The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 05, 1912, Image 7

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Attorneys at Law
OfBce First National Bank Bldg.
Phone i8o. ALLIANCE, NEB,
Attorney at Law,
liODeenripnc-easKe. eiverl" Landnfltt
a guarantee for prompt nncl efficient Sfrrtcc
Office in Opera House Block
Lawyer and Land Attorney
Practitioner in ,-lvi! ooorta sln.-r inch aai
RMtotar t S. Land offlcs ran imtoUtT
Infornnition by mall a specialty.
cure Necessary $60,000.
Peculiar Diseate Ravaging
Part of State.
Word of a disc asc whic h has suddenly
Lincoln Citizens Unable to Se- r,T:h: s?trml " v ? ih ;,nu:
ami which has caused ti death of
horses to the vain- of several thon
sand dollar within the past w ek. has
just been brought to the suite veteri
narians department. The firat com
plaint of the unknown dtsesse came
Ironi Franklin and was followed In a
fhort time hy a similar complaint
from Morn I, Hastings, Central City
and two or three other points
It Is thought by the UBCOtn officials
that it is a kind of fungus poisoning,
caused hy the eating of grasses and
green stuff which has sprung tip since
the recent summery rains. The horses
which hive died thus far from the dis
ease have taken sick suddenly and
have had severe convulsions within
twenty four hours after being attacked
hy th' disease D'ath is preceded by
a violcrt trembling of the limlis and
severe pain. Animals which have been
on dry feed a month or more are said
not to have been subject to the disease.
Surgeon C. B. & Q. Ry.
Office Over Holsten's Drug Store
Day Phone 87
Night Phone 66
Res. Phone M
Keg. Phone 4)
Drs. Coppernoll & Petersen
Rooms 7, 8 and 9, Rumer Block
Phone 4j
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
(Successor to Dr. J. E. Moore)
Office hours 11-12 a.m. C-4 p.m. 7:a8 p, m
Office Phone 62 Res. Phone, B
Physician and Surgeon
(Ifficc Phone 3AO
Men. Phone 342
Call answered promptly day and nlj(ht froL
office. Oflk'fo: Alliance National Haul
Building over the Post Office.
Surveyor and Engineer,
Parties out of town slionltl write, us 1 ait
nut uinrh of t he time. Charges will not el
ected 15.01) and expenses per day.
Dr. Oliver McEuen
Physician and Surgeon
SPECIALTIES: Diseases of Women and
Children and Genito Urinary Organs
All calls answered promptly day or nifht
Live Slock and
General Auctioneer
Farm Sales a Specialty
Alliance, Nebraska
G-eo. O-. G-SLC5.ST037-Licensed
rhone N7. ,7. .
Nights 10
'Tween Seasons
It's just at this season
of the year that our
Studio offers its best
facilities for making
yout portrait The rush
is over or has not yet
begun consequently
we have move tine al
our disposal " wn('n
means increased at
tention to your order
Alliance Art Studio
114 IE 4th Street
Let US
Possible Murder on Omaha Bridge Not
Yet Explained.
Omaha, Sept. 2 Little has oc
curred to clear the mystery of the
woman's hnt and tuft of woman's hair
found on the east end of the Douglas
street bridge that indicated possible
murder of a woman. A message was
torched from Yankton, S. D explain
Ing- the Identity ol the parties sup
posed to have boon concerned in the
City Council Allows Its First Install
ment to Go Back Million Dollars
Needed for New Buildings, Says
Chancellor Avery.
Lincoln. S 1 1 H. The citizens' con -mittee
ol Lincoln has failed In its at
tempt to raise fO(OO0 for a university
catnpUS anil the situation is back
wh re the legislature left It a bitter
COntrOVatt)l over whether the institu
tion BhaJl be moved to the state farm
cam PUS or whether provision shall be
made lor increased room down town.
The city council of Lincoln had vot
ed an appropriation of l0000 to be
paid in four annual installinc lit s o."
IIMOO each, if the citizens would
I raise a like amount, to Increase the
size of the downtown campus. The
citizens failed und the council has
transferred back to the general fund
the $lp,OO0 already on hand for the
tirst installment.
It was believed that with the gift of
additional ei.mpus room from the city
Ihe question might be settled for all
The board of regents meets Thins
day and it is Oxpei ted that action with
i ii Fence to the removal proposition
will he discussed.
Net rln tor ihe coming blennium will
be thoroughly canvassed, chancellor
aver) said that 11,000,000 is needed
tor new buildings to put the univer
sity on a par with other schools of
equal rank in the west. He said also
that a lit per cent increase in the sal
ary appropriation will have to be
made if the university is to retain the
choice men of its faculty.
Landseekers' Excursion a Hummer.
Woid was received at the office of
the state labor commission from Com
missioner Gnye that the homeseekers'
excursion, which Is to come to this
Mate this week, will be a huge sue
eess from present appearances. Ac
cording to Mr. Guye's letter to the
office, hundreds of Illinois and Iowa
people are interested in the project.
The excursion will leave Chicago to
morrow morning and arrive in this
state Wednesday morning. Home
seekers will he taken on the train at
all of the principal points between
Chicago and Omaha. Far western St
braska. particularly the irrigated couti
try In Scottsbluff county, will be vis
ited by the excursionists.
FuenasCourvty Case in Supreme Court
The collection of Interest money, al
leged to have been received by a form
er Furnas county treasurer from de
posits of county funds, is sought hy
that county in an action brought to
the slate supreme court. C. M. Evans
who w;ts elected to that official po
Sitloa in 1901, and his bondsmen were
made defendants In the ease, and won
their contentions in the district court
The Btttter In appealed by the count',
which alleges, through its attorneys
hat Bvsna f.'ilod to tarn over JS1.2i
of interest money which his deposits
had earned while in different banks
of the county.
Inspect Power Company.
The Nemaha Valley Light and Pow
er company, which has notified tho
railway commission that they desire tc
Incorporate, was paid a visit by Com
miSSloncr HsU and Messrs Cetes and
uerner ui tne pnMVai valuation e-1 damaged bevond repair and the towr.
partment, in order that the commit a without lights. A large force ol
sion may know the tacts in regard to, m,.n have ,.,, . work ,( nM)air
the property owned by the company ! damage, but the repair work can only
To Hold Rifle Camp. j De temporary, and to make It perma
A rifle camp will be held by the m,, wo,(, rost n8 mll(.h as a n,.,v
companies of the national guard sta i fBm
tioned In Omaha some time during,
Mexico promises to protect foreign
The business portion of Malstone. a
town In Fergus counly. Mantann, was
dest toyed by fire.
I Wc hter was banged at the Colo
rado penitentiary for the murder of
Clifford Hurrow of Denver.
Fred Vohe of Stillwa'er was killed
and four young men were Injured In
an automobile acc ident near S1 Paul,
Funds for circulating petitions for
the recall of Governor Oswald West
of Oregon are be ing sought In Port
fohn Wafiaaaker, Philadelphia mer
c liant and forme r postmaster general,
i- m ported ill at his son's home in At
lulitie City.
Five COB mine is were killed and an
other dangerously Injured by falllnt;
down one of the shafts at QolMfl
KireJJM n, Prussia.
Th? balloon Kansas City II., John
Watts, pilot, won the lalloon rnce for
the Antlers' tropin, which started
from Colorado Springs.
The body of the Into General Will
lam Booth was laid beaids that of
( sthertaa pnoth, his wife, in abn t
l ark metery, jmdon.
The explosion of a tar wagon at
f'hic-ato bin red lour hoys so severely
f ree of than may die. The boys Ig
Sited the tar while playing.
The United Garment Workers of
America In their fourth biennial con
vention in Indianapolis, selected Nash
villa for the next meeting and elected
? The Problem of Country Life
W DRaL decay Is one Of the most staggering problems In American M
Incident or possibly tragedy.
Among cue loose papers loiiiiu on , officers.
the bridge was an empty envelope ad- Mpu Umattm , , .. ..
..a... I jr IS. s'-T I , Jl IIH-
j late vic e president of the Ssfndard
j Oil company, died suddenly In a din
i ing car In the Grand Central station
Ne w York.
dressed from Kansas City to W. H.
Luebke of Yankton. Information from
Yankton is that Henry Luebket w-ho is
a prominent hide and fur dealer of
that city, left there with his wife and
ron a week ago on an automobile trip
for Omaha. His own automobile was
out of commission and he borrowed
the machine of Dr. E. M. Doyle for the
trip. The dispatch suggested that Mr.
Luebke was so well known at his
home and his standing was 6uch that
if anything untoward had taken place
It was either an accident or throflgh
Commissioner Appoints Officer's Wid
ow as Masher "Cop."
Omaha. Sept. 2. Commission'?!
Ryder named Mrs. Katherlne F. Drum
my as Omaha's first policewoman
Mrs. Drunimy's first assignment will
be that of protecting her sex against
the "masher." against whom a cam
paign recently has been instituted by
the police and citv officials.
Mrs Drunimy Is the widow of a
former patrolman. She will be as
signed to a downtown district.
Qeorge Creel, editorial writer on the
Rocky Mountain News, nnd polict
commissioner of Denver, announced
his engagement to Blanche Hates, the
San Francisco ac tress.
Sixty thouspnel dollars a year are
being stolen from the Btate of Califor
nia by prominent shipping men around
S;.n Francisco bay, according to the
finding of investigators.
America won the first motor boat
rnce of the International series for the
Harms WOrtb tr-phy on Huntington
bay and established a world's record
for a thirty-mile c ourse.
Mrs. Kmillo Debaro and six of her
seven children ranging from five
months to twelve years of ar i met
death in a fire which destroy . :i
home at Rutherford, N. J.
Emil Seidl of Milwaukee be no n
Inee for vice president on the natiol ;
ticket of the Social-DemoCratic party,
panda public his formal let t .r of ac-
ceptance of the nomination.
Maior General Thomas IL Barrv,
Early Selection of Seed Corn. 1 who has sejrved two years as superin-
Omaha, Bept J.The movement for bSSdeni of the Tint-d States military1
tlie early selection and proper care ! ndenr . soiled down the Hudson for'
of seed corn In Nebraska has been n' w sla'.'on a Governor's island.
Kiven official recognition through a To prepare for the openine of the
proclamation issued by the governor Panama cini1!. the const survey has
tloiiHl life. In the mntter of population alone It calls for serious at
tention. The percentage of rtirnl nonubitloii In the Dotted smM i, i -
leeen steadily dec reasing as follows: In IfWfl there lived In the country 70.5
per cent of the total population; In ItSO, ei;i:i per cent; In 1IMK), 5U.K per cent;
In IMO, N 7 per cent.
The loss of rural population Is due to economic, social and education!!
Oausea Religion and religious institutions nlso piny an Important part in the
problem Wt hear net these days about the "country life movement." It
It be noted that this is a different proposition from the "back to the land"
movement. It may tie said broadly that the first was Inauguraled for tbe pur-
Percentages of counties losing population from 1900 to 1910
27. -t 28. -I ;UM i8 :- H j, -too So5 1 5T5 I 7l.T
,5 ill i fi , I :
pose of benefiting the country, the second for the purpose of benefiting tbe
city. Unquestionably more will come of tbe former than of the latter, for the
movement to Improve tbe conditions of farm life is In bnrmony wltb a normali
desire, while the effort to transplant the city man to the country is In violation,
of natural law. Just as the city must wrk nut Its own salvation, so the coun
try will be compelled to solve Its own problems. It must be quite apparent
that good farm land and profitable funning will not settle tbe most vital ques
tions In the country. Principally, tbe lenders In this movement tell us. there
must be a higher idealism among country people. Tbey must have higher
stauelards of education, of social life, of tbe moral well being in eaoh com
munity. The country life commission appointed by tbe president said In Its
report, "Any consideration of the problem of rural life that leaves out of ac
count the function and the possibilities of the church ami of related institu
tions would be grossly Inadequate, because from the purely so
ciological point of view the church is fundamentally a necessary institutiou in
setting aside Sept. SO to Oct.
"Seed Coin Selection We k
5 as
made a thorough, examination of tte
Incir1' entianee to thr waterw.nv :ic,l
early selection of seed corn will mean 'ne charting Of the harbor will be nn
a big saving to the state in general i dottakefl al once.
and will obviate the necessity foi
pending lor seed corn outside the
St?plehur6t Dam Wrecked.
Seward, Neb., Aug. 31. The new
dam recently constructed across the
Blue river at Staplehurst to give that
town electric lights and whose advent
was celebrated so largely, has been
the piesent month. The camp will
he under the instruction of IJeutenant
T si of t ne regular army, now in
structor for the Nebraska guard.
Speakers Announced for Convention
at Omaha Nov. 6.
Omaha. Bept 2 E. L. Rouse ol
Porn, president of the Nebraska State
Teachers' association, has announced
the list of talent for the annual con
ventiet) of the state teachers, which
Couple Nearly Lose Lives in Fire.
Mr. ami Mrs. Finest Koberstien ol
Hastings heel a
from being burned to death when theii
property was almost entirely de
stroyed by Are. A neighbor managed
after considerable effort, to awaken
Mr. end Mrs. Koherstien, who were
sleeping in the northwest hcNlroom anci
were at that lime almost overcom?
with smoke.
announcement was made by Post
master General Hitchcock that the
postofiice department would he In
readiness on Ian. I, 1013. to put into
general Operation the recently author
U'jd parcels post system.
A profound sensaiion was caused
by the arrest of two prominent leaders
of Roman society with five arcom
plicc s. on a charge of alleged traf
ticking in counterfeit bank notes and
government stock ec rtific ate-s.
Arthur Wood, president or the njuOd
bra' Supply company af Brooklyn,
was Instantly killed and five other per
sci".s were ;n).ired when an automobile
in whir;, thay w re touring the Stat
turned turtle it Glen Lock, Pa.
.1 F. Miller, chairman of the- Orde i
narrow escape of Railroad Telegraphers of fhe Peon
country life."
Silver Jubilee of Coleridge Pastor.
Col ridge. Neb . Aug. 31. The Ev in
ayivunln system, announced thai he
had heard from a majority of the l'.i; n
men ami that all who had returned
their sit ike allots favor a strike.
.1 R Bollinger, an official of the
Strom berg Motor car company, arai
killed gear kddison, III., wbtfe motor-
Ing from Chicago to Elgin to attend!
the races liallinger's car was over -tin
tied while being driven rapidly.
T . . .1 . n a i a .
will be he ld in Omaha on Vov 1 ui.a 1 srellca! Lutheran church at this nlnre '"' 'r 11 Aiinnaiii or ine eoin
S A strong array of sneakers has celebrated the twenty-fifth auuiver n,er4 co,lr'- hnse trial under im
been scoured, which includes Dr. P. P. rary or Rev. Fred Helner's pgatorship P,,ah"'"H proc eedings is Impending
Ctaxtan, United states rommlaakrajei f thi rJaarga. He- was presented I Z t " ' s,,iaU- bas :,s,,'1, CW
of education: Miss Fatty Smith Hill, i "h nearly $l.i.i M money, a ITS gold' J,18"( White of the- supreme court to
kindergarten direc tor of Teachers' col ' watch and seve ral smaller presents. ! tPmno-J,rilv raMOTO him from duty.
lege. ( olum'da universitv; Dr F M ' rha' lh' United States will not op-
Ifehfurmy ol Columbia universitv, Farmer Badly Injured. ! 'pose the action of Great Britain in for
Dean Rugene Davenport of Illinois! Beatrice. Neb., hept. 2. Paul VA It- warding a note la the Chinese govern-
university, lames Y Crabtree of R - K1 ,,"ui,u,, "un wne ment. cl maniling that the British gov
er FaHs, Wis ; Dean Charles II iund
of Chicago anlTersity, and w j. Br
an of I.inr.dn.
his team ran away with liim. He was erninni! be consult -d In retard to
i mowing hay and was thrown on the lotion e.jntempl.ited In Tibet bee am".
siclle bar rec Ivtag bad cuts about known
the head and back. Minn Ramu-lvo mnrii .,rU..,...r
. ,
Boy Bitten by Rattlesnake.
Pal Bfnfl aged 14 lhing,
Fnlrbary gad DiUat, was sttmhod h
a larg. -rairie rattlesnako and bittcD
below toe rlsjbl knee; His emapaalou.
a dog. was also struck hy the rejitlle.
Tin- boy ran to his home and a de.
tor was imin-diately suiniaoiied. Th
lad Is n"w out of danger, ait bengal lit Injured Brakeman Dies.
lea is badlv swollen. The do m:iJ Noiiolk. Nob.. Sent ' N'urthnost
die : ern Brakeman Charles Ryan died here! diers, Sailors and civilian.-. hae been
following Ivjuiies sustained at Mend treated, have been issued
Bey Drowned Nc3r Wymore
Beatrice, Neb., Sept. 2-Arthur
Johnson, ihe gfteea year old son of
La Wis b boson Of Wymore, was drown
ed while- bathing in Indian creek, near;
that ei;v His body was recovered by;
ai us Kl intra reformatory, stepped'
from hc line at exhibition drill before j
Gov e nor Di a free man at the gov.
ornor's command A tedegrani an '
nounced th - sudden death .if R.cp
jtciye s father at Oswe?o
Kniphatlc 'emanls upon the Pan
fcean ge -. ernine-nt to control the p. n
am.t pettps .ml put an e nd to the gm--
irutnlitv with which Americans, sol
tn :i two c ars w hile making a coup
"T"" oocao.T oanoioaie.'o Qiove vvh.-n he was crushed be
e i ie ,i. origin, socialist candidate t .v
'or governor, who made an -d dress
at Rinmet. was inierruut d bv hood
lums, Who threw eggl al the speaker Son Is Bern to Mrs. Roy Blount.
from a dark a'!e-v, one of the missiles' Bpriligteld, N h ., Aug. 31 A baby
striking Mr. Wright. Advocates ofj bop H born to Mrs. Re Bio nt.
hoc lallsni have been having a bittef i whose l.nsband was killed last Murcii
ight for a year 'n llcdt county. In ll aith tilt M gffaj convicts.
by the
American tate department
There will be a 20 per cent redne
Hon in the- wages of operatives in the
g'ass battle fnrtoiles of ihe country,
as the r -su't ct a dec ision reac hed at
Ihe stale of it ten gays' conference be
tween r presents tl VPS of the Glass
Blowers' assoc iittion and the National
association of Glass Manufactureis
Costs You Nothing When Idle
Almost Nothing When It Runs
WHEN an I H C e rttfine is at work, it is
the cheapest dependable power you
can use; when not working it costs
you nothing. It will work just as hard at the
close ol the day as at the start -will work
overtime or all night just as readily. It is
ready to work whene ver you nee d it; always
r liable and satisfactory. You can use an
I H C Oil and Gas Engine
to pump water, to run the wood saw, cream
separator, churn, grindstone, w ashing machine,
feed grinder, coin husker and shredder, en
silage cutter, or any other farm machine to
which power can be applied.
I H C oil and pjgg engines are constructed of
the best materials; built by nun who know
what g good c Dgine must do; thoroughly tested
before leaving the factory.
They are made in all sizes from 1 to 50-horse
power; in all st les vertical and horizontal,
air and water cooled, portable, stationary and
mounted on skids, to operate on gas, gaso
line, naphtha, kerosene, distillate or alcohol.
Kerosene-gasoline tractors, 12 to 45-horse
Ask the IHC local dealer to show you an
I 1IC engine and explain e ach part, or write
for catalogue and full information.
International Harvester Company of America
Crawford Nek
1 H B S.rrtc.
1 he purpose of this Bureau is to furnish, frees
ot charne to all the beM informal ion obtainable
on better farming. If you have any worthy uues
tions concerning goils. crops, land drainage irri
gation, fertibiers. etc.. mas your iiiQuirk-ssrteoific
and m nd them to l it C Service Bureau. Harvester
building. Chicago. U S A