onipeleiil Your work
will always be up-to-date.
m m m -
J. R. II Hamilton arrired in Alii
an-i-e a fe days. ,igo wit his three
little boys They wjJI take up their
r 'sidence on a homestead claim in
the Sirasburger neighborhood i n
Sheridan county. At present !B99
are visiting at the home of Mr. Ham
ilton"s son-in-law ami daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. John Duyer. un Sweet wa
ter avenue.
Miss Ijiura Morrison is keeping of
fice for Judge VV. S Ridgell and is
looking after business for him during j
his absence in the eastern part sf th
W. 1. Mutcv. ihe popular
of ihe Laknside Mercantile
is Alliance on business the
the week. He is formed
thai business was gtMd
and the P ople f
country prosperous.
Co., was
Oral of
The Herald
it Lakeside
that part of the
Mr. and
w una. art'
Wm Deltlcin
of Ka
The 1111 mbi is of the Kpiscopal
church, are looking forward h) QMP
completion of their fine new ckurcii.
It is SJfpSMilod that this will be fln-
j is bed in time
; Sunday iu t In
to be
used tin Raster
of Ford Auto
for 1913
Miss Driver
In answering advertisements please
mention this paper.
Lowr.v tt Henry, proprietors of the
Speedway liana sT and general asysata
for 'he surrounding territory for the
Ford automobile, have ordered ltd Of
ihese popular cars to be delivered
during the MMMhM season
ciias Handy, Jr., the esjanattt man
,cit of the Denver brain b of the For
lomiMiuv. spent yesterday and the da.
before in Alliance with lwry ami
Hear) lining up the plans lor the
coming Meant),
A carload of eight of tin- l'tpi Ford
left the Factory at Detroit Tuesdnv
and will arlve bass next Tassdaj
Pari of them are already sold.
Mr. and Mrs Peter Peterson, who
have been making their home at Cal
leant, Montana, are in the city t o
make their home. Mrs. Peterson
wafc formerly Miss Nellie Kllnore of
A. H. Modisetf. of Uushville, auto
ed to Aiiuuiee Wedaeeday op busl
11-.- heiore ihe governmelil land o;
fiie He returned this moin.u. Bkala, who has bepa ranflai tl
to the aospital for five aeaka, baa
luipraaad Stiff it ielltly to be taken to
ills farm on Wednesday. His limb,
which was opens tad on miiu lime
ago. is now in u h better an pains hiia
but little
Jack Sin kin, a shoe salesman of
K. A Marsh of the III; knell Gro
oery Ga, baa aat iaii up with rba
iiinatlsm since a week ago last Satur
day, so that he has not been able to
b-. down to the .store. He was sour
what better yc-teidiy and spent part
of the day rwhsg about town,
VVe wish to call special attention
to Ihe advert iseuifrtu of the Ricknetl
Orocary do., appeal inn la tarts' Issue
of The Herald. They tarry a fresh
stock of good groceries, and readers
of this paper will find their -lore a
th-sirable pl.u to Made.
s a s
A. M. Lotapeftoh of Trask, Mi aeon
Hi brother at Charley L.ispei !i, ar
rived iu Alliance hist Monday, since
which time be has been wading for
a car of appl.-s arrived this
Mi Rebecca Woody was hoi n in
North Carolina Jan. Ism', an J tiled i-n
i Alliance. Ntbr . Del II, 11J, age
ytars In isttl she came to Montana,
loonsVap to Alliance hisi Sepieiuln r to
ti in r slater Mr Patrick, she
1 wits taken Middcnlv ill. and after a
tew days was removed 10 the a 00 pit'
I at tor a surgical operation. -VI el
; five vviiks of suffi l ing she passed iu
I lo that batter land where stt-kiiesr
is ukiiowu She siarl'il in the Christ
laa life a number of years ago and
! her covenant with the l,nl ami Mas
'ter was renew, while 01. In r baa of
sickness Her uarettts. two hroihcis
and five els InSa remain to mourn for
the olle so anlrkly gone.
Rul she U lint dend. and we
'Vinow not even as others
who bare uo hope, for If we be
lieve that Jesus died and ros- agnin
even so lb, -in uImo which sl'-ep in
Jesus will (iiMi brlM stth Him
Fireman Mahoney, who was lakiMi
to the hospital last Tuesday threat
ened with typhoid fever has recover
ed enough to return home. It will
be some time before he is well ettol
to work so he Is planning a trip to
Aurora. . ,
Mrs. Fitpiiirick spent laHt week
visiting tend shopping in Omaha.
Fireman Trimber has been trans
te, i-e( to the east end. He is firing
for Kngltieer George Hicks.
On the new time card number 199
lias been changed back to number 45.
Gen. Superintendent K. K. Young,
Dlv Superintendent Weidenhamer,
Sujit. POckenpaugh of Sheridan, and
Supt. K. K. Holt(N-f of Deadwooti
were in Lincoln lust week attending
to a very important moling of the
Rurlinuton officials.
Mr. George Young, the popular
lumberman from M.irsland, was In
Vlliance Monday.
Kngineer Young and lire man of the
cast and caine thru to VVlllance Moo-day.
The new depot at Crawford is go
ing up rapidly and will be .1 very improvement to Crawford, The
in w denol at Reward w as om ned u
last Saturday. The citizens of Sew
ard snow, (i their annrei intii-n b v
holding : rtsepMni Supt. Rrackan
of l.ineo'.n was one of Hie sneakers
Mr H. W. Fllsvvi,rtb is a new em
ploye at the round house. He I s
firing one of th 1 Stationary Iwiilers.
Mrs. Hernhard! re urned from Iowa
Tuesday morning She ana at the
bedside iJ a sieter who w is very ill.
Her sister wns slightly better when
she r-' urned
1,1, 11 I lampion, formerly aSsis'ani
cashier of Ihe First National Rank
and now cashU 1 t tie- Gothenburg
I V. I ItiniL jl I li.t hellbll t'Ll Nehl'
.itiiiiFiiiii ... "
is in the city visit ms; with friends
Mi. Hamilton is with h ill ttb'll was
forineilv a proiumea'i inemb-r of th
Klks lodge of this city
Rraktmaii and Mrs. R K. McKen
zie are planning a trip to Lincoln,
where they bc'h have relatives. They
will he tone un'il Thanksgiving.
Just before the Herald went 1 o
press a telegram was receiyHl from
Mrs INlsTeapaUfB thart the operatiou
yesterday for appeiidicllis on Mr.
Pe k, upaugh was entirely successful
and that Irjpes for his rapid recov
ery wei now enti rtained. Mr. Peck-
npiHigh is night chief dispatcher for
the Rurlingtoii ami went to Ijiramve,
Wyoming, Sunday night, where tin
op, ration was pel foi med.
. 1
Dr. c K ihtaisj
Crawford vesterday
lie daughter of Mr
tiorilon. who is ran
was called 1 o
10 attend the lit
ami Mrs Allen
ill with typhoid
rever Mr. t,oron and wife are very
well known in Alliance where thev
res Med rv many years. He is novv
ngi 1
ford hill
on a helper ,'hj.Mhc at I raw
Horn to Mr iiUt Mpa., J. t).
Tliaaday morning a luiby r.
make tin third jfirl in the