The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 25, 1912, Image 1

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    A !
Gives all the news
of Box Butte County
and City of Alliance
The Alliance Herald
Largest Circulation
of any Newspaper in
Western Nebraska.
57S? 3 VBSt 7o? BP r S? r , ?! r 1 . (J "57 t i vr
Next week The Herald will begin
running a series of items giving in
formation about the Celebrated
Meritol Remedies, that have so rap
idly gained public favor in this coun
try. The manufacturers of these
reliable medicines have appointed
Brennan's Drug Store to handle
their goods in this city. A full line
just received.
Tiie Comer HDx-cigr Store
PEACH BS That car load of Tex
as Alberta peaches is going very
ast at $2.25 per bushel.
Ward Rubendoll. son of Mr. aivd
Mrs. Peter Rubendall of this city
arrived in Alliance last week. He
attended the state university last
winter, but since school was out has
been visiting in the east.
A small crowd of Alliance, young
people went oat to the ranch of A.
S. Gerdes eighteen miles north of
(own, to attend a dance last Friday
night. They returned Saturday
morning. They all report having hnd
aB excellent time.
Vincent Taylor, a former Alliance
boy who ii- now working at Mad toon,
Wisconsin, arrived in our city last
Thursday for a lew days' visit with
his parents and other relatives.
Lfcst week The Famous Clothing
House announced thru bilks and
newspaper advertising eleventh sum
mer clearance sale. People of this
part of the state have learned that
when The Famous announces a
special sale It means something good
tor the public, which probably ac
counts for the butsy times at thajt
sitore during the past week, n o t
withstanding this is usually the dull
season for the clothing trade.
Miss Rhova Rogga of Sterling,
Nebr, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
E. Reeves, old time acquaintances,
last Friday forenoon. From here
she went to Bcottsbluff for a visit
with friends.
Miss Irene M. Wltte of Caldwell,
Idaho, sister of Rev. George A.
Wfctte, terminated a week's visit in
Alliance last Sunday morning and
left for Wisconsin, where she wen
(or a visit with friends.
PBACHE8 YouH have to hurry,
hurry, hurry if you want to get
gome of those fine Texas Albenta
peaches before they are all gone.
They are going fast at $2.25 per
bushel. 33-1-1384
The B. Y. P. U. will have the del
egate's report ot the International H.
Y. P. V. convention held at Toledo,
Ohio about two weeks ago Every
body come. At the Baptist church
ml 7:30 p. m. next Sunday.
The Y. M. B. S. ft will meet Fri
dav evening at the First Presbyter-
Ian church. Don't fall to come. The
second chapter of Romans will be
taken up for dUeusMoii.
m m
The Forest Lumber Company
have completed the ' Common
Sense" silo which they have been
constructing for T. H. Haines o n
hl - farm north of this city. V.
E. Springer has charge of the farm
this summer and now has miU-ikiki
rosptcis tr a fine lot of corn for
ajailkiF Any one who wishes to ex
amine this silo or secure any infor
mation in regarrd to its construction
will be made welcome by Mr.
Springer and given the desired in
toriuation, by ailing on him.
The Herald is informed that P. A.
Train rt, who own the Reed place
east of town and who is now resid
ing with his family in J. B. Denton's
house in Duncan's Addition, will
move on to uhe farm next spring and
that he will engage in extensive and
thorough farming next year. Mr.
Trabert came to Box Butte county
from Milford, Nebraska. While he
wMJm find condWions- here somewhat
different from what they are in the
part of the state he come from, we
predict that, he will find the stume
energy and work that it requires
to make a sucetess in Seward county
will produce fully as satisfactory re
sults when proprely applied in this
qatSM i yi.
Last week "Bud" Betzold purchas
ed a quarter section of the J. A. Bax
t-r laud located northeast of the sec
tion the Greenwood cemetery is on
The deal was made thru the E. T
Kibble real estate agency.
J. J. Vance & Son have the con
tract Cor putting in sonic oeDMM
crossings for the city. This k
they arc working on crossings a-
cross Box Butte avenue on Second
ami Fifth streets.
P. B. Douuhoe of Bingham was. In
Alliance on business Monday and
Tuesday. He favlred The Herald of
fice with a call and ordered his name
placed on our growing list of Bing
ham subscribers.
hast week E. T. Kibble bought
thirteen and one-quarter acres o f
land of John Pilklngton in Duncan's
Adition. Within a few days he sold
It to Dr. J. P. .Maxfleld for one hun
dred dollars per acre. We are pleas
ed to learn that Dr. Maxfleld will
set out trees on this land and other
wise improve if and divide R Into
acre tracts to be sold for resideoic(
purposes. This land is beautifully
located just optatide of the cHy and
while the distance from the business
part of the town is too great to suit
some, It will be convenient, for those
who drive automobiles, and will be
for others some day when we havo
street cars running to that part o I
thJ city.
As will be seen by the advertise
ment of J. L. Winters, the barber
he Is KiviriK special attention t o
ladies' work, such as shampooing
massage, etc. Mrs. May Schultz has
been employed as ludy attendant.
At James Poimesfl's public sale
last Thursday stuff sold well. H
cept horses. Another indication that
the best place to sell horses Is at
the Alliance horse market, which
buyers attend for the purpose o f
purchasing horses and nothing else
Miss Alta Young "who attended the
mal meciiiiKs at S-oitshjufr re
turned home last week and had as
her guest until Tuesday, Miss Am
ber Jordan of Scottsbluff.
.li.-s Kstlier (iiau, Alio huH ---u
attendiug uoriuul here this summer.
'experts to return home Sunday noon
taking with her us guests at a house
puny given by Esther and her sls-
ter Ruth. Misses laira Vance. Paol
faM and Ruth Montgomery, .May N'a
t 99, Anna Bernhardt ami Alta
Lloyd E. Johnson came down from
Crawford last night on 42 He will
return on 41 Friday. He is employ
ed by the Crawford Hardware Company!
Takes First
in All
Prize at State
the Main
Home Saturday Noon
The Alliance Fire Department established a new record
at the tournament at Norfolk Tuesday, Wednesday and
J Thursday of this week by taking first place in all the main
I events in which they competed. It tfas a walk away for
; our boys and they clearly demonstrated their superiority
; over the rest of the teams. In the parade on the first day,
! Alliance won two second places, one in appearance and one
; in number of men. Tilden won first place by having the
I largest team, but that town is only a short distance from
' Norfolk, not over twenty-five miles.
The Alliance team will return Saturday noon. A large
', delegation of business men and others will meet them at the
! train and arrangements are being made to have the band
; lead the triumphal procession. A smoker will probably be
', given in the opera house Saturday night.
i Owing to the absence of Chief W. O. Barnes, Lewis
I LaraVae,"Who is assistant chipf, acted as chief fnrurentttliy,'
! "Jud" won the 250 yard run for all fireman in the remark -
' able time of 27 1-5 seconds, Hull and Keiser won the state
I championship for couplers, making five couplings in a total
of 6 3-5 seconds. They also won the fifty feet race and
; coupling by running the distance and making the coupling
', in 5 1-2 seconds.
Following are the records made by the Alliance Lam;
Straightaway, 250 yards, 20 2-5 seconds. Alliance first.
Regulation base race, 250 yards, 80 seconds, Alliance
Best apearing team, Alliance, second prize.
Largest taMS, Alliance, second prize.
Straightaway, 250 yards, 30 15 seconds, Alliance first.
Straightaway hose race, 250 yards, 34 3-5 seconds, Al-
I lianoe first.
Straightaway hose coupling race, 100 yards, 15 15 sec-
I onds, Alliance first.
State championship couplers, Hull and Kieser, 50 feet,
5 1-2 seconds, Alliance first.
State championship hose race, 34 1-5 seconds, Alliance
State championship for five couplings, total time
seconds, Alliance first.
250 yard run for firemen, "Jud" Laravae of Alliance
first in 27 15 seconds.
Second Monthly Auction Sale of
JULY 29 AND 30
onsisting of 600 Head Native Bred Stock
All classes of heavy stuff represented yearlings,
two-year-olds, three-year-olds, mares and colts,
dry mares, and a good number of broke horses
Our First Sale Being Something of an Experiment many Consignor
Did not Bring in their best Horses. We Have Assurances that bait
tar Stuff Will be Offered at this Sale.
Ins pectienree Shipment Guaranteed to any State
Sale as Advertised-No Postponement
The Wright Com. Co.
For Further Information Writ or Wire, EDGAR W. WILSON, ALLI
I. M. HAMPTON. Clrk F. I WRIGHT, Auctitnttr
First National link. AMiancs. Nlbf. StstUshrff. Nslr.
A Real Treat In Store for the
People of Alliance
and Vicinity
'-'h4V e - A
Admission 36c
leld Trio
Roy Donavan Falls from Horse and
Is Dragged or Kicked, to f
A sad accident oeeured this (Thuis
Uayl morning by which Roy. the thir
teen year old son of Mr. aud Mrs. M.
f, Donavan. lost hit) life, on the
ranch of his brother in Sioux county,
about fifty miles northwest of A 111
ajtee. The lo was riding horse
back driving cows. The horse turn
(l suddenly, throwing him off. His
foot caught In the stirrup and be
wm dragged about a hundred yard.
When ihose ho saw him hastened
to him they round that life was ex
Mnct. Word was telephoned to Alliance
and hiw parent hastened to the
avene of the acideot by automobile
The remains were brought to Alli
au :e, when the funeral will be held
from the home at 2 o'clock, Satur
day afternoon.
To 'he bereaved parents, brothers
and sisters The Herald wishes to
express deepest sympathy in this
time of great sorrow.
W. A. Coleman left last Friday for
Hay Springs where he went to do
carpenter work for Herman Peters.
He will be gone a month or more.
Vem Regester will go to Omaha
from Norfolk to transact business for
the firm of Zuru & Regester, cement
contra ters.
T. II. Heeson returned Tuesday
from Bridgeport, where he went to
meet the officials of the Nebraska
Telephone Company to consult with
them in regard to extensive improve
ments and extensions that are being
made in this part of the stae.
A. I). Weir arrived on 41 lust
Thursday morning from West Kork.
Ark . where he is now located. He
will In In this part of Nebraska u
bout a couple of weeks iitiendiug to
business matters. He reports that
Mrs. Weir and the boy are well.
C L Howell, who lives three miles
northeast of town, says that he has
never seen crops leukini; us good as
tiiey are now. He formerly resided
In the eastern part of the state, but
vouches the information that were
never to his knowledge, have crops
been as good there as Kiev ,ir. here
this year.
it is not! necessary for us to tell
Herald readers in this article that
the Alliance Chautauqua starts Wed
niSMlaf. August 7. You already
kWw the date, but you will want a
program of the entertainment and
we ure giving H below.
J. Alden Bumstead, former edu
cational secretary o2 a city Y M C.
A. and at one time connected with a
state railway commission, will be the
Chautauquu manager. The afternoon
progrum starts at 2:45 !" and
the evening program at 7:45 o'clock.
The Junior Chautauqua will be held
each day of the week under the di
rection of Miss Florence Hamilton.
Adult If purchused of the busi
ness men $1.50
Adult If purchased at Chautau
qua gate 2.00
Child . 1.00
Child Single Admission .. .. :15
Opening Kxenlss
Concert- The Nashville Serenatlers
!.eeture - Frank L 1-oveland
Admission 25c
i'reiude- Tbe NashvUle, Serenaders
An B vening of .Magic A I ouzo Moore
Admission 35c
I'relude The Klner Sisters
.Miss lithi-op
Let ture .'. Everist Cui hell
Admission 25c
Eve linq
Concert - The Rlner Sisters
Miss Lathrop
Character Delineations
Robert Man love
Admission '5c
I'relude it. ii. I... i SluglDg
t raj
IHture James O. Whiting
Admission 2,",
Eve. ii. 13
Au Kvening of Music aud KiUertain
nieut liunbur Singing OrcheMra
Admission :!5e
Aftet noo.i
imp, rial (iuards Hand
Alva M. Reitzel
Admission 35c
tlrand Com.rt Imperial Guards
Admission 50e
Aftet noon
PreJude-The Litchfield Trio
Sermon-Lecture Chancellor tleorge
II Bradford
Vesper Service
Admission 25c
Send your worn out at juts to the
Lincoln Hug Factory, Lincoln Nebr.
They will make them Into rugs for
the regular price and ay the freight
both ways. This offer is made rath
er than put a solicitor in the terri
tory ttVltn fnr i.ii... LW una .kl
tiling tags.
Hal wood
( kroa)
Lei 1 tut
Box Butte County topped the South
Omaha market Monday of this week
for grass cattle from Nebraska. K
leven head of steers that were ship
uod by Wm. bHleiice of .Mvuiingft.rd.
Bortl at 'fV.44f. inose atTPiH Averaged
1304 iiotmds Three of hia best rows
weighed 1106 pound h and sold a. 6.
50. These cattle were handtled b y
Tagg R rot here, the South Omaha
live stock commission agents who are
so well and favorably known In
northwestern Nebraska.
Malinda Squibs 1
Beginning July 22, all barber shops
will close week days at 7 p. m. and
Saturdays atf 10 p. m
Notice Is hereby given that tres
passing is positively forbiden on sec
tions 21,22,27 and 28, town 26, range
48, By order of the owner,
We soli-'it con situ ments of hor
colts and mules for our coming sale,
July 2!i und 30.
ti 2 1367
t f ! I H t '' 1 l 4
fOttice in Alliance Natiooal Bank Blk f
Over Posioffice.
'Phooe 391.
. ! I l t I I I 1 4
All Electrical Equipment
Evening by Appointment
Office Upstairs, First National Bank
Phone, Office 362
Phone, Residence 16
$100 Reward, $100.
rr Hill Ix- vtcawd U
Thr rrm. r ul thl u
tluti ilx'rt i at ltt drw
tutu Im-vu utile lu ruiv iti .til
CsUrrh. Hall a CaurrS Oil
cure now known to tlx- uw-Ot
K.-IUS a .joatllutional o,-..
thaial tri-atnaail. Hall s Cat
tf-rnally. actinic ilpcctly uiaai
urfaiy ot tin- avuiciu. U
tuuudatai ol the dumar.
atfr.'Ktb by biuMni up tl
ln uature la doiua: H nuca
I' irn
bat Is
One llunilred
cure. Send l
drirvas V .
mM hv all
laac ILw i
,.n raaa that It tails to
CO.. ToavaVj. (k
(or tonvtipatluii.