The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 19, 1912, Image 1

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Gives all the news
of Box Butte County
and Citv of Alliance
The Alliance Herald
Largest Circulation
of any Newspaper in
Western Nebraska.
Big: Tliree ID 3.37-3' Sstle
At the Stock Yards, Alliance, Nebraska,
Thursday, Friday nrf 0 A ond R
and Saturday Ull. 0, 1 (JIM J
The horse market will be in better condition, our dates
have been arranged to not conflict with other western sales,
we will have the buyers here, and the salesmen who will dis
pose of the stuff.
We want every ranchman and dealer or anybody else hav
ing horses and mules to sell to list them for this sale. We will
have plenty of buyers here. Hring in your horses and mules.
We will 'see that you get a square deal.
List them as soon as possible so that we can get a line on
what to advertise.
Single horses and pairs,
or more, (1.00 each
$2 00 each; 3
Fr f urtfw particulars phone 259
Progressive Statesmen Who Stand for Rights
of the People
ilotibt Unit K the voters of the (Ms
trlet were nviiuainteri with the two
enmliilatca and familiar with thir
records, tli' v would lo t I I'iv
lor by a In majority.
Not Week We will hH soilletl
to say hi in r. a il to other candldn
i an
K. Warrick will Remove to Scott
bluff on Account of Interests
in North Ptatte ValUy
W'e regret to tinuouiife this 'week
that Alliau.e will soou lose one of
Its prom to eat and most highly re
spected families. S. K. Warrick's
banking and farming interests in the
Nonh I'latte valley have grown to
Mich proporrions that they demand
a large part of his rime. He has
decided that h.- can poiTnrro bis
work as casbier of the Kirs: .Na
tional Baafc at Alliance and attend
to his valley Jniere3ts tn better ad
vantage from BoOttsMuff than Drow
Alliance, coHMqueottf lie will remove-
to that . i;y In the future.
There are not many readers of
Tin- Herald who are uo' well aware
of the prominent position held by
Mr. WHTlck in business and philan
"Sunday school ef western Xetoraska
in membership, and without doubt
stands Ui the front rank of all Ne
braska Sunday schools in point of
This little writeup would be far
iienn complete if we failed to men
tion the active part his estimable
wife has talon in (he affairs that
have engaged the attention of the
best women of! the cify. Not lessj
industriously, and with scarcely les
diversity, .Mrs. Warrick has engaged
in work for the betterment . of the
community and the good of humanity.
Kirst of all, her attention and best
efforts have been directed t: her
(,n lamily; and ho ell she suc
ceeds in her home life is attested
by the good behavior of their child
rein. Hut. .Mrs. Warrck finds .time)
to be helpful outside of the family
circle. in religious work she has.
besides assisting in the various de
partments of the local cbtirch work,
done excellent service for more than
a year iist as secretary of the Hox
llutte County Sunday Scbool Associa
tion. She has rendered valuable as
sisiance to the Alliance Public Li
brary and has been on I of t he fore
most in the good services of the
Alliance Woman's Club. In pi hate
benevolences and in many otleer
ways Mrs. Warrick has endeared
herself to the people of Alliance.
In order to answer many imiuiries,
Mr. Warrick hands us the following
notice with the mpiest that it be!
publish! d In The Herald:
My banking and farming inteiests
in the North I'latte valley in and
near S.ottsbluff and Min:itare are
con-tantly increasing and demand
more of my time and attention.
We !iae therefore decided to re
move to Siottsblufl in the near fu
ture. I shall Continue us Cashier and
Director Of the Kirs: National Hank
of this city and assist the other of
ficers iu caring for your busine&s.
Thankiug you for t he many court
-its extended to me during the
past eight years, I re.nain.
Sincerely yours.
Dated at tAlliaiice, Nilnv,
s'.-l'enibtr 17th. 1911
Instructions Given Delegates to the
State Convention
tlntipi- work in Alliance, and also
of the poaitRa occupied by Mis. War
rick in aoctai circle. It is doubtful!
if there !s another family that :
would Ik- as greatly or whose
rmuovul would be as great a loas io
the best Inertia of tBS city. Uar-j
iug his eigai years' res Idem 00 in Al-Hume-.
Mr. Warrick has don much
to prouiote the busiansj interests 01
the eity and tlie -surrounuiug (erri
toi. His indomitable energy is pro
verbial among his a iiuaintair es, and
it has not been all expended in one
direction. Hesides his success in
business which hits beeu utiuilied by
Htri t and intelligent appliiatioii MM
aaWllirittonad integrity, lie uaa tfOM
a large work iu civic aud church af
fairs In the affairs of Hit miiuici
pa I i t v he has had a WMtWVM laV
fluin:e where it has been needed,
hi no other place, perhaps, will he
be as greatly missed in Alliance a
in church work. While an a the
member of the M K. church, his in
terest in religious work has not
bca-n confined io his owu deliomina
Hon. The Alliaae Methodist Sun
day school under his superintendence
b.i.- e bniltTt. bacon Ike leaiiinn
The Alliance W. C. T. T. held
their regular meeting Thursday , S, p
tt mber IS, at the home of Mrs. L.
S. Campbell There was no yrograin
but many different plans of work
were d latum ad it is atpartH to
make the coining y ar the very
boat iu the hisiorj of UM Alliance
Tlie delegates wire Instructed con
cerning actios to be taken at the
state convention uuon subjects colll-
iiiK up for discussion. The state
convention will be held at Central
City. Sept. J4 27. I! X Mute county
will have seven representatives at
that meeting.
The next regular meet lug of the
Cnioii will be oiniited. All members
make note of the meeting to be held
the se -ond Thursday in October.
MRS. J. J VANCK. Prat Supt
The show window of Harper's I .ad
aat' Toggery always presents a neat
appearance but has been particularly
attractive! for a week or more past.
A iarge plate glass mirror is in Hie
center of a hand painted back grounu
iwith palms on each side The effect
is especially appropriate for ttila
Leaving out the name of W .1.
Bryan, who was not an avowed can
didate before the Baltimore conven
tion. Wood row Wilson was our first
choice for the democratic presJden
LiaJ nomination: bJUm fearing that
a reactionary candidate would carry
the preferential vote of the state, by
a plurality, and believing that Champ
Clark would receive a larger vote in
Nebraska than Wilson, we advised
renders of The Herald to vote for
Clark in the primary in order to not
divide the progressiev vote of the
party so nearly even as to penult
the read ionaries to win. W love.
Wilson for the enemies he has made.
We prefe-r bini because he has the
courage of lus con victious. tie has
abilitv ail integrity. The lust for
office has not cause! him to stultify
ataaolf by compromising principles
in ordea- to keep down BfVKWlUotl and
gain votes. Plainly lie would rather
be right than president. He litis
opposed corruption iu bis own partv
when his opposition to it seemed to
meas his OWU defeat. His worst en
emies are in tlie democratic ranks,
as is shown by the .fight which is
beJnig made against him in his home
state. If he shall be defeated, which
does not. now seem probable, his
defeat will conn thru the trear-heiji
of men alliau themselves demo
crats. Thousands of progressive re
publicans and iadependents will acta
for him, as they 4id for Bryan four
years ago; the only possible way he
can be defeated will be thru betray
al by reactionary democrats on -election
day, as Bryan was defeated
four years ago. AVfe wish to warn
progressive votvrn against oven eon
fidetice, and urge -them to go 0 the
polls on election day and vee
Woodrow Wilsowifor president of
Cnited Staten.
Governor Thomas R. Marshall
Indiana is a man well iialiiici
'he offtoa of vice president la
home state ac is immensely popular
and is considered of preside)!: la I ;al
ibre. His sympathies are with the
common people, and with tlvni he is
popular. His candidacy add", siivngth
to the ticket in his part of the
United States. There Is liule doubt
tbjaf he will b- elected vice president
with Governor Wilson as president.
There have betn a number of gov
ernors of this state who by th r
friends were called "Nebratka's best
U 'V.rnor". With due resjtect io oth
ers who have occupied tie office
with credit to themselves and to the
guod of the coin moil :iw .altjj. we in
cur no danger of contradiction by say
i let ted. He is not us profuae in his
profe ssions of loyalty to the people's
cause f are some other progress
ives, but his record as congressman
and governor shows that at those
times when his official actions count
lie can be depended upon to stand
i. r decency and democracy.
It is the duty of the editor of ev
ery progressive newspaper in the
Sixth Nebraska congressional dis
trict to give particular attention to
the candidacy of W. J. Taylor, dem
ocratic and people's Independent nom
inee for congress to succeed Con
L-ressman M. P. Kinkaid. in saying
what, we do in regard to the candi
date fov congress from
t rit we want it distinctly
that we do so without htr
"ng of animosity towards
kaid. except the feeling
I he
aaaBKaaaaaaaTfcvaaah &
TPnVfrraawwiiiri - aaw
? ' '' EflK&MBaaaa4
The Herald has been uiaKiti
ipiiries to ascertain what the proba
ble prb f potatoes- will 1h wltbia
the next few months. We leern
that many localities that were short
last year and hud to be supplied
from outside have grown a crop this
year large enough for hoin. consump
tion, with the exception of Wiscon
sin. The crop there Is not nearly as
heavy as last year. The condition
of potatoes generally Just now is
such that a good many of Inferior
quality are being thrown on the mar
ket. Potatoes have not ripem d as
well as usual. As a consequence the
price is down now. Our opinion Is
hat farmers who have good, cll
matured potatoes to market will find
that It will pay them to hold l limn
little while yet. Still there : , no
pivspoc that potatoes will be us
high the coming winter and spring
is ihev were lust winter ami s .
this dis
least feel
Mr. Kin
of disgust
v.'hicn we naturally have for any man
in public life, whether republican or
ee;eocrat, who (ermits himselt to
become, the tool of the special Inter-
ifcte-nPSw. joaaaaaal
mm 0 wL
ing at bast Hi ti A.shwm C. Shall' 'i
bi i er was out- Of the best of No
braska s best governors. If ever a
governor was "a! It led o a re-iiD.n
illation h Itis party, he was entitled
to it. Because lie dared stand fur
the right, the enemies of good gov -W
1111 backeel I he cajdidacy of a
man whe'e desire for notoriety out
weighed his sense of fairness, if lie
Sw4 any. and by tak.ny advantage of
the "open primary" whieh was in
ve.giie Uii years ago, dt'fealed Gov
ernor ShalletibTger feir re nomina
tion. Although it was brought
iiImmii by republican votes, the re--proa.h
for hi defeat Iu the- primar
ies fell unjustly upon the democrats
'of the siate, a large majority of
whom voted for his re-nomination.
It was during Hit campaign that he
made use of the statement which
at once met with popular approval,
"leceiuy and deuusrae-y have join
ed hands iu Nebraska.'' While dis
appointee! because of not having an
opportunity to help eleett him to the
gov ernorship again, we are pleased
for the opportunity to say something
thru The Herald in ravor of his can
dldac) for tlie Tinted Si. ties senate,
to which he will without doubt be
ci.s, the privileged class, who tlinv
at the expenses rf the people as
whole. Mr. Kit Raid bus favored
some Dtetuuroa in the Intereal of
fris 1 1 nstitue ncy, v :ere tktOM BltiJti
ures u.; not ippo.-ed by men ol
Hie I lil-s of BrtUttOr Guggehlu 'III
foe CaHon. J. I'ierpont Morgmi
Rood Sin out and A'm. HouaJd Tfl
It is inconceivalile thai any cengresr.
r.ui W'tiibl no: l'.'ivor some iliif's
btat were for thr interests of M
CMBtitUOQt, but Jbe peojile tf till
divtrict Deed a representative ui eon
gress who will ark for theit Intel
es's locally, uiihoir more thaa conn
u rai ling all his good work by doing
the biddhrg of the predatory inter
ais, agaJuist whldk thom i kow
such popular protect that even the
m. : protioutn i-ei react Ion iries are
compelled to make i-ouie preteo.P as
provresslvrs In onler to continue
tbetr bold upon public affairs. Ad
mitting thb.' Congressman Kilftoid
has favored some wholesome ineas
un he is prabably the most 'iver
rated ongr shtnaii in the I'tii.ed
States today. We hope OUT frlpnds
111 b ar w'htMis in a frank ixpre-s
nion at our .opinion, .which w.- ie
.. . 'i is our duty to I xpres-' thru
The Herald before election. There
:t dtfferenoc bet we i mere poH
tidltm and a staitsman it the rjf
sense. A study of Mr. Klnkaid's re
6ord will sluw to an ntipr -.judii el
mind that he is a poJUtekw ---hrewd
i ii.s such, ( iinuiii', crat y nut iacn
i'lg :i the quaMricatlons thai make
up' His sta.esman. He' has a ';i it
i t ilty for set. ing befcre IktJ vi rs
of his d: tri: t what he has done in
ttnir interest, or rather what he ha
credit for doing; and in litis he is
favored by c: renin statu i I. in pub
licked .stH'emcnis sent ou: to komo
s'cadeis h.' .speaks eif "the law bear
ing my name . meaning th ' so--illetl
Kinkaid homeateud law; but h
not Hie fine sense or kOttOT to give
credit for that law where M belongs,
wlr h is not to liim by any nie-ans,
although he was .-moo b enough as
a politician to gel li s nun lacked
uiio it. On the otln r h nd, W. J.
Taylor is a statesman in the irueai
sense, a man or Hie Lineoln
stamp. He Is intere-sted in the rights
and welfare of the common people,
who have confidence iu him when
once they become a'uanited with
him. Tbla is shown by the over
whelming majorities which he re
ceives in his home county and other
loe-aliite where best kuown: but he
is devoid of the craTine;- and. tricks
o! ibe professional po',ie:an. and
thu.- i placel at a great disadvaut
age in running for congress In the
"Big Sixth" again-a a man whesee
life business has be -II edging him
self into office There- ought to bee
a change in congies-man in this die
trlct We have mil the slightest
Prominent Wyoming Attorney Sl:p
its Alliance Between Trains
H. S. UidKley. United State At-
tortK-y at Cheyenne, Wyoming, stop
pen! for a short visit with Lloyd C.
Thomas at The Herald ofli e Wed
neselay while enrtnute to Cody, Wyo.
Thtv government has been doing a
large' amount of con-struct ion w ork
at and near Cody and his nip is
contnsted with this.
Takes Place of Ex-Governor Shallen
berger, Who Was Unable to
Be in Alliance Tonight
George .Moll ring's racing horse,
The Major, sired by the Prime of
India, continues to win first money
at nearly eve'ry race entered. At
Fremont he won second ont of sev
enteen recently and at Went. Point,
first out of twelve.
Manager Tom Beeson of the Ne
braska Telephone Company has re
turn (1 from a trip te I'm.- BMiffk,
Wvoniliig. Hi company is running
a copper metallic line from Sidney
to film Bluffs, where connectien is
made with the copper metallic line
of the Mountain Slates TelepkOM
and Telegraph Company from Cln y.
enne. If pre'seut plans are carried
out. i! will xot be long until Alliance
sub -u-r'bera can talk to Salt. Lake
C:;..v and oilieT western poin's.
Pure Home Rendered Lard
Pore laid at the Palace Me-tit Mar
ket. All sized palls and cans at
10 mils per pound FA ERY POUND
IS GUAHANTF.UT). Why do you
pai one-third ni'-we when you can
gr betttT lard at less? We are
going to introduce o.:r lard and
this is the way we do it for a short
time. This price is kotow -aut to
iw, but will nitike us BW y 'n
long run. when o'.ir lard h onies
known. This favors our cliIl inera
ant vi. II make us mom v. ; o.
Phone 131. Alliance, Nebraska.
By deluying publication of this ia
Rue of The Herald until nfter th
ineetinK at the oier.'i house this
(Thursday) evenin. we are able to
give a brief account of the same.
Owing to the inability of ex-Governor
Shallenbe-rger to be present. Hon
Kichard L. Metcalfe came by his re
kiueet to make the address.
Judge W. S. Rldgell, chairman of
the county central committee, pre
sided. Music wai furnished by the
Alliance Concert Band. Hon. H F.
Wasmund, Sr., of Rushvllle, demo
cratic candidate for state representa
tive, was flrat Introduced und made
a few appropriate remarks, after
which Mr. Metcalfe delighted his
audience with an address that wae
remarkable in several respects. It is
not possible to give a synopsis of
this address in this issue, but will
try and del so next week.
Office in Alliance National Bank Blk
Over Postoffice.
Phone 3Q i.
All Electrical Equipment
Evenings by Appointment
Office Upstairs, First National Bank
Phone, Office 362
Phone, Residence 16
AnnoitiK iner New Arrivals at
Goods Department l
We open the MMsnn with the most complete lins
of Silks, DrefM Gofjfkt, Skirts, Waists, House
Dresses. Trimming, Shoe, etc., we pftve ever
shown. Cat ill and se- the good tiling's we have
in stork for von.
New Silks
New Silks are all Immv, the
. we haw ever shown, which
ful iu Alliance.
tiiosi heatttitul
roeena the most
line of
e' 11
Silk "ijd
MeW I ti ti iitiw Silks
Vre Silk SefMt$
VfN skinner's Taffetas
e SA innei '. s.ttins
New Woolen Dress Goods
Whipcords, Corduroys, Novelty Woolens ami all
that is DOW In Divss (lootls
A full line of tin-
new dress trimmings, fringe
and al lovers
Ladies' Shoes
i'ome iu aud see
Select the utylt
the new BOdeip Oi the Ive-d CrONH Shoes,
you want stand in it - walk in it at
your tirst st' you will say you never knew a shoe could
lit so eav S4-. $4.50. S5