CHAS. GLAZE IDea-ler in Midi's ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Uy patronising a home man you MV0 agent's commission and Recurs a Kiiarantepd article. 1 buy all my marble in car load lots and do my own engraving. See me "before To-u-ririgr One-half mile south and two miles east of Alliance WASHINGTON LETTER Washington. Oct. 2:1. If the Amor li'im people wish In give credit to whom credit is due, they ought to support the democratic oandMetss (or Congress and thus place their stump of npprovnl on the record of i lie Mouse of Representatives. Sinee .lanuary I. a democrat F-stOFOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT NO. ONI. The follow Ii.k j. i posed amendment ta the constitution of ths Stnte of Nebraska, aa hereinafter art forth ,n full. If sub mltted to tii electors of the State of Nf braskn. to be voteil upon at the general election to t held Tuesday. November in. A. D. 19L "AN ACT to! a Joint resolution propos ing amendment to Section 1 and Sec tion 10 Article 1 of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska, und supplement ing Article entitled 'Amendments.' Be It Kesohi'i and feutlMl by the Legis lature of the Stats of Nebraska: Section 1. That at the seneral election Ic House has pnssctl tariff bills which for state und legislative offlcers to be nein on wie i uesuuy succeening wie his Monday In November, 1S12. the following would have reduced the high eost of i living $;5o.oo(i,(mh a fear, Kvery bill which In the slightest degree provided for Ihe masses Mil vetoed by the President. The Farmers' Free Mat bill, pass ed by the House, would have saved BUY 1 MAJESTIC urn The Majestic Steel Range is in a class by itself. It has the reputation and is stand ing up to that reputation. Come in and see them. Prices from $55 to $65 Cast Ranges of superior quality $35.00 and up provisions be proposed and submitted as amendment to Section 1 and Section 10 of Article 3 of th Constitution of the State of Nebraska: Section 2. That Section 1 of Article I of the Conftltutlon of the Stats of Ne braska Is hereby amended to read as fol lows: Section 1. The legislative authority of the state shall be vented In a leslxlHturs the people $390,000,000 attltUally This sonslstlng of a seriate and house of re.pre , , - , . ; sentatlves. but the people ressrvs to bill removed the duty from agrlCUl . themselres power to propose Isws. and Ural implements, which 136,000.- SJU &g?)fftS&& OOd worth were exported and only dependent of the legislature, and also re a , .. , , , . serve power at their own opticn to sp ill. ...nun worth were imported during prove or relect at the polls any set. item. the, Inst vour: sowing DM- , 'Jlf"V r fart of any act passed by the PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT NO. FOUR. The following proposed amendment ta the constitution of ths State of Nebraska, as hereinafter set forth in full, is sub mltttd to the electors of the State of Ne braska, to ha. voted upon at the general election to be held Tuesday. November Mb. A. I. 1912. "A JOINT RESOLUTION to propose amendments to Section five (5) of Artlcle six () and Section thirteen (11) of Article nlxtsen (IS) of the constitu tion of the state of Nebraska as found In the Complied Statutes of Nebraska for 1909 (Section thirteen (1:1) of Article eighteen (II) of Cobbey's An notated Statutes for 1909). relating to time of electing ludges of the supreme court, fixing the tlms of the general election and providing for holding over of Incumbents until their successors are elected and qualified. Be it KesnUed and Enacted by the Legis lature of the State of .Nelu.isk.i PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT NO. THREE The following proposed amendment ta , ths constitution of the Stats of Nsbrsska, as hereinafter set forth In full. Is sub mitted to the electors of the Stats of Ne braska, to be voted upon at ths general election to bs held Tuesday. November (th. A. D. 1912. A JOINT RESOLUTION to amend Sec tion nineteen (19) of Article five (5) ol the Constitution of the State of Nebras ka creating a Board of Commissioners I of State institutions Be It Knnrfpd by ths Legislature of ths State of Nebraska: Section 1. That Section nineteen '19). of Article five (6) of ths Constitution of ' the 8tats of Nebraska, be amended to read ss follows: Section 19. The Governor shall, prior ! to the adjournmest of ths thirty-third session of the legislature, nominate and, with the consent of two-thirds of ths members of the Semite in Executive Ses sion, sppolnt three electors of ths stats. Section 1. That Section Five (5) of not more than two of whom shall belong chines, fence wire, bugging ami cot ton ties, lumber, Inths, shingles, suit, DMatS, flour, leather, shoes, etc. Under our tariff law a barrel Of flour valued at 1 abroad is taxed 2.r x'r cent ad valorem tit our ports, or (1 on the barrel. This bill re moved the entire tux. Beef valued at $5.:t0 per 100 lbs. abroad pays I tariff tax equivalent nfure Section 1A. The first rower reserved by the people Is the initiative. Ten per cent of the legsl voters of the state, so distributed as to Include five per cent of the legsl voters In each of two-fifths of ths counties of ths stats, may propose any measure by petition, which shall contain ths full text of ths measure so proposed. Provided, that proposed Con stitutions! Amendments shall require a petition of nfteen per cent of the legal voters of the State distributed as above provided. Initlntlve petitions (except for municipal and wholly local legislation) shall bs filed with the Secretary of State Article Six (I) of the Constitution of the Stats of Ncbiaska be amended to read as follows: Section 5. That st the general election to bs held in the Stats of Nebraska In ths ysar r.uti, and each sis years there after, there shall be elected three i;n Judges of the Supreme Court, who shall hold their office for ths period of si h i years; that st the general election to be held In the State of Nebraska In the year 1911. and each six years thereafter there shall bs elected three (3) Judges of the Supreme Court, who shall hold their office for the period of six years; and st the general election to be held In the State of Nebraska In the year 1920 and each six (t) years thereafter there shall be elected a chief Justice of the Supreme Court, who shall hold his office for ths period of six (6) years. Provided. That to the same folltlcnl osrty snd no tws of whom shall reside at the time of their appointment In the asms congressional district, ss members of a board to bs known as a "Board of Commlsslonsrs of Stnte Institutions." Ssid members shall hold office as designated by ths Governor for two. four and six years respectively. Subsequent appointments shall bs made is provided snd, except to All vacan cies shall be for a period of six years. The Board shall st all times be subject to the above restrictions and limitations. The Board of Commissioners shall have full powsr to manage, control and gov ern, subject only to such limitations a shall he established by law, ths Stats Soldiers' Home. Hospitals for ths Insans. Institute for ths Drat. Institute for ths Blind. Industrial Schools, institute far Feeble Minded Children. Nebraska Indus- the member of ths Supreme Court whose trlsl Home. Orthopedic Hospital, ths term of office expires In January. 1914. ! State Penitentiary and all charitable, rs- shall be chief tustlce of the Supreme i formstory end penal Institutions that 1 and be by him submitted to the voters at th. Mr. I r. o,,', -t ... Jcrllnn held tlOt to ZS.Sa per cent, or SI. Ml per iuoi iFSa than .our months after such filing. pounds. This bill proposed to re move this entire tux. The democratic wool bill proposed to reduce the average rate of duty on wool manufactures from "90.10 per cent to 4S.:!8 per cent. Presi dent Taft's veto of this measure mi. 'ins that the American people will pay $50,000,000 more for their clothes this year than they would have if President Tal't had signed 11. A wool hat valued at $1 abro;nl and UUted 78 cents upon Its entry Into the United stales under the presettl tariff law, would have been taxed only 4!' cents. Flannel underwear valued at per dozen suits is taxed the present law at the equivalent ad valorem rate of about 106 per cent. The The same measure, either In form or In essential substance, shall not bS sud mltted to the people by Initiative petition (either affirmatively or negatively) oftener than once in three years. If con flicting measures submitted to ths people at the same election shall be approved, the one receiving the highest number of affirmative votes shall thereby become law as to sll conflicting provisions. The Constitutional limitations as to scope and subject matter of statutes enacted by the legislature shall apply to those enacted by the Initiative. Section 1B. The second power reserved Is the referendum. It may be ordered by a petition of ten per cent of the legal voters of the state, distributed us re quired for initiative petitions. Referen dum petitions against measures passed by the legislature shall be hied with the Secretary of State within ninety days after the legislature enacting the same adjourns sine die or for a period longer than ninety days; and elections thereon shall be hud at the first regular state election held not less than thirty days : after such filing Section 1C. The referendum may be - I erdeied upon any act except acts making appropriations ror the expenses oi ui stste government, and state Institutions existing at ths time such act Is psased. When the referendum is ordered upon an act or nnv start thereof It shall suspend Its operation until the same is approved L AW PHONE 98 I AED T7" ASS democratic bill proposed to reduce , j vi;; providVLthat ..Agency Sweep Your Floors with Paroline i In the office, store and home the most disagreeable nuisance is dirt and dust caused by sweeping. This can be avoided by using Paroline. Paroline is a scientific compound of vegetable oils and other substances. You sprinkle a small amount on the Moor before sweeping. It gathers up and holds the dust. It is antiseptic and prevents disease. Paroline costs very little. A small amount goes a long way. I 'se it once. You will wonder why you didn't get it sooner. For Sale at The Herald Office in Any Quantity this to 49 per cent made woolen clothing uwth in Kur- ope $10 is taxed under Ihe present law at the equivalent ad valorem j rate of "5 per cent, or $7..M). The democratic bill proposed to reduce! HUB tax from 75 to !: per cent ami save Ihe consumer fc.'60 per suit. ThS Osteon bill reduced the duties on coltoa manufactures from 148.12! per ceut as 21 Mi per cent, a reduc- j Hon of the tariff burdens under this sekedule from not less than M,000,000 to about $112,000,00(1 fori a year, or s saving of about 184,000, 000 for a twelve-month period. Men's rot toe half hose valued at! eighty cents per doSSB pairs whole sale are taxed under the present law at the equivalent ad valorem rale of . i .mi Hi per cent. The demo cratic notion bill proposed to reduce this to 4(1 per cent. it proposed to redoes 'be tax on COttn thread from an equivalent rate of :!4 per cent to 15 per ceil'. A suit of ready-made cotton clothing valued at foreign port at $' is tared under our present law 50 per cent ad valorem, or .: a suit. This driuocruiic bill proposed lo reduce this tax to 30 per cent and sere the oonaiuner $1J$ per pott. The bill revising the metal sched ule reduced the average rale of du ty on the entire schedule from 33.36 per cent (imports of 1910) lo 2.4 per cent- This revision, it is rail muled. K'ould have saved the Aiiier lOM consumers in a I w elve-munth period more than t0,000,00f. The revision of the chemical sctoed ule would have effected a saving to American consumers of about $l7.Ptu, A ont.t rvf ,i i I a- ir or acta Tor the Immediate Dressrva- UUIl Ul lire I UUlli; (ir.n nrni.ii. v. shall contlKus In effect until rejected by Ihe voters or repealed bv the legislature. Piling off a referendum petition against one or more Items, sections, or parts of an act shall not delay the remainder of the measure from becoming operative. Section 1D. Nothing In this section hall be construed to deprive anv mem ber fT the legislature of the rlgl.: i In trouce any measure. The whole niimbcr erf votes cast for governor st th- Mwulnr lection last preceding the fllliig of any Initiative or ref'reriaum petition sli.ill t.o Use basis on which 'the number of legal voters required to sign such petition shall toe computed. The veto power nf the gov ernor shall not exeud to measures Inlil sfted by or referred to the people. All such measures shrill become the law or a rpart of the constitution when approved bv a majority of the votes cast thereon, .provided, the votes cast In favor of said Initiative measure or part of said Consti tution shall constitute thirty-five per cent (.15) of the total vote cast at said election, and not otherwise, and shall take effect upon proclamation by the governor, which shall be made within ten days of the completion of the official canvass. The vote upon Initiative and referendum measures shall be returned and c.uivassed in the same manner as Is prescribed in the rase of presidential electors. The methfd of submitting and adopting amenilmt :.. to the constitution provided by thle. section shall be supple mentary to the method nroscrlbed in the article of thla C institution, entitled Court during that tlms until the expira tion of his term of otTlce. Section 2. That Section Thirteen (IS) of Article Sixteen (16) of ths constitution of the State of Nebraska as found In ths Compiled Statutes of Nebraska for 190 (Section thirteen (13) of Article eighteen (IS) of Cobbey's Annotated Statutes for 11091 be amended to read as follows: Section 13. Ths general election of thla stats shall be held on the Tuesday suc ceeding the first Monday In November In the year 1914 and every two years thereafter. All stnte. district, county, precinct snd township officers, by the constitution or laws made elective bv the people Stcspt school district officers, and munlcipnl officers In cities, villages and towns, shall be elected at a general elec tion to be held as aforesaid. Judges of ths supreme, district and county courts, all elective county and precinct officers, and all other elective officers, the tlms for ths election of whom Is not herein otherwise provided for, and which are not Included In ths above exception, shall be slsotsd on ths Tuesday succeed ing the first Monday In November. 1113, and thereafter st ths general election next preceding the time of the termina tion for their respective terms of office. Provided, That no office shall be vacated thereby, but the Incumbent thereof shall hold over until his successor Is duly sleeted and qualified. Section 3. The form of ballot on th amendments proposed herein shall bs aa follows: "Por proposed amendments to the constitution providing for general election once In two years" and "Against proposed amendments to tne constitution providing for general election once In two years." Approved April T, 1111." 1, Addison Walt. Secretary of State, ot ths State of Nebraska do hereby certify that the foregoing proposed amendment to the Constitution of the Stats of Ne braska Is a true and correct copy of ths original enrolled and engrossed bill, as passed by tha Thltty-sscond session of the Legislature of the Stats of Nebraska, aa appears from said original bill on Sle In this office, and that said propossd amendment Is submitted to ths qualified voters of the stats of Nebrsska for their adoption or rejection at the general elec tion to be held on Tuesday, the 5th day Of November. A. D. 1911. In Testimony Whereof. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great Heal f the State ot Nebraska. Done at Lin coln, this 20th day of May. In the year of our I ,o rd . One Thousand Nine Hundred and Twelve, and of the Independence of the United States the One Hundred and Thirty. sixth and of this State the Forty Ixth. ADDISON WAIT. tSeall Secretarv of BUM. PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT NO. TWO. The following proposed amendment to thu constitution of the Stats of Nebraska, ms hereinafter aet forth in full, is sub mitted t.' the electors of the State of Ns bruska. to be voted uoon at the general election to i- huld Tuesday. November Mil. A. D. 1912. "A JOINT KKSOI.ITTION on proposing , an amendment to Section 4 of Article 3f the fast express or wie Lunariiuiioii oi wie ouiib ui . ,., ,i,i,, ., i i hall be by law established nud main tained by the stste of Nebraska. They hall each give bonds, recsivs compensa tion for service, perform all duties and ?omplv with nil regulations that shall b estsbllshed by law. Ths powers pos sessed by ths Oovernor and Board of Public Lands snd Buildings with refer ence to the management and control of the Institutions herein named shall, on July 1. 1913, cense to exist in the Oov ernor and the Board of Public Lands and Buildings and shnll become vested In Board of Commissioners of State Institu tions, and the said Board Is on July 1. 1911. and without further process of law. au thorized and directed to assume and ex ercise all ths powers harstofore vested In or exercised by the Oovernor or Board of Public Lands snd Buildings with ref erence to the Institutions of tha stats named herein, but nothing herein con tained shsll limit ths goneral supervisory or examining powers vested In the Gover nor by the laws or constitution of ths state, or such as ars vested hy him In any committee appointed by him. Section 2. That at the general election, In November, 1912. there shall bs submit ted to ths slsctors of the stats for their approval or rejection ths foregoing pro posed amendments to the constitution In the following form: On tha ballot of each elector voting for or against said pro posed amendment shall bs printed or written "For proposed smendment to ths Constitution creating a Board of Com missioners of BUts Institutions" and "Against esld proposed amendment to tha constitution creating a Board of Commissioners of Bute Institutions.' Section 3. If such amendment to Ssc tlon nlnstesn (II) of Article five (S) of the Constitution of ths State of Nsbraska shall bs approved by a majority of sll elsctors voting at such election said smendment shall constitute Section nlne tsen (II) of Article flvs (6) of ths con stitution of ths state of Nebraska. Approved April II. 1111." I. Addison Walt. Secretary of State, ot the State of Nebraska do hereby certify that ths foregoing proposed amendment to the Constitution of the Stats of Ne brsska Is a true and correct copy of the original enrolled and engrossed bill, as fsssed by tha Thirty-second session of he Legislature of the State of Nebraska, is appears from said original bill on tile In this office, and that said proposed smendment Is submitted to ths qualified voters of ths stats of Nebraska for their adoption or rejection at ths general elec tion to be held on Tuesday, ths 6th day of Novsmber. A. D. 1112. In Testimony Whereof. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great Seal at the State of Nebraska. Done at Lln soln. Oils 20th day of Mav, In the year of our Iord. One Thousand Nine Hundred and Twelve, and or the Independence of the United States the One Hundred and Thirty-sixth and of this 8tate the Forty sixth. ADDISON WAIT. Seal Secretary of State. A LOG ON THE TRACK Nebraska. Hot Amendments." and tne latter shall In no Be it Resolved and Enacted by the LeglB- does loss of appetite case be construed t conflict herewith. This amendment shall be self -executing, but l a. i. mi may be enacted especially to fucUltate Its operation. In submitting petitions and orders for the Initiative and the referendum, the tHecretary of State and all other officers shall be r-jided by this amendment and the general laws until additional legislation shall be espe cially provided therefor; sll propositions submitted in pursuance hereof shall be submitted in a non-partisan manner and without any indication or suggestion on the ballot that they have been approved or end. used by any political party or or ganization, and provided further that only the rule, of measures shall be printed on the ballot, and when two or mora measures have the same title they shall be numbered consecutively In the order of flllng with the Secretary of State and lature of the State of Nebraska: Section t. That at the general election for stste and legislative officers to be held ou the Tuesday following the first Mon day In November. 191.:. the following be submitted as an amendment to Section 4 of Article. :: of the Constitution of the State f Nebraska: Sec. A. At the first election of mem bers f tke legislature held after the adoption til this amendment members of tne Senate and House of Representatives, shall 1 elected for the term of two years Both senators and representatives shull each receive pay at the rate of six huu drea dollars for each regular session of the Legislature, during their term, and ten cent for every mile they shull travel In gisbig to and returning from the plnce of meeting of the legislature, on the most usual route. That neither riiemneis or means; seriooo ivmioved, Mr It meatus lack State of Nebraska." end no law shall be enacted except b" bill. No bill shall be passed by the legislature unless by assent of a msjorlty of all the members elected to ach house of the legislature and the uuestlon udoii final tiauan shall 000 by reduchtl tjje price of all ennui- taken Inunedlately upon Its last read- Including the nume of the first petitioner. the legislature nor employes shall rs Section a. That Section 10. of Article I. celve any pay or perquisites other than Of the Constitution of the state of Ne- their salary and mileage. Bach session, braska be amended to read as follows: I except seclal session, shall not be leas Section M). The style of all bills shall ' than alvtv a. v. Art.r th cxnlratlnn of be "Be It .enacted by the people of ths j twenty days of the session, no bills nor n .lis and at Ihe same time the reve nue to the (Jov eminent would hare been increased. The bill placing mii.;h' on the tree list would have IS red during a peel tint less than $1 lu.ouu.tMiu to the COB 1 Hitler. The tanlf tux .wit ukui- u mounts to about l' cents per pound. 7Uie amount of SUXsr cnustlllled ill continental United BtStSS in I'M I was about 7,41,099,0041 pounds, unit the application of I '- ceats per lb. to ijjis consumption sftOfslS the I -liiuate of UI,ati,0M as represent Jutf the savins to the p -ople. The House passed a bill pro idiii for uu excise tax ou iucoim s, there by ImSSfSIJ S B considerable por tion of the (ax burdt lis to the weal thy, which are es.apiux ''heir proper proportion The Kxi ise Tax bill passed by ihe House provides for the extension of flic ('urpuralion Tax law go as lo include individuals. firms and BO pari nerships. It accomplishes the very desirable purpose of transfer ring tax burdens from (hose leSI able to carry them to the should. 1 1 of the wealthy, who have heretxtfori escaped from a proper share of tax ation for the support of the Govern lllelll . tsrsd upon jJie Journal. Section 4. That at aatd election on the Tuesday sunoesding the first Monday In November. &tl2. on the ballot of each elector voting thereat there shall be printed or wxittsn the words: "For pro posed amendment to the constitution re serving to the people the right of direct legislation through ths initiative and ref erendum," and "Against proposed amend ment to the caiMtlt'itlon reserving to ths people the Hght of direct legislation through the Initiative and referendum." And if a majority of all voters at aald lection shall be In favor of such amend snent the sams shall be deemed to be adopted. The returns of said slsctlon Xon the adoption of this amendment til bs made to the state canvassing beard and said board shall canvass ths vote upon the amendment hersln In the aaute manner as is prescribed In the case of presidsnllal eieetors. If a majority of the v jtes cast at the election be In favor er tae propose! a:iiuduieiit me governor joint resolutions of the nature of bills shall be introduced, unleaa ths governor shall by special message call the atten tion of t.'..- legislature to the necessity ot passing a law on the subert-malter em braced In the ruessags. and tha Introduc tion of bills shall be restricted thereto. Provided, that the geneiul appropria tion blU may be Introduced up to and Including the fortieth day. Sec. 2. That at said election on ths Tuesday succeeding the first Monday la November. 191'.'. on the ballot of each elector voting thereat thsrs shall bs printed or written the words: "For pro posed amendment to the constitution fix ing the term of office snd salary fas members of the legislature." and "Agslust proposed amendment to ths constitution fixing ths term of office and salary for members of the legislature." And If a majority of all the voters at ths said election shall bs In favor of such amendment the same shall be deemed to bs sdopted. Ths returns of said election upon the sdoptlon of this amendment shall be made to the State Canvassing of vitality, loss of streti;lh and nerve srenhntse. if aiietite fails, . take Klettric Hitlers quickly to oven .Mi llie cause by toning up the stouuu-h and curias the indigestion. M clnu i llesshelnn r of Lincoln, Nebr., had b - -n sli k over i liree ears, bul six bottles cf Klectrlc Hitters put him rigvhl on Iiib feet attnin. Tiiey have helped thousands. They i;ve pure blood, strong nerves, gond digestion. Only 50 oentB Si PYed K. H U!en'. Adv rt is tuent POST OFFICE DIRECTORY Malls close at the Alliance post office as follows. Mountain time: East Bound ML for 'raiu No. 44 oi. for train No. 4S. West Bound 11:10 a 11:00 p 12:20 p 11:00 p ItlM p 11:00 p m. for train in. for train South Bound No. No m. oi. for for train No train No. it. 41. ::03 Ml, On Sundays and holidays all nit;ht mails close at t:00 p. m. instead of II 00 p ui IRA E. TASH. P. M 3IG SURPRISE TO MANY IN ALLIANCE Local people are surprised at the Board and that Board shall canvass the CH'H'K resulls received from simple vols upon the smendment herein in ths buckthorn bark, glycerine. -tc a same manner as is prescribed In the case ... , ... i ,. . ,K . of presidential eieetors If a msjorlty of """ l M Adler I ka, the OstSSW SO- the votes cast at the election be In favor ueiiil icit is remedy. Harry Tbieb tthla ten days after the result I asoer- "..'i' lrjP0.t amendment ths governor. DrUSaist, states thai this simple tetu , 1 . u .e kkati . . . . t. i .i. . ee llrl.n fan il . t s f lur t h a rasiilt i si i ta rss r Prank Jolmson, an attorney from Mipatare, was in Alliance Tuesday tallied, shall make utoclamation ileeiar Ing tha amendment to bs part of ths con stitution of the state, and when so de clared the amendment herein proposed hall be In force and self -executing Aoproved March 14. 11 1 I. Addison Wait, Secretary of State, of the State ot Nebraska do hereby certify that the foregoing ptop.iad anisndinenl to the Constitution of the State of Ns braska Is a true and correct copy of ths original enrolled and eiigrtasd bill as passed bv the Thirty-second session of the Legislature of the State of Nebraska as appears from and oiiglnal bill on file In this office, and ihu said propistd amendment Is submitted to the i lal.rted voters of ths state of Nebraska for their sdoptlon or rejection at the general elec tion to be held on Tuesday, the ith day of November. A. D. III! In Tsatlmony Whereof. have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Oreat Seal of ths State of Nebraska. Done at Lin coln, this 20th day of Mav. In the year of ear Lord. One Thousand Nine Hundred and Twelve, and of the Independence of the United States the One Hundred and Thirty-sixth and of this State the Forty Ststh ADDISON WAIT. sal Secretary of Stat. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE within ten dvs after the result Is ascar- tainsd, shall take proclamation declar ing the amendment to bs part or ths constitution of the state, and when as declared ths same shall be In force. Approved April 10. 1911." I. Addison Wait. Secretary of State ef the gtate of Nebraska do hereby certify that the foregoing prop ised amendment to the Constitution of the State of Ns braska Is a trus and correct copy of ths orlginsl si. rolled and engrossed bill, as passed by ths Thirty-Be? oud session of the Leglslat'jrs of the State of Nebraska, ss appears from said origin! bill on Sle In this office, and that said proposed amendment Is submitted to ths qualified votera of the state of Nebraska for their adoption or rejection at the general elec tion to be held on Tuesday, the 6th day of November. A. D. lilt. In Testimony Whereof. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great Saal of ths State of Nebraska. Done at Lin coln this 20th day of May. In tha year ot our !rd. Ons Thousand Nlns Hundred and Twelve, and of the Independence of the I'ntted States ths Ons Hundred and Thlrt -sixth and of this State the Forty sixth ADDISON WAIT (Seal Secretary of Stats. edy ant isepi the digestive sys tem ami draws off the Impurities so thoroughly that A ilNOLaV DOSK re lieves sour stomal h. gas on the ItfSITh and constipation INSTANT LT. AllVt .1 IKl .u: 111 resoc-Mastss sad om. obtained ur no fe. s. uu dmmIvi k,l-br or oboloa and brwr a.- s,i-ii..ii l..i rail SianCM iJ report ou Mi urj,oiii Vi eai-i-kprrlruvs- SMM1 Scent Mmi l-r gl( full r lAtent inr.-i ii.mIi.. OlliiUe SAO PACKS u U oaten spntflsst uau-UL n nir lo-Ua NtW POOKLIT. SB II ill L. a. Juu to f..i $ GET WISE ADVERTISE SI 0. SWIFT & CO. t A Tt NT LAWVtrti, 303 Seventh St ., Washington, D C