Section Two Pages 9 to 12 VOLUME XIX The Alliance Herald ALLIANCE. BOX BUTTE COUNTY. NF BR ASK A I THURSDAY. OCTOBER 31, 1912 Section Two Pages 9 to 12 NUMBER 47 Believes in an Honest, Efficient, Economical, Business Administration of State Affairs. More common sense business in the Gov ernor's office and less politics. Invites the support of voters on his record as a citizen of Nebraska, as school teacher, farmer, stock raiser, business man, and state senator. JOHN H. MOREHEAD Democratic and Peoples Independent Candidate for Governor Nebraska ELECTION RETURNS ' I was is .Milan Monduy. I i was d L-etuvniau tx his some in Xwinn af- DDtym DfAUIl UHIICP "' pending hm tinn visiting with MAY ESTABLISH AT THE CRYSTAL NEXT TUESD'Y EVENING Prominent Omaha Piano Mar. Visit ed Alliance to Look Owe.- Propo sition of Establishing Branch Pi ano House to Sell His Pianos Mrs Jot' Sanfini at Mitchell, Wbr Mix acvfoad i Ills sister anil moth er of Mm. W M. Lee of Alliance. WILL. DRING LARGE NUMBER OF LAND BUYERS BIG SOCIALIST MEETING SUNDAY r. u. iron of loottebhtfl and D, J. I'oiiock of Aft on , Iowa. members Geo. R. Kirkpatrick Delivers Inter esting Address to Large Crowd at Empress Theatre i The returns from all over the United States will be furnished by The Alliance Herald at the Crystal Theatre election day in connection with the regular performance. During the afternoon bulletins will be displayed on the bulletin board in the Crystal window. Starting at seven o'clock in the evening bulletins will be read from the stage. The regular performance will be varied with special entertainment and the reading of the bulletins. The theatre will be open until midnight or later. Admission will be 25c for children and 35c for adults. Returns from over the country will be received by special telegraph and telephone wires installed on the stage, by courtesy of the Nebras ka Telephone Company. Returns from western Nebraska aJid Box Butte county will be received by phone on the stage. Bring your entire family, see a good picture show, enjoy the ex cellent music and get the most complete returns ever received in Al liance. The Herald and the Nebraska Telephone Company are furnish ing their part of the evening's entertainment gratis. THE t LIANCEjfERAlD Eugene Burton Democratic and Peoples Independent Candidate for COUN1 Y A TTORNE Y Box Butte County Win. Bchraeller. bead of ih- Brail .. . i of Sfdiuioller A- Mueller, of Oiutiba, piano manufacturers ami tin la;: si piano house in this part pf ;iu v st, spoilt last Thursday af.o'rno.itj and Friday morning In Alliau-. m witJ.i Ltti view of establishing a brunch bouse b.'rc to huuulc the a:lJ.H:ent terrl Lory. Sclimullcr & HuHlir mauula.'iiire and Ml) thousand of high grade pi anos every .season and now do an extensive busings tiiruoiu tbls i.uvf lory by means of aateauinn aiul by uiai.l It is to handle this rapidb iu crea.sing business ilia; tbey art' con sidering the establishment of a bu'Ri brunch boost?. The pianos would OS hipped her in carload lots and dis tributed Cram this point. Mr. Si hmoller is director in Mm Sr Mshluff .National Hank of Scoits Muff, N br.. anil visited this bank on this trip He was accompanied by Mr. Ostenberg, another din I ui is the same tiank and who is con neeled with kiln in the piano busi ness.. Uojrd C. Thomas, or The Herald force, whs at one time connected with the firm of Sclnnnllci & Muel ler as salesman in charge of the I'ianola department. Ida M. Koss now has the local HKcni) for Scbtnoller K Mueller and tmttu their pianos. When the new branch Is established she will un doubtedly be connected therewith in a position of responsibility. of BcottaMuff. Nebr 1 ( da Friday ' pro- pi i t I i e went to Ian U. n: a large party of in ml purchaser on their way to S.-o.'tKuhuf with the idea of porcbaalnj Icrtn 'l North Platte- val- laj laud. They will .return with I lie part in about (wj days. On hull day Mr. lrxm will leave S'.x; ' bluff with a large pitrty of pro s i-:ive pur: 'lasers of Texas land i IK baa the agency for western Xe- liu-ka for a large Texas develop ment company that bandies .small t.rats In the fruit country. INHERITS $310,000.00 Still Lives on Homestead and Will Spend Money Caieully LAST RALLY OF CAMPAIGN Your support respectfully solicited I Dr. W. L. Curtis, the veterinary surgeon, and Marvel Myers, Mie pho tographer, of Alliance, passed thru ('anion l'liuisd.c evening, from a trip wal of Curly, each beiuK lu churge of an automobile. Mr. My ers, who Is well knowu auioiig the friii is of Hox liutte county, has si ld bis farm a. lew miles southeast of Alllaiiif and expects to move down nnar Oshknsh. where lie has leased a tract of laud for rHiich purposes Canton Correspondent Cur ly Seutlnel, 0-. 24. TO CONFERENCE AT SIDNEY lt Titus l.aiiK, pastor of the Iniuiantiel (ieriuan Kvanuelical Luth eran eburcb, went to SUItu y Mooda to attend church' conference there Tuesday and Wednesday Me nu-t and was accompanied by a nutuber of ministers from northern Nehraska. -. ADVANCING RAPIDLY IN MUSIC Mrs. Ida M. Koss bus re'flved word from her daughter Kn. who went to Lincoln to study music about two weeks ago, that she I PCtitSi aloitK very rapidly and pra--ticiiiK from five to six hours a day. 1 VISITING AT MITCHELL Mud John, I of Newton, Missouri, I . iman by tlie name ut Muridn. I ... aneu proiuiuiy twenty-six or seven, and living ilea- Crawford, came to Alliauce Welnesday act onijianicil by two fri nils, who acted a his wlt RCMM i'i proviuu up on bis noern men! bolll 'Stead l lilll ai res before the lo al land office the same day. It is .reported, and not denied, that .Murphy inhcritid 181000.00 from an estate ol wiiicJi he ii an heir, .about i wo montJis huo ami that he now has Mie money. He tcove no evldeui-e of vantliiK to spend it very badly, how ever, and bis friends state that he bus not cluMiKcd bis manner of liv ing from that of a poor homesteader to a wealthy capitalist in auy way w hatever. Murphy aud his friends returned to Craword Wednesday noon. ENTERTAINED FRIENDS lira. Ularuni mtartaiaad tew frb nds !a her rine tu home to an endlbnt duck roast last ThuiMlay Thi' supper was gtroi in honor of h. r youtu friend. Miss .1. nnie H.M.n MEETING OF G. F. S. C. The (J. K. H. C. will bold a busi ui sb me t hi k at the llaptui . hur h Friday afieruoon at four uVlmi. All iikiiiIm is are requested lo be pres ent. . Ovo. OOfMM of MeuilUKford was ill Alliance last Saturday on his re luru tHm a trip to the southeastern part of the slate The socialists held their last rally In Alliance for the present political campaign at the Empress theatre on Sunday afternoon, when Geo. It. Kirkpatrick delivered an eloquent address to th largest audience that has atti tilled a socialist meetlnK in this city. Mr. Kii-kpatrbk is a fine public speaker and made a splendid iin pn sea upon bis hearers at Alllan. o as he invariably d les In his public speaking. We uuilerstand that he will totiiinue leturitiK after the BtoettOBi workinj; unit if ie aoaplcefl of the sin ialist lyceiiin bureau. It In the dininK nsnn were in yellow -hades, chrysanthemums- belnn used a the flower. Mine Hamilton wore a dress of white satin under a crepe chiffon. She carried bride roues. Mrs. Kautm.m and Miss Vera Hamilton wore pink uowns and carried pink roses. Cake and j ream were served in the dining room by Mm. Fred Winter of Yutan and .Mm. Charles Lynianii, and they were assisted by the Mioses Alarle Mason, Anna Whelan, Kdlih Ijipp, Cora Schwan and Kudra Mallory. Miss .lessie le too iharKe of the Kiiest book and in the Hying room punch was served by Misses Mabel Duncan of Alliance and Klva llatnil ton. Claren e Hrookmun opened the dOOf to the guest. Mr. and Mrs. Kclley loM in the evi iiiiik for their home at i rth Platte. inv. by way of Omaha. WILL VISIT STOCK YARDS The live sto k Interests u South Omaha are making c-xtnsive prepar ation for reieivinK the Nebraska eachers on the o wisliui of tki may be that he will be beard in Al- : annual cr.nvenMon In Omaha, oieui llanie again within the next year, ber tttli, 7th and 8tb. The Slock His lecture on "War! What For?" j Yards company Is issuing a sou veal r Is especially well liked, and is popu- ivltatlon to each of the lar with person who are not so; lal- ten-hers to rtrtt the "Yards" where M.-, its well as witii members i,r sueelal couinsies will thai political parly. FORMER ALLIANCE YOUNG PEOPLE be extended to MARRY Mom. The paoktaf houses are ar ranging for elaborate displays of pro uucts and all Mr.' institutions connect- ed ivl-tli Mi., n.i. fir. r u-lll I.. .1.1 - ...... .... "Ill I I 1 F . I I I ' j ( , I 1 ,,,,,, ! . Iiiuise during the term of the con. en I he follow .iik taken from the Xe- I . . ., i..,..L.. SZZ , ,!" (" rrtJf- SOM-lUtHV I. the ....... wuui iitu iraiuiiif, ; lie marriage of two former Alliance young people will interest their' many friends here: The marriage Qf Miss Alma Mam illon and Marry Kelley of ori h I'latte took place last evuiilng at the home of th.- br. tie's pal' li s, Mr and Mrs. It. II Mallliltou. .'ita Xortb Slx litlilh sireil. Ke. Albert Cordon of the I'niied I'resbyterian church oi' ItrlatlaC' Frank Kautmaii was groomsman ami Mrs. Frank man was matron of honor Miss Vera Mamiltoii was the bride's maid ami Virginia Stult. was the ring bearer. .Miss Kihi'l Dunn of Mleiiwootl, la., presided a' the piano, pl.i.vinu the M ndelsschu "Wa44Um March" as the wedding party took their lielore I lie minister. Muring the cer i,u, euiony she plaed 'The llarcarole" i n,u i from "Tales of Hoffman" and th Mi-inlelssobii "Spring Song." These were prei ed-d by two :iiigN h Mrs. Vlls'ft Cassel. "I Loe Vihi Truly," and ' I tit a use I Love You, Dear." The ceremony tisik plai e in the parlor, where pillars cow red with white and decorated with lilies, rcru. aud palms formel the background for the wedding parly. The decorations fvVk day Yards companv will tender an informal luncheon in the big Kx- i change illnlug room to the members of the Teuchtrs Association. The South Omaha Uve sto:k mar k.t now ranks second among the world's markets and is today Nebras ka s greutest i . i.niuiercial institution. The progressive tea her, always alert to matters of public Inter st and ever ready to absorb knowledge "which naj be useful iu the every -day field i t ndeavor, will find a visit to the stock yards a profitable one, for there an opportualt) will be afforded to learn something concerning the industry which has beeu such a prom inent factor in the development of Si braska's resources. Among the many local excursions planneij for taachers last year the one to Yards' proved by far the nmi (opiilar ami it is expected that thous ands of the teachers will visit the big packing bouses and the slock yards next month, so those Ideniitied with the markeare making arrange int-nts accordingly M 1). Nichols and wife went to Sheridan Saturday for a wait of a