The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 24, 1912, Image 10

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883 r I
as -
he Drake Hotel is ready to
serve Luncheon, Parties or Ban
quets at any time. Don't be afraid
to talk with the management about
tha menu or decorations.
Th Best Ever OtfrroH to the Voter The Way a Lending Rppubican Now
of Nebraska Drfines It
P P II 117 Jl
riiKO lor win mm 1
Jewel furnaces. They can be seen at my shop
The most satisfactory way ot heating a house
is with a furnace. I handle the Wise and
I have experienced
men for my plumb
i ng work. A m
equipped to hand
le a I I kinds of
work. Now is a
good time to have
that plumbing job
put in before cold
weather sets in.
tome Pointe ot Dtffetnce Between
Party Records In Nebraska
in Democracy'
8tanding Upon the Most Progressiva
Platform Ever Framed In
the State s History.
. w
w 1 j '
of all descriptions
for any part of a
house or barn.
Dierks Lumber 6 Coai k
Phone 22 D. Waters, Mgr.
Successor to Frank Wallace
Transfer Line
Household j,roods
moved promptly
j " . and transfer work
tit 1 . . 1
ouMieuie!:a .soiimea.
Office at Rodgers' Grocery, Phone 1. Ret. phone 583
You Can Aid To
Better Telephone Service
Y slioulil !) pleased to have you glv us auy
sunKt'stions that will lead to the iettenueut of the
telephone service.
It is our duty, We (eel, as a public service cor
poration, to constantly standardize and improve our
equipment and operating methods to the best known
standards, to maintain a telephone system to the
highest degree of efficiency, and to demand that our
employes be courteous and competent.
Those are our resonsibilities as we see them,
and we shall welcome any aid on your part that
shall help us to fulfill them.
Nebraska democrat submits to the
roters of the state the best ticket
ever nominated. every candidate
standing upon the cleanest cut and
moat progressive platform ever
framed by any political party In the
history of Nebraska. The platform
neither minces nor evades; It deals dl
reotly with vital problems of reform. !
It it not a mass of glittering general
ities. It pledges the democratic party
to Insurance reform, to reform In tax
ation, to reform in prison manage
ment,, to reform in management of
other state institutions, to the enact- ;
ment of Just labor legislation, to the ;
enactment of a "blue sky" law, and it ;
specifically sets out what It means to
do and In words that can not be misin
terpreted. In proof of its sincerity
the democracy of Nebraska points to
Its record for having faithfully kept Its
every promise to the voters of Nebraska.
Nebraska Telephone Company
"The best governor Nebraska ever
had" Is the common expression in re
ferring to Ashton 0. Shallenberger.
democratic candidate for United
States senator. The faithful servant
Is the one who deserves recognition
and promotion. Governor Shallenber
ger never rode Into office upon a
fraudulent vote; he never had to cry
"fraud" In order to cover up his own
fraudulent election. He never made a
grandstand pretense of opposition to
gag rule, only to turn around and vote
to put the chief exponent of gag rule
back into power. He has been a mili
tant democrat all his life, never a sud
den convert to some new-found Ism
with a view to securing office. He is
one of the pioneer advocates of real
reform, with a record of something
more than Up service.
Hon. K. J. Hainer has been for many
years one of the leading republicans
In Nebraska. He represented the
Fourth Nebraska district in two
terms of the national congress. In a
recent statement as to the duties of
a citizen in the present political cam
paign. Judge Hainer said:
"My duty points me to the casting
of a vote which will do the most harm
possible to the vaulting ambition of
Roosevelt and all of his kind. 1 never
did such a thing before, but this year
I shall vote a democratic ticket that
la to say. I shaU not vote for any re
publican who is In the least inoculat
ed with the bull moose poison. I
would vote for the Taft electors If I
could see any show for Taft to carry
Nebraska, but I know the fight In
Nebraska will be between Roosevelt
and Wilson, and In the face of such
a situation every lover of the republic
should cast his vote for Wilson."
That's it exactly. The fight in Ne
braska Is between Wilson and Roose
velt. A Nebraska voter who desires
to be In the fight must choose between
Roosevelt and Wilson. Republicans
of the Judge Hainer kind are loyal to
President Taft. but they realise that
he is hopelessly third in the nice, and
for that reason they will vote for Wil
son, regarding him as preferable to
the bull mooso candidate.
From the New York World.
If "Billy" Kastham Is elected com
missioner of public lands and build- I
Ings he will not spend his official
hours splitting hairs Infernally fiae.
but will take a broad view of his du
ties. He wouldn't think of wasting ;
$100 worth of the time of the board of
public lands and buildings in squab
bltng over the Inscription on a corner
stone, nor In haggling over whether
the deposed superintendent of a state
institution owed the state for a tin
water pitcher, or pair of second hand
shoes, or a suit of overalls worth 7.1
cents. Nor would he stand for a con
tractor for the erection of a state
building fooling around until the state
was "in the hole" and forced to take
over the work and complete it. The
state needs the sen ices of a man like
"Billy" Kastham.
Andrew M. Morriscy. democratic
candidate for attorney general, har
been a working democrat ever since
he became a voter, lie gained admis
slon to the bar by dint of working Us
way while studying. He has gained
deserved reputation for ability as an
attorney, and his character is above
reproach. Mr. Morrissey has never
yielded to the ambition for office to
the extent that lie turned his political
coat to secure an oilice
There are more than one hundred
thousand men in Nebraska who carry
policies in the fraternal insurance so
cieties These men have said by their
action In paying for fraternal insur
ance that they do not desire the insur
ance department of the state of Nc
braska to be influenced by the old line
life Insurance companies. Well, here
we are. face to face with a chance to
see whether or not the members of
the Highlanders, the A. O. V. W., the
Woodmen of the World, the Modern
Woodmen and kindred societies are in
earnest In this matter. At the election
In November the people will have a
chance to put into the office of state
auditor a real friend of fraternal in
surance. Remember that the state
auditor of Nebraska is always in posi
tion to give grief or encouragement to
fraternal insurance. One of the candi
dates for state auditor is a real friend
of fraternal Insurance. If elected he
will not give the old line companies
the worst of It. hut he sure will not
permit the old liners to give the fra
ternals the worst of the situation in
this state. You men who carry frater
nal insurance ought to get your eyes
open to your own interests. If you
can elect Henry ('. Richmond as state
auditor, then fraternal insurance will
have a show in Nebraska. you In
earnest? Your vote for state auditor
will show whether you have been In
earnest in your claim of friendship for
fraternal Insurance, or whether you
have been playing horse with a seri
ous question. Make a note of it. boys.
Henry C Richmond is a candidate for
state auditor Henry C. Richmond Is
the friend of fraternal insurance.
That DUghl to be enough.
Alliance Tailoring Co.
Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing
Neatly Done
Ladies' Work a Specialty
Only Steam Presser in the City
Stanton & Keeley, Mgrs.
C. W. Zurn dc Co.
Sidewalks, Foundations, Porch and Floor Work.
Cement Water Tanks, etc.
All Work Guaranteed
Alliance, Nebraska
The law forbids a judge to sit in
any case in which he was before ele
vated to the bench, employed, or in
which he has a personal interest. Rut
Secretary of State Waite, a candidate
for re-election and personally interest
ed In the result of the protest tiled by
Andrew M. Morrissey. did not hesitate
to decide in that case, although he
was vitally and personally interested.
You do not have to make two guesses
as to how Waite decided.
The law requiring the state treas
urer to invest the permanent school
fund In state, county, school district
and municipal bonds also requires
that the state treasurer purchase
these bonds direct, not through brok
ers. Will State Treasurer George ex
plain how the bonds of the city of
Valentine came Into the possession of
the permanent school fund? And the
bonds of the city of Wyinore? And
some others that might he mentioned?
Aldrich in nis public speeches Is not
backwards about resorting to subter
fuge. He tries to make his hearers
believe that John H. Morehead op
posed all the reform measures enact
ed by the 1907 legislature. When
fronted by the fact that Mr. Morehead
was not a member of the legislature
of 1907, he attempts to explain by
saying he means that Morehead would
have opposed them if he had been a
member. Speaking of needeil reforms,
do you know of one more needed than
reform of the judiciary? A democrat
ic legislature enacted a law provid
ing for a non-partisan judiciary, and
it was vetoed by Governor Aldrich.
The democratic platform adopted by
the Grand Island convention means
something J W. Kelley. democratic
candidate for secretary of state, has
earned the sobriquet of "Platform'
Kelley because of his insistence upon
the faithful carrying out of platrorm
pledges. And that's the kind of men
Nebraska needs in office
It V. ('lark, democratic candidate
for superintendent of public Instruc
tion, is an experienced educator. He
relizes the need of agricultural and
industrial training in the public
schools, and the elimination of a lot
of useless fads and isms and oologies.
He favors making the public schools
of benefit to the average child Instead
of making them of especial benefit to
a few children. He Is advocating
needed reforms in the public school
system, and he deserves the support
and co-operation of every thoughtful
Governor Aldrich is .such a great
tickler for "reform" and for compli
ance with the consiitution that one
wouders how it came about that he
actually besought the legislature to
further violate the constitution by
making an appropriation to pay his
meat and grocery bill.
Two lawyers and a physician now
constitute the rlilway commission.
The republican candidate for com
missioner is an editor. The democratic
candidate. Clarence K Harinau. Is a
traveling salesman By experience he
has learned something about rates
and service. He represents those who
pay freight rates. The commission
needs at least one man who knows
something about what the general
public needs In the way of service,
and what it is entitled to In the way
of reduced rates.
On and after November first we will sell
coal for cash only
Cash prices in effect at present time are as
Sunshine Maltland Lump, delivered, 8.40
Sunshine Wait., washed nut, del., 8.20
Monarch (lignite), delivered - - 6.00
Wholesale and Retail Feed and Fuel
Phone No. 5 213 Box Butte Ave.
October Rate Specialties
The usual winter tourist and homeseekers1 vale to southern locali
ties have been announced. The South is growing in its attraction
for northern people. Ask for some of the attractive literature, de
scriptive of southern resorts, hotels and tours.
Commencing November 5th. from Omaha every Tuesday night, a
11:36 p.m., personally conducted through tourisi sleepers will be rut.
to Los Angeles via Denver, theme Santa IV dire -I line. (IRANI '
CANYON ROUTE. These sleepers may be 'aken from Omaha earlv
Tuesday night, from Lincoln at midnight, or leaving Denver. Wed
Mgdaj evenine; at 7:45 p.m.
literature. "California Kxcursious, " "Pacific Coast Tour.-, ' "Southern
Tours" leaflet. Have your ticket read " 1 1 u r I i ng ! on " . You vvilltlier
have the broadest choice of diverse routes to and from the coast.
L W. WAKELEY. G. P, A.,0,naha
Reform iu the management of state
institutions has beeti a crying ueed
for years. It remained for a demo
cratic legislature to provide the
means of securing this reform It
was never even suggested in a repub
lican legislature.
Aldrlcb has made a number of
charges against John H Morehead.
but to date Aldrich hasn t charged
Morehead with having bribed a woman
to make a false affidavit In a divorce
then failing to pay the woman
toney promised her.
"It seemed that my 14-year
ioy would have to lose his leu, on
account of an ugly ulcer, caused by
a bad bruise," wrote I). F. Howard.
Aquone. N. 0. "All remedies failed
"II we tried lluckle-n's Arnica Salve,
and cured him with one Ihw." Cures
I bum, bails, skin eruptions, pil..
. -o cent at Fred K. Holatetl .
Olu . Ail vei-f iK4iit,nt
Storage or goods, moving piano -iuid
general drav I'hone 5.
Advert iseiilHui )44lfl4!!i(