I Historical Society cp Section One Pages 1 to 8 The Alliance Herald Section One Pages 1 to 8 VOLUME XIX ALLIANCE. BOX BUTTE COUNTY. NEBRASKA I THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1912 NUMBER 46 it I Hi X ala ala A ill A ala Juliiili Aifcili Jb iiA 4i4iafcii A4iaaVafeaft a aft I I I T T T TTtTTTTT '" T "t" "f" l tf " " t I 'I f Why Build a Court House The Grand Jury Investigated Fully and Said a New Court House is Badly Needed A Fire, of Which There is Always Grave Danger, Would be a Calamity. Look at Hamilton and Custer Counties. The Old Court Houses, Which Were Fire Traps Like Ours, Burned and Valuable Records Were Lost, Causing Loss to Property Owners and Endless Amount of Litigation T f Your Titles are in Jeopardy as Long as the County Records are Stored in the Old Court House About nine months ngo the Grand Jury of Hox Butte County in making their tinal report to the court, in substance made the following report concerning the need for a new court house in Hox Butte County: First. Tlio vaults in which are stored the records of all real estate litlcs are not tire proof. Second. All oftice rooms are small, inconvenient, inadequate, congested and not properly equipped for caring for the business of the county. The vaults are tilled to their capacity and a great deal of labor and delay is occasioned in furnishing information to tax payers. Third. Incase the records should be lost the re-establishment of titles in the county would cost the tax payers a great deal more than the erection of a new build ing for the county. Fourth. In conclusion the grand jury recommended that it was high time some action should be taken in the voting of bonds for the construction of a new court house, the present building being in a dilapidated condition, and a disgrace to the county. What a New Court House Would Cost In view of the amounts appropriated for the construction of court houses in adjacent counties, as shown below, it is not thought the amount of $75,000 for a suitable building, properly equipped and furnished, is more than the people of Box Butte county should appropriate. ' Following is the assessed valuation and cost of court houses in adjacent counties: Cheyenne county, assessed valuation, $2, ),:.) Cost of Dawes county, " " 2,150,078 Cost of Sheridan county, 2,5 16,658 Cost of Box Butte county, " " 2,016,271 Cost of court house. . . court house . . . court house. . . court bouse . .190,000 . C)0, 000 . .'0,000 . 75.000 In the above figures in one or two instances the cost of furnishing the court house is not included, but in the appropriation Cor Box Butte county, the complete equipping and furnishing is contemplated for the amount state, I. Cost of Court House to Tax Payers As taken from the county records the following is the assessed valuation of all property In the county for the past seven years: 1906, 1,052,678 1907, 1,198,960 1908, 1,526,189 1909, 1,748,738 1910, 1 ,777,:i7" . 1911, 1,916,689 1912, ' 2,016,271 An annual levy of two mills on the present basis of valuation will bring re turns more than sufficient to pay the interest on the bonds, it will be seen from the above that in the past seven years the assessed valuation of Box Butte county lias doubled and it is but fair to assume t hat in the next twenty years or the time at which these bonds would mature the assessed valuation will be three times what it is at present. This will result from vacant lands being patented, raw land being improved, and increase in population. With this condition existing a two mill levy would make sufficient to pay all interest and create a sinking fund to retire the bonds at maturity. in order that the property owners may know the approximate annual cost to them in cents for each quarter section of land owned we give below the average real value per quarter as shown by the county records for 1912 assessment, the tax to be paid on each quarter on a basis of thirty-rive mills, which is the average figure for the total tax and the additional tax per quarter on account of a two-mill levy to pay interest on and create a sinking fund for the bonds: Atrarafa real vain per auartar Tai basis of 35 Mills Additional tai eat artor ai Z mill levy far I :7.t 1056 660 1929 sdi 1414 1102 598 502 4.00 7.89 4.62 18.50 8.02 '.t.itO 7 71 4.15 1.65 a.52 ARRANGEMENTS FOR TEACHERS' CONVENTIONS Mlsa Carrie . lunkre. county su perintendent of Dawes county, ami Miss Man IV iks. superintendent of Sioux county, both representing the Northwest Nebraska Teachers' Association, and Prof. Marrs. superin teiident of the Hiidgeport school-, r. presenting the North Ptatt Valley Teachers' As sot in t ion, met in Alli ance the first of last week to perfect arrangements for the March conven tions. Notice of these conventions will be given thru the proper time. Tf T The Herald at SHIPS FOUR CARLOADS SHEEP M. O. Wambuugh returned Tues day from South Omaha, where he shipped four carloads of sheep to the ma)rket at that point. He was acompanied on the trip by his son, K. ('. Watnbaugh, who returned on Wednesday. LAST CHANCE TO HELP Final Appeal for Financial Help in This Campaign Money to Pay Local Expenses BURGLARS STEAL MANY CLOTHES Make a Number of Big Hauls Family Washings of The city officers are now hot on the trail of the clothesline thieves who, in the last lew weeks, have been robbing nearly a dozen different clotheslines. The robberies usually OOCttr just alter dusk and so far no important clue has been obtained as to the offenders. A number of the prominent citi- us of Alliance ate now guarding? their clothes lines with sawed off shot guns and other artillery on wash day. The perpetrators. If caught, will receive severe punishment tit the hands of the law The cause of progressive democ racy Is the cause of the common ieo ple, and to them the leaflets in their hat tie look for the means to pay the legitimate expenses to carry through a successful campaign. It Is an open secret that the two wings of the republican party, the Taft or "stand pat" wing and the Hoosevelt or "pro gressive" wing, are financed by inul tl millionaires and have no lack of the sinews of war; while the demo cratic party, with a statesman for standard bearer who is PROGRESS tVM iu fact as well tm in name, must depend upon the oomparatlvetj mall contributions of the common people to raise money enough to pay the expenses necessary to wage their battle against the representatives of the favored Interests. The Hernld has already published appeals for money to help pay toe expenses of the national committee; r.it there are expenses Incurred lo- rallv that must be met. Nox mute ccunty may be but a drop In the bucket, but that drop may be n es ODO FELLOWS TO BAYARD A large number of the .'.e.iib.rs of the local I. O. ). F. I i Iga. No. 1GK w ill no via auto and I rain to Ca.vaid on Monday, Novtmbrr 11th. to assist in the initiation of a large nurnbtr of new members at that point. The Mitchell kiSS wi" tbw ue there and assist in the ceremonies Tin Itayard lodge promises good en tertainment and a grand time nhllt there, it it arobnMe that big number of the 'Alliance members will go. sarv to complete the success of de mocracy. Ouite an expense ha ben incurred already in sending out let ters and literature to voters, meet iti the expenses of public meeting-, etc.; and it will be necessary to In enr a good deal of expense yet, If lb. campaign Is to be flni.dic-1 as it should lie. No heavy ccntrihution are necessary, if every one who ought to give from a dollar to live dollars will do so. Let there he an IMMEDIATE! RE SPONSE to this appeal and the com mittee will be able to wind up the campaign In a way that will help 0 bring success to the progressive prin ciples of democracy and will be a credit to old Hox Rutte county. Mon ey may be paid to W. S. Kldgeil. Chairman, ' .loe Westover, secre tary of the county central committee, or at The Herald office. All dona tions In response to this appeal will be acknowledged thru thlB paper. We are pleaBed to stBrt the list as follows: HKKAl.U Pl'KUSllINU CO. $.M ELKS WILL PRESENT EN TERTAINMENT COURSE Best and Highest Priced Ever Pre sented in Alliance. Every Attraction High Class TICKETS IN BIG DEMAND .28 .98 .77 :li .7)1 44 .24 .28 .40 Snake Nonpareil liox Butte Lake Wright Dorsey Boyd L iwn Running Water Liberty To the property owner who owns his borne, valued from sif . h h to 12,500 and which is assessed at from $1,200 to l,&00, the -ost per annum would i.. from Wc t 80e. Do you not think that a good court house would lacrtraae the value of your property mueh more than this amount? In other words, on basis of 81,000 actual value of taxable property the ,-st per annum will i 0e. We have carefully canvassed the tax payers of the county. We And, on ears ful and painstaking Investigation, that it is the unanimous dead re and wish of every tax payer in the county who desires to work for Ids own Interest and who fulljf un derstands present condition and the proposition of building the new court house, that tbene bonds be voted. We invite the fullest Investigation f the proposition. Tins committee has carefully gone Into the matter and the Sgnreai given and atate- Stents made are accurate and given after due deliberation Every tax payer and resilient of the county will Bad it to his interest to attend the meeting at the city hall In Alliance on Saturday afternoon November 2nd. Very respectfully yours, COURT BOU6K PUBLICITY 0OM14ITTKK. i 1 1 i.t wwwmttw w H m ,,. 1 , M VISITS BOWMAN FAMILY Mrs. W. ti. elaiSS of Dead wood, a friend of the II. A. H:nnan family, arrives Wednesday morning to be witli them for a short time while Hairy Mowinau' condition is seri ous, since being neddem ally shot on Saturday morning. SOCIALIST ADDRESS SUNDAY AFTERNOON Geo R. Kirkjatrick, Author of "War, What For?", Will Deliver Address at Empress NATIONAL SOCIALIST SPEAKER m The ao-lalists or Alliance are to have h big rally next Sunday after noon, w hen (leo. K. Kirkpat i ick, au thor of "War! W 'hat Kor .' ' and so cialist cameeisa asesker and debater of national reputation, will speak at the Kmpress theatre, at three o' I clock. Admission is free and ever?' body cordially invited to attend In regard U Mr Klrkpat lick's book, the Chicago Kvening lol has I this to say: "It is exquisitely design I ed to capture the interest and wilt : t In belief: it is as i impress its readi t i- of Man " The following uoi.it ions from the I !!tioklyn Kagle and the New York ; Sun give an idea of his ability u. a public speak it: "OvSf tin cc thousand pcipl heard Henry t'lewh, a prominent New York banker, cros-. swords with Mr. tie.i It. Kirkpatrlck iu Columbia theatre, i llriMiklyn, ycMenlay The VSUBS etaS poke fluently, without aatee. iu a lear-ctit and concise manner. Mr. j Kirkpat rick's addr -s i.;is it tlDOg I ref utation of Mr. (Aeer's arguments" I I'-rooklyn Kagle i Clew Kirkpatrii k I debate). "Thus for an hour Ku kpairn k ru I clflcd the banker from Wall Street with logic." -The N M York Sun (The Clews Kirkpatri k debate) Arrangements were completed tin last of the week with Mr. Itrttt of the Hritt Lyceum Bureau of Lincoln. Nebraska, and Iloise, Idaho, for the presentation in Alliance of the finest entertainment course ever provided for Alliance people. Mr. Hritt spent scleral days in the city assisting thf Klks in starting the sale of tickets making final arrangements, etc. One attraction ill be presented at the em ra house each month, until the entire course of five numbers has been presented. Season tickets are hi iug sold for L'.rtt, which IS dudes reserved seats, but seals must be reserved be:'ore each entertain meut. Single admission tickets will be sold for seventy-five cents and $ 1 .04). These prict s are COM Id' area tntreseeif i"w for course thai has OOet t ight around 1700, bill t In large sale of seasutl tickets at the present time assures a big sifcess. The dates and nanus of algferi ! entertainers are as follows: October It, Si rollers' Male (uar tel. November id, Palktwa opera siim era, January L'o. Mm I lory I'layers. February is. Ir Herbert TpSofL March It Kdwin It Weeks Coin pany. Following Is a description of the different entertainments given us: Oct. 0. -The Strollers Male yuar tet and Hell King. rs. This company is tlie next to the oldes: quartet now tngaged iu lyceum work, and during the past seven years it has appeirtd w.'ll cal. tllated to ' over one thousand times. List year lin.'s ghtsit gave fine satisfa tiou at ( raw ford ' and Chadrou. The n: ertainnient con sists of vocal numbers, violin ami trnaaanae solos, imaereonailona ami In II ringing. Nov. The Fellows' Orand Op en ajnsrtei stu alsh ia.-s oios ami selections from the priucipal operas. 'I'll.- rompany of four appears iu cos tume in the operat.e selections Tile anSMMtnj ahw carries its own accom panist and is headed by Harry J. Fel lows, one of the most popular artists in America, whose mice is it lyric tenor of large compass ami telling brilliancy, and lie singx sMig8 that touch the heart. Jau 20 The QWaSS Mallory Co of nine aereoos in the old Kuglish coinedy. David (iarrick This is prob ably the biggest single attraction of the season and is worth the price of the whole course. The company car ries Its own scenery and a big lot of expensive costumes. David Oarrlca Is a harming pastoral comedy, with a tieautifui love utory ami is a strung. attraction everywhere. Feb. IX. Dr. Herbert Yeuell of London, Knglaml,, who gives a splen did evening In travelogue and pictor ial dratna. His repertoire Include Hen Hur ami Quo Yadis, with ex clusive picture slides taken from the world's most famous artists. A re cital also astsoni panics these enter tainments. His travelogues include The Passion Ha and I'arls by Day and Night. These consist of moving pictures and slides and are pictorial draBUM In every sense of the word. Mar. 5. The Kdwin R. Weeks i ompany in an evening of music and mirth. Mr. Weeks stands preati.Vi esi in the lyceum world as an ong m-il and versatile entertainer, lit In a ringing comedian hut not a vaude vilb man. He is a high class iiuii.i- itupers4iiator and soloist. One ot his big stunts is the itnitatiou of .i comic opera In which ha reproduc es the soprano, baritone, chorus, etc., eight parts in all. Miss l.ilu Sln clalr with this company is a Rifted violinist, a pupil of the famous teach er. Atlolph fi'tilll READ SECTION TWO Don't overlook the fact that there are two .-ei lions to this isiue of The II. raid, making twelve pages in all, the same as last week. This is Sec tion One, containing eight page. Section Two contains frur pages ami you'll find a lat of interesting read ing in it, also. COURT HOUSE MEETING Plans Made to Sit Facta Relative Need of New Court House Before the Voters to PUBLISH STATEMENT OF FACTS A meeting was held at the court house Thursday evening to consider the advisability of voting bonds for a new court house. TSC meeting .as called to orl r. H. M Hampton was elected chairman and I'er.y Cigswell secretary. After a discussion of the subject It was decided to ;sile a Si.tleUfeUlt to the voters of the county settius forth the need of a new court house. Ou motion a committee on public ity was appointed, as follows: F. W. Harris, Joe Weatover, E. M. Martin. M s. Hararavea and D. w Hukhes. A conusHice on flaaace was ap pointed I'.rcy Cogswell, Judge W. S Kldgeil and Sheriff Cal COX. Committee ou entertainment: May or VV. O Hames, ex Mayor F. W. Harris, K. M. Hampton.