Rrakeninn Fnuvk Itunl4i II returned Tuesday morning from 'h.-i.li on. lit Mrh place he had twi n risiittnn Mm parents, lie left for l.in.oln PvM davy momltiK to attend t ti- tJte fair. Ml Mm. Myrtle W riant and lit tie daughter of Punning came In Mini day noon for h few days' vlsdt at the Carlson Ioiik' Rrakennn Torn Ki' liiirl lias rv aligned from too Mrrlpe effective flpipt ' Mr. Klc.liardw is plnnnrng to (So to Huntley. Monl., whew ho haa tom flm land". OonduHor Dick Kewner has report ed for work after a few days off m er rout of srickneaw. BuaJneiw 011 the root! Is picking up A number of now brakenien have been employed and several now rows st up. Brakenian W. .1. Tragattser and wife have moved into tho comfort Bie roamH formerly occupied by Mr Mid Mrs I'nrdey Brakenum R. El McKen.ie. )uw tx-en working tm tho yard tin- ia.st month Owing to tho idiortnKe of road moti he ton returned to brak ing Thoro .is ii now time eanl, No. 127 etfertive ait i2:H o'clock u in.. Sun day. Septoinber I, 1!12. The chiamge is the taxi treitilit No I.',, ii now besimg known a No. 109. Tho cot res.pondimg east . hound frelghit, No. 46, rettn lie old number. Tho following taken from the Oon ver I'obK will bo of IwtiereHt. o Mr. Bracket's many friend here. "Wool has been received In Denver from the executive office of Hue Hurling Hon railroad in Chtiwgo of tlie pro motion of K. P. Bracken, a well known railroad man Mr. Bracken v.hs appointed general manager of the Burlington limes eart of the Mia ourl River and will have his head quarters in Cbfaago. Me formerly was the geuern I uptrintendent of the Wyoming lMvindon and had his headquarter tai Alliance, Nebr. Ilia appoint menu took effect Sept. 1." Mm. Ray Hook returned Sunday morn in: from a two mom lis' viaW her parent near Portlnmd, Oregon Mn. Hoag 1 very erat-huatutatir. over the fruit and beautiful flowers In the weat. On her way home he vtefUted a brother In Tacoma. Fireman (5avln, who has been on Uje awttch engine In Seneca, lias re t unwed to Alliance and will wmk in the pool here. MIkh Fsnnle and Ifciisy Xdeims of Havelock; Mr. and Mrs Robert Ora ham of llethany; Mrs Margairei Dowd of Lincoln; Mr. Krmk Kouh ami MlM Milred Rouie of Krnin berg, Mont.; Mra. Kloren-e Thorpe Kenny and Mr. and Mrs QeO. Davis of Broken Mow; Mr. and Mr. Kke of AHasvoce. Mrs. K. (3 Kendle of Lincoln, who has been spending the last six months on the const, stopped here for a two weeka' visit wMh bay daughter, Mrs R. K. Morrison. On Monday Mrs Kendle. nconipitnle.l b) Mtsw Dura Morrison, left Tor Lln-oln M'fcw Dura will attend the ataUC ta.ir an! visit her brother, .lesse Morni son II A. It room. formerly general ninnager of the It.' (V B. H. i W. railroad, will return in a few days to his home in the east.. Mm. W. W. .lohmon Kiienit sever al days last wek visiiUnf in Craw ford It is rumored that the west end local is to be put up for bid. Con ductor V. W. Johnson now has one turn, but owin to a rush of busi ness it will be necessary to have two (Tewn. Snpt W'eiilenhitiiicr. uith inspei tion engine No. Iltiti, was niaklnn a tour of the h1h Line Monday ami Tuesday of this week. Mr. and Mra. John Kills, formerly railroad people of Alliance, were vis iting relatives and friends here this week. Their home Is now In Hannl- NEIGHBORING NOTES About People and Happenings in Nearby Towns and Country that Will Interest CULLED FOR BUSY READERS AT THE CHURCH bal. Mo. keeper. where Mr. Kills is Store- The (IropiKhig of a. brake beam on No. 205 derailed a car in No. 2 tun nel near Mystic Tuesday and delay ed' a)1 trains for a short time. Conductor and i. sit 'inn Knrineer assigned to makes four ford. Cummings is laying out (Mi a ranch. off IVte Rowland haa been Crawford Mill. This helper crews in Craw- The annual sesakin of the West Nehraska conference of the M. K. church will be held at Scottshluff, six days, commencing Tuesday, ISep tember 10. A large attendance Is expected at the conference. Scotts Bluff county is the northwest corner county of the conference. Other citii-s that oempotod for tJie honnr of e.nteptalninK this s'ssiion w-re llastiims, Broken How, lexington and North l-oup. Capt. W. U. Akers. so well and favorably known In Alli ance, is credited with having secur ed the re ognWlon of BoObtsMtlff. Tlie Ifaue.s county fair will open at Chadron next Ttafdiy, Sejyt. 10, and continue four days, till Kriilav They claim they are going to have the biggest time ever The ftttDK tions will in'lule aeroplane, carnival, races, etc. Vern Warburn and Harry llarrett wer passengei-s to i. Milan e Wednes day. Vern went to have his broken leg exanilnel It was doing nicely until a we-k ago when 1', cominienc d swelling anil now has gntheretl Where it was brohW until they had to cut the east in one place. We all hoe that it will not prove very serious as Vern has lml his share of troubles for awe sunnner anvwav. Morrill Mail The Klynn-.lohnson fight pictures at 1 he auditorium Tuesday night was a counter attraction to the pipe or gan recital at the Congregational church. Judging from the limited attendance at the reeical the fight pictures must hold greater attrac tions for many Norfolklans. Nntur ally it is very elevating to both the mWid and morals to see a big color ed brute "wallop" an equally brutal white. There is a national law- but what's the use? Dollars seem to be the only thing worth while. Norfolk Press. LOG ROLLING AT CRAWFORD Modern Woodmen of America Vs. Royal Neighbors Give Pub lic Celebration Vf ' K a a 4' m K. Brack in, an n-'w employe n expert tinner, the shops. Mr. and Mrs. T er. Miss Minnie. Monday where they week vfciltimg. Martin ami tiaugh lett Par Ptiehlo on will spend 'j Bullocks What might have a very ser ious wreck occurred in Belmont tun nel at 1:45 a.m., Wednesday. A double header, an extra east, being pushed by n inaliey, pulled a draw bar In the tunnel, causing an oil car to climb a load of lumber and pilling things up generally. The wrecker w is sent for but thanks to the quick wtork of the train crew the main line was cleared before the wrecker arrived. The blockade lasted just four bmiis - IbfcsWM Conductor Clyde Bullock, wife and 1 little son reiturned recently from a visit in Albion at tlu home of Mrs. U. P. CHURCH vM.IT L3K m. Sunday school, Graded jrrM if I VUM I'teaching. Subject, Wi'l WE ( the i'uhlic SobOoU." 1 VV of prayer Far schools. Z)vV PfWCMWr. Subject, V CHURCH S. J2S.al '1 AATal i, 1 FALL OPENING 10:00 a Lessons 11:00 a. m. "The Bible in This Is the day 7 : 30 p. m. "The lahor Principle." Prayer meeting, Wednesday even ing, at 7:30. A. L. GODFREY, Fator. EPISCOPAL lfe fe- M v.r, ..r l..rV v.rS. v.rS tlUW' rega; SQL SBl 3Eb: Sm ag3s Senices 2nd, 3rd nnd 4th Sundays of each month at 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. First Sunday in each month at 11:00 a. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 10:00 a. m. Junior Auxiliary, Chapter A, meeta every Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. Junior Auxil iary, Chapter B, meets at 2:30 every Sunday afternoon. GEO, C. WARE, Missionary. I MM ANU EL GERMAN EVAN GELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH 7th St. al ii n- log race rolling, public celebration meet will be held at; Craw- mother ... .A .. I,.... D. n. unary. pot ma "'" ttagton at Dead wood, was ;tpHliWel gtwral muuvager of the It C B M. a W rallrond with headquarters at Ra4id (Mty. Me aMsuinoi charge of hi,s n w dutl-s SepreinlM-r i. m K S Brower is a n -w . midoye in live traMi service He had beeai on the Bell bridge gang befoiv coming here. J. D. Lynch, brakeitmn, formerly of the high line, is now work iig out of dUUaiM en I thru Owing to MKMtapa ol ea.-t crews Conductor Moskins wen: to R avion nut Monday - i4)ti . Mrs. A, K. Nelson veceiWll 'word from hei- sister, Ml-s. BfiFttavnl Bar r. tt or Livingston. Mont . that she would be in Alliance in the near fu ture. Mr. Barrett, who is general cliainnan Tor the B. of L, K. Is now in St. Paul, A and ford. Nebraska. October I and 2, to which all Modern Woodmen and Roy al Neighbors are cordially invited. This celebration will last two days. A R. Talbot, head consul of the M. W. A., will be present audi will give a public address. Ex-Governor Shallttiiberger la expected to also be present. There will be all kindsi of races, including horse, hurdle, hippo drome and chariot, mho sports of all Jjinds. On the flrsit hty a pritee r $25 will be given to ihe lodge having the largest nunipcr of members in the parade. ', camps sin aid call meetings at once and make arrange ments for a ilelegnian to attend. For any information write R. N. Hamilton, secretary of tfa M. W. A., Crawford, Nebraska. t fcvireinah Ambrose from the service awl take up farming h:is r.-sign .1 eaid Manbladat Guj to lueblo for a Mo.rrison lias gone wnk'l va. a ion. DEATH OF HARRY CALDER Obituary of Brother of Carter Calder of Alliance Brakein.in wecV on ness of to Merk is laying off th's ;( mm of the serious tll- liis w.fe Slie will be taken the hospital for an opei r mn ;i - as arranst ilieiv can n-' iii.hu- Will leave us temporarily "Mr. and Mrrs. W. A. Coleman, of Alliance have rented rooms in the basement of the Feldhahn Motel. Mr. Coleman i a cflrtpenter by t.:ade and expects to work here this summer " The above item is taken I'nom the May Sprirngs News of last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Coleman's nianv friends in Alliance WiU be plcasetl to learn that their abseii'-e fioin this Mty is only temiwrary. Corner Yellowstone Ave, and l:M a in. Sunday school. 10:30 a.m. ritwi tllllg service German and Knglish services ternately Sunday evenings, upon nttuncetnent. German-English parochial school from September to June, five days of the wedk. On Sept 2 the German-English parochial school Will again be opened. TITUS LANG, Pastor. 703 Niobrara Ave., phone 359. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 10:00 a.m. Sabbath School. A special Rally Day service in ihe Sunday school next Sabbath. Kvery member urged to be present. Others cordially invited. 11:00 a.m. Public worship. I:M p. m. Christian Endeavor. 7:30 p. in. Public worship. The pastor will begin, a series of evening sermons on the "Practical Christian Virtues." Next Sunday ev ening, vited. 7:00 es. ?:1 SO prayat 4:00 deavor. The Golden Virtue." All in p. m Thursday, Bible class- Thursday, Midweek p. m. meeting p.m. Wednesday, Junior Kn 1 annot recall tlie time when it gave s so much pleasure to announce our annual Pall Opening. The- GREAT EVENT takes place this year :::::: Saturday, September 7th We take pleasure in making the announce ment because we have such superior class of fall merchandise to exhibit. We Most Cordially Invite You You needn't come prepared to buy, although we will not prevent you. The idea of this fall opening is that you may have perfect freedom to become Acquainted with the new merchandise and new styles that are in readiness for you. Miss Clark, an ex port trimmer from Gage Bros., Chicago, will have charge of the millinery depart ment. Our merchandise is all new. The PALM EH GARMENT is again our choice. Come and try and note how on some well they of these tit. garments ggSfr W- -W1 gffg Ladies' Toggery Ss i,, 2& We want to sell you the best FLOUR in town per sack METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Olin S. Baker, Pastor 10:00 a. St. Sunday School. Graded Bible Classes. 7:00 p. m. Youn people's Ep worth League meeting. Prayer meeting, Wednesday even iitrp. ut 7 ; SO, . : A. M. E. CHURCH Dr. Her.-lniuiii Waal to llv,uiiu 00 Monday. Me had C I iMWtntl there U OCCUp nltl I iM MM M kl dn Oeapatcher and Mr. U H. Mo-It er, h) left here the IM Of I'J week in ttaar Mltoaaobla, arrtvad uttviv in Onaha Pram there I he wont i traSa to with relative. Ohio for n vis 01 aeuu t in r. .i-;.-d Im&int s-x tuiother crew put on lite high lane the tnst of the Condu tin- HW ai In Condu tor iuege at Hire vrtll Milhi be u . 41. and OlytU1 Miller re i i i a ll.ivHiiia Tueda ihui bbs wif- w.ts d.iiii:-ro.i-i in Miller ii ill iieadd b ni' M N k 11 iiuprov .n iu a tew days. WerleiiU rgM-. . sim r a, house in lK-adtMd. i agelt4 teiianirily m aiinoini m-m of am-n I i Kill I it Oil tlie freight at ing of the as Jl Kefi(r;il .& w manager of ihe at'oant t'rary It. C B. khUdrao Mm l'.,oii;i- lUivi.s and tuie iu oo 44 Tuesday. afpM1 in; .Alli.m' Mi v.-.!.l r-l ative hi Hheridiin. 'hen iHient o da, ui BBMaaV at the lu of t.eo HakeweU. From Mlliug hIu- tJ to Thennopoli here a iiiomih a WH-iil in a liUle teH i' V Tli tol Inwy.i' i oul- cre ill " I"" Mr. and Mr An In- Alains Tlio Hdgemont Enterprise of last Friday piin's the following beautiful ohiiuiiry of Harry Calder, brother of Carter ('aider of th s ciiy: K.Mly last Saturday mornititi oe currwd the doath of Harry CskW of ill s city, alter an illn.'s of sver:il tOOBtlM, 4(W Bttd eCQlIm al'ti'r:i nuill ly fight asalnst uili-roulosiw. Altho it was gem-rally known that his con dition was serious, his death e.ime us i aboch io Ms rmmui frtawlv. Kun ertaJ aertf kcea a re conducted by Kev. Bmll Dietrich a. the Coagregaiion.il I aooaer chuivh at J o'eloek. Minda.v. and in t ermeiit made in the lOilgemont eni etery. linn v t'aldi r was li.Tll in th j I ulty July IXSH. died Auguat 24. j 1912. age T' years, 1 month and I da At an early age. he legan work 'in the Kdgemont Kxpre-s office, af terward working iii the I'ioneei Tinted office an Dead wood, and in K. i-is City ami St .loe. Prier to hts iv turn liere lasi Vpril he was em- lil'iyed in ihe Trlttuib office at monl, Ni hr.. for BaVMMal jPCHItTll i leaves a lather and mother. Mr. i Mrs. J. It. ("alder, two hror Ii rs, ' 'it ('aider of Alliain e and I'rctl iltr of Qreeley, Cido., and a sister. Mis K S. Mill r f Kansas City. Mi . Mo., io mourn Ii:- it" i:h. Words fail to xpre, tlu heart teii sympathy which the pe ple of KiigeiiHMit HHVa 'I' at I lie death of , this young man Kver indiisi rious ; ;eei oi a obaarful nund and lieait ; always willing io do a g;ood ttaad ami to spcik a kind ord migh: sum up in a imager w he character ot ' day this young man who . pa--.ed rnMnlfall, It'i U8. Ilai f th'ise Jusii gmie must endure a in lime tie supplied, hut time the! condition 1 1 ' . t S i i of all . i nut-. must 1 1 1 1 r v . 1 1 1 iu thix home :uid community ere lii vacant clutir ami iuant place In flllei and liie womuled hearts he calmed. '"leaves have then- uaie in fall. And flowers to witlitM- iu tlie north--w aid's liicili, And stars to IMS all. Thou luuit all bni-soiis for ihi ie owi O 0.-..H.' BELATED BIRTH NOTICE Meetings in Marks' hall, northeast coiner Laramie avenue and Third street. Sunday school at 10.110 a. m. Preaching at 8:00 p. m. AH are wel come. , SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Someiimes when a news item is inadvertantly omitt from the first hutue of the paper after the occur rence, no mention hi made of it af terwards. But occasionally there is an item omitted that deserves to be mentioned in a later issue. The Herald's job depart men: recently printed sotrte heautiful birth an nouncement coniaiinitig the follow ing which we should liave yrin'ed ' Charles Oscar 0 Bannon. Aukusj a. I!I2. Mr. and .Mra. O. O. 0Bannon." Sabbath school at the residence of Mrs. Pilkington every Saturdiiy af ternoon at '! o'clock. MRS. JOHN PILK1NGT0X, Supt. BAPTIST CHURCH 10:00 a. in. Sunday school. 11:00 a in. Public worship. 6:::o p.m. B. V. P. V, 7::i) p. in. Kveiiing worship Indies' Bible class every Tuesday etraOMMJ at church at 7 : '!(). Men's Bible Class meets on Wed Mads) evening at 7::in. Midweek Prayer Meeting Thurs day evening at 7:::o. C.KO. A WITTK, Pastor. Puritan, in 48 lb. sacks, $1.60 Peerless, m 1.60 Tip Top, m 1.30 Red Moon, m 1.40 Delight, 1.30 Santos Conee, in ten lb. lots, 22 'Ac per lb. Salt, in 300 lb. barrels, $2 per barrel Premium Bacon, 26c per lb. Premium Ham, 22c per lb Empire Bacon, 24c per lb. Empire Ham, 20c per lb. Acorn Bacon, 20c per lb. FRESH FRUITS ALL THE TIME Apples Oranges Peaches Giapes Bananas Ptirs Red Raspbemes Gooseberries lemons Blackberries Currants Plvas Apricots Cherries Cuts VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS Watitmtloni Cibfcaii CtMlifltwtr Cantaloupes CuCURIBItS Beets lurnips Onions Carrots Radishes Patatits Squash Sweat Potatoes RiSt Tomatoes Roasting Em L In fact, everything good to eat : A. D. RODGERS CLARI VOYANTS AND PALMISTS Harpies and Frauds" Fatten on Superstitious the Pure Home Rendered Lard Kre . lie ami n;(s far-! laiv t'al- i law. who SOCIALIST ADDRESS IAn announced in la' week's Her altl. and by irintel bH!9. O. V. Tlioiiiison nae an address Monday: voosBf "ti H Baittat araaano m the snhjet, Workinx t'liss Sol Mar My." Mr. Thompson Is fluent apajakOV and alJlio a yotniK man has a K'xwl fund of ! emend in format ion and is well onted 0:1 sjv.-!aliUl Me llatmiw to .itt eiin ively Of I number of men anil a ft w lad Of caajfa jsootl Kirt of bJaOM heard the ec ii did iw1 asret- witii Ii i in or all that h said, but the iruwil as a whole w-re no di'ihi. fiuorildy impri'ts'il by his aONHaai 'alk. THE MEN WHO SUCCEED in. heads of larK' .'iiierprises are II of ri'iit enemy Suerews. t demands health. To ail la to U s utter folly for n mau to AFTERNOON PRAYER MEETINGS Tuesday. September 10, 3:00 p.m. Mrs A (I. I. linn, MM BloaraWi; I). W. Iliinhes. Iliia in'-i addition; .1. W. Thomas. r,n!i Sweetwater: Mrs. laiKe, eorner slree' amd Mis souri avt-niie. Sunday, :: p.m., K. (' lyer. 490 TotUOH a'iuif. CHRISTIAN CHURCH NOTICE At Court House, Sunday. Sept. 8th A biK ISible seliool si irii at M ,i m. l'ra liinji at II am Suhjei t: The Tiaj;tly of Meiiig Lost. " Kvenin sen n-e n.l i :... ttousini; a.mik orrloa iuajoel ot MMHat: Wiiy I am not a f impb llite " siu-cial in vital' ion is 'Xtendd 10 leveryene. Itemeinber tile pl.ue and ' hi mt lime. Invite your MtgMfctjff ;) come ilh you. U1UU III iv v I'l'l-'V Maninter. We are to note that MM SOlriniMlOBaWi are at la.-t ..bout to take measui. I to rid the Vt oi lie horde of elariuiyan .i ami take palm Ma who liave been fattenOn on the UpOrOtMlkMM credulity of eertain class of our population. M to hlgn time that tlie.se luarpiea and tr.uitls should he plare.l beyond the pr.itee m . - 1..... . i .k.i'V ill I' lion OI i a" i" wti" Ti, ;.!.. e senteinres takt ii Diili'slu'd a I 1 1 a Uv forecice to that it.V is beints don- Ho le but miigbt be ap pUad nri prmioHjr to aonae smaller Uilliui Hie ua'. I'eW IllCtli'll- I J r net, a fortune tellitiK "barpy has vial ted ..w . . r .l nines. reina liitnii several days MM . . ' fall ..i... i....,i . l ivlit Io mill in iipl " n sit ..u v ,L,k so and if they !JS I iv vi.lle.l but Tlie Herald t ikes in view of the True v -' m uie ..... ter. trom Omaha. and wba.. We have 7.00i pound.- that will he sold while i lasts at the follow 1n rices: art lb. Cans $5airt 25 lb. Cans 2.50 2(1 lb. Cans 2.00 l(J lb. Cans 1.00 5 lb. Cans 50 lb. Can .. .. .' W I lb. Cans 20 This lard will be sold in rotaii m as it wus renderc I PALACE MEAT MARKET Will iMlVW to any part of tJie city. Piraoe 131. I3fttrt421) Millinery Opening Ulll weak, rundown, half alive; in u aVeotrto Hitters will j put liim riKlit on his Teel in hori order Koiir bottles did me more real ootj thM any other inedieine I ever look." writ.s Cliafi. B. Allen. Sylvania. Ja. "After years of suf l.iiiiK with rheu mat hail, liver trou hie, stomach dasorders and derannt l kidneys, I am aKaln. iliaaVs to Kie tri- Bttleis. sound nad wJI." Try them Only io eenta ut Kred K Hob leu's. PRESBYTERIAN LADIES' AID The Ladies" Aid Society of tlli Pirst I'resbyteriao church was very U.i!aiitlv i alert u ined aJ Ole home of Mrs. I'onath, on Tolma avenue Wedne.sdav a i n Our meet ... w ai-.. L-i-imiiii; in ilUereat. and t lie tinatic.ial condition is truly wiaiderful vver Ins ainv treasury liecti m. re l.it uwii so i. rle ainian-nt effort n... .w.-vi mei.iiic will tie held iu ihe church on WxlwMiiy Hfiwiioon Beipteniber 12, 1912. Have our opeoAtnx of ladies' - reet hats. ; tailored luits, fancy dress hats.child i rein's bads an. I Ii iim's SouiethllBrf io pie ise ever, ti Ilc.ise call. (.;: i 1431) simmons WHAT WE NEVER FORGET ac ordiliK "o s. leuce. are uaoohtted w"l our aaww su.-h as lluclileii s Arnica WnthOT or RiMiidmother i I, m i is boils, si aid ,.m,.n cm. nrains or brulaea. ... ...... ....a ...res urove its nielli I'nrivaled for piles, corns or sore Only t"",s K,,d I lolsteu'" ihe IhiOtV home life. Salve, thai used to ( lire , sores, skill fur old B, MAKE LONG TRIP without If., miumI relief fnaii tli;s dt- ktila thousands of clacks Oc: Kor M.tu- o j. You can't aTford to Yikev's White IWairhea It is a posi ive esse w in. Ii - I 'rice II. VauKban & S t3h-3"14Sl 11 itUiest Market I'Hii laM fur I'ouHry C. A Siuipsui A: CompW, Corner 1. Rowans HYi-d Stole. (3t4f-l3ft) A. W Milbr tca In r with, his diiver an I some fiii uls pa-- -d thru AViance tliH n "n in i PJe Arrow BlatDMOhNo. They live at Clin wi. Iowa. They haft there e . 1 d ivs an I k.: -IU we-' v i S'uux C y. tin a ihru Hik'a to I .- id w joil I'aet of he tr.p area ma..' thru th had la i is I'niin C' n o'l to Oeadwo.nl ii PSJ ii iles. and Ills ran wis in nlc in exacly four days. Kr. m this city they go to Mie i uv-h of H. K. Vukciiy ii. nr Mumper. After visi;iinn there for a s'hoi : while they will stain on (hear ntui'ii. gobm via the I'latte valley thru to Omaha, and ttX-p;-rt I arrive a.' CImi'oii neV Mon djiy or Tuesday. The ear which tbey drive is a sixty slv horse Mwer Kix i-yli'iwler i on i 'ik tur and is one of tlie hei ever Mien ui ibis city. A W Tunniints cliff if driiiuK the oar