The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 10, 1912, Image 2

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The war department will pit UM
tdnto national guard troops on a I ill
WW footing at MM,
Flrf which i a rtnl In the New Rm
in; '! llu ati- ;it II". swvpt
on nilrP 'I'ofk and caused h less ol
Nearly 4JMN 1'nited Slates troops
wire reviewed at Honolulu b p ro
IKTJ of State Knox and Secretary ol
lh Intei lor Fisher.
BVVM nn m-ti, wlio art- al!
to have oli' iiiK'd 8(MKX) by means of
fcrgrd cm cks for v m ill amounts. w ri
al rested In a hotel ul OtlteaffO
Three pemons Wl finally Ifljured
md fifteen otlK is more or le--onsly
hurt In a collision of n V
Shore pMWngffr 1 1 a in and a ft
train at W-ndo. N. V.
Steps that Insure a ptRBftDi B1 nn
tional org&niMUoii to promote tBf '.
on rallrcunl and In Inttnatrlal i '
were- announced al tin- cooperative
congn ss held In Milwaukee.
Miss MniRfUPt Ctirtla of Host m woi.
h national woman's goir champioft
ttotp ror the third time, d farting Mix
Honald H. Harlow ot Philadelphia ;
a sore of 3 up and 2 to play.
General C.rnvilie M. Dddgt of Conn
fii HiuiTs wtM elected preeidenl of tM
Society of the Army of tin- Tt nn. Mi I
at the session of the forty MCOPd tin
nual reunion of the order nl Peoria.
Sister LOCJT, mother superior ol St.
Joseph's hospital In Menomlne . bail
been made reverend mother of Uiel
Franclscm) Order of Sisters In th
United State. The mother bOUM Is
at Peoria.
Fred Barry Strong, who COOfMaed
to have robbc 1 twenty-two houses at
Seattle and whose arrest was caused:
by Imprints lefl liy his law ftt, told
the police that his home was In Co l
lumbua, O
Btophm it now. head of Btephea R .
How Co., Boston brokers, which
failed a few days ago, was arrest
cn a warrant charting him with the
l.uceny of f i ni.oon from the Franklin!
Minim-, company
Oardner Abbott, prominent attoin '
of Clev. land, was held to the grind!
jury under 9,XM bond on a charge!
of manslaiiKhlrr. Mrs. Mary A. lam I
was run down by Abbotts antomob la
and tiled a few himrs Lint.
.Tacoh stoit--ti. c t, a special potic
officer employed nl the packiim pi tnl
of Mom ft ( o. at South Omaha,
ArOppnl dead nn the streets as ha W II
t haslnn Ki ne.-o Parker, whom he had
-arrested and was takini? to Jail.
Mrs Helen Pierce Orav of SI P.t'il
an Investigator of Crow Indian affairs
recently arrested and charged with
taklriK tha allotment roll of the tribe
from the tiles of the Indian office, wi
released and the chain. il Bgalnal bet
Threatening the means of commit i
nicatlon by rail between Mexico City
anO Its port ' Vera Cruz, the in. I 1
.pendent revolution, r-centlv started
by Brigadier General Hlu'imo Amii'.i:
in Mexico, Is now assuming dangerous j
P. J. Toxcnnn was atabbed to d ath
in a boarding pottae at Camden. N. J.
The police are looking for a fellow j
hoarder, who Is alleged to have
tabbed Toxcann In the heart
Toxcann objected when the other maal
lighted a pipe at supper
Mrs. Charles lane, convicted o!
killing her husband on Sept. 2u. .".I
Danville, Ky , was find M0. gfe
nleaded self defense, nllpgiicf her ll
'and taunted her for marrytag him
while he hai a wife usdivoreed and
ihen attacked her
In a gas-filled room In their hom
at S.'iMitai. Pa. the I . lies of Mis
J'lbn I Walsh and her habv were
found with their throats rut It ll
believed Mrs Walsh, after cutting tte
baby and herself, turned on the gas
to make death certain
One passenger was kill d and flftv
Ave injured in the wreck of a street
a r. whoee bral .'s gave way as It was
running down CSreeiiflelri avenue hill
Pittsburgh. The car sped down lh
hill lor eight blocks, where It left tli
lulls and struck a telephone pole.
Two men were killed because a par
achute failed to open after i hallooi
acension ut Tuscumhla. Ala. Wh -t
the ballOOO lettf the ground. Clan:5
Kowlun I, a spectator, caught in tin
ropes. After being pulled aboard iw
leaped w-'h the aeronaut. David Petty
Herbert S. Hoc kin. at ting s i ret try
tteasurer of the Iron Workers' unloa
itas Ittppllod the goveit'iuent with '-
dence against his fellow tblendunt.
in the "dynamiting conspiraey" roaoi
at li. lianaioi according to tie- stat
at eon.- by Oistiic't Attorn
t::s. to tv tune of $300,01)0, hA
given tSM proposed aceaa-1 ,
nation l highwav bv te .'
The Truth about Selling
You only buy a stove once or twice in a lifetime. You should know what
you are buying if you expect this stove to last and give permanent satisfaction. Knowl
edge of stove values is too expensive to be acquired AFTER you've purchased at an
exorbitant price from a peddler whose only object is to place the stove in
your home and get his "fat" commission.
The peddler's way of selling stoves is necessarily more expensive than
that of your home dealer. He pays hotel bills, traveling expenses, buys horse feed,
wagon upkeep, etc. He gets BIG commissionsbigger in fact than the
profit of the home dealer. You pay for this when buying of him.
The peddler doesn't care for anything except to sell his stove. Misrepresentations
mean nothing to him. He never expects and seldom does make good his promises.
When his stove fails to give the satisfaction he so glibly promised, your recourse, if any
you have, is hundreds of miles awayinconvenient and expensive.
Why the Home Dealer's
Way is Best
'in i it vsmiwa HnwrnnaHUHn
There are no secrets in stovemaking. One stove isn't as good as another. A cheaply
made stove is cheap. A good stove isn't. The price isn't always a safe indication. But, dollar
for dollar, your home dealers' stoves are best. They're made by reputable and honest manu
facturers. The double guarantee maker's and seller's means something it protects you,
We can and do undersell the peddler. We actually give greater and more lasting values for less
money. We are here day after day, month after month, year after year and we will make our
guarantees good.
If you need or expect to buy a stoye or range soon, it's to your advantage to have us prove the truth oi this ad you'll see our lines
of stoves examine them carefully get our prices our terms all better than the peddlers'. It's your business to buy where you get the
best values the most for your money. We are confident we can give you this. We feel certain that you would rather buy of us, if we
can prove these facts, and we can if you'll put it up to us. We urge you to do this. Will you? Right now?
We Have Stoves and Ranges of all Sizes and Prices, from the Cheapest that's Good to the Best
that's Made in Stock NOW Ready for Your Inspection.
Newberry Hdw. Co. . Geo. D. Darling n
I. L. Acheson Miller Bros. Nebraska U
year Tire company. Over 1,900, i
has utrimdl MM pU'dged. an. I t u
of the hrfMt mi'keia of atitomol:!
and HtT'.-- rt - have -( t he !i ;
Whett'vr n and loys should he In
atrucl'd iu .wiiii. cooking and otlie:
hiuiKfhnlil 4sttfg wan debated at I
section mc-tlit of the American As
oclatlcn lor SStudy anil Pi vent Ion o
Infant Molality, held at Cleveland
Varying view were offered, but n.
lonchiHion wan reached.
Acl'r.s; on the l0MMMMbtk)M
the sta'e hrtpril of stock inspp.-tlo!.
Governs Shifiuth of Colorado rais
the IMralrtlM declared flvi
ago BjmiMI horses un-l mules fro i
KantitH, Nebraska ami Mlssou i Thll
it lion fo!ltivved infoi niation th it th
disease which killed thousand! o
Ot rt-es n thc.f t ct.' ha.- almost U i -i
Sheridan County
Com. Proceedings
Itusln il'v. Nebr., Oct. I, WUL
Coaimissiotiers met in regular toa
sit.a Preset.:: Parker. I'.ru ajud
Mi Purkind.
On motUn Lhe maiter of roul Nt.
ill !e;i:ittiu-d for by Fred Skoda ami
others was t;ii;eu u;. The tuition
as filed with 2i names on il uskin.
for Lhis to.nt. On Seiiember i
. remonstrance waa filed with Um
i -cuiity clerk. Kieveaj of the nauies
;.: a;;eartd oa the petition ais
aimd tie- nmmMMN aakiiiK thai
their names be considered ou ttio
lemofia! ranee and not cm the petiuoi
This U tt cail uiue names ou the
tlticta ajtd it takes um or mow to
make a tega.1 petition, therefore the
commissioners had :.o jurisdiction to
act on said pe'itio.J.
Petition ol the people living on
sectians to -4 tuclusive in' town
..slup ratine 44, asking u be at
lached to Kxtensii !i prec.tiei. was
grHinted as prayed or.
The following bills were rejected:
Philip .lungek. refund. 1.41; Harry
tt Sipp, refund. :J5.fl7.
The' following bills were allowed
M Poor Fund The Fnr. imlse., $7 -15;
Peter Albright. Ikmii'iI. 13. -5:
Qal4M AL Folsotn. inde., tin.".
Allowed on llritlge Fund llaury j
ii Kichuioml, material, I'ltl.:;'. ; Can-;
ton Hridge Co., Vi payment bridge, Fred Trauiner. bla ksmiihl
ork, 10.15, A. I.. Snitler. bridgu 1
A. U Suitler, bridmt !
I.odell Post, bridge wk ,
Sailor i Son, bridgo
I lav Springs Lbr. Co.,'
W. Ballard, fiiatei
H ;
lUHterial, 185.55;
Allowed on Ceneral Fund: It. L. I
Welhite, salary and expense. I'm'. in.; j
R. S. Irker, official aervkea, 23. uo; j
f, i, ., . i ... i
i . m. m in t', on. m'i t., , j. r.
MuParland. off. se-rv.. lift: A. I)
New. sal. and exp., Ift.Mj 0. P. Kol
li . . sal. and expeose, 108. lo; li. If,
Coper, printing, -5.5U; J. I Scutt,
;r.ins(ript, 6.87; L Henuett, sherifi"
- '. lope .oirtity, 3.00; J. W. Anker,
appraising road damage. 5.00; Frank
Waite, appraising road damage, 5.00;
J K. West, app. road dam , 5.00; J.
W. Orubb, floor varnish, I.Mj Uush
ville Tcleiihone Co.. rtntw and tolls.
K.4j II. F. W'aamuml, Jr.. sal. and
ex. and freight pel.. UMtj 01
.Mayes, printins. 30.0; Jordan Hdw.
t o . uiilst , 55.9'.; i. M. Cooptai-. pta ,
8.00. C. ('. Ziegler. aal. and expense.
7:: SO. Herman Hngie, draying, I.Hi
H. K. Colt-iiian. amJ. as oo. assessor.
50'K; A. C. Magooti, livery, 3.00;
,r H. KdtnuuiU, atate vs. Joe Howu
ing. 6U0; Joe V. Sondry, witness,
.-:ate vs. Joe lKwning, 10. 70; Ham
mond & Stephens Co., supplier, 16.
0 Jus. Hindman, draying, H.50; '.
K. Townsond, witness, state v.s Fraia
t r, et al, 4.50; Fred Hindman. wit-ne.-is,
state vs. Fraiser, et al, 4.50;
K. II. Savage, witaiess, tstaie vs.
Fiaiser, et al, 4.60; K. 1). Furnani,
witness, stale vs. Fraiser, et al, 4.
;o. Amy L Stewart, clen"; !..'.. 6
S5; K. Iri'land, vline.s before grand
jury, 5.1.0; M. II. McDowell, witness
MM Hen Wiikiu.stm, 3.20; M. B. Mc
Howell, witness i use lle-n W'ilkinsiin,
L't; It Amy L Stewart, costs, 6.50;
Vtuj l. Stewart, official service, 12 -45;
Amy I. Stewart, official servi . -7!
:!5; -Amy I. Stewart, official serv..
S3JS0; F. W. Johanstn. printing, 2
20; F. W. JohatiHiu. printing, 8.00.
Allowed on Uoatl Fuuii for road
work: t!e. 1'. Auker. 3.iJ(; .
Dorhorst. 5.00; Fred Davis, 3.75;.
Clarence (Jealy, 3.00; Claud Davis.
4.50; A. I.. Davia. 70.00; Charlea
Hatch, 15.50; L 6. Griffith. 5.25;
Jack Scott. 7tu; Frank Prue. 11.25;
John Cassidy, 7.00; D. Suger. 3.50;
R. C. Stannard, ow- Thomas Jan
sen, 17.00; Byron Vanbuskirk. 56.00;
I R Aubert. 28.0)0; M. O. KSeffI,
3.00; K. Amirde, 5.00; 11. j i'oo-.i,
30.50; Kd Melcalf, I3.t0.
On motioa Boanl ndjourueti to
November I, 111 12.
"It seemed that my 14-year old
Iboiy would have to lose his leg. on
account of an ugly ulcer, caused by
a bud bruise." wrote D. F. Hownrd.
Acjuone, N. C. "All remedies failed
till we tried Hucklen's Arnica Salve,
and cured him with one box." Cures
bums, boils, skin eruptions, pile.
35 cents at Fred K. Holafeu's.
Old papers at The Herald office at
6 cents per bunch.