The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 03, 1912, Image 5

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The following "Want Ads" are
classified under appropriate headings
for the convenience o readers.
CASH RATES One cent per
we'd each insertion. No ad received
for less than ten cents per inser
tion. Black face double rate.
CREDIT RATES One cent per
word each insertion, but no advertis
ing account opened for less than
twenty-five cents and no ad charged
for less than fifteen cents per week.
Black face double rate.
Ir answering Herald want ads
please mention that you saw it in
this paper.
A classified advertisement will in
troduce to each other the next buy
er and the next seller of property
In this town.
Bonded Abstracter.
1 have the only get of abstract
be ks in Box Butte county. Office
In McCorkle Building. 10-tf-570
WEEK. Modern conveniences; close
In; prices reasonable. THE CRES
CENT HOUSE, 221.' East Second St.
Phone 82. (37tfl410)
314 Sweetwater Ave., Phone 38".
FOR RENT. Office or living
rooms. First Nat'l Bank Building.
U. N. H os-kins has had her rooms
upstairs, :il2lf Box Butte Ave., which
he rents by day or week, thoroughly
renovated and nicely re-papered.
4 4r: 1 -1 4i." adv.
I.ady cook wants position o. ranch
' Experienced. Address Mrs. F. H.
Willlamis. c o Herald. (4S214il )ed
Buy your coal of Rowan & Wright.
Phone 71. tf
HIDES AND FURS, at Hills' Har
neeo shop. J. O. HERTERICH.
(43-3144W adv 1 the Gunsmith.
All kinds of feed, in any quantity
desired, at E. I. Gregg & Son's.
Phone 155.
Money to loan on real estate. F.
to, Reddish. 3tf
Curtis Best and Gooeh's Best flour
at E. I. Gregg & Son's. Every sack
guaranteed. Phone 155.
Rowan & Wright, coal, wood and
poets. Phone 71. tf
Coal office at Rowan's feed store.
ROWAN & WRIGHT, phone 71. tf
Grand Island, Nebr.
Mane the bert monuments and will
save you money. Call on AL. WIK
ER. local salesman of Alliance, or
send to Grand Island for price list.
KOR SALE Five room bungalow,
With bath, toilet, gas lights, hot wat
er heating, large basemrat and
porches. 2 lots, fronting neat, OM
block from Etners:n sebcol, Easy
terms. E. V. RAY. (43tfl4f4)adv.
E9RE2LS. I have a few full blooded
White Plymouth Rock cockerels for
sale. Phone MB Green.
(41-:i144S) E. P. SWEENEY
PIANO FOR SALE on easy terms.
But slightly used and in first-class
condition. Apply at Herald office, tf
5 room house close in. Price
$1050 if taken quick.
Medium size, good condition, good
heater. Will sell cheap. Phone 725
Blue. C. E. BULLOCK.
PIANO FOR SALE on easy term.-.
But slightly used and In first-class
condition. Apply at Herald office, tf
Old papers at The Herald office at
6 cents per bunch.
See E. C. Whisinan for lowest
prices on painting, paper hanging
and kalsotuining.
HAND. 918 laumato Ave
UIARLY at your door, daily and
Sunday. 6u cts per month.
(42 11450) CHARLES KIPP
CHEAP. Bout location in Alluin .
A. J. WfUJOH, SO Big Horn Ave.
Phone 361. 42 5 1451)
NOTICE IS Hereby Riven that un
der and by virtue of a decree of
foreclosure and sale given in the
district court of Box llutte County.
Nebraska, in I cause therein depend
ing, in whiVh the Equitable Land
Company was plaintiff, nnd Ora E
Phillips. Ira I toward, and .lane I to
gard his wife whose true Christian,
name is unknown were defendants,
I will on the 7 day of October. A.D..
1912, at one o'clock Lit the afternoon,
at the west front door of the court
house in the city of Alliance In Raid
OOUttty offer for scale and sell at pub
lic vendue to the highest bidder for
cash tlie following described mort
gaged premise; and real estate, to
wlt :
The South East quarter of
section twenty two (22) in town
thip twenty five (25) north of
range fifty OM ("ill west in said
county .
for tlie payment and sn He faction of
said decree. C. M. COX. Sheriff
Attorney for Plaintiff
under ami by virtue of a decree of
foreclosure and sale given in the dis
trict court of Bo Hut 1 1- count y, No
bra-ka. In a cause th.'reln depending
in which the Equitable Isanti Coin
May wa-s plaintiff, and Ora E. Phil
lips, Frank A. Ma-ssLe. Annie E. Mas
sle, Cordel Colvin. Emma Colvin, J.
Lawrence Bowman and Mary Bow
man were defendants, I will on the
21 day of October, A. D M at
one o'clock in the afternoon at
the west front door of the court
house In Hit' city of Alliance, in said
county, offer for -sale and sell at pub
lic vendue to the highest bidder for
cash, the following described mort
gaged premises and real estate, tow-fa
The south east quarter of sec
tion Thirteen (IS) in township
twenty six Oi) north of range
fi'fty two (62) west in said coun
ty for the payment and satisfaction of
said decree. C. M. COX. Sheriff,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
To all persons interested in the
Hs'Hte of John P. Weinel, late of
said County. Deceased.
You are hereby notified that on
tii" Ttli day of Sept ember. 1912, John
W'. inel filed lit-s petition in bite coun
ty court of said county for hi ap
pointment as administrator of tlie
estate of John P. Weinel, late of
said county, deceaned, and that the
Bams wiH be heard at the lounty
court room in the city of Alliance.
in said county
October. 1912,
clock A. M .
It is fart lie 1
of said he ;tn
on the 5tJi day 01J
at the hour of 10 o'-
Ortfl red that notice
he given all parties
Isl trail . I 1 raid estate by the pub
lic .itiou of this notice for three MM
ce.-sive weeks in the "The Alliance
Herald", a newspaper printed, pub
lished and circulated in said county.
Dated this 7th day of September,
t Sea 1 1 County Judge.
40-::-1 M
Give the Kidneys Help and Many
People Will Be Happier
"Throw Out tlie Life Line'
Weak kidney.- need help.
They're often overworked don't
get tlie poison filtered out of the
Will you help them?
Doan's Kidney Pills have brought
benefit to thousands if kidney suf
ferers. Read this mm;
Mrs G. E. Leidy. 22 E. Dakota
St., Alliance, Nebr., says: "I can
highly recommend Doan's .Kidney
Pills to all sufferers from kidney
complaint, as I have used them on
a number of occasions with good re
sults." "When Lour Back is Lame Re
member the Name." Don't simply
ask for a kidney remedyask dis
tinctly for Doan's Kidney Pills, the
same that Mrs. LeJdjr hadthe rem
edy backed by home testimony IOC
all stores. Foster-Milburn Co.,
Props., Buffalo. N. Y.
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo
New York, sole agents for the Unit
ed States
Remember the name- Doan's anc
take no other.
according to science, are the things
asociated with our early home life,
such as Hucklen's Arnica Salve, that
mother or grandmother used to cure
our bums, boils, scalds, sores, skin
eruptions, cut. praius or bruises. For
ty years of cures prove its merit.
Unrivaled for piles, corns or cold
sores. Only 25 cents at Fred E.
Hoist enV
L M. Scott, Auctioneer
Lakeside, Nebraska
Will cry your sales anywhere.
See nit Of leave dates at the
Alliance Herald.
Mr. and Mrs. George Giltuore ar
rived on 44 Wednesdn for a visit
with her sister, Mrs Will Roland,
nnd family.
John I'Vntlrick and wife were In
coming passcngere on t.'l Wednes
day for a visit with his mother and
other relatives here.
Mrs. Arnet Mc Cnndless came the
first cr the week cor a visit with
relet) tea here Mr McChucIIcss has
been visitinc his sisters here for the
past month or more.
Mr. and Mrs. Hnrgroe cam.' in
on 4.1 Friday. They will occupy
rootaa in the stairhead home Mr,
llargtc work- in the creamery
Mrs. Gardner MM a passenger to
Marsland Thursday, returning Fri
day. Miss Mary Michnls accompan
ied her home for a few clays' visit
.Mrs licit Mart returned from
Alii. line Thursday where she had
been visiting with Mr. Mart's broth
er and wife for a few days past.
Mrs. Hardy, mother or Mrs. Ed
Leathers, came in from tlie east on
Thursday, going out to Sioux county
for ti visit with her daughter.
Dr. Elkner came in Thursday for
a few days' visit at the home of
A If, Miller.
Bud Thompson spent a few days
the last of the week at Alliance on
busine- -
Omaha Prepares Ten Days o! Entertainment Activity tor Throngs
During Fall Festival Sept, 25 to Oct. 5.
Chief Chase In the Morning nnd ffesV
ry Makes Kni 'ay will ft, with the COW
I'oy nnd cowgM for popular faror,
Itsplnymg all the wllyues thnt ehar
eterll l the onrly life of the now si
Diost extinct tieople
Wild norsci or the plains, who sVS
knowiedf n i muster, will succumb te
T'lAT his thousands of loyal suh
fectei who inhabit every part of
tin- grant commonwealth m Ne
brMkft, mat enjoy to tlie full
est extent the mysteries Of the realm
o; Ak Sni lien. King SaniM m . ruler of
the kiiudotu, bM planned and a i
ranged fcr a series of fail testivities
which will surpass een the most
gorgeous of any m the elghteevn feers
f his snccesnfui reign
These festivities will he held in
those which characterise Ak-SarHcn
ill It; evet d tail
Nebraska f.oud of Ak-Sar-Ben.
The people of Nebraska, and thnt
includes the people of Omaha. ar
Jull proud of the achievements of
Al Sar Men lioud because Ak Stir
BCfl has brooChl undying fame to the
slate that Its people all love ho well.
Is it any WOMIer that the good people
of Nebraska congregate in Omaha for
Mr. and Mrs
cuinseh, Nebr.,
friends here at
Sam Rlythe or Tci
jre visiting their old
Pf bHraflfl bbbsmbk' IB BMT-ilBssl aW I
i smflBLBF' IsjMlBasiB BLJ
A. E. Clark was a paaenisf Of to
Miirsland Thursday, returning Fri
day. We ttoderetaod he boa boushi
out the Marsland printing office and
will continue to print the Marsland
paper at that place.
Mrs. Frank Ptottneati cam;' up
from Alliance Friday tor a visit with
her mother and other friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Suprise and
daughter spent Saturday and Sunday
witli Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Win.
Silencer, returning to Alliance Sun
day. T. L. Hopkins was an incoming
passenger oa 4:: Saturday from O
tnalia wh?re he went tlie first of
the week with cattle.
Mrs. Uroshar was an in.oming
pa.-.-c nuer on No. 4:! Saturday from
Scott shlul'f where she lias been vis
iting with her daughter at that place,
Mrs. Amelia Johnson was a passen
ger to Alliance Fridny, goJfktt. down
for a few' days' visit with her datifch
ter there.
Mrs. John Groinet and son Lloyd
of Marsland spend a few days the
last oi' tlie week with her par.-n .
Mr. and Mis. Win. Fosket. retiirnins
.Marsland Monday on Li
Omaha, metropolis of tlie great state
and the seal .1 kingdom, beginning on
Sept. IS and c ndlng on 0't. 5. provid
ing (en full days of activity, featured
by their iini'iueness, and which will
furnish cn'ertninment for his faithful
followers, who will gather from all
parts oT Nebraska, whence Ak Sar-lh n
g is its now famous name.
Nebraska reversed upells Ak-Sar-Bea.
Seek as far as you will and that
is the only thing you will find back
ward In connec tion with this great or
ganization, conceived and carried out
by the business men of Omaha tor the
purpose of putting the great state of
Nebraska to the front that It tuny take
Its rightful place among the common
wealths of the Union.
In tlie comparatively short though
phenomenal career or Ak-8ar-Ben and
it- direc tors, many reatureai known for
their originality, have been offered,
but none thai win compere with the
reign of King Samson, Hie Elghteenl li.
whose year has been cupped by the
largeal membership in the history of
the organisation.
Attendance Has Been General.
In the six mouths of preliminary
planning pnu tlcally every city in the
the fall Icst'vltles, paying tribute to
tin orfanlaatlofl which knowi but one
thing Nebraska first, Inst and all the
Many mythical stories have been
written of Ak Bar-Ban, much has been
(aid of its colors, red, green and yel
low, which SymbOllsO the beef, alfalfa
and corn, the three principal products
of Nebraska, but little has been said
of the- Wonderful spirit of cooperation
Which has made Ak-Sar-llen the b ad
er amotiK organization of Its kind
Tribute has been paid by the presi
dent ci the I'tcited Stales, by senators
nnd representatives In the United
Slatc-H congress, b Important person
ages from other InndH, by business
men of the east, north, south and west,
but AkSnr H"ti has never been b hon
ored as It has blOl by the people of
Nebraska, who love Ak Bar-Bee as its
own child
Realizing that Ak-Sar-Hen Is a Ne
braska Institution end that its people
come firs!, the dit 'dors of this great
Organisation, which includes the rep
reaentativn hnslneas men or the me
tropolia, hav left nothing undone to
make the fall festivities a source of
nlen.-ant entertainment a.s well as a
soune of education
.Mr. and Airs. McCory of Alliance
visited Saturday and Sunday with
their daughter. Mrs. Cliff Hubble,
i t I
Mrs. Arthur !onevan returned to
her home at Alliance Sunday after
U Tew days' visit with heK sisters
Mrs. Hello
Alliance Sum
stay w:h bet
care for her
Wayne ciark
sick for the past
at this writing.
Ilrown came up fl MO
ty for a few clays'
daughters and to in Ip
lit'le grandson. litt!
who litis been quite
week, but is b -t ter
Mr. sad Mrs. Walter Hughes are
the proud parents of a babyi tzirlfr
which came to their home on Satur
da, Sept. tjie L'Nth.
Mrs .lames Ljvell's mother and
sister from Hastings, Nebr., caaie
Monday, going out to Curly v make
her a visit.
Miss Houuie Copeland, who has
been spending the summer wilh her
father and here, left Monday
for Indian i
Mrs Amelia Johnson was an in
coming passenger on 4.'! Monday.
Miss Doris Gregg and Mary Mich
als returned to Marsland Sunday at
ter a few days' visit here.
Mr. and Mrs. fArnet Met 'and!. ;s
and Mrs. Anna Fierce visited in Al
lian Tuesday.
Qcersn Fhronapfel, who has bt-eu
quit sick for u few days, is reported
as balag a little better at present.
Ernest Spencer left on 41 Tues
day for Denver where he will attund
college the coming winter.
Dr. lioland in. oi.- a professional
call at Alliance Monday, returning
Tuesday afternoon.
Marie and Nora Hansen returned
last Saturday from their visit in Ore
gon and Minnesota. They report a
fine time and everyone getting along
ft net
John Ha clock, w ho has been
spending the past ftw days at the
CerroU home, returned to his home
OB 44 Tuewday.
ttate has be n represented at it.; in
itiations The governor of the .state .
Hie chancellor ot the, lie
State Editorial association, and the
oittaenahlp in general have honored
Ak-Sar-Hen with their presence, con
(ributing In evety detail to Its popu
larity nnd making its success possible
in the only wa practical by Hie
hearty cooperation which Ak-Sar-Den
must have to be a stat I Institution
The object of Ak Sar-Ben is known
to every citizen of the state to boost
Brat, last and all the time for Nebras
ka and tci spread tlie glories of Ne
I aska to the four winds of the In av
erts to make the people Of tlie Cnlted
States realize that here is the paradise
of the world that he who striven to
succeed can find no better place than
hi Nebraska.
So successful has Ak Sal Ren been
in Its endeavors that this child of
Omaha horn in the turbulent times
t tlie middle nineties, has been adopt
ed by the state and through the un
eHhsh sop pert of the g mil cltleenshl
of Neb! aska has ri.sen to a position o'.
The testivities will begin un Sept
IS. On that date the carnival gad i
will be thrOWn open to the multitudes
who will lock to the center of Hit
j kingdom and 101 ten days there will Ik
jnction every mlnntn, rhe carnival
IkiouucIs will lie Hr- scene of btgl
i class diversified entertainment, pleea
i tires that will appeal to the most ex
I acting. Myriads ol highly fjSjsOred
I electrical lights will add to the spue
tacular decorations when A!; Sai-lieu
bleaks forth in all its glory on th-.
evening of Sept. 25.
Frontier Day in Ali Its Glory.
As a special attraction, the famous
'Cheyenne- Eio'.ltler show, which proved
a popular eutertainui"nt at the State
Fail, has been secured for u series o;
afternoon entertainments, beginning
jn tin afternoon ot Bept 28 ami c ios
tug 0't. 3. At great expense, t Ite
Omaha baseball club grounds win he
remodeled to make the show pc; . ;,,le.
Chnnipjou rough riders of tin- world,
in. n who know no fear when it CteBeC
to handling de wild, unbroken horses
ol the plains, will appear for the first
Office Over First State
liemingford, Nebr.
promln-nce among the fall feet ferities limn this fir east: eovglrie, those de
fat tJte eeoatry ,ii!nfui hits of feminine hnmaatt)
Go where you will to New Oil aus, -'iio have the courage to brave the ter
to Denver, to Kansas City or to St - rots ol the p'aius. will he prominent
I.ouix foi their fall festivities, and eiii-itainu -ni: a baud o: ttity ral
rever will yr.u find t tie unselfish sup- Baaus Indiana, heeded b) ( i i i-ok
pott nor the successful end-avois a Ite'. C'c nl. It i "t To ) te d ' PI -inJ
Ln 'fisfslsfcssnivalsDsisB
m r - BF laBKBSfsB irts
the rnnRfer horsemanship of the daring
loys from the west for the first time.
In the evening the Indians will offer
S thorough Indian show at the-carnival
grounds, while In Hi" moining a spec-
tacahtr pnrade win wend its way
through Omaha's strepts.
As spec ial features, thne paradea
hao been scheduled, one a departure
In Ak Sar-Ilen festivities. An automo
bile floral pnfndOt In which more than
one hundred heentifttl decorated auto
mobiles-- will he in line, will traverse
the streets of Omaha on Tuesday. Oct.
1 Though Omaha automobiles will
probably he In the majority, many ma
chines have been entered from Ne
braska cities, wnlch will heighten the
lntecist in the parade, as cash prlzM
nr to he given for the best decoratod
mac bine.
Electrical Parade a Hummer.
The electrical parade, the outdoor
feature, to which all endeavor Is di
rected, will he held on Wednesday
evening, Oct. 2. Twenty gorgeona
floats, headed by the board of govern
ors on horseback, the floats pulled by
lour beautiful specimens of horseflesh
ai d requiring one hundred men. will
em bod) the highest ldea in float con
Btrurtlon. The theme of the floats this
year Is "Gems and Mowers."
On Thursday alternoon. Oct. 3, the
dedication parade will he held. On
thls.duv the new 1 ,000 AQO Woodmen
ot the world building will he dedicat
c ! Eight thousand members of the
organisation will parade the streeta,
headed by the military of Fort Crook
gad tb'1 High School cadets
The festivities will wind up Friday
niiiht with the annual Coronation hall,
v ie 'i the eii"en. will be crowned, after
n selection front the fairest of Oma
ha's beautiful women After this Itn-
portaat fnn'tion, Nebrneka'a lower of
womanhood and manhood w ill trip the
light raataatlcuntil the wee s:na!l
boa re, in the beeutlfelly decorated
ballrhom, nnd to the strains of sweft
music, which Will Boel out over thfl
mammoth haltroe in from a hundred
rioce orchestra, concealed in a bower
if roses With Hie last stiain. the
Ak Sar Hen of IPII will pegs Into his
lory, only to ghe way to a more spec
tacuh't' reign in 1913 if possible
Tie- s-lection ot the king and queen
will demonstrate in no uncertain way
the nbeolnts democraep of the organi-
i 'I Ion. Class distinction finds no
piece in the Ak Sat Hen realm Its
leaders are chosen from all statlone
in life, ability being recognlz -d no
herw sb it Ir. In this modern land of
Distinctly a sreatera institution, foa-
t i d by Western spirit and developed
bj western pregieealeensaa. Ak-S:r-Re
n rests prottdly on her achteveeteati
Of elgiit en virs.
i , . : i
' ;
- . .
7. Program c A' Sjr-Ben Festivitiea!
t This Fall. '
i Bept N to Oil 5- Carnival f SSV .
V Bept L'S to Oct 5-Kum; alter !
noon. lYonii r Wild W -st .show ui 1
C ball park, !
y Oft I Alternoon. Automobile J
I Floral Ps i One hnadred dec
w orated antoa in line
J. ict. -Kvenlng, Klectrical Pa '
trade. Twenty floats Teeano:!
Ts. Cents ami Fin vera '
Oct Afteraeoa, Dedication
Z Parade Ten tkonaand in line
j Oct 4 Night, annual Corona'
It tion liaH. '.
II II till! II 1 1 1 H I U pdHdJal
T Samicn Inwitfs Subjects to At-jf
icru rciiivmei.
: cue. of Ak Sai Heu 1, King
J. Samson, the Eighteenth, hereby
command everyone of my loyal
.subjects to appear in Omaha ba
j 'tween Sept f and Oct. 5, if It is
, , ponalhle, sad participate in the an
1 anal leetlrtttes of AkSar-Ben.
! Further. 1 desire that the good
p.Hple of Nebraska heed this com
, maud that our people of Omaha
may have the piHilege of know
..tug ou better and the honor of
J ; . nt-rtaining you to the h"St of our
. ' ability.
Civil under my hand and seal,
tali the teuh day of September,
..deiiing the reitcn or King Samson,
; ;the Ki Bpreeeth.
'--"e-H-X-I-l-W-S II Hlllilll