BBGINNINO NOVEMBER 1. 1912 WE WILL SELL COAL FOR CASH ONLY At the following prices, delivered in the city: Colorado Lump Colorado Nut Sheridan Lump S8.40 &.20 6.00 "Cash" does not mean 30 days, but payment with order or upon delivery of the coal. FOREST LUMBER COMPANY LOCAL PARAGRAPHS Wanted -flood agents lo sell tli Sweeper Vac Vacuum CI BW, at tractive proposition. Steady em ployuient with an old reliable manu facturing coniany. The Sweeper Vac Is widely known as the Mt)hT 1 TIBV u touy Vacuum Cteam r on tin market. Sell readily at a mod erate prli c and we know of no dis--lied user of the Swiepcr-Yac. S pi lo any address prepaid up :n receipt of 110.99. M. Montgomery, State Vgent, 1714 Kaiii.iin St. ) Utah, Nebr. Advertisement ( 15m-::-45 i Mr. Ishaiu, the clothing s ilesmar . passed thru Friday on his way to his home at Chndroti to upend Sun c'ny Mr. isham .'lis to a number of Alliance nuTehar.H. B. D. Watson, .' Ellsworth, a broth. t of Mr. VYatOOtl of the flr'n of Watson & Wauun. rotern id to hLs home Friday no lie had he u !1'J,.'. .'d .'.I surveying so.itli (.!' town for name parties. Mr. Halls, of the Forest LuuiIm r Company, left on 44 Krid noon for Kllsworth for a short visit. Frank McClung, of Itrid eport, VII an Alliance visitor on Friday. In addition to the party ol dr. leaving from Alliance Friday noon they wire joined by nine Other from Angora. These from Angora h id been employed by the Isurllngton a: that point. Si Thompson, the man, returned home trip Friday. ComatOCk, passed thru Ruhville Sat urday evening on hi- way home. While in Cordon Saturday he .-!'! 1,600 acre', of their ranch land, inof' of It going to lo -a! people. They ap preciate a good chan.e to buy hay lands and add to their present hold inns. Kushville Recorder. Oct. II. Robert Reddish. whi Js BOW livinn on his Kinknid huimvttsid at Angora, line up Saturday noon to sp id , annuity wiiii un i9tM ami nmi i lianre Irion da. The city grader was out Friday and Saturday leveling up the Hirers af ter the heavy rain. Tim e OVtb loads of Omaha men went to the sand hills Saturday for n two days' hunt. We understand they brought home a large number Of ducks. genial traveling from his regular Miss Delia Keed. -utility superin tendent, returned to lAHlancr- from a visit to some of her s -hools in the north end of the county, Friday. S. V. Grout, frcJm the San Luis valley of Colorado, was in town on busings Friday u:or!i:n.'. K. M. ::idred, of Orlando, and for merly of Alliance, was In town last wkIi, returning to his ranch on Friday. Mi. Co alt eoun i y . was ranchman ef AUlaace last Merrill Friday J the last O. Keras, Murlingto;i cf the ". live MM took agent in Alliance for t he County Judge U A. Merry return ed Friday from a trip south on ihe ic-nver line. Dr. W. T. Eikuer. of MINI, NO '-. stopped over in Alliance n-tween trains Friday. Dr. Klkner was for merly located at lleOltngfnril and re ruined there oo business lie still own several tracts of Bo Btttto county laud Because 41! was late Saturday the ; Guli.-ey tram cam ii! from Itriike port. Tlie Dearer rain left OB time.' J. Cail Thomas, I rmerly o I Herald force but now linotype oper ator for the dtring Courier, rf.ura d Saturt'ay noDU to stay over Sun aj ;.h ir me folks. Will Q. Cojnsiuck. Richards and Johnny lloyle of Mitchell passed1 thru Alliance S.ii unlay on bil waj to Hyannis to get his cattle which he recently pore baaed there They, had been tiuanantim' (Or a shordt ! time, lie took then; booh ;: Bootte-I bluff where he is feeding them bet I polo. Lloyd JoHucou was down fr::-.;. Crawford oer SunJay to se: BOO to, folks and frie.ii Chase Feagln-i returned to Alliu:i e Saturday. I A. I' It ry made a trip to Kllsworth 1 Saturday between trains. Ho just1 reci ally returned to All'.an at fr M absent e of six years and ia;ed that the change in the town In that length of time was amazing He thinks a great deal of this part of the wes. His BOOM is at Grand Island. 1 W. D. Itumer has put the bankrupt' Colbura stuck of dry good.- and clothing on display In !h Watson i building on the corner of oeoOQjd ' street and llox llutte avenue and i i l U.:-i!lg tin til out Oil s; . s:,!e i W. II. Flburn. ftate agent for the National Fire Insui an ee (omiKiny of ; Hartford, BOOMd thru AlUaace MOB-I ilay ROOO on his way tton BOOtOI tuutr to Meinlngtonl. bile in town he visited with John W. Gjthrie. Chaae Feagins lef- .Milan M on day noon on a bigness trip to Whratland. WyonlOg, lie will be gone for several da's. K. C. MoCoriUe, formerly a -oM!i-tug salesman out of l.incoin, v,jh bj Alliance Sunday and Monday. !U is I now employed a traveling sjlasmau by the National Cash l(ei:isier Ca. rai wiiuy or iieming'ord ..was in Alliau e on business Monday. He accompanied James Wlldy as far aa Vlliance Sunday evening. James Wildy was taking asveral ooriOOOO of ato-.k to the Omaha market. John Wallace has purchased i fine " s i oi work harn Tiom I. L. heson fer use In his dray work. NEGRO 15 FINED Waller Graham, the u.iro arrested laai witk for ootololni moaej iUMter fojoa pretenses by giving a bad check to J i. Donton, wa-. finid tweaty live dollars and coats Friday oy 1 o !i( Judge Gregory Zurn. Cnaham s.a'cl ilia! he would pay his fine and leave the city. Am. LEE, HCgrr. Steel It's the 0en Ranges that Counts Oil! T)ie Round Ok Chief Exposed Every Detail Shown Nothing Concealed You should know all about the range you buy Pouch reod and Bm-I-tog Door. Useful and 4onvenicr.l Thick. hcMt Firo Back pfolclion (ur ovijn, back ol fue bock Cast ; ' ill . lo equal ii heat in oven Arched lo 01 oven. a hk!t heal conforms better than squaro Cup iouil where Anchor Plates mi on main top foes clear around top til mm Step 1 p' LjfLi ( W llllEiX' " 'JS--'" ""''"aOT'!','"l':J 1 biard used fSS ' - ' Cast flue strip sotidlyv . m I bolted to placo lUOHM VM'OVIMlllBlf tell hand Ash Chute. All the ashes (ail in the pan Large atvanied iron Ash Pan About 415 bolts and rivets used in the Chiet. aboi.! twice the number con montv used I fkie tuf uv , door wcijIiL Will never set out ot ordel 5ec the heavy channel iron. Oven bottom can never buckjo OT ONL THING LUT OFF THt CHILf THAT WILL MAKL IT BtnLR Twice (ha usual num ber nl rivet around Iho oven doo Heavy l2-$a boiler-irort oven bottom. See how il is braced J-ply Hue bottom boiler-iron, asbestos, boiler - no n. The only one ever made Sub-flue bottom ol boiler iron. Heat cannot alloc! Ilool 1U0( Ranges llfstimir $52 $44 Newberry's Hardware Co. Alliance, Neb. A SERIOUS RUNAWAY Geo. A. Hills, the Davista ranch harness maker aad repairer, was the victim in a serious runaway on Tuesday reusliin; in a hrok. n leg He wa Mlri iiig a young nervous horse un which the bmvhlng ;ra( -huug IfMJMMfj whlcli evirh ntly irrltat etl tha hors which OOgOO to ki:k atid rati, and bts'iininv u. i'iid i. his own harness, fell, brlni.ig the v.agcn to a suden s'op iau ttirowlng Mr. Hills to th ground and break ing his le above the knee Dr Flat.: was calletl from Toning t :i and M4 the brok'vi binet HIGHLANDERS ATENTION Regular meeting or Alliance Cas tle No. 4i! tx-.-urs on Friday evening of this Week M M. B. A hall. Oui tills orusiDii tli ' -astk- draw bridge i will be ktwerod and tbJrtj pew mem b'-is v ill b." admlUed into the castle s'n iighold. All m.aibtrs are eirn etly iH-tiueted to be pr -sent a:id part: ip.'ti- in the feminities. a. D. uoim;kks. Becy.-Treaa. $$ GET WISE ADVERTISE $) VACUUM CLOTHES WASHER As a side line in coune'.'tiou with his wcrk in the grx-ery, I; i Dun can has taken the. agency fur the Vacuum cloth s washer. a-w ivnen tioa whith is claimed to be the best tbiiif-, out in that line, lie has had clrcolan printed to glVO the ladies o." Vlliauce and vicinity sonic In formation in regard io this labor sav lag maihine, ;uid invites them lo call and invest igate it for themsdves. 1 a ROYAL HIGHLANDERS BALL A grand ball will he kivh in I'he Ian opera hoiuse. Thursday evening, Oot. 84, under iMMMOJ of the Koyal llighlan.lers. Musii will he furniah d oj Minnie U'ikir's orchestra. Ticketb. $1.00. J. R. SMITH, Chairman Social CominiWoe. BUYS HORSES IN VALLEY ' (il Smith purchased tbiteon hi A of hcrsoa at I. ingle. U'yonung, from the. Davvlata Itamn company. 1U will ship them over in a taw ajra, m iking up a carload heiv ship east. Cecil speuit ihra days lit the valley.