The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 22, 1912, Image 1

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Gives all the news
of Box Butte County
and Citv of Alliance
The Alliance Herald
Largest Circulation
of any Newspaper in
Western Nebraska.
Box Butte County Fair and Race Meet, September 18, 19, 20, 1912
Big: Xlxee IDas' Sal
At the Stock Yards, Alliance, Nebraska,
Thursday, Friday n O A anA c
and Saturday OH- 0 1 dllU J
The horse market will be in better condition, our dates
have been arranged to not conflict with other western sales,
we will have the buyers here, and the salesmen who will dis
pose of the stuff.
We want every ranchman and dealer or anybody else hav
ing horses and mules to sell to list them for this sale. We will
have plenty of buyers here. Bring in your horses and mules.
We will see that you get a square deal.
List them as soon as possible so that we can get a line on
what to advertise.
Commissions: Single horses and pairs, (2.00 each; 3
or more, $1.00 each
For further particulars phone 259
5 7 VUI
Mrs. Anna Joder returned this
inorninp. rrani Denver where she has
teen visiting with Dr. Julia Frey.
Do not forjset that the prices or
lumber axe be Inn slaughter,! by (lie
Forest Lumber Company of Alliance.
Ohas. Pflhecer, who was transfer
red to the Sterling division some
lime ago, was in Alliance Tin-day.
W. K. McDonald, a young man
from Pierce, Netor., began work at
the freight house in Alliance Tue
Miss Katheritie Willis, who has
several friends in this city, passed
thru Alliance Tuesday on her way
from Dalton to Chadron.
If yon are contemplat iof buttrtAWg,
It will be to your interest to call at ,
the Forest Iiiiniler Company's yards
in Alliance and get their prices.
John Shay, who has been away on
a month's vacation, returned to Al
liance the fore part of this week
aiid will gain take up his duties
with the BurliOfftOB,
Miss til'are llillis, who has been
visiting in Alliance for the past
three weak, returned to her home
at Aurora Wednesday morning on
42. While in Alliance she was the
guest of Miss Hazel Howman.
J. C M'CorkU', lllllltjnr of the
Nebraska Land & Auto company,
has closed a $.".5,000 real estate deal
It COO lilted of the sale of nine quar
ters of the Hall ranchland north of
Couiiiv Superintendent Miss ft d,
ciu Miss Paunie McCoy are away
on a week's vacation. They left
laxt Saturday for Newcastle. Wyom
ing, where Hiey are spending the
week as guests of Mis McCoy's
sister, Mr. Cuick.
Miss Anna Meyers of Lincoln ar
rived in Allian e Tuesday morning
for a few days' visit with her mu le.
K J. Stern, and with other friends
and relatives. She will leave Sun
day night for her home in the cap
ltal city
Prices on lumber are still being
slaughtered by the Fores Lumber
Company in Alliance. All within
poitoi of this city who are expecting
to build should call at the i'mi-i
Lumber Company's yards and (jet
them to figure on their bills.
Sm. iking of the proposed bund is
sue r $::8.(mki to enlarge and improve
the Scottsbluff water works, the ller
aid or that city sayi, with perhaps
a little sarcasm. "We suggest that
the amount be raised to $13K,0i0.
This will provide ample funds and
leave some over fin- a rainy day
when the city water isn't working,
or perhaps furnish a few dollars for
a Jollification of some sort when
we can invite our Alliance friends
and give them the assurance that
the treats are on us and they need
n't bring any refreshments ;u'ons.
No, 138,006 Isn't enough. Let us
make it $i:i 8,000 and then we can
make things hum- as long as the
money lasts."
If you really want he best auto
mobile for a reasonable price call
at the Forest Lumber Compinny's
yards in Alliance and inspect the
Mit'Jiell cars and see them demon
strated. Hen Cre)r, who played ball with
the Alliance team of a fat years
ago, came thru Alliance Tuesday
morning. He went to Hemingford
with the Alliance teajn that after
noon to play ball. He was on his
way to Minnesota.
m m m
Hen Wright of Lincoln, student of
Cotner University, was in Allianct
last week taking orders for an im
proved reference Hible, that is, the
references were improved, not the
Hible. He scured ipiite a number
of orders while in this city,
i i i
I). W. Ler Inform us that his run
ning horse "Metteete Lad" was ship
ped from Alliance last Saturday to
be enterel in the Santa Fe circuit
on the SOU) of this month. He is
in charge of Claude lester who lias
a pacing horse and will finish the
circuit at Albuiierue. N. Mex., Oct.
7 to 12. MeOrew Wasp, Aug. 16.
Mr. and Mrs. O. 13. Smith are ex
pected home the last of this ueek
from their visit in St. Joe and Miry
ville, Missouri. Mrs. Smith has hern
riliting relatives and friends in Mis
souri for the past six or eight weeks,
and Mr. Smith, who is manager of
the Alliance Steam Laundry. lias
been on a vacation since the tenth
of the month.
K. A. McFall of Autloch passed
thru Alliance laM Saturday on 4-1
on his way home from a visit to
Rusuviile, where he had been splen
didly euurtaiued by Sheriff A. D
New, who showed him over Hie coun
try in his automobile. Air. Mci'all
informed The Herald that crops were
splendid in that part of the country-
A good deal of attention has beeu
aitra ' 'i in Alliance and surroiindiiiK
territory to the rut In lumber prices
made recently by the Forest Lumber
Coin pan y In the face of an actual
advance in wholesale pri es, the re
duction of four to five dollars per
thousand has been good news to the
people la (Ins city and surrounding
country who are Iniildiiig or who ex
pen i to build soon.
C, D. Peiickenpaufih, superintend
ent of (he Sheridan division, passed
thru Allianrc Tuesday noon on his
way from Rochester, Minnesota, to
Sheridan, Wyoming, his headiuar ri
Hv 0
Chairman Thompson Issues Call to Newspaper Men
Supporting the Cause
Hon. W. H. Thompson, chairman
cl the democratic state central com
mittee, the "Little (Jiant" of Ne
braska democracy, whose picture we
are delighted to print on this iage
of The Herald, has issued a call re
uesting the editors of the demo
cratic papers in the state to hold
meetings in their, respective con
gressional districts on August KB
Under the plan the democratic ed
itors located In each district, or the
editors of newspapers supporting the
democratic cause, are to meet at a
point designated within their re
peetlve districts. The meetings
are to be held simultaneously and
will open at 2 p.m.
The following meeting placet have
been designated by Chairman Thomp
son :
First district Lincoln.
Second district - -Omaha.
Third district Norfolk.
Fourth district York.
Fifth district Holdn gc
Sixth district -Alliance, Valentine
.ml Kearney.
"The candidates lor congress and j
for state office are invited to meet i
v" it h the editors in the districts in
which they live," says Mr Thomp
son. "The purpose is to plan for
united act ion in oacD district of all
piper! of all nationalities who are
supporting our cause and our candi
dates and for a discussion of ways
and means for obtaining funds to
run the campaign.
"Local editors In the localities foi
Which meetings are called are re
quested to plan for the entertain
ment of the Visiting 'ilitors on thai
The candidates for congress in the
congressional districts ai well as
he candidates for state offices who
live In the respective districts are
requested to attned the meetings In
the respective district!.
Ai there are to be time meetings
held in the Sixth CongrewionjU dis
trict at the same time, owing to
the size of the district. It will not
be possible for the anddates for con
gress and state office residing with
in the district to attend all; but the
editor of The Herald has written
Hon. V. J. Taylor, our candidate lor
( ongress, urging him to come to Al
liance at that time, an. I It is hoped
that he ran be present This is the
year to retire your Dnell Mosei P.
from congress, gad ti'e Mama itetei
man Is the gentleman to do It,
Please slick a pin here and remem
ber what we say.
floor are open so that the WHtcr
drips from cue floor to the next lie
low until it reaches the ground
floor when it runs off into the tank.
This is built for the niirtiose of
alioratiliu He water to MMM thu
soda deposit. It m'.miis from what
e can learn that this enterprise Is
loje led l)V one of the h lm:i
.... r - . . r " i o u, iii, i 1 1 ' i 1 1 i,i
their soap manufacturing department.
U . . i. 1 - . . m
no o is m mil ot an exneri
ment but bids fair to be a success.
Rev. K. D. Kickard of Lewellen
and Prof. K. J. Hrenneinan passed
thru Alliance Tuesday on tlielr way
to the annual session of the Platte
Kiver conference of the rrei Meth
odist church, being held at Sargent,
Nebraska. Prof. HrenneniRii was
formerly principal of the Wessington
Springs Seminary at Wessington
Springs. S. Dak., but on account of
a failing health found It necessary
to give up school work, and located
OB a home! teed in Harden county a
few years ago. Since that time his
health has Improved,
tleorge Trosper, head engineer for
the Alliance creamery' is the victim
of painful accident. Last Friday
DC had his left hand badly Injured
by being caught In the freight ele
vator. The hand was badly pinched
and cut across the back and bled
I rofaantjt on the way from the
refinery to the doctor's office
where he went immediately to have
it dressed. While the Injury was a
very painful one and will prevent
the use or his hand for some time.
We are glad to learn that the hand
will not be permanently crippled.
fffm wish to call attention to J.
U. Denton's advertisement appearing
In this Issue of The Herald. Mr.
Denton has an up-to-date variety
store and carries a stock yi goods
of a reliable quality at money sav
ing prices. In an advertisement for
a store or this kind, it Is Impossible
to mention more than a very small
part of the (liferent articles han
dled, as the stock consists of such
a large variety of useful articles
They hnve been getting in a new
stock of goods In some lines this
week to which attention is called m
their ad.
Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Kemmish hik!
three children left last Saturday for
Spokane, Washington, where they
went to make their home. We un
derstand that Mr. Kemmish .will en
gaa in business as an elect Lai en-
.1! Inn ing already arranged to
open an office for that purpose. As
nperintendeaf of the Alliance city
light department Mr Kemmish show
ed his ability as an eh -t ririan and
we have no doubt that he will make
a success as an electrical engineer
ii Spakane :a he has already done
at this place and Lincoln. N braska,
i , r in which place he came to Alliance
Hi and his family made many rrlends
liere during their residence in this
city whose best wishes rollow them
to i heir new home. Their address
is 164 Spokane street, Spokane,
' 'a -hington.
Automobile Contest on Broncho Hill
Resulta in Victory for the
Buick Machine
lnst Thursday nnd KYidnv nulla
a little automobile interest was re
ated by the arrival or a Htiiek dem
onitratlng car from North Platte.
Hlliek hail not been in town linn'
before some of the local dealers
stumped" him for n hill nllmhln.
Word wan noised around and two
Fords and an Overland "40" road
ster left town ror Hroncho I f t It Sev
eral easy climbs were made but
Mil leu sooil made tracks that nohodv
could follow.
In the evenint C H Tnliv 1 1 1 i ii..
the statement that If Buick could
outclimb the Oakland and Voile, he
would buy three cars on the spot.
Friday morning the Hulck demon
strator showed Mr. Tirilv that h
tfluUk car could go up a hill which
notiouy else would even tackle. Mr.
Ttlly promptly made good by pur
chasing the Butck Roadster on the
spot and ordered two more touring
cars to be delivered at once, be
sides taking the Hit Ink agency and
placing an order for eight more
models to be delivered later.
Send your worn-out carpets to the
Lincoln Rug Factory, Lincoln Nebr.
They will make them Into rugs for
the regular price and pay the freight
both ways. This offer Is made rath
er than put a solicitor In the terri
tory. Write for price Ht and shlD-
tping tags.
He has been east where he had tak
es his wife, whom he placed It .i
hospital at Rochester. Her many
friends in Alliance will be glad to
know that her illness is not of a s r
ions nature and that she will be out
in a week or ten days. Mr Pecken
paugh was accompanied by his son.
P. B. Roinig returned Tuesday
morning from fliicago w h re he
went about tell days ago. Mr. Itoiu
ig went there ,on business connected
with the railroad, representing the
Alliance division at the meeting of
the Relief Department. While there
lie witnessed the first game of the
last series be' ween New York and
Robert tirahaui was in from the
Morrill county ranch last Thursda
H informed The Herald that, al
though there hud been almost no
rain for a. week preceding 'Jmt da .
ii was still difficult to make hay on
the low Uuid. While gixxl progress
l ad biM-n made in haying on the high
St land, t Iih sun. had not. beeu shin
ing hoi enough or the wind Mowing
dry enough to cure the hay sufficient
ly on th hay land on his ranch,
which is low and seasons Ifke this
iid Young, a colored man of this
city, was arrested Sunday night for
tanking Georgia Coleman Accord
ing to reports, Kd had been among
those present at a beer drinking in
West Lawn. He an. irked Georgia
with a pen knite and struck her be
hind the ear He was arraigned Mon
day morning before Judge urn and
t.ii.-d fifty dollars and costs. He
was given his choice between the
line and thirty days in the county
jail. He chose the latter and at pre
scut writing is receiving tree board
Pom the county.
Post office Inspector G. H. Hooker
of Alliance was here the first of the
week and weal mcr the proposed
rural free delivery route between
this place and Hutchinson. What
his impressions were of the feasibil
ity of the route, or what his reOOB
uiendations to the depar'ment would
be, could liot, of 'course, be ascer
tained, but it is more than likely
that his report will be favorable and
that this free delivery service will
soou be established - Oshkosh Her
ald. The large iatrouuge received by
the BurlingtOB lull Ii room has made
il nectssarv for the Lock woods to
increase Its capacity. Accordingly ,
i he partition between the lunchroom
and the hotel has been removed and
the room enlarged. horse shoe
lunch counter is being put in, in
stead of the straight counter hereto
fore used, thus more than double
the number of customers can be ac
"ii 1 1 u. id. iii d at one time In adili
Hon to the lunch counter, tables will
be installed for ihose who prefer to
use them.
O. H. Moon returned last week
frgag Rt-no after completing the Ae
rial Kvaporator four miles northeasi
of that station. This evaporator is
a building forty feet high with twen
ty floors constructed near an alkali
lake Water is pumped from the
lake to a tank at the, toj ej th
evaporator and by means of pipes
is spread out over the building. The
t "M M I III 4 I I Mai 1 I t I I IH f
Office in Alliance National Bank Blk
Over Postoffice.
'Phone 391.
All Electrical Equipment
Evening! by Appointment
Office Upstairs, First National Bank
Phone, Office 362
Phone, Residence 16
Crab Apples
For Jelly and Preserves
Sweet Potatoes
Green Corn
MADAM Do you
realize that home
preparation of Ketchups
and Tomato Sauces is no
longer necessary.
Experience with the best
hrands has ttllght us that
use of the well-known
prepared Pure Food Pro
ducts will save our cus
tomers lahor and care,
with quality and purity
fully equal to the home
made standard.
The makers have proved
beyond i question that
only sound tomatoes,
choicest spites, purest
vinegars and nothing
else, go into the making
of their Ketchups and
So we are glad to offer
these Pure Food Brands
for your satisfaction and
the credit to our trade.
Pox the mini tOBJgbt, order
Ketchup today.
U it la to be 'ad, you can tfet it lit'iv
Mallery Grocery Co