The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 03, 1912, Image 2

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    IB a.1 lxc a d. 3STc t
Railroad notes
tRcpcelved In si
publication i
week too late for
Hrakemnu Lynch, formerly of the
hlph line. I vlsitln In Hill 'ltv
his week
Mr. Mrscken of the nMhlM shops
is enjoying a visit from his mother,
Mrs. Brncken of OerinK. Mrs.
Urarkon lived In Alllanee until the
laM year and has many friends here,
especially In musical circles, as she
has n beautiful soprano voice. While
here her son entertained her In the
' berry block She returned to
her home on Saturday.
Mmkenian I'rynr has b;en quite
Kic k wllh typhoid fever the past l wo
weeks, but is now out of danger. H B
Is in the Ht. Joseph hospital under
the care of Ilr Mingle. A brother.
T. 0, I'ryor, of Sturgls. S I).. oaOM
down ami remained with him tea
ds. He will come down ami lake
Mr I'ryor lionn. as ;-;(., i as be is
well enough to travel.
Engineer John Hicks and Kin-man
Townley made a trip thru to Alli
ance Tuesday.
Mrnkoman Taylor, who has been
spending the Inst three mom lis on
his ranch near Iteno, returned to
Alliance Sunday. He reported' for
duty at once and was assigned to
the west end local.
A fire, supposed to have been set
by sparks from otin of the helpeij
engines, set fire to the depot at
Crawford last Thursday about mid
night. (Agent Walters lost nearly
all his furniture The greatest loss
was n new six hundred dollar piano.
A few small pieces of furniture on
ly COUld be saved. I'lans were :it
on-e made by the IJurlinuton for a
new slone and brick building very
similar to the one at (irand Island.
A desire to travel and' see the;
country caused the resign,' t ion of
Hiakeiuut McCain and kichardBOB.
Both were energetic, ambitious and
competent young men and made fine
trainmen. They lert Saturday night
for Denver. Their plans were to
go farther westj
Urukcin.m Rider, who has been in I
the company's employ about six
months, has rejigm d and accepted
a position with the Allium- Fruit
fompa ny .
Business on the road is pi . king up,
two more train crews being put on;
Conductor K. J. Burke on the west '
.id nnd Conductor C. I). Rider on'
nii. esS end. i
A St. Louis paper gives the follow
ing account of the way .Mm Hill cel
ebrated his seventy-fourth birth d
".Mr. Hill celebrated his sevemy
fourth anniversary by inaugurating
the ui'a o' the Hull Mooser'. the
Istest type of loccmoth to ! I in
troduced on the (Ireat Northern rail
way The first engine on tba QWMt
N hern w, Ighed 57.000 pounds.
The 'Hull Mooser' weighs 601,000
pounds. That condens. .-. tin hi.-;ory
of 'he development of transportation
in the northwest. Mr. Hill is Just
as .i-tlvely Interested In the devel
opment of the Grtvu Xcrtlum as
ever, though he has uireadared to
other offioee which he rilled for so
many year.. His sen. Lewis W.
Hill, is now chairman of the Board
of Directors of the railway and fail
Gray Is president."
Octob r ::, 1912
MiH Blaocha MicdoM.ihl went lo
() :i ihu las; Friday to . iu about
ten days On her return s'le will
.leave for a sixty days" trip to the
I Pacific const.
Dr. He; simian returned Monday
front n IW0 weeks' vacation ;ent at
western olnts.
Urakeman Fred Vaughn has bOI
assigned to the east end local". 11
Is with Conductor O'Connors
Mrs. Ian Conners of Creston,
left for her home Monday. She
been visiting the past two woiks
the home of W. .1.
was accompanied by
la .
Conners Bhe
he- little son.
Conductor W. W. Johnson closed
a deal this week by which he be
LOOM! the owner of one of the Cop
sey houses on Toluou avenue.
Condu tor J S Ward ami family
have moved Into their fine new mod
ern bungalow on llox Hutte avenue.
Conductor Bdd Shields and family
left Monday for a thirty days' visit
with relaiivees atid friends In Akron.
Operators Sauerbraunn and Hronk-hur.-t
ciime in on the Denver train
Sunday morning They have spent
the past tjiirty days inhaling the
gentle tephrra of the Pacific coast.
(ten. Supt. K. B,
left 00 I-' Sunday
OUAg and
for Chicago.
lAs soon as their foreign transput-,
tatloti arrives. Conductor and Mrs
K. J lUirke will leave Tor a thirty
days' trip which will include all of
the principal cities or the Pacific
roast. They will go out over the
Northern Pacific and return oxer the
it' ", i U it I t
i eeriii''. mi -
, MI t , I ' MIT
EkL ' J
1 1 n
1 "
. 2 III,
U wm i
Southern Pacific and I). & K. G.
Hrakenian Kmery, who has been
living in Kavenna and breakfng on
From New York World
In his speech at Sea filrt, N. J on June 17. tlovertior Wilson pointed out
that, as the result of so many years of Republican administration, the feeling the nation Is that "men have gone in blind alleys nnd have bail
to climb out often enough. Now they propose to Hud BO open road for themselves."
j hmffi tor Mil j i wm
The most satisfactory way ot heating a house
is with a furnace. I handle the Wise and
Jewel furnaces. They can be seen at my shop
I have experienced
men formy plumb
i ng work. A m
equipped to hand
le a I I kinds of
work. Now is a
good time to have
that plumbing job
put in before cold
weather sets In,
. W.
j PHONE 435 $
NOB, II and to. has decided to re
move to Alliance and go Into the.
freight service. Mrs. Emery Is now
in the cast visiting relatives ami
will come to Alliance as soon as
Mr. Kmery can secure a suitable
Mrs. K. R Morrison
si: k the past week,
somewhat better.
lias beep very
She is now
Blaster Mechanic nnd Mrs. Ray
crot't returned from a two weeks'
rial! in Pcrtland.
Mrs. W. W. Johnson loft Monday
j fcr Llucoln where she will nttettd
thd Gmnd Lcdae of the D. of H.
i which meets there Wednesday and
I Thursday of this week.
Mrs. Harry Hamilton returned on
I Monday from Lincoln. While there
i Mrs. was very sick and It
, was necessary :.o send for Mr. Ham
pton to accompany her heme.
Night Round hOUBe Foreman I.ouis
Vandervoort has been off seeveral
days on account of" sickness.
MnohhttM Pickering has Bpelgned
from the service and gone to Hort
oa, Kansas.
W. A. Davis of Sheridan. Wyuii
IBS, passed thru Alliance Monday on
his way to Scottsbluff where he may
dot ide to buy land.
Mrs. K. C. Thomas is now rrn
plojred as stenographer in Mr. Krid
elbaugh's office at the freight depot.
fb j geBg gBBg aaB
Sh s a wise woman who k
Juel wliat to do when her hliatM
life is in danger, but .Mrs. R
Flint. Plaintive, Vt., is f hat
' - lie insisted on my u;ing Dr. K
N W Dis overy," writes Mr. F.
I li . adful couh. when I w
Weak my friends all thought I
on V a shr.n liine lo live nifil ii
; Dletely cured me." A quick
j for coughs and colds, it is t
ww s
If weak, you need Cardui,
the woman's tonic. Cardui
is made from gentle herbs,
acts in a natural manner,
and has no bad results, as
some of the strong drugs
sometimes used. As a med
icine a tonic for weak,
tired, worn-out women,
Cardui has been a popular
success for over 50 years.
I have a car load of Apples
Davis, Jonathan, Winesaps
Grimes Golden. One dollar up. TakeQAR)U
Next to Herald Office
dBgg ggg PBll Olll
Th Woman's Tonic
Mrs. Lula Walden, of
Gramlin, S. C, followed
this advice. Read her let
ter: "I was so weak,
when I first began to take
Cardui, that it tired me to
walk just a little. Now, I
can do all the general
housework, for a family of
9." Try Cardui for your
troubles. It may be the
very remedy you need.
safe and reliable medicine for many
throat nnd lung troubles -grip, bron
chills, croup, whooping cough, quin
sy, tonsilltis, hemorrhage. A :ri;il
will convince you. 50 cts. and $1.00.
Ctuariinieed by Fred K. Moisten.
K. R. Myers, living southeast, of
Alliance, brought to town Tuesday
the largest squash ever seen here.
It weighed U'O pounds, measured six
feet and seven inches nrnund the
long wny and five feet and five inch
es around the short way.
The squash has been on exhibition
at Jerry Rowan's feed store. It has
been secured by J, 0. McCorkle for
the Nebraska Land Company and
will be entered with the exhibits on
the llurlington car. with a placard
giving full particulars.
Mr. Myers raised the squash with
out irrigation or particular attention.
There's often much truth In the
saying "her face ts her fortune." but
it's never said Where pimples, fkin
eruptions, blotches, or other blemish
es disfigure it. Impure blood is back
of t.lieni all, and shows the mlei r
Dr. King's New Life Pills. They pro
mote health and beauty. Try thOffl.
35 cents at Fred E. Moisten'.
The Odd Fellows of Mot Springs.
S. I)., are an aggressive lot, as. is
BhOWS by their chi-rtering a car HO
attend the Intern . ional Conventiuii
of Odd Fellows held recentlv at Witt.
tofl u. i). V. Reefteft, son, , oft Mr.
and Mrs. K. Reeves of this ctt,
was one of the number.
In order to get practical yard ex
perience nd to fit himself for posi
tions of more responsibility, Claude.
McDonald, who began working for
the llurlington three years ago last
April as a stenographer and clerk,
and who now holds the position of
chief clerk to the trainmaster, will
take a position as switchman in the
yards, about the 25th of the month.
Claude is a popular Allirtnce young
man and his advancement is watched
with interest by his many friends.
He will be succeeded in his present
position by L L Smith of I.H-adwood.
"It seemed that my It-year old
tob' would have to lose his leg, on
account of an ugly ulcer, milted by
a bad bruise.' wro'e ! F. MoWWM,
Ao.uone, N. C. "All reOedtea failed
ttll we tried Hucklon's Arnjca Salve,
and cured him with one box.'' Cure?
lnirns, boils, skin eruptions, piles.
35 cents at Fred B. Hotetea'e,
i Wi C. Kngllsh at one time nvamr
agier of the Henne:i iFltahO Co.'s Al
liance store, was in this city last Sat
urday greeting friends and bs.)tlniij
fcr Cludron, Which was the proper
thin'; for him to dto as he is now
a resident of that city.
The Problem of Country Life
RURAL decay Is one of the most staggering problems in American na
tional life. In the mutter of population alone it calls for serious at
tention The percentage of rural population in the United States h is
been steadily decreasing Be follows; in 1880 there lived in the country 7U8
per cent of the total population; in 1800. Qg.9 per cent: in l'.KX). 50.5 per cent:
in 1010, ":'.. 7 per cent.
The loss of rural population Is due to economic social and educational
ennaes Itellutou nnd rellajoaa institutions also play BO Important part in the
problem. We bear much these days about the country life movement." Let
It be noted that this is a different profHWltloti from the "back to the land"
movement. It may be said broadly that the tirst was Inaugurated for the pur-
Percentages of counties losing population from I300to!3!0
pose of benefiting the country, the second for the purpoaa of benefiting the
city. UnQUeatloOnWy more will come of the former than of the latter, for the
movement to improve the conditions of farm life is In harmony with a normal
desire, while the effort to transplant the city man to the country is in violation-,
of natural law. Just as the c ity must vvrk out Its own salvation, so the coun
try will be compelled to solve its own problems. It must be quite apparent
that good farm land and profitable farming will not settle the most vital ques
tions in the country. Principally, the leaders in this movement tell us, there
must be n higher idealism among country people. They must have higher
standards of education, of social life, of the moral well being in ea. com
munity. The country life commission appointed by the president said In ItH
report, "Any consideration of the problem of rural life that leaves out of ac
count the function and the ossibi!ities of the church and of related institu
tions would be grossly inadequate, because from the purely so
ciological point of view the church is fundamentally a necessary institution in
country life."
ECONOMY at's one thing you are
looking (or in these days
cf high living cost Calumet injures a wonder-
Jul saving in your baking. But it does more.
1: insures wholesome food. tasty food uniformly raised iood.
Calumet is made right to sell riht-to bake riijht. AsU
one uf the millions of women who use it or ask your grocer.
World' Pur Food Expoiition. Chicano, 111.
Pan. Eipotition. France, March, 1912.
don't savr money when yu-j but) . h.-c -. r bi-can bating txiuJer.
Don I o miUeuJ Uju Calumet ',m, ,. 1 nl , -'
givei but raulit. Calumet u 'at tufierior It tocr ir...i and toda.
nit mw -.