V Classified Advertisements The following "Want Adf" are Classified under appropriate headings for the convenience o readers. CA8H RATES One cent per wo. d each insertion. No ad received for less than ten cents per inser tion. Black face double rate. CREDIT RATES One cent per word each insertion, but no advertis ing account opened for less than twenty-five cents and no ad charged for less than fifteen cents per week. Black face double rate. Ir. answering Herald want ads please mention that you saw it in this paper. A classified advertisement will In troduce to each other the next buy r and the next seller of property In this town. ABSTRACTERS F. E. REDDISH Bonded Abstracter. I have the only set of abstract .books In Box Butte county. Office In McCorkle Building. 10-tf-570 TO RENT TMREK ROOMS FOR RENT. Call at 817 West Fourth St. Phone 874, (41tfl446) ROOMS FOR RENT, MODERN. 823 Big Horn. Close to schools. Phone 405 Green. (38-1-1417) FURNISHED ROOMS BY DAY OR WEEK. Modern conveniences; close In; prices reasonable. THE CRES CENT HOUSE. 222 East Second St. Phone 82. (SThfUlO) FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT. 314 Sweetwater Ave., Phone 387. Iltfl083 FOR RENT. Office or living rooms. First Nat'l Bank Building. 17tfJl86 MISCELLANEOUS Buy your coal of Rowan & Wright. Phone 71. tf All kinds of feed, in any quantity desired, at E. I. Gregg & Son s. Phone 155. 29-tM342 Money to loan on real estate. F. W. Reddish. 3tf Curtis Best and Gooch's Best flour at E. I. Gregg & Son's. Every sack guaranteed. Phone 155. 29-ti-134 Rowan & v right, coal, wood and posts. Phone 71. tf Coal office at Rowan's feed store. ROWAN & WRIGHT, phone 71. tf PAINE-FISHBURN GRANITE CO. Grand Island, Nebr. Make the best monuments and will save you money. Call on Alt. W IK ER, local salesman of Alliance, or send to Grand Island for price list SECONDHAND CLOTHING AND SHOES Boutin and sold at 405 Box llutte avenue. Highest prices paid. E. PARKS. (40-3M43S) FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS WHITE PLYMOUTH ROCK COCK KRE'LS. I have a few full blooded White Plymouth Rock cockerels for sale. Phone t09 Green. 4K:144M E. P. SWEENEY. PIANO FOR BALE on easy terms. But slightly used and in first-class condition. Apply at Herald office, if FOR SALE 5 room house close in. PrtOS $10M if taken quick. (40til4M ACHESON PROS. . FOR SAIJC Two seated carriage. See W. B. Young. (38-l14lS) Old papers at The Herald office at 6 cents per bunch. See E. C. Whisman for lowest prices on painting, paper hanging and kalsomining. Bargain in Land One hundred and sixty acre.- of good ltox Butte county land at a baivain. One-half cash, time on bal ance. Will take good, new automo bile as part pay. Call at He-ald of fice or write the owner, John E. Nooner, Fulton. S. I). C:s:J 1420) WANTED- -Milk customers, 16 quarts for a dollar. Phone Ititi Red. Win C. Brown (St4M4M) C.1RI. WANTED FOB HOUSE WORK. Permaaenl UBS. OEOHOE hand, 011 Laramie Ave. ( I0tfl440) WHAT WE NEVER FORGET acct rdlng to science, are the things .i v ciated With mir early home life, ucta as Bu'klen's Arniea litre, that mo'lier or grandmother used to cure our burns, boils, scalds, sares, skin eruptions, cut. praius or bruises. For ty years of cure prove its merit. Uninalid lor piles, turns or. cold sores. Only 25 ceuts at Fred E lloNten's. LEGAL NOTICE In the County Court of Box Butte County. Nebraska, before L A. Berry, County Judge In the Matter of the Estate of Charles A. Lock wood. Deceased. Tt) ALB PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE ESTATE OF CHARLES A LOCKWOO'D. DECEASED; Charles W. Iockwood having filed his petition, under oath, in this Court praying that administration of the estate of said Charles A. Lock wood, be dispensed with and for a decree determining who are the heirs of said Charles A. Lock wood, deceased; it is ordered that a hearing be had on said petition at the county court room in said county on thee -tub day of September, Itlf, at the hour of 1 o'clock P. If. i and that notice of the time and place fixed for said hearing to be given to all persons interested in said estate by publica tion of this order for three success ive weeks In The Alliance Herald, a newspaper printed and published In said county. Dated this 21st day of August, I!'I2. i Seal) L. A BERRY, ( ;'.7-3t -1 74 I County Judge. LEGAL NOTICE SHERIFF'S FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS Hereby given that un dor and by virtue of a decree of tore, losune and sale given In the district court of Box Butte County Nebraska, in a cause therein depend lug. In which the Equitable land Company was plaintiff, nnd Ora E Ira Bog; ml. and Jane Bn wife whose true Christian unknown were defendants. the 7 day of ( Ictober. I i o'clock in the afternoon, front door of the court Phillips. gard Ills name Is 1 will on 1912. at one at the west LEGAL NOTICE In the County Court of Box Butte County. Nebraska. before L. A. Berry. County Judge. In the Matter of the Estate of James A. Parker. Deceased, TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE EST AT K OF JAMES A. PARKER. DECEASED: Charles. W, Lock WOOd having filed all petition, under oath, in this Court, praying thai administration of the estate of said James A. Parker, be dispensed with and for a decree de termining who are the heirs of said James A. Parker, deceased; It is ordered thai a hearing be had on said petition at the county court room in said county on tiie 20th day of September. BUL'. at the hour of 1 o'clock P. M., and that notice of the time and place fixed for said hearing to be given to all persons interested in said estate by publica tion of this order for three success ive weeks in The Alliance Herald, a newspaper printed and published in said county. Dated this L'lst day of August, 1912. (Seal! L A. BERRY, ( -.7-:: t -1 75 ) County Judge. house in the city of Alliance in said county offer for sle and sell at pub lic vendue to the highest bidder for cash the following described mort gage! premises and real estate, to wit: The Booth East quarter of section twanty i wo il'.'i in town ship twenty five (25) north of range fiftj one (51 1 west in wild count v. for the payment and satisfaction of said decree, c. m. cox. sheriff. A. W. ('BITES, Attorney for Plaintiff. c:9-5179) LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE IN THE COUNTY COURT, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA. Before L. A. Berry, Countv Judge. In the Matter of the Estate of ) ) Louise Barclay, deceased. ) TO ALL PERSON'S INTERESTED IN THE ESTATE OF Louise Bar clay. Deceased: Eleanor B. Clark having filed her I petition, under oath, in this court, j praying that administration of the Batata of said Louise Barclay, be dispensed with and for a decree de-1 termining who are the heirs of said i i-iouise Barclay, deceased; it is or dered that a hearing be had on said peUtlon at the county court room in said county on the 2XUi day of Sep tember. !! 12, at the hour of 1 o' clock P. M. and MMrt notice of the time and place fixed for said hearing be given to all persons of this order for three successive weeks In The Alliance Herald, a aeW'jpjyar printed and published in said county. Dated thk) .' ii day of August, 191S. L. A. BERRY. (Seal County Judge. c:s.;:-i7m SHERIFF'S FORECLOSURE SALE notice is hereby OIVBN thai under and by virtue of a decree of foreclosure and sale given in (he die tried court of Box Butte county, Ne braska, in a cause therein depending in which the Equitable Ijind Com pany was plaintiff, and Ora E. Phil lips, Frank A. Ma-ssle, Annie E. Mas- sie, Cordel Coivin, Bmtna Cotvta, J. Lawrence Bowman and Mary Bow man were defendants, I will on the 21 day or October. A. I). fglt, all one o'clock In the afternoon at the west front door of the court bOnae in the city of Alliance, in said county, offer for sale and sell at pub lic vendue to the higfhest bidder for cash, the following descrlled mort gaged premises and real estate, to wi : The south east quarter of sec tion Thirteen (IS) in township twenty six (2ii) north of range fifty two (52 west in said coun ty for the payment and satisfaction of said decree. C. M. COX. Sheriff. V. W. CRITICS. Attorney for Plaintiff. (41-5-1X0) LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETI TION FOR LETTERS OF ADMIN-ISTRATION STATE OF NEBRASKA, BUTTE COUNTY BOX LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS I, L. A. Berry, County Judge :f Box Butte County, Nebraska, iureby not ify all persons having Claims and demands against the estate of Ern estine Kittelmann, deceased, I have set and appointed for the reception, examination Mid adjustment of claims and demands against her estate, March 3 let, 1913, at the county court room at Alliance in said County. All parsons so inter sted in said estate will appear at said time and place and duly preseni their said claims and demands in the manner required by law; and in case any of said claims shall not be presetted by, said date, the same shall be forever, barred. Given under my hand and seal of , the countv court 'his nth day of August, Itia. L. A. BERRY. I Seal i County Judge, j (M-4-1T7) KEEP THE KIDNEYS WELL Health is Worth Saving, and Some Alliance People Know How to Save It Many Alliance people take their lives in their hands by neglecting the kidneys when they know these or gans need help. Weak kidneys are responsible for a vast amount of suffering and ill health, but there I no need to suffer or to reiuuinin danger. Cse Doan's Kidney Pills a remedy that has heled thousands of kidney sufferers. The following statement leaves no ground for doubt : R. W. Gaylord, North Moorehead St., Chadron, Nebr., says: "I have used Doan's Kidney Pills off and on for about fifteen years and I would not be Without them in the house. Some time ago I suffered severely from troubles, caused by weak kid ueys. I finally began using Doan's Kidney Pills and the contents of one box removed the attack. I highly re couiii.end Doan's Kidney Pills to anyone suffering from backache or other symptoms of kidney complaint." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster Milburu Co.. Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the Unit ed States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. To all persons interested in the Hstate of John P. Weinfl, late of said County, Deceased. You are hereby notified that on the 7th day of Septemler, 1912, John Weinel filed his petition in the coun ty court of said county for his ap pointment as administrator of the estate of John P. Weinel, late of said county, deceased, and that the .vame wiH be heard at t he oounty court, room in the city of Alliance, in said county, on the Bth day tkj October. 1912, at the hour of 10 o' clock A. M. It is further ordered thai tutice of said hearing be given all part;. I interested in said .state by the pub lkarion of this nj:tL'e for three suc cessive weeks in the "The Alliance Herald", a newspaper printed, pub lished and circulated i i said oounty, Dated this 7th dav of Se;t tuber, 1913. L. A. BERRY, (Stall , OoUBty Judge. 404-181 Burton W. Gibson, the accused law yer, declared In his cell in the Goshen, N. Y., jail thai he was preparing a de fense which would clear him Instant ly of the charge that he murdered his client. Rosa Menschlk Szabo. All thirty-three) so called Cunning ham Alaska coal claim lands, involv ing alleged fraudulent blanket patents. Which contributed to the Balllnger Pinchot controversy, have been de clared void ly the Interior depart ment. General Count Maresuke Nogi, su preme Japanese military count ilor, and his wife, the Countess Nogi, com mitted suicide at Tokyo following the religious ccrcmonlss in connection with the death of the late Emperor MutsnhMo. William Band, freshman at the North Carolina university, was killed while being hazed by soplioino.es Rand, perched on a barrel, and sur rounded ie his tormentors, fell off and gashed bis neck on a broken pitcher He died soon after. THE MEN WHO SUCCEED as beads' of large enterprises are men - great energy. Success, to day, demands health. To all is to fail. It s utter folly for a man to endure a weak, run-down, half alive condition when Electric Bitters will put him right on his feet in short order. "Four bottles did me more real good than any other medietas I ever took," writes Chas. B. Allen. Sylvania. Ga. "After years of suf fering witli rheumatism, liver trou ble, stomach disorders and deranged kidneys, I am again, thanks to Bloc trie Bitters, sound nad wejl." Try them. Only 50 cents at Fred E. Hole tan's. home when HEMINGFORD Mish Mary Kuhn returned "".' iroui roncn, .enr , where she has be sp ndlng the pant two months vtsdlns lil, lrf i. ..... . . .. ,, , pinin , George Carrell and Eiertl Addc were business visitors at Alliance a few days the first of thJ week Harry Wlldy and cousin returned Wednesday from Bcottabluff where thc spent I he past w eek C. T. Huss was an Alliance visitor the first of the wvek Rev. Palmer was tin Incoming pas sengiM- Wednesday) from Alliance Where he Inn been i-itlng friends for a fsjw days. Mis- 'Nina BoySOg from Alliance was at the Bushnell store last Fri- dai and Saturdav with her slock of hats see Dctrick Path returned from Iowa Friday Where he spent the past, tew week- visiting his mother. T. L. Hopkins, Sr.. returned home from Oregon where he spent the past few months visiting with his son and other relatives there. Mrs. Barney Shcpanl ami father, Mr. Sa.mpy, returned from Iowa Fri day Mrs Fd Holllnrake and Uttts daughter were incoming passengers from Chadron Saturday whege tiny risited it few days last week. C W. Ixx'kwood returned Saturday from a business trip to the eastern part of the state A G. Danborn returned tolAllianee Sunday where he is working at pres ent Mr. Addey. from Iowa, came In Monday for a few days' visit with his family here Mrs. Belle Brown came up from Al liance Monday tor a few days visit witli her daughters here. Harve Allison, from near Alliance, was an over Huiutay visno. at me home of his sister, Mrs. Win. John son . DR. F. W. BOLAND Office Over First State Bank Hemingford. Nebr. oooooooooooooooo o HASH MAN ITEMS O oooooooooooooooo A slight frost visited thi neigh borhood the nlgbt or the 15th. Miss Amanda Nabb began her first term of school In DiL 17 last Mon thly morning. We wish her much success. Mrs. Felix Clark of Billings, Mont .. after spending three weeks here vis iting wiih tti mis and relatives, left on the midnight train Saturday night for her home. Mi. So is moving down on his homestead this week. N. G. Uisrman cut Mr. Skinner's grain one duy last week. Win Johnston was seen hauling a silo home one day last week. Cal llatshman's large new barn is nearly completed The Misses Fay and Ethel Heni bry returned last Wednesday from their trip to Gerlng. They visited with friends in Sioux county while away and report a fine time. a oooooooooooooooo o BELMONT NEWS o oooooooooooooooo Mr EshloMian and George H nriy were Belmont visitors Monday. Win J IeWltt was a Bdnnont visitor early this week. He report that he has been doing fall plowing and that the ground I in the finest possible condition for his fell crop The farmers don't seem to mind the frost, a I nearly everything l 0W of the way They have had such good irons all over the country that erest though thc loua a nt.tie cam fodder, every one wears a smile other day nnd ieport that trom the li.ks of his r p there Is nothing left to be desired. Mr. Trussell is an old timer here, and understands the methods thai bring the returns. We are told that Oeorgr (In gg nf Marsland rWfOOSd M.M an acre (Off his farm west of Marsland. George ha. tune gn land out there and It ought to be worth much more than that, CrOUS in western Nebraska compare favorably with those of the eastern part of the state, where the price Of land is from $100 t,o $150 per ill re. S 1 oooooooooooooooo o MALINDA SQUIBS o oooooooooooooooo COUNTY FAIR CALLED OFF Circumstances Combine to Knockout e Promising County Pgir and Race Meet WILL TRY SOME OTHER YEAR Well, as the wannest months are now past ye Correspondent will en- demvor to gather some more news alt ho everybody seems too busv at present making hay and Cutting corn to make any news. The Malinda school, DUt 54, be gan Monday with Mr. Jlall as teach er, nnd the Sand Hill .school with a Miss Hamlin of Harrison wielding the rod in that District. Arthur Lore ami wife visited at at the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Iltoss, last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Minatare Friday Cal witli Duerr went to a load of spuds Mr. and Mrs. Ceo. down to Mr Horn's i len ton Saturday d rove p.m. Edwin Dunlap, who litis been work ing near Bayard, returned Friday. o o o o o o oooooooooo MOUNT PLEASANT 00000000000 o o September Bain! Oh, lots of haying weather!!! Corn out of danger this neighborhood. 14. 1911, rain! ! I'.ad of frost in Mrs. Call Underwood's brother. Mr. Harve Gaskal. from LHUOVlllo, Iowa, Was visiting her last weeik. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gaghagen were over night visitors at Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Clark's Monday night. Miss Bearela Reddish is going to school In Aliance again this year. She is staying with Mrs. BUrneil. Mrs. P. S. in Alliance Mai ley attend last Sunday. Mrs J. C. Wright dinner with Mr. and sad Mrs. M r. and ed church Mr. and boys took J. C, Hawkins SuinJay. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawkins WON visiting Mr. ami Mrs. G. G. Claik, Thursday, the 12th. Mr. Charley Coker was la this neighborhood buying ealtle last week The MagSUnan hay outfit got lost Sunday night a.id Otto said all tho he had was the wagon Poor shelter from the rain. The Fates have decreed against a Box Butte county fair. In striking contrast to the remarkable SJUOCOSl of the stockmen's convention held an nually in this city, have been the re cent efforts to bold a county fair. 1'nless smpls preparations are made considerably in advance of the tillle for the counlv hi . . ,,,, ,-Ailllfll. f farm and industrial products and siocK, tiu races constitute tho principal feature. GhusAa secretary of the fair association, m- lorms The Herald that thev never before had a better nroMiH'ci fnv a successful race meet than thin year. I Here were li entv of hm-u. - It, ai.i.i --- - . " 1 ii i . There was a chance to fill on the -:lf. i: 1 1 and 2: 211 elassea On a. count of the scare over the epidemic imong norses in other n iion II warn thOl best the first of the week tol call off the races nnri I, , , ,,v., WHMV were wired accordingly. Imm Week E P, Sweeney sold his ranch consisting of L',-J4n acres to Mr. Rust Who comes here from l-mcaat-ST county. This ranch is a Mule south nnd five mile ewst of Alliance and lies prtOCipaU in Box Butte county u contains the homestead ( ii WbSch Mr. and Mrs. 8weeney took up their residence in the spring "t "?, and on which they lived until alter Mr. Sweeney was elected sher iff In the fall of 1896. Mr. Ruat is a sea of Win. Rust. Sr.. and a broth OT of Win Bast, Jr., of this county, and without doubt will make a euc ces of ranching here, as his father and grother have done. Mr. Sween ey informs The Herald that he will make a i rip south this winter, which he finds necessary on account of his health, being afflicted with asthma. Had it not been for this, he would not have sold his ranch nor think of leaving A I Mature, aa he ami Mrs. Sweeney would much prefer to live here than any place else In another Item regarding B. rotd. who has taken a in the First National Bank Snoe, we should have mentioned that he was recently elected a director and assistant cashier of the bank. Eugene posit lam of Alll POCKOTBOOK lost containing; H 66, I'ocketbook had inscription on it. "Compliments of Oklahoma State Bank." Finder leave at Her aid office and receive $5. on reward. I 41 M 440) i CONDENSED NEWS shelter tongue. Otto. Mr and Mrs gone up in the to stay awhile II. Robison have Canton neighborhood on their claim. ooooo oooo oooooo JESS ITEMS oooooo ooooo o ooooo L. M. Scott, Auctioneer Lakeside, Nebraska Will cry your iftlet anywhere. See me or leave- dates at the Alliance Harald. 6$ GET WISE ADVERTISE IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE Frost and a light freeze last night. No danger to anything except to a few pit ss of corn that have not been put in slles yet. Mrs James I'helps has been on the sick list the last few days, but is around again now. L. M. McCoy la erecting a niew coal stud this week He is figuring on selling a lot of coal here this win ter. Farmers are watvhing the tr.t'n closely these days for hoboes trying to get help, as there is much BtOfS work to be done here than there are men to do It. , l-Yrd Wendt got in a car of flour last .Monday. H. T. Parler was exhibiting some mammoth turnips the other day that he raited on his farm eaat of Bel mont. Have is some farmer. Mrs. Earl Fosket has been sick the last few days but Is much Un I -roved last report. John Miller went out and gathered six bushels of wild plums (Tie other day. There will be many bushels of them go to waste here this year The ball game be: ween those of the east and west sides of the rail nad track at Belmont las! Sunday was good, the east side winning Sepitmber 17. ll Charity BagJS and family v.siii.l . J. Long and family last Sun lay P. J Monday Long Wl nt to on business. Alllaasi Ia-v Helling Is busy this week cut ting his corn. Ills co.-n ;s g n ; about fifty bushels to the a re. Pret ty good for :he snnd hill cCantry. Mr. Neater of Crawford own Tuesday was In Neighbors were over the 8. hi. 'Trussed farm west of Marsland the I Lid near .1 a pretty hard e last night. fie.- dow n We hav, no teacher J. Long SOhooi and n preik'y badly. yet ed for the P. a 1 1 a laer S I i tood is scar..- :n this week. the Jeiss ueigh- Thi-r Ii mort- Catarrh In thin ntfllon ol the rountrf than all otht'r dlafatw-s i a t -j. ih i and until tl,- bun tew years was suppuaiil to Im- Inrurabli Kor a ymil nia'iy yt-:r tliK-tur pmtiutinretl It a loeal tiiM-uav and prt-arrtbfu lut-.tl rvm.-,ll-v and by ruiislanUy falling to cur with luc:U trt-atin-tit. pr,Mioutt-rd II InrurHMr. Science has proven Catarrh to be a runatltutloitaj di.--rise, and therefore reuuire ronalltutlonal treatment. 11 . - Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cluney & Co.. Toledo. Ohio. Is the only Constitution:,! cure ta, tlie market. It Is taken luteniilly In doses from I" dnjps to a tMspounfiil. It arts dlreettv on the bioud and mucous surfaces of the system. They off- r one hu idred dollars Ut any case lads to ruri- K nd lor clreular and lesiimolalB. MSnaw f i t HIM V A tX.. Tcii-do. OSSS, Sol I h1 1 -t i- Take H dl s Kanilly Ills tKeunstlrnlun. It Can Be Relied Upon Tlie American Drug and Press As sociation authorizes its members to guarantee absolutely Meritol Hair Tonic. It has no eu.ua.1 It is a wonderful remedy. A trial will con vince you F. J. Brennan. s You can't afford to be without Coahey s White Diarrhea Itemady. It is a positive relit f from this dis ease Which kills thousands of chicks vearh . Price .( ; For Sale b J. H. Vaughau & Sun. iSt-PliW Lord Chutchlll favors a number of parliaments in the United Kingdom similar to the United States legislative system. The Russian duma has b?ea dis solved Flections will begin Sept. 21 snd the new duma will be opened Oct 28. Maj-ir (Jeneral leonard Wood, chief of staff ot the at my, ordered a general army supply post SStabHshed at El Paso, Tex. Governor Wood row Wilson and William J. Bryan will meet in Uncoln, Oct. 5, when they will speak from the same plattorm. Pressmen and feeders In twenty three shops struck in Portlnnd, Ore.( for an advance in wages and several change:. In shop rules. Six million dollars will not cover the loss caused by the horse plague In Kansas during the last month, accord ing to estimates made. George Hanner. a Buffalo automo bile dealer, was fatally shot and hU wile was wounded while driving through Tons WS Ode In their car. H. Murphy, a negro, confessed a sadlant of a white woman of Alton, da., was taken from ofheers by s mob and lynched. His body was riddled with bullets. A flerc gjgbi was waged at a foot ball gnme in Celtic park betws n lush faction. . in whl h sixt..- persons were s . rely Injai d, two of them being In a critical canditioa. Word was received in Cliiiago of the murder nf Joseph E. Bickerdi'.:e, formerly a wealthy resident of that city, at San Andras. Lower California, by Jtinu Rees, a guide. Receivers were appointed for the United States Motor company, a $i2, 100,000 holding corporation orgamzedi In l'JOs to control ten automobile and rhs englii" manufai luring companies. Corn til us tl Hayes, the dessed New York police inspector, was found guilty of making a false statement re fltcting on Police Commissioner Wal do and was dismissed from the tie pa it mint The maneuvers in Saxony of the Geinian imperial armies, which began on Se t a. endetl w ith a victory for the invading army, accoding to the verdict of Emperor William, who wae cnief umpire. On account of the recent casualties to aviators of the British, army flying corps, four lieuteuauts having beea killed within a week, the war office has suspended the use of monoplanes In the service. The Unll' d States is about to inter vene 'n Santo Domingo. Warships will be dispatched at once to the Isl and. A re olution has broken out Which threatens American and other foreign interests. .1. E Johnson of St. Joseph, a brake man. was killed and O. L. Williams m, hrakcm in. was fatally hurt w hen a St. Joseph and (irand Hland eastbouud StoCh train ran into the rear end of freight traiu at Troy Kan.