The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 24, 1912, Image 6

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March on Adrianople, Repulsing
Turks All Along Line.
Ottoman Troons Are on the Defensive
Against Soldiers of Combined Balkat
States Largest Hostile Forces or
Cortirent S:nce Eighteen-Seventy.
Along t)p mou ntalttous troBi of 201
miles front Ktrtt KIHbbeh Ul the oast tc
I'skr.J in the west the advance of the
a! Jir! irtnles Into Turkey hmUum
The Turkish Dimy appears, to he net
In? on the defensive. Its (Hit postl arc
lowly 'vithdrn Wtng itnd are attempt
in.: only to ICTOen the way for moblll
Ml Ion While the main foroei on
march ine; toward the frontier.
Only sm:ill encHnernontK. which Rive
r idea of tho nettle of tho combat
arts, have occurred thus far. The
censorship has 1 ( 11 so complete nnr
effective that RurOpe has few detail.-
- ep( that tho largest armies, in th
fi id on tho contloeni since ifTB an
preparing for a deatli struggle.
Adrianople and l'sl;np are beln
watched is the strategic points for th
great tnttle. Adrianoplo Is defendoi.
by modern fortress with .ion of the
most modern guns. It is the run ii
c. tfway to Turkey and should give th
Invnders n lone siege. The town ol
M-istapha Pasha, seventeen miles U
the north, already has fallen into th
hands of the Bulgarians and tin
mager announcements of the event
Iftdlcftte without serious resistance
The approach to I'skun Is more dlffl
Th" wherenbouts of the Greek fleet
Is unki.own. but one report has It that
the flee has sailed to And Turkish
khips, while the Oreek government ha
pioclauned n blockade of part of th
cithern coast of Turkey.
The Montenegrin forces captured
the town of l'luva. The hattle lasted
two days.
After a four-hour engagement, the
Creeks dislodged the Turks from th
Strong positions which they had taU--
in the defense ot Bllassona, at the fool
of Mount Olympus, and occupied th
town Th Crown Prince Constant 'nr
WOt in command and received a hap
tl?m of flro The Brook troops show d
great courage. Their losses wore
The Turks retired townrd Sarandn
poro pass, where h main forces had
concent rated The Greeks OCOitpr all
the helchtt ,r: the north of BttaMoni
nrd n decisive' battle is Imminent.
V.'illinm Rugh, Who Gave Lig to Save
Girl, Victim of Pneumonia.
"I guess I'm Soma good after ali.'
Billy Rush, the forty-one-year-old
cripple, whoso withered !c; w;i- am
pntated to save the life of a girl by
a l kin grafting operation at a hospital
in Gary, spoke thes words and
then died.
Pneumonia was said by the physi
cians to have boon tile cause of death.
The ailment. however, resulted direct
ly from 'jolf.saeiiiice, having been due
to Irritation ol the lungs by the ether
that was given when the leg was cut
or to furnish skin for the body of a
person whom he had never seen.
Hugh had no relatives and since
CO uing to Gary , a tramp several year!
ago. ho i ad made his living selling
n wapap - on the streets. He had tc
be trust I for the first bundle of pa
pcrs with whic h he started business.
The girl. Mis Ethel Smith, for
whom he sacrificed his log and later
liis life, had been terribly burned In a
motorcycle accident. It is Just two
dnys since bet recovery advanced suf
fi'Mently to permit her removal home
front the hospital in which Rngb died
Urges National Marketing Association
for Growers.
"A national marketing association
for farmers" was advocated by H K
Vooknoi in ait address before the con
vention of soul li western growers at
l!;i!las, Tex.
it oaati the formers of the United
States, said Mr. Yoakum, something
lihe $"in,00O,00i) annually in interest
011 their loans, which is $'2un,fii0.ii00
sore than U ahfHild be.
He said that ear'oad of waterage)
oi:s in Oklahoma sold tor r cents
apiec uit m Mlaneeota the melons
rctailo for 5u to 10 cents apice. The
buyer, 1r. Yoakum said, told the Okln
bonig aimer that he coald not pa
him n bob becanae of excessive rail
rond fights. Mr. Yoakum de. lared
tills nr antmOt because, be said, the
railn id freight on the car of melons
amounted to only 7'-.. cents a melon
Frear to Be Reappointed.
On r' omm ndatlon of Secretary of
the Intel ior Fisher. President Taft de
elded to reapiioint as governor of Ha
waii Wa'tOT F Frear, against whom
Oharg a W ra Rude last spring b Ha
waiian Delegate Kalanianaole. fisher
made a special trip to Hawaii to in-.-tigate
the charges. Tho president
mill und Frear'a nomination to the
Bonute as soon as congress meets in
Cand Trunk May Buy Great Western.
Chicago. Oct 21. Active negotin
Hons are i tvirted under way by the
Gnmd Trunk railway for the purchase
of a controlling interest in the Chi
ctso Great Weutern railroad
John Schrank. Assassin.
From Photograph Taken
Soon After His Arrest.
, i
ssw dHk
aB ussisaak sB
Departs With His Family foi
Rest at Oyster Bay.
O 11I. !i- American Press AswoHslfiWl
Would 3 Assacsin CI&Ina Bc!!;t ir
Roosevelt Belongs to Him.
Iltlwaakoo. on. M,. For t: Co ilrai
time since he w. Incarcerated, Jo.m
Bchraak asked n deputj shotiff liov.
Colone! Roos nelt was W'h. li tohl
his condition was favorable, Bcbronl
asked where the coionel bad bOOO bot
and if the hu'lot bad hi-en located.
"The bullet belongs to me," said th
prisonet "I hav: Blade m will an'
bequeathed the bullet to the New York
Historical society! With a request that
It be placed on exhibition in the stati
capltol. My property in New York I
have willed to my mother in Ger
Two Hundred Socialist Orators to In
vade Little Falls.
New York. Oct. 21 Henry I, Slobo
'lin. state chairman of the Socialist
party, ii- planning to send 2"u Socialist
orators to Little Kails, if neOOasaiTi tC
in. '1st on the right of free ipoeofa and
to sustain Mayor Ijinn of Schenec
fady, who has been twice arrested in
bis campaign for liberty of political
"Oar first slop will bo to demand n
conference with the
thorttlea," bo said.
hope that this will
dropping fli" matter.
continue their persecutions, or fail t
dischatge the speakers tliey have un
justly imprisened we will keep 0a
pouring BoclalisJ orators into Lltth
Falls until the jai's ane fo.M.-
I Ittle Kalis au
We have every
result in theit i
But if they still !
Doctors' Only Warning to Patient Is
That He S'-ouMn't Overexert Him
self Condition of Wound Remain
Satisfactory. -y Physicians.
Chicago, Oil lla Colonel Rooae
e,iv slight set back from bating o. r
C Sorted himself in receiving ffiOndl
lid not prevent ill departuie foi
Ovstor Hay Ihll BlOtning over the
Pennsylvania railroad.
His physicians Issued their last but
letln. as follows: Colonel Roosevelt'
gefjwral condition gOOd. Respirator.'
MVOhlOAta comfortable. His genera!
OOttdltlOn lusttTlos his leaving the bos
nital to: Oys'er Ha . but It is deemed
advisihle in order to lessen the possi
bility of complications that he should
no be disturbed in any way, and wll
not be allowed to see anyone en route
He will he in charne of Dr. Alexaiidei
LlBl berl gOj Dr, Scurry L Terrell.''
H'omptly at 7:S0 this morninK a bt
limousine antonohlle drew up in the
COUti yard of the hospital, surrounded
by mounted and motorcycle policemen
The hiof k was cleared of people and
policemen were on tho root's of adjoin
Ing buildings.
Goes in Wheel Chair.
Colonel Roosevelt wore heavy cloth
tag and sat In a wheel chair, which
was lowered in a private elevator tc
tna ground level and wheeled to th
automobile. He was bundled up Ir
rugs anil driven s'owly to the station
A private entrance to the train flooi
wns Kuarded by policemen and th
street for inO feet either way wa
closed. Attendant carried the wheel chalt
down to the train shed and lifted the
chair to the level of the car step sc
that Colonel Roo.welt could stop tab
the train. Attached to the regular
train "'as the colonel's private cat
and another for the traveling corre
spondent and phyalclnna
Colonel and Mrs Roosevelt, Miss
Ethel and Theodore. Jr.. and Mrs
l.onsworth Occupied the colonel's car
Dr. Ah lander Lntnlierr and Dr. Scurr)
L Terrell th" colonel's physicians
wore quartered with the newspaper
men in the second car. A hell cord
vas arranged so that the patient from
his bod can summon either physician
direct at any UlDO. The doctors. Mrs
nno. roll and the colonel's danglU
will ho tho nti'ses o?i the trip.
it U the plan to proceed through
New York direct to Ovster Boy,
Wore Dyamita Evidence,
rndirvi- ()t 21 The delivery
throng!) i moll of a package which
tho government charges (ontiilnoi:
fuse ti.P'i to Mow up h building at
kron. O , on Jufjf H. 11". was dls
closed by R. O, I'loyd. postinaster at
Cleveland, op the stand as a witness
In "thO dyniir.iife conspiracy" trial. H'
testified in tn the records thai thf
packnao, aant by Ortie v.. McManlrai
of Chicago, was received by spet lal
dollrory at tho bone of Peter .r
Smith, an Iron workera' union offlri:.;
in Cleveland
Funeral Services for 3enator Heyburn
Washinst'in. Oct. 21. Funeral set
vices for tho late W. B. Heyburn ol
Idnho wore conducted by Rev. U. G. B
Pierce, chaplain of the senate. Tht
body WfM taken to Birmingham. Pa. !
the boyhood home of Senator Hey
burn, where his parents are buried
Simple services of the Society ol
Friends' wore bold at Biimingham thi-afternoon.
Nagel Defends Chief.
Columbia, Mo, Oct. 21 Charle
Nagol. secretary of the department
of commerce anil labor, in a speech
advocating the re-etecthHi of Presi
tent Taft, s-iid thai the government is
in a nitaanre meponalbla for the pros
p rilv which now abouada in the conn
try. lie said that a careless revisior
c f tho tariff is dangoroni
Death Ends Long Penance.
Myton. I'tah. Oct 21 Inepogut. n
T'to Indian, who for almost thirty In
year.s has done penance for the mur
der of hit mother by going naked an
refusing to mingle with other men.
hers of his tribe, was found dead ii
his tepoe. laepogul refused to weai
any sort of clothing even in the cold
est weather.
Negro Pugilist Draws $25,000 Frorr
Bnk. but Reaches Court Too Late.
FeJoral offi iais at Chicago received 1
a oi expressions ot y i
with the government s efforts to In j
roatigato the Jac;k Johnson case audi
the ue-ro pugilist's alleged relatio:i j
with l.ueile Canitron. the ntaotOOn
year-old white girl he is charged with'
OHuir- in charge of the federal bu
reau of Investigation received a nuns
ber ot lotters and tolephone alls urg
ing the government to "go the limit'
in the matter.
The t;irl, whose mother, Mrs. F.
Cameruii FaUonet of Minneapolis, ha?
set the police department, the Cook
count) court, and the federal depart
JMPt o: just'ee in motion to save her
daughter from the black pugilist's in
ttuenue, wis taken to Chiiago from
Whoaton in the morning and quea
t toned at lenath by Assistant I'nited
States District Attonn-y Harry Parkin
It was said the girl gave the govern
mom officials much information In the
alleged white slave case in which she
is hold as a witness on a 135.000 bond
lohnon gtada an unsuccesslul at
tempt to obtain her release. He drove
up to tho First National bank in his
automobile and withdrew $2.r,00O.
Later he wont to the federal build
ing witii cash in hand but Cornmis
iuuirr l-'oofe had departed, and therr1
was no one to receive the surety.
Land Office Patents Cheaper.
Washington. Oct. 21 The genera!
land ifflce is Striving to stem a flood
of cash remittance pouring in from ap
plicants for copies of land patents. Re
cent legislation reduced the price of
these document! from $1 GO to 85
cents cash and made a sweeping re
ShiOt'oa iti the charge for photographic
Jealousy Cause of Assault.
Kansas Cii, Oat. 19. A woman'
j alousy and not his testimony n th.
dimamlte tap I at Indianapolis caused
the gaaauH a pan Rarrjr k. Pearce, a
cook, aceordlog to chief of Poiin
Ori'! ii. Pearce vss fcund iu an up
paroptty lincotMriouj rondltior and
removed tn th general ho:rita!.
Necessary Three-Fourths Expected to
Be Reached This Winter.
During the coming winter th - soi ra !
t.ny of state is expected to issue
rrocuunatUra announcing the adoption
of tl" Income tax amendment to tit- i
rod" a; constitution.
A lenient prepared by the de
panic nt of state shows that up tc
date thirty two states have ratiti d
ami (out haw rejected tho amend meat.
Under the constitution three -fourt.
of the states must accept an amend
mcnt in older for it to enter Into force
Of the twelve states yet to act. tht
legislatures o' nine will meet this win
ter. A majority of these, it Is reliably
reported, will give their approval to
tlie incisure. This means that from
the coming year congress will have
PWWOr "to lay and collect taxes on in
comes, from wbatevof source derived
without apivoi I ioutnent among the sev
eial states and without regard to any
census or enumeration."
Plan for Church Unity.
UntlavtUa, Oel II. Untgcatton o
all th' missionary, benevolent and
philanthropic activities of the Chris
Uaa bnrrhoa in this country and Can
ad:', and administration of these move
mont.s ie, one central organisation was
decto d upon here bv delegates of the
lOU t na lonal DisclpUs of Christ.
Several people were Injured in a
wreck of a .Missouri Pacific passenger
train at Pleasant Hill, Mo.
Th" capture of Vera Cms l (Ion
eral Dins has stirred the Mexican gov
eminent to lgorous action
Lieutenant Weissbarth, a German
military aviator, tarrying a passengt r,
fell while ruing near Gelngen Both
men wore killed.
The Mexican chamber of deputies
VOtet down the roagtntiOH introduced
bp Opposition deputies demanding the
retlgpjnUon m the eabtnoi
Mrs. Bdna Hint, wife or Henry Hutt,
the artist, was granted a decree of dl
Mircp in the district court at Reno on
the grounds of desertion.
After throe days' session the. I'nion
Veterans' league elected officers and
adjourned. Z:uieslle, O., was chosen
for the next mooting place.
The Prussian government, an exien
alve mine owner. BUI withdrawn from
the Gorman coal trust as a protesi
against the raising of prices
Prince Cha-les Max Llchnowsky has
been nominated German ambassador
a! London in succession to the late
Baron ttarachaH von Bleboratoin.
Three persons wore killed and three
.njured, one fatally, when the party
was run down by a Wheeling and ljikt
Erie passenger train at Harmon, O.
On grounds of desertion. Mrs. Edna
Hutt. wire of the Now York artist,
Homy Hutt. was granted a divorce by
.ludge French in the district court at
Mra. Stevens of the Women's Chris
tian Temperance union says that the
past year has been one of notable
progross toward total abstinence in
this country.
Emll Howard Ross, Jr., twenty years
old, shot to dath his father, Emit
Howard Ross, iu Denver, at the fam.,y
home. Young Ross and his atepmoth
er were arrested.
With the booming of guns and hlow
ing of steamship whistles the Liv
ingstone channel from the lower De
troit river Into lake Brie was formally
opi nod to commerce.
Another French military aviator,
Lieutenant Hlnno, was killed when one
of the Wtngf of his monoplane broke
fnd ho was thrown from a height ol
1 t00 foot, near Chalons.
The , Illinois supremo court denied
the petition of tho Progressives to
have the same names of candidates
printed on two or more tickets to he
votori at the Kovomber election.
C w. Prior, editor of a Chicngo
trade publication, was Instantly killed
ind four others wore seriously in
jured in tho wreck of Prior's automo
bile, which turned over near Hinsdale.
Main persons wi re injured in a riot
cause by .in attempt ol the Univer
sity of ilnnols students to force theii
way Int the opera house nt Cham
pelgn, hero a vaudeville show wa.8
in progress.
A triumphal match through crowded
I e's and a mass meeting of con
gratulatlon In Fanuell hall dosed tor
the . on the activities of the Boston
Red 8 th new world's champions,
as a ba- ball team.
The Gei man navy has decided tc
surpass the 1 1 inch guns mounted on
the latest type of I'nited States super
dreadnoughts of the Texas class and
to install I.Vinci) weapons on its own
Litest stipci dreadnoughts
Tefttntetty that $2n, which the gov
ei nicent charges were expended for
an explosion, was real! used to union
ize jobs, win given by August Hnssow
of Hobokcn. N Jr., at tho dynamite
conspiracy trial at Indianapolis.
Two Greek strikers were killed at
McGill. Nev., whore the attempts ol
union men to close the Steptoe mill
and smelter have caused much disor
der and 'impe'led Governor Oddie to
order the mobilization of the Nevada
state polkc.
Witncsaes for the defense in the
trial at New York of former Police
Lieutenant Charles Becker testified
that "Bald Jack" Rose and "Brldgy"
Webber, chief supports of the state's
i is ', hoth had threatened to kill Her
man Rosenthal.
The bodies of Mrs. Julia Bokowski
nd her two children were found iu
their home on the farm of Mrs. Bo
kowski near Carlsiadt, Alberta. Th
indications are that the woman killed
the children with a knife and then
tabbed hen it to death.
Fo.i preliminary motions made by
attorney, for E. O lwlt., whose sec
ond 'tiiil on charges of using the mails
to d ll old, b gan in the I'nited Mat -distiii
t court in St Louis wre
promptly overruled by Judge Cha.les
A Wiil.ird of Minneapolis.
Divorced ftj his first wife after thlr
ty all years of wedlock. William J.
Whit' . millionaire head of the chewim;
gam trust, is living apart from bis
second wife, nearly thirty years hid
junior, whom he married within thirty
hours alter his divorce In lttg,
Governor Mai shall, through the ad
jutant leaeiul of Indiana, issued or
deis to tin fontb Bond baanpanj of
the natloMl guard to hold itself in
roedlnesjSJ to go at once to Mineral
Springs to don gambling alleged to
be going on there in connection with
the Porter race meeting
Dr Algernon 8. Crapsy. a former
Rphv opal triorgyman of Rochester, was
arrested ut Little Falls. N. Y. while
gddreaxhsg a street crowd on the sull
ied of the "Sermon on the Mount "
The itrreejj Wga an InoMotai of the at
tempt of the authorities to prewni
sir .i ei. t tfnu.j of HOC Mil Stl In sym
pathy aith the strikins mill workers.
Beef Closing Steady -Feeders
Weak and Lower,
Fat Lambs 75c Higher for Week an
in as Much as Dollar Higher
Killing Ewes Show About the 8amt
Union tOCh Yards. South Omaha
Oi l II (Mil ii lew attic arrived to
tajft about mmi bend The total to
the week loots up about 40,oou head
What low coin-fed cattle arrived thl
Week sold readily at steady prices
lies I western beeves are a shade st i ong
ei foi the Week, while the lighter ant
TeXM giades IN perhaps a little low
ftr Choice 1,3'tti pound beeves sold a
blgb as jN.'iu, but choice heel is ver
OafCI Ccws and heifers are closin.
anywhere from steady to 15(9 20c low
er, the decline being largely on tin
fair to medium cows. Hulk of the fan
to good butcher and bOOi sto K hi mow
ing around $L 255.35 Husinoss it
stock cattle and feeding steers ha I
boon fairly large and the nndortoo4
was strong during the early part o
the week, later in the week prices de
dined a little.
Cattle quotations: Choice to prlni
beeves, S9 omfjilti.Oti; good to o)ioici
beeves $S2otfiR.75; fair to gooi
beeves. $7 50tff 8.00; common to fab
beeves. $S OOtTi 7 25; good to choice
heifers ". T'.fnl Mi. good to hoici
cows. $.'.50ift 0 25, fair to good grades
$4.10ifi 5 .?,:: ennners and cutters. g3 '
4 25; veal calves, $5uh'o0()0; bulls
rtags. etc., $4 25 (ft 5 40; choice to prim
feeders, 7.PO0f.7fi good to cholc
feeders, d Silfg.7S; fair to good rood
crs, .SO0gt8i common to fair feed
eia. l 755ro; stock cows and boti
Ms, l4.504Jf8.7S; choice to prime fa
boevea, 17.60(98.30; good to choici
itrass booves. $i; 5ufi 7 25; fair to gooc
glass bo vos, li'i iinft II 50; poor to fait
g ;is--- beeves, L'.", Ii li on
About 4,5011 bogs wore received to
day. making a total for the five tjayi
of about 18,000 head. The hulk of t hi
hogs sold a nickel lower than Thurs
day. Majority of the sales were niaib
around $k j5'oS7n, with a top on s-ev
i ral loniN of $S 75. just i. nirkel lowei
than Thursday's best price.
Sheep and lamb receipt! amountei
to about 12.000 head today, whicl
makCa a total for the five days Of 400,
nun bead For tlie week the genera
niaiket on fai lambn and ewes Is full'.
75c higher th in :i week ago. Killini
wethers end 1 arliugs show an im
provemonl ol el b ust 50O7ffc, Pned i
i-imbs nre around 15f'.'5c hilo"
while feodlOg owes are now selling 5o
a'ove priies nt the end of last week
She -p and lamb quotations; Latnbe
good to eboii e. $7."0ifj 7.50; lambs, fai'
to good. 10,41 37.CQ; lambs, feeders
15.8598,50; ycariingti pood to choici
light, 11.00(015.80; yearlings, good tr
Choice heavv, 1 .i!5fi 5.i!o ; yearlings
faaderii $4.75ff5.85; wethers, good t
choice. 4.tf494.75; wethers, fair ti
pood. I4.0064.t5; wethers, feoden
It,(l$f8 1 15; iwer, uooii to ebcicp. 51.01
(.to; ewi , fair to ood. t.75O4J0
owe;;, f" de: s, $;', 25(fr ?, fin ; ewes, year
'tag breed era, t4'O''8W0O; ew . aged
t.tV49tJti cull sleep and bucks
$2..;if .i 00.
We offer One Hundred Dollar -Keward
for any case of Catarrh
that cannot be cured by Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure.
K. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O.
V'e, the undersigned, have known
K. J. Cheney for the last 15 years,
and believe him perfectly honorable
in all business transactions and fi
nancially able to carry out any ob
ligations made by his firm.
ToOdo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken In
ternally, acting directly upon tbe
blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. Testimonials sent free. Price
75 cents per bottle. Sold by all
Take Hall's Family Pills for con
Mr and Mrs. W. S. Coker have
returned home after their visit to
old Missouri
Mr. and Mrs. O. Q. Clark and
Miss Johnston and Mr. and Mrs. J.
C, Wrlgbt and family were vlltlng
Bnndnjf at Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Haw
kln's Mrs. P. 8. Malley and Auntie Mall
ey were calling on Mrs. J. C. Haw
kins the tsth and spent a pleasant
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wright were
at Alliance on the ISth on business.
Mrs. Silvia McKlnncy Is visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mra. O. H.
Mrs. Cal I'nderwood was up to
visit her son Albert a few days
this week nnd to do a little house
cleaning for him.
R. R. Reddish shipped cattle to
Omaha this week.
Mrs. Reddish and her son Ray
were Alliance callers today, the 18.
Mr. Ramsdell had a force of uieo
following the potato digger this
week. He has a large patch.
Ray Reddish has been hunting
and visiting his friend, Lynn Cant
well in the sandhills this week, and
some of his neighbors were made
glad, too.
Some of this neighborhood attend
0d the funeral of Mr. Vogel in Al
Itant I on Wednesday.
Many Common ailments 8M caused
directly by liver trouble. The prop
er way to relieve such ailments la
to remove the COOee. Very frequent
ly In nervousness, irritability, bowel,
kidney and Stomach troubles. Jaun
dice, sluggishness that tired-out
feeling the liver is at fault, and
the only satisfactory or permanent
rein f to be obtained is thru some
remedy thai win remove the cause
by restoring the liver to health.
Raaail Little Liver Pills are spec
ially designed for that purpose. They
contain powerful remedial agents
in the right proportions to insist
the liver in regaining health. Every
sale is accompanied with a positive
guarantee that If they do not do
all we claim for t lit Pn if they do
not relieve afrom liver trouble and,
by thus removing the cause, prove
an effective remedy for all nllfnoPfg
arising from a faulty liver all you
have to do is to say no, and we
will chOOTfally refund your money.
I' oOa 25 cents. Sold in this ora
PJ Unity Ottly at our store. Th.- Rex
all Store V. E. IIOLSTEN.
Ad veti isemcnt 1 4.1-2 1 474 i
ThO Cirls Four Square Club will
in, .1 at the Daptist c hurch Friday
afternoon at 4 o'clock. Rev. God
frey will lead. A free will offering
will be i. ike ii
The Palace Feed and Sale Barn
Convenient Location, up-to-date facilities,
courteous treatment, best service, charges
Your Patronage Solicited
Corner Second St. and Laramie Ave.
(Smallest Bank io the World)
This little bank is made of heavy nick led brasi, highly polished, and will
last iorever. It can be worn on a key riag, waieh cbaia. or easily carriej ia the
pocket. Send roc lor S4tnple. or 25c. it liold Finish is preferred. Ask ior (ercus
open territory, which is fast being taken.
"Ptrt cone rr sred."
Acid:. . ItCKY HORSt SHOt BANK, 915 llotiroo, fee York, . Y.