The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 05, 1912, Image 1

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Gives all the news
of Box Butte County
and Citv of Alliance
The Alliance Herald
Largest Circulation
of any Newspaper in
Western Nebraska.
Box Butte County Fair and Race Meet, September 18, 19, 20, 1912
Big: liiree 3Da.3rs' Sal
At the Stock Yards, Alliance, Nebraska,
Thursday, Friday nf 0 A anrj C
and Saturday Vhl. 0, t dllU J
Th horse market will bo in letter condition, our dates
have bean arranged to not conflict with other western sales,
we will have the buyers here, and the salesmen who will dia
lose of thp stuff.
We want every ranchman and dealer or anybody else hav
ing horses and mules to sell to list them for this sale. We will
have plenty of buyers here. Bring in your horses B3 males.
We will se that you get a square deal.
list them as soon as possible so that we can get a line on
what to advertise.
Commissions: Single horses ami pairs, $2.00 each; 3
or mere, HOD each
For further particulars phone 259
Ca Z r-irr nr. x-fTZ ZTX-Zjg
J. P. Nielsen, a ranchman of the
Orlando nefighorhood, this wk fin
Sshes a contract Bar putting up buy
on Nets Worley's ranch west of Alli
ance. While in town lam Saturday,
Mr. Nielsen railed at The Herald of
fice and ordered hi name on our
aisicription list.
H. W. liar: man of tVtUM, one
of Harden county s .real estate and
live stock men-, wa.s In Alliance on
land biwioess Tuesday and Wednes
c.ny While here he. ordered his
name placed on 'ie Herald's sub-
scription iift.
l). J. Fogle iliwe up to Alliauve
yesterday from Heno with :t load of
household good. He ha rented a
house in Dunoun'e adition in which
Mrs. Fogle and son will real da dur
lmg the fall and winder while the lat
ter attends school. Mi. Fogle will
make theui an occasional visit.
Mr. and Mrs. .1. A. Jones and sou
of Fluitsinouth. stopped off in Alli
ance MoimUi.v on their way to Hot
Springs. They arc visiting at the
home of Mrs. Jones' uncle. Kiias Mil
ler, and will remain in this city a
few day. They are making a v
oaitrion trip. They Will be aocompan
led frotii here to Hot Springs by
Mr. and Mrs. Miller.
Khler and Mrs. Frank Allan Woten
of Palmer, Nebraska, have been In
Alliance since last Friday Klder
Wot en is a minister of the Chris' ian
church and held service- in She
court house last Sunday 111 truing
and evening. A met inn U lo b?
heW. rhi evening at which it will be
decided whether their denVni.inatioii
will erect I church building isi Alii
ance and nisi whether they will
liave a regular minister.
There was printed in a recent t
sue of The Herald u paper on the
hiibject. "In Cm an Is S'rength."
which was reard at a union meeting
of the ladies' aid apetottW The pn
per was credited to Mrs Rlgnell,
which we are informed wis a nils
take, as it was written and read by
Miss Kthel JoIiiihioii.
Miss Wthel Kowley who has In n
employed as ditrng I mm girl far K.
A. Ilellaigi r fur tb" pes' two mum lis.
lull Par Alliance Saturday far a two
weeks' visit with her parents. Mor
rill Mail. Aug. -10.
Miss Ola and Nellie Crouncs
lft Friday night for ihe-ir home in
Lincoln, after having visited a few
days in Alliance at the SSBM of
ih. 11 -.sN-r. Mrs. lfVWJ Una
Mbs Anna Meyrs of LiliroJa ho
haii ben visiting rrieinks iukI r. 'la
th in Milan, o for a couple of
weckn, left for her home in the
capital ' it last Friday night. While
in Alliance slw was the gue.-i oi
Mr, and Mr. K J. Stern, Hie form
er being her uncle.
Jlon J B Siradnirger of Stra.s
burger, Nebraska, came over Ho Al
liance last Friday on legal business,
a .-out panted by W. S. Hailison.
Mtes Hoadafer. Sltea Oeigley, and
Mrs. 'an Arsdale of IJalesburg. III.
Miss (leigley has been a te-icher In
the Chicago schools and we under
stand that she will homestead a sec
tion of Sheridan county land.
F. .1. Was, assistant cashier of
the Firs National Bank, returned
Monday from Ins vacation trip.
While away he viited Omaha. Chi
cage. Milwaukee and Northern Wis
consin, and on his return sioped
at his old home. Panama. Nehraska.
He informs The Herale that crops
are Immense in states which he vis
ited. Southern Iowa, which JM cro-s
ed on the HurlingJton. has a fine crop
of small grain, while the par! of Il
linois that he passed thru aeemed
to be almost a solid torn field.
Clarem-e Holmes met with what
was a near fatal accident on Monday
of this week. He was assisting in
raising B. I Cregg's harn at 711
Hig Horn, using jsck-scress for thai
purpose. A hle had to he dug in
the ground to pennii the using of
the tools ne' ssa.ry to raise hie harn.
HntMMII DM in the pit turning the
jack-scn w when I he harn slipped ov
er toward Mm. The MM of !he barn
struck him tmrol tlMMCk and pin
ned him to the ground. Just as
this occurred. J. J. Vance and iinoth
er man drove up on a dray. They
rushed to his assistance and vainly
tried to raise the barn hy means of
planks. This the.v sere unable o
do. but another man coining around
the burn with a spade in his hand.
quickly dug away enonf&i of the earth
to release the victim of the accident.
Mr. Holmes was taken home anil a
physicUin summoned. While he was
badly injured, no boOMf were broken
and is thaugbt that he will I u n
re.over from the effects of the ac
Mrs. Mary IfeMM vi" to Osliki li
last Friday afternoon for a kail
with her sister, .Mrs J, ('. Fo.- er
she is faptowd ' l gOM two or
thrt e Wei ks
J. It. Spadit Bad P. I. Ileach weiW
to Hig Springs u n Sunday in a a
ing. Kiuining (hit evening on 4 1
Tlw.v r port having had a nu-.v en
joyahU- time.
Uuth Morris returned iron Denver
last Sunday where she had he mm vis
iting tiu- a few d.i.vv
Mis Klsie Kobinson. daughu-r of
W. M. Hobinsca. rt:..irn d lo tier
home at Omaha Sunday Site SM
bun sptnding ths summer in tli'.
I'M- of the state.
Mr and .Mrs. F. M. Fry and non
arrivel in Alliance last Bjtf lirflnj
niorning for a visit of akOtd ten
days. Mrs. Fryr is a daughter of
rude rJtrssi wHaea, aikfas fa.t win
insur' them a cordial welcome from
his many triends as well from
relatives. They expect to leave
about the middle of next week
C. Kaufman of St. l.ouls, a brother
of Pave Kauifinan. arrived in .Alli
ance Tuesday morning for rfl visit of
about two weeks. This Is his firwt
tip to ths part of the west. He
seemed to be well pleased with the
country and expressed a very good
opinion Of this city. Our readers
will notice the difference In the
- pi 1 1 i n ti of the name Kaufftna.n. This
is caused by what we might term
the evolution Of a name. One of
the brothers preferred to spell his
name with one f. while the other pre
ferred to spell his with two.
Km K. Cravath of St. Charle. Min
nesota, came to Alltnnee on business
last week. After arriving here he
learned that his hint Iter, M D. CM
vath of GMJTaoa, ShiTldan county,
wa in the hospital for treatment,
having been kicked by a hoi-se and
seriously injured u few days previ
ous to the Minnesota man's arrival.
Rev. Titus iing M tliis morning
tor a trip thru Sioux county as far
as Harrison and from thcr- t.o Furl.
Robinson before retuniiing home. He
will be gone over Sunday and will
hold Herman Lutheran services at
several lioints along the road He
will make the trip with horse and
buggy. In his absence his brother,
Rev. O. L. l.ang, will in-eacli at Im
munuel German l.ulheran church
next Sunday.
Lei week an Item was handed us
con.-erning Klder F. A. Wofcen, the
Chrlstlnn minister who held services
in the court house lust Sunday morn
ing and evenign, but the name was
misspelled in the copy, -the same be
ing spelled MnJhen Instead of Woten.
The Bennett Piano coiupanty has
sold a new electric piano player to
H. F. Thtele, wthiich he has installed
in his drug store. This takes the
plaoe of the one he formerly had.
Last Thursday evening Mrs. K. J.
Stern was the hostess at a party
given lu honor of her sisters. M
Ola and NelMe Crouhcs, Hind her
niece. Miss Anna Meyers. About
twenty young people were preseiiv
A luncheon was served by Mrs. Stern
which wa pronounced excellent by
all those who had the pleasure of
partaking of at. Numerous gam; -
were played, after which the guests
departed for their homes each on
thanking Hie hostess for a very
pleasant evening.
Miss Pearl Hale of iUH tllce cam
over to Gordon last Sunday with the
.lake Fritz auto load, and visited here
this week. Cord, in Journal, Aug. 30
Miss Alimlle Highland and Aliss
Vivian Holleivva.v will leave Saturday
night for a tern day' visi; in Brok n
C. H. Kichey. after making tttPM
attempts to drive to Alliance in his
automobile, and breaking down ev
cry time, le-Tied the oillci.v h .il
as he called it, n id went to Allinnct
on No. 44 Tuesday, reluming Wed
nesd.iy packing a new tire and xh
r repairs.
On Phillips claims he made the
record run from Minatare Monday
morning. Th car in which he made
this run (DM a Ford Model T thai
tuts been run 10,000 miles. The- eti
gine was started ul 7 o'i,lo,k Mon
day morning, filksl with lubri a: iiil
oil, gasoline, and the rail it or full of
water Tli- engine w i- no' I Qppad
nor was there an wa'.er, gasoline
or luhricat ,ng i I put in the car un
til he reac hed Marsland at 1 1 o'
clock The trip was made i i -
the coum'ty hy Maltml i. Heart ran h
and l.awn. The distance Is N DttM,
Rev. D. W. Montgomery, pastor
evangelist of the Presytet an church
es in North western Neraski, In
forms The Herald ilia,' the Ho ml of
Home Mission of his church has
hern i oopei t ig w . h 'li summer
s.hoolx f several univer-itiis and
other nrgatiiu 'r.ns. ',Jie plan bein t ,
put the rural min'ter into in'etligeru
touch with his own problems and al
so to w iden his v isi mi w i'h refen ace
to the church as a whole. Itev. Mont
gomery atlendM the sntatner si-hool
of the I 'mi vers:', ty of Wisconsin, at
Madison. Wimon-iin. He said he lis
K-.ned io UmSWM oai subjeets not on
tjr iM'dinarily rMOVBlMd as religi ius.
but also siwJi pnuvtical sibji - s as
alfalfa, inoculation of the soil, tuur
oughhn il -.iiK k. poultry houses, care
of sewage, atC, la the summer
School of this UeW illlel ,1 l re g
tii.ed thai! a man iuil' bsk after his
religious duties W h r -feience tat
Olj ks well as to souls. Per.ns
who may wish more LnSanaaUoa ka
Kurd to th s siihje. i c-.ui obtain the
same hy applying to Itev Mirniguic
Millinery Opening
Sermon in Three Languages, Ger
man, English and Scandinav
ian, September 15
One week from next Sunday, on
. .1,1 . -i 1 1 ., n I r,l li I in nui ii iiel's l.lltliel-
in congregation will ceiennne us an
nual mission festival. Theiv will be
two Bervlce-s, 1 w one In the Herman
langime in the forenoon ooonmanc
ing ai 10: :: o o'clock, anl the other
in the Knglish language condu ted
by Rev H. (;udtnutidsen of Haard.
Nebr., conhnenv1nj at L' 1 10 o'clesk
During this service Rev. Hudmund
sen will also deliver a Scandinavian
Offerings will be taken in lioth
services for the benefit of missions
conducted by the Lutheran chureh,
principally for the benefit of the
Lutheran home mission department ,
by which the Lutheran congregation
of Uiis city is still being supported
liesidcs, the Lutheran church carries
on extensive missions In foreign
countries, in India, Australia. China,
New Zealand, South America and in
the West India Isilands, atl of whUih
are financed by free-will giifte of its
n i embers.
Skic Rev. Uudmundaen, the Eng
lish aad Sea ml! mi v inn speaker at the
uiiaatoe festival, Is not entirely a
stranger in this country, ha ting for
a number of years been In charge of
Scandinavian Lutheran nMnu In
Northwestern Nebraska, reatdtan; at
llemiimford. and since he la known
to imny as a good speaker, 1 -pected
that a good crowd w... i
attendance. All our frlen Q
man, hkiglish and Stand. n . an, are
(rdially invited to be wl h Oil i
That'.H'y. TITI'S llvNC 1,'ii.U-.
Well Represented by Large Number
of People and Fine Display
of Products
September 12. HHL'. Swellest line
of Fall and Winter Hats ever seen
in Alliance We always lead at Sun
moos (3S-1-14W)
Mox Untie county is having a
BMeodM representation at the hig
State Fair at Lincoln this week. A
number of "live wires',' including
Qeotfja Douglas, Prod Mollring. Joe
Vaughnii, Osf-ar O'HaniKin ati.l oth-
em are there and Uurve one of the.
hi-s.t. If iuit the be.t, exhibit ever
sent down from this part of th
M I Her - ;ne seni" nf the thing
Hint wen,' into tht llox Mu te cotin
ty car, wi.h the names of the s-r-MSa
STOW! or -:r furnishing them:
leo. A. Douglas, Si !cr' pie
pUQXpfcka, yellow winter sua-h, yel
low huhb:ird sush. se-kled hub
bard squash, navy lieans, early May
pi as. pearl liailey. Japan' -e buck
wheat, alfalfa seed, Russian rye
rOM i peep-o'dny water melon. n
ly li Cross- sweet corn, peskey
musk melon, irudneg musk n U B,
illow wax beans, while corn. Col
orado wax beans, red winter wheat,
white win t-r rye, mixed tatne grass,
I. noln oa's. timothy, orchard gns-i,
!! o, white Swedish oats, bromos
gt'a-is, canary bird sed, primrose
I ix, Kentucky blue grass, ont gi i,
wlmer wheat, muminoih red clover,
black sugar cane, whea: grass, alfal
fa, broom corn, millet, red chaff
wheat, Kaffir corn. Kgyptian mImmU
hulless Imrley, Kersen oats. Orbln
osaa, Kmg barley, broom corti mil
let. sweet clover and bitlion doilar
grass; Win. A.ioden. glabe h
Swedish white oats, flat head cab
huge; F. McCoy, cncuiuhers, tenia
us, poJaCoes, HIUs turnip, lalico
corn, marble wiiash, pumpk ns. , I
low hubhaid siua.-li. Japan.
QtiaaD, while rutabaga, cauliriower.
pin pie top strap leaf luiirp. p.,i ,
nis. iniUi maie. early white corn,
early Ohio pointers, early W inum
'ad cuhltage. goiihn oais; Q It
Carr. flax; (Is ,n- O Hanacn, red
clover, Wheat, marble head squash.
IWSSt iuah, red tuabard
siiuash; Mrs Win Aaadon. Sari, a I
u.niatoes, long gnen cuetuubarv;
Hiown Urrffith, steel wheat, tuie
miiiei, KaoaeveH on.-. m:"; Joa
Vaughau, bro.Mii coin initial ;" H W
Reach, biNKiin nun mill, . eed alfal
'' John l.aAreni-e. Saskatchewan
wheat, blak spring Roosev.-M
i a -. Will. Sherloek. white cap corn.
snly vm', Russia i. o.ils. Koiven
oataj n. H Hasaaaw aiater radtath.
lona white com: F. .1. Hetzohl, ear
!j OM0 pOtSUMSi snowflake pota
toes i Mrs. C. CiKlerwenMl, early Win
lilngstead cabbage. Miles llagainan.
purple top strap-leaf turnip; (1. W.
Nation, pearl millet, mammoth silver
klnR ontons. king of the early onions,
I'd Tripoli onions, Australian BT0 WD
onions, red loba Sout.hKirl onina I,
yellow neekiess ootOBa, prtse taker
onions. Chine Hocco onions. It us il in
sun flower; Geo. A. 1'nderwood, mil
let, oats; I). K. liiHnton. alfalfa; K
T. Klble, flax; C. 1. PowaJt, corn,
flax, potatoes: Wm Loranoe, flax,
thlril cut of alfalfa; Ray Tabcr. flat;
W. Davison, flax; Robt. Carr. prim
rose flax; H. M. Hums, alfalfa, reT
Pt chaff wheat. Durham wheat,. Med
itermnean wheat, prize outs; Uobt
Clark, flax; Chas. Benjamin, flnx,
licardliss barley. JaKUlese tnilli t , '
Alex. 1'nderwood. alfalfa . Sea ManJ
wheat, Saskatchewan wheatJ velvet
chaff wheat; .1. S. Brtoe, alfalfa, mil
let, oats; John ICggert, white cap
field rn, calico field corn; Aaron
Fool, rhubarb, cocks comb; L. A.
Merry. Red Wet hersford onion, Her
UlldO onion, globe beei, aanu agiis
beet; J. W. Davis, oats. Russdnn mil
let; Win. Rust, wheat; Fred Abley,
Indian i-orn ; Carl Christ en-ten, llli-
turnip, potatoes. Herman millet, F.
Manning, corn, pie melon. Henry'
Miekleauti, Kersen oats, (5. W. Lore,
rpeltl j Mrs. C. K. Kose-ntierger, -I-
low hubbnrd suuiudi, early flat Dutch
cablmge; Master Vern Idling, one
beet weighing 'Z pounds; J. B. Iluri
saker, sweet merice. nasturtium; J.
H. Wehr 6. Son, alfalfa, potatoes,
wheat; W. W. Norton. asparagus,
early lettuce, tansey, white malice.
wonder-berry, long purple radish,
sweet peas; Mrs. Bertha Slone, navy
beans; Demits Landrigan, la sun
flower 12 feet high, oats, "wheat;
Fred Seidler. sugar cane mil let. mil
let, oats, hub bard squash, Freed
pumpkin, white rutabaga, purple top
strap-leaf turnip, early VV'lnningstead
cabbage, early Ohio potato", hhireka
potato; L. iA. Surprise, Alabama
com; J. A. Keegan, red top hay;
Oias. Oksley, broom com. millet; J.
R. Van Bosklrk, oats, Freed com.
side oats; Ed. Wilson, Kersen oats;
J. H. Hilton, wheat, sugar cane; lee
Marsh, rtide oats; John Liggett, mil
let; L. Lelshnian, wheat; J. F. Bar
gsr, long red radish, winter rutllsh.
Wooly butcher, cmn.; Mr.-s. l-ge.
tweet eoftl; Olive BenjamwiN mam
moth chill souash; I'eter Soderberg,
side oats; F. W. Harris, Wealthy ap
ples and twia of Siberians, grown in
Alliance; Mrs. L. H. Highland', beau
tiful collection of lowers grown by
her; Mr. Scott, bundle of oats meas
uring six feet; K. W. Ray. garden
Preacher and Teachers Play Better
Ball than Rivals and Win by
Decisive Score
Laal Monday art.ino.on a crowd
githered at tiis- fair giouurts e,il if
own to wiiii ss 'he firl team give
the te l 111 m an. I pie. e h- : , -i ,
ive 1 1 1 1 il it i ng. hu alas an I rack.
MM t ines the In -: la I plan iii s-
any Anyway w'i,-n t ie Ii I h.iM
cf the ninth wa-i ov -r the f i
it am was at .tie -lion . nil of !i
seer. The find co'JWt was 12 !o .'.
Iowry. who pltdhed I r tlie w i
nintg team, it itn good form ancl
at. no Cms was he ; danger tf cs
toa Ws SPAa c:?men's, oje of the
instructors n th- Hih s -tio H. ltd
in the Wn a h' t i b
.'me at bat. He sjg play ed f . -t
base accepting -v-ral difficult ; h inc
es without an 'tnw. Itev W;'
pastor of the Baptist chireh, also
did s iine heavy M'tlng, get:inx two
three base hits, each bringing in
Following is the bitting order and
positions played:
Ministers First team
Baker c MoitN :l
Lovrjr p Hake c
Spai lit St) Itrouuhtcn ss
I watte cf Atweli 1st
Jailsii el
Hamilton if
Zisl.k' r p
Rae N
S -veins -s p
St hater R
Score by Innings
Ministers 2 n & H I S ' I
Fir Team 4 12 2 2 1 I I
hi i a
C A. Newbtrry r.i urned Wdn
day morning from Lincoln where he.
had In n attending Hi s ate fair.
Supt. W. R. Pate Gives Notice of
Enforcement of Compulsory
Attendance Law
The Alliance city schools SJjMNNd
Monday morning with an unusually
large enrollment There are in the
High school up to today It?, the
largest number ever enrolled this
c-"-v in the term. The attendance
n the grades Is somewhat larger
than last year There will still be
unite a number of pupils to enter on
nocouait of some being out on rain Ii
es with their parents during the
summer and not having yet ooine
In, and also on account of the Strnte
Fair which is being held this week.
It ia expected that the High school
enrollment, by the last of next week
will be nol less than 150.
School work began this year with
a splendid cor)S f teat hers, but
we learn that there will be one
lian,g which many patrons of the
sohools will regret. Mis.-. Lulu F
Wirt, heed of the Latin and Ger
man department, has been elected
to the poBU.lon of critilp teaiher hi
the Kearney State Normal. While
her many friends will be pleased to
learn of her promotion, on her ac
count , they will also regret very
much to lose her from the Alliance
Superintendent W. R. I'a.te wishes
to i all Hie attention of pat ronw to
the compulsory attendance law of
Nebraska and hands us the following;
notice to publish ;
Notice of Enforcement of
Compulsory Attendance Law
' For ihe benefto of parents who
may not be familiar with die Com
pulsory Attendance law, we quote
the following ii" iii Hie Si hod I . i s
of Npbraska:
"In City and Metropolitan C. y
s icxnl distriots every person n !
Ing within such school ill-.n l. t who
has legal or actual eh irge or control
of any child or children or youth
not less than seven nor more than
sixteen years of age shall cause
smoh child or children or youth to
attend the public day school for the
FULL period each year In which the
public day schools of such school
district are in session. The portion
of this act requiring attendance at
the public day school shall niot apply
lu any case where the child or youth
is, for a time equal to the time re
quired in this no:, instructed In
some private or parotlilal s'.hool.
"Any person or pe:?ons guilty of
violating any portion or th s act
shall be deemed guilty of a ui'-de
MHiiniii' and, upon coin i .a thereof,
shall pay a fine of not le-s :han
five dollars nor more than twenty
five dollars."
Furthermore, bka child labor law
provides, In substaa e. :h it whoever
etnpioya a child und r !.'. e n years,
of age, or w .ioev er, hav n charge
of a child wrier s xt -. y ars of
age, permits su h h. d to be em
ploy. d Hurt m i in- uVm tan Mm pub
!'.- sch-3's bi" in s. j-.on. sliali, up-
oi ccavi '.Ooa in reof, be S&ed um
to exi si tifiy dollars for aai Ii of
Nr ii - s le : by g'..en Hi it the
prov jei as or . ie C ni.ti! - ry hi
t lim e Us will be - i .tly enfon1
ed by tiie school auHior'iej.
W. R PATH. ,
Supt. Ci.y Sclusds.
Doctor BeMwood, or Allt.rnce. was
a Hyannis vi- or. pro'e - onillv. lon
day ctr Hi i week, anJ als; -pt t a
few boors soiially, he and The Tri
bune editor be ins raised in h- same
neighborhood n Illinois a tli - une
lAine. Hyannis Tribune, Aug. IS,
F. .. b 2d
(iixlliey If
Brown rf
Cleweatta 1st
Lun in ss
ftittice id Alliance National Hank Blk t
0'r I ',,i.,ai.
Fhcne 39 j.
All Electrical Equipment
Evenings by Appointment
Send your worn out carpets to the
Lincoln Bug Factory, Lincoln Xebi
They Will make them into rugs for
the regular price and pay the freight
' in iii ways. This ofu r is made rath
er than put a solicitor in ths tarrl-
l lory. Write for price list and sliip-
Ipiug tags.
Upstairs, First National
Phone. Office 362
Phone, Residence 18