The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 24, 1912, Image 3

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I. W. Herman, Proprietor of Palace
Meat Market. Give Informa
lion of Interest to All
Alliance. Nebraska. Oct. 24. 1!'I2
I understand that some of the eo
pti of Alliance proclaimed that ( I
u.uited to run out my enmpetttora
In the meat bualneaa In this city by
building such a meat market as I
lid. and to make my power still
stronger constructing; such a alaught
cr house as I have. So upon hls
ground violation of the law has MM
deemed advisable, so It aeeins.
I ask Mai people of Alliai".
to permit me to throw up a little
bp ast work In self-defenae agaiu-i
nun anarchy being permitted a. id
unlawfully harbored by the st.i:e
w'thin this city. I most respectfully
ask the people- to e-lgh mv defense,
winch should be juelged solely from
i. -taiKlpoint based upon tact? a i:
re. illy Is.
lu the first place. 1 built this meat
market In the early spring of I Ml
and the preaent stringent pure food
law was passed In I'.ill. The law
under which I was to run out my
competitors ill the law of 1109, pro
viding I had such an idea above my
eyes. It would be no one but an
inlinite fool that were to build such
an expensive meat market under
the existing pure food law of L908
with the Intention of putting anyone
out of business. If the construction
of good buildings has the tendency
to put others out of business and
putting them to the wall of financial
horror, then a law should prohibit
ihe building of good structures be
cause It doesn't well fit the other
I' makes the dump look worse and
the other too good.
Now, as to my expensive slaughter
house being built with criminal in
tel:t is full)' exploded by tile fact
that the tate of Nebraska fined no
for not having a slaughter house
WtMTela I could obey the pure food
law. Or. in other words, I was fin
cd for carrying on unsanitary con
ditions within. Now, this fine by
'he state look place six months be
fore I started to build a sanitary
slaughter Iioubc. Anil I but lier. il
cattle and hogs in the old slaughter
house for nearly :; years, not lUKHV
ing anything about a pure food law
oi I hat kind existing us enacted In
the year lilt. Now, after finding
out the law thru an unwelcomed
Yln withont notice, I at on e . I
fd the killing of cattle and hogs un
der unlawful conditions Now, was
It not the state of Nebraska that
forced nie to build a sanitary slaugh
er houae? I having been compelled
by the law or the stale to obey its
law. why Is It not dually compuls
ory upon others to do the same? Or
tdiould some have the privilege to
in-actire anarchy"? Which do you
think It should be? If I build up
conditions so as to follow the de
mands of the pure foot law, then
J call myself a law-obeying citizen
as far as the butcher business is
coi.ivrncd. Now, what "kind" is he violates the law? You name
the gentlemen if he el I sn't follow
mi rchy in its worst form.
Now, 1 think 1 have made my de
reuse clear to any intelligent MM
thai I hae not been trying to run
jmybody out in the meat business
here. Itut before 1 close, let us ex
amine this mutter a linle iurthei
what my right and the rights of oth
ers really are, and that is this: An
lawful citizen of the state of Ne
britska has an eiual right to call
upon ofriciuls to compel others to
obey the law of the state. Now.
tie n, would that constitute the "run
ning out" of business, 'he anarchist
lc violate rs or the law ? I say no,
if they obey the lu. ami yes. if
they do not. ir run out of business
because they don't obey the law or
can't, then what? II anybody can
not oley the law, then what is the
law ror? Why should 1 be looked
upon in this ti y as some sort of a
"ulnnn V," 1 mxm I hud the credit
to eoi-itruet in harmony with "luw"
and enmniou -.-:ise, on which I pay
"interest and taxes"? Why am I
not entitled to receive justice by
and through the state of Nebraska?
Why does our city government stand
idly by without appealiug to the
tute for the abolition of wholesale
violation of the pure food law. and
the yet more important law or pub
it,. hMiiih' I ask once more. "Who
la playing anar.hy' around here?"
Now. again: It is commonly be
litvtd and said, that 1 did balld 'o
the extent necessary to the full
obey ante of the par - load lw, just
to run my competitors out of their
"holes" and on out of the meat bui
neaa, while I craved to gobble sol
. int ., m . '!!-, Self or
a leuer spot mj un mmrym i.
l!12, to Armour ; Company, Soith
Omaha, Nebr.: niso. Amours an-
w,r In return, I. W. HUMAN,
I'alafe RM Murkpf.
Allium -. Nebr. Man h 14, I'I2.
Armour Packing Co..
South Omaha. Nebr.
Gentlemen :
I hereby wlnh to draw your fcttM
tlon to the following proposition, as
follows hen below. I am to
build a slaughter hous" here at VI
Dance to accommodate this dry,
seems, and If I build and obliged to
construct a good one regardless of
of cost.
Now, M I always like to do busi
ness on principles emboiiyng future
stability I make your company the
following proposition: If you will
place a brnnch house here this spring
and cease the practice of selling
meats to all others except the butch
ers of this town, then would not,
build a slaughter house and buy my
whole tneut output from you the en
tire year as long as I slay in tin
meat business here. Hut of course
you would be obliged to sell to KM
as ehtan as another competitor jf
mine- cculel buy it elewheres In onW
for me te compete, and sell to me
the freight charges cheaper froai
Omaha to Imre than the same can
be laid down here at Allianco and
thus enabling me to compete with
bII compel itletn whatsoever.
Will you kindly take this matter
ttniler your immediate consideration
and report. One thing seems is cer
tain anel that Is if you nor any oth
er packing company will put in a
branch house here, then I will be
obliged to build, as circumstance
badly require t. And if 1 am forced
by cireumstances to extend my meat
business, then of e-ourse It behoofs
me to take in as big a teirrtory M
condtons wll permit in order to make
the Investment pay.
But would rather have you or
some one e-lse do as I suggested
above. Yours truly,
Alliance, Nebr.
South Omaha, Neb
Car Route Department.
March 16, 1!IL'.
Mr. I W. Herman,
Allance. Nebraska.
Dear Str:-
We hake noted your letter of
March 14th and in reply will say
that we are distributing our goexls
to your territory n the most econ
omical way possible.
We should dislike very much to
lose your account, but we cannot
promise anything in the way of malt
ing the move you suggest.
Yours very truly,
R K. Harris.
Advertisement t IM-1634)
C. A. Newberry, the wholesale
hardware' eiealer. left Alliance Friday
on his way to Atlantic City. New
Jersey, where he gn s to attend the
convention of the National Assoela-
tiem of Hardw ire be:il"rs and Man
ut'ac turers. While in the east Mr.
NewlH-rry will visit a number or
eastern points on business.
Th apple- trees on K. R. Reddish s
ranch, eighteen miles southwest of
Alliano-. on which the apples men
Honed in last week s Hera hi wef
mown, were planted several years
ago by W. C. Sollenberger. who own
d the ranch and resteled on it at
tha time. Mr. Sollenberger is BOW
at ltluckfoot. Idaho, where he Ml
irrigate! land and is engageei in
'ruit growing and farming.
I ti
Hcadq uarters
Democratic Central Committee
Box Butte County
Joe L. VVestover,
Harry Giiits. flrtt W;u-d
0, M. Cox, Second Ward
Art Grove. LakS
Ferdinand Soulier, Boyd
.J ohi. Wright. Wright
Pat Dillon. Box Butte
John Jellinek.
C. A. Burlew Dorsey
Adolph Nikont. Lawn
John Caha, Liberty
Gaines Chapman,
Snake (.'reek
George Lore, Nonpareil
Democratic Candidates
For President.
Wood row Wilson
For Vice President .
Thomas R. Marshall
For U. S . Senator,
Ash ton G. Bhallenberger
For Governor
John H. Morehead
For Congressman,
tfth District. W. 3 Taylor
For State' Senator.
Be n Brewshsr
For Representative.
H. I . Waa'tuund, Sr.
For County Attorney.
Eugene Burton
Dear Voter:
We are doing our utmost to insure the election of Governor
Wilson to the presidency. We are doinr this regardless of party aftil
i;itions. and invite the support of members of all political parties who
favor a progressive and representative government.
We believe you should vote for Governor "Wilson because he
stands for equal rights for all and special privileges for none; because he
stands for tariff revision downward; because he stands for the rights of
labor, as shown in his record as Governor of New Jersey; because he
stands for the income tax and the popular election of U. S. Senators;
because he stands for trust legislation, which will prevent monopoly and
the control of prices; because he favors government by and for the peo
ple; because he opposes class legislation; because he preaches and prac
tices clean politics; because he is a true progressive.
President Taft's administration has resulted in disappointment
and failure, occasioned by "boss" control of the Republican party.
Roosevelt, while president, was closely allied with "Boss"
Penrose, "Boss" Cannon, "Boss" Aldrich. and other "bosses," and
only denounced them when they refused to support him. He is now
being supported by the steel trust, the harvester trust, the sugar trust,
and other special interests, and one of his closest lieutenants is the no
torious "Boss" Flynn of Pennsylvania.
Governor Wilson is absolutely free from any so called "Boss"
influence, or domination of the special interests.
Vote for your own interests.
Cordially yours,
W. S. KlDOELI.., Chairman.
Joe L. Wkstovkk. Secretary
ppl IIP fit'-ji
" L
m aLm ' Mm
RLS 1 Mm
of Biefeen Bcw
For United States Senator of Nebraska
By Petition
I am a farmer and was educated at the University of
Michigan and am running for the office of United States
Senator by request of business men and fair-minded
farmers, and I stand pat against, and for the repeal of
as it now
stands, and I ask the support of every jobber, traveling
man, merchant, railroad man, rural route carrier, dray
man and every fair-minded farmer, as it is a vital ques
tion to all of them.
I have not asked for a penny to help me in mv cam
paign, BUT DO ASK the support of every fair-minded
voter in Nebraska.
Respectfully yours.
Broken Bow, Nebraska. J. L. FERGUSON.
State Railway Commissioner
Pledeed to the People of the State
Vote tor tlim :
----- wkviiuk k unuw
tbia whole- city of Allium. Hi la Democratic and People Independent
. - .a a I . . . -
lo.)K8 lloiTllilf, nor ii "i
Let ua 'blmpt" at thia: Ilrt Is
Nominee for
he'.ivy aet MM f a.'P1"-11"-
ati.o i tr tried to sit i ia aat
in th. ele-i'ot Monday n u war. as
for the truin to MtMt f hhi.
hUMMT, abaorb. .1 100 ' at " rei1 J
kw auel the full battle hicU ob
IfUsM ltnlf fM u ,iat ,,,K"k"
et testified that M would want still
With hla tit kft to Scot i nbliiff firm
ly elutehed in his tiKht Mai .mil
his Mil ' ;h'r hf ende-av-
oreMl t f'tiel the rght but ouly auc-et-(ltiu
In Kejttinif on the train tfo
int; north whie-h would have laneled
htm m OrawfMi or UilluiKs or may
Mp Bbertdaa.
After leiiiK taken off this train
I -.ubleel brokenly nael while- beinn
leel away by Marshall IaIiu, to rest
up for a t'-w bonis in that ealuboose
he aaiel. in ae-e-ents mild and meek,
"This ain't nothin' like- home." Af-tM-
a rt of a few MM M told
the judjtv that he would be Kood
until he got tee Se-ottabluff anel, aftre
payiuK I'i fin" aJ one dollar unei
, paM, he aallieel forth to e-ate-h the
l rain feir Hie- Uluffs one-c more.
Th Kale of H. H. Slu-pe nl held 1"
mile souihweat or Alliance by H.
I. Coursey the laat of the week waa
a suoceaa in every way Mr. Slie-p
erel resides three miles this side of
Malnela. to. Severiuaon was clerk
with their families, re-turned from
Mueoln last Kriday. They were aent
as members of tli- (Jraud Ixalge or
lh I. O. O. K. to attend: the e;oji
ti n i ion at Lincoln..
L K. Ballenger of ItiiiKliam was
in Alllane-e Monday and Tuesday on
John Snyder and Win. Iluchuiau
Miss Dorothy lioag mueie a short
visit to Omaha laat week, going on
Weelnesday and returning Sunday.
BlrT HulleK-k, w ho has been aie k
for some time with typhoid fe-vi-r.
ia recovering. The Tever wat brok
en several eiays ago and he is now
much better, although bothered with
an die crated tooth which haa caused
him aome pain and auuoyunce.
Klav Wright, the popular Scotta
b'.utt auctioneer, haa been in Alii
u.iu e for several days on business.