Gives all the ne vs of Box Butte Couttty and Citv of Alliance The Alliance Herald VOLUME XIX ALLIANCE. BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA i THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1912 Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in Western Nebraska. NUMBER 29 Mrs. Hoy Strong Is week at the home of father, .lohiii Strong, at rtamag 'his Mr Strong's Lakeelde. Mrs. Ire. Rentfro and eon of Bing ham were in Alliance last week, com ing to consult a phyelt tan for the 'boy. Mra. Jno. Kovarnik of neighborhood has gone several da ye' artay in St. 9mm, the Marple home after Joseph Hos- Mr. and Mrs. Everett Kldred were a part of the Garden county visitors to the big stockmen's convention this year. R. II. Stevens and wife, of Ells worth, were in Alliance Monday to give their little three weeks' old son medical treatment. Mrs. m. L. Hums of Bridgeport came in on :!04 Monday for a few daya' visit With Alliance friends. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Hasunian are rejoicing over the arrival of a fine Utile baby girl who recently ame to make her home with them. Mrs. f, M. C.ilbaugh of Binahani, who lias been in St. Joseph Hospital for several day haw gone to h e r liome much improved in. health. MUw (trace tJeiael whose home is in Harnisburg, Pa., arrived in Alli ance last Thursday for a. week" vWt with her aunt, Mrs II C. Smith The delivery wagon o!' the Alli ance Steam Laundry has been treat ed to a new- coat, of paint which . ives it a mare city-fied nppenivinct . Sam Nelson, who is a former res ident of Alliance and who now live at Genoa, Nebraska, was In our city during the Stockmen's convention. Mr. Nelson ks a talented band lead er and he says he has a fine band in Geniaa. Before i lie Stockmen's convention. Landlord H A. Bowman of The Drake made a canvass of private houees for reservation for lodgings for his nu st , anticipating that they would have more than could be accomodated at the hoi el. He wifthew to thank thoie w'io so kindly helped him out of the emergency. Mrs S. I). Watson returned to her home at Spade, Nebr., Monday. She ia one of Sheridan county's teachers and had been attending Junior Nor mal at Alliance. It. was necessary for her to go home on account o f her daughter's being called East, as mentioned in another item. Mrs. W. R. Harper left Tuesday night for Ienver, from which place she win go to Monte Vista. t!olo., her former home, for a visit with friends. After spending a few weeks in Colo rado she will gx to Chioano to order a. fall stock of milli'nery and secure the services of an expert milliner. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. rlUftVM and daughter Maude, of Lakeside, were ;i'iii ii; Hi:- unmix r who came in on 4:: last Friday. While in the ::y Mr. Hughes favored The Herald with on.' of his periodical calls for the pur pose of leaving some ci"h on sub scription and seeing how this advo ca'e of progressive democracy waa gelling gtong. R. T. Watson received a telegram Mcnday morning informing him tha his mother MM very low and not ex pet ted to live long. He left on 44 that day for St. John. Mich., to be at iris mother's bed side before the end came if possible. Hla niece. Miss Virginia Watsen, of Spade, had previously re eived word by letter of her grandmother's illness and took the train for the east at Ellsworth on Saturday. Nick Vethulsus, who was operated on for appendct itis a few weeks ago, at St. Joseph Hospital, is making a good recovery and will soon lie out again. advertisements in The don't forget the little Head the Heiald. and "want lie's". doubt you will find something them that will interest you. In Mr.-. Belle Brown sablli'Ted to an operation at St. Joseph Hospital on Tuesday morning from whih she is making a rapid recovery, for which her many friends are very grateful. Sister Winifred, who underwent a very serious operation some days a go a.t St. Joseph Hospital, is getting along splendidly at this time, which vi I be good new s for her many frien Is. Gecrge Smith from the Hubble I' ll is in town for a ft w days be ing treated for some bad cuts on his hand and arm as a result of Cf.4BiH ID contact with a barbed wire fence while riding John H Harvey of ISiiighani has besn in Alliance for a few day re ceiving medical treatment for a bad ankle which will require considerable tiTTie and pa ietK to restore to nor mal again. Mrs. H. A. Bowman left Sunday for Dead wood, where she went t o attend the commencement exercts, -of the training school for nut of St. Joseph's hospital, from which her daughter, Miss Mar1' Bowiuun, graduated. Miss Bowman has been urged to locate in Alllan-e to follow tin. ,,." t' Mti4 A ,10 U t t Citl llllPU.i i.t.ok I heui OVer. p,i - iarA HiitK.,,! In-nio i -he will rrcbahly do s:). 0 pick which feed K. I. Gregg Son have a and span new delivery wagon thev out into service in their business the first of the week. H was ordered through Newberry's Herd ware Co. Among the advertisements crowd ed out of last week's Herald was Ihwit nf Clavior A: Simmons.' harber sho; and b-ttli house. It apt-ears in CUm ifisue. Read it and aire Hum a call h"ii wawMflU iriythinu in 'ieir Viie. Simonson. who makes ma on ttie simojison rauen i - got mixed up in runaway the day and as u rt suit is cmuineti bed with more or less urijurw Mr horns Bella, ;th( r ,t h- c-f a ISTloua hoi: eft nature, but no broken Mr. I'ick.ral of Spade, Nebraska, Went to his home on Tnesdav lollow llig a two weeks' ft ay in St' Joseph Hospital where he underwent an op erandi for hernia. He has many to say lor those who ear- while in the hospital. kind words ed for him Friends of this paper can confer a favcr upon it by favoring with their patron ge those who favor us with advertiseinen.'s. We believe that as rale you will fare better by trad ing with the business nun who ad riise thru their home nt w -paper thin by doing business with those who do not. Generally thoi;? who are liberal enough to u-e newspaper advertising as a In Ip in building up a good trade are liberal enough to give you a square deal when patron lzi.ig them t The mini-are! how given uuder direction of Mrs. J. T. Wlker at the optra house last Saturday n'.ght for the benefit of St. Jo?jdi's Hospital was a pronounced succets, and was splendidly recelA'ed by the large au dience in attendance. The Hej-ald had previously given notice of the entertainment and had intended to publish the program In the iasue pre ed'ne th ggrfaWBiMWft b'tt Bke n number of other things whlh we w;-hed to print last week it wa.-i crowded out. Rev. and Mrs. A L. (iodfrey are spending a three or four weeks' a at ion Very pleasantly among rela tives and other friends at Albia and Sigouniey, Iowa. They left Allian-e on tneir trip last weeK. nuring nev. iQodfrey'a ihtsnoi there win be no preaching service at the United I'res byterlai churcli. Sunday si hool and Wednesday evening prayer meellng will be held as usual, as will be I M by txWMlMMI our d'-partnrat of . hfurch snnounceoM nis. We wish id ca'.l parti ular aiti.i ion to the notice of deiiication of the new Lutheran church at Alliaave nixt Monday, as win iWn by the al lele published ii :h:j i si '. there will be three services. The morir.ig and ex ning s Tvie: -. will !:j (i ntu.ted in (ierman, but the at : rM n i 'iviee will be ia Hag -h. No doubt mauy KeraM readen wImi CMHMM a t. -ad the uiorning and fsreo ing servw will be glatl to stl m4 he afterncon servi .-., to Which th ' will be lieartily t 'tun id, M al-. to the. German s ni is if they wi-h (i ;ntend them albO ante Meat Market. 20 Box Butts avenue, has made It necessary for the manager, C. E. Phillips, to se cure additional help. Kd. HembOM yf Rushville. who has worked at the butcher's trade situ e ;t hoy. w :i s highly recommended to Mr. Phillips, accordingly he made an effort to se cure his service, and fortunately suc ceeded. Mr. Hembold arrheel last week and took hio pda in the shop, where he is giving excellent satisfac tion. Mrs. Hembold ami little girl will arrive next week and will make their home 1n this city, rooms, hav ing been rented of M. Bayer for a realdence. The Herald Is pleased to extend a cordial welcome to Mr. Hembold and family. During the Stockmen's convention Mr. rid Mm. Peter Gergen of Craw ford .ere guests of their former next door aeighbors, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Johnson, who accompanied them up on their return home, remaining In Crawford over Sunday. Mr. Gergen is connected with the International Harvester Co. He was transferred from Alliance to ttheyenne about a year ago, and from there to Craw ford. Two automobile loads of Crawford itee atttnded the Stockmen's conven tion. They were Mr. and Mrs. Iease, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Thorsen, Mrs. Mam I It on, Mr. anil Mrs. J. A. Peter son, and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gergen and ilaughter Druciel. A third auto mebile load headed this way from Crawford, but were so captivated oy the seen. iv along the route that they failed to reach Alliance. After driv ing around the country between t bi s city and Crawford they returned hour:. The Herald Is pleases! to learn this afternoon of the improved condi tion of Mrs. M. P. Nason, who has been In a critical condith n for -several days at St. Joseph Hospital, where she underwent an operation fer cancer. Wni. King now has the finest au tomobile ever. It is a $:!,000 Nation al, same make and same style as the car that won first in Che big nati aal rCf ivrently held at In lian.ipo.lis. it arrived on Tuesday of this week and w as at once put into coil mission. A. If. and Clair B. Wilson, father and son, came over to Alliance fr.jin their Sheridan county raneh the lar- tt r part c.t last week on business, a part of wliiii was having some printing done at The Herald ofjicf While here Mr. Wilson, Jr.. pur !h I ed a new Flanders automobile cf .las. Heeler, the agent. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Watson were visitors to the Stockmen's onven tion. To the pleasure of attending the celebration they added tha! of a visit with Alliance friends, o 1 Whom they have a large DTjmher. A. D. Weir is in town ttxlay on his way to Kansas City, where he will join Mrs. Weir, and from there go to their home in Arkansas. Mr. Weir informs The Herald that his public sale yesterday went off splen didly. Things sold lively and the live stock espetially brought good prices. John King, youngest son of Win. King,' who has been attending school In Denver for the past several years, returned to Alliance last week. John has made quile a it. -nl in base ball at the college where he aUftre'.etl, ijl fn"-T he has ben offered a posi ",on with the Denver team of the ( tera Uartftts. a re-en. leatM of the Denver Post gave him quit a boost, his photograph being print ed in the paper together with a rec ord of his base ball prowess, has not yet decided whether he play ball this summer or not. Looks Like Champ Clark Missouri Statesman in Lead for Dem ocrstlc Nomination for President of the United States GAY NOR LIKELY DARK HORSE We had hoped to give our rentiers the name of the democratic nominee i for president in this Issue, but not bin' tloin '. The convention adjourned till 1 tonight without having made nomina lCfcft On the content over temporary chairman, W. J. Bryan was defeated 1) the election of Judge Alton B. Parker; but since the election of temporary chairman they have been offering Mr. Brynn tin a silver plat ter everything that comes up for decision. The Herald would be pleased o see them offer him nomination for president again the JUNIOR NORMAL ENROLLMENT List of Names by Counties, Arranged Alphabetically Below we give a list of those en rolled for the- Alliance Junior Nor mal so far this year, a total of 145. This liat does no; Include s 'veniteen who attended the i mm y i:i- . itute bat ditl no! enroll for the Junior Normal. Including thes the to i. enrolled for Imth its 162. In the following list the largest number is from Box Butt county, of cciirse, the number being seven ly- elght, aUitle mora then one-half of Mie total Morrill i-ounty collies sec- end with a splendid list of twenty seven. Cheyenne and Seottsbliiff counties tie for third place, with nine each. Banner County 1 Esther Palm. Box Bjtte Caunty 78 iiazei Beanatt, ai Biirkholder, Opal l-awrt:. e Beck, Neva Nell e BrOWS, Mrs. G. M. Real Estate at a Bargain I have farm and city property to sell at a bargain Out- 2 story luism.'ss building on Box Butte avenue- $f00 will bundle this: balance on easy terms. this. FOR SALE Two bouses on Ktii Second Street H00 will bandle One bouse in West Lawn. Price $700. Easy payments. ne : room bouse, Duncan's Addition. Price $1200. One homestead. 7." to 100 tons of bay. All under fence. FOR RENT Two (i room bouses. si;i a month One 4-room bouse, 11. n' 10-room, model n. !;10. each. W. S. Ridgell PHONE 677 Sheridan County 4 Helen Mnyvou. Kibe Sheffner, Mrs. S. I Wateon. Besete Wintermute. Sioux County 1 Matilda Noretacta. Miscellaneous S Mr. H. H. Keiiuuiid. Cam Co.,' Ma TrneMlale, Witfhena, Kans.; Mre. C. M Walton. W'ahoo, Nebr.; Dorca Zum Hit. linen, Kirtley, Wyoming; Nt He llakiT. HlHinKH, Montana. PUBLIC LIBRARY Liberal Donations of Books and Per iodical Publications for Use of The Public A GOOD EXAMPLE FOR OTHERS UKI'OHT HI THK COMIITION OP The First National Bank I'llAIITKH No -(, i Alliance, hi tin- Stuie iheelnm it buslnnm, of Nebruitkii. bine 4. 1S URUnl'Hi'KA: I,e:ins mill iliiu-oiintt He will Manager 0, c Smith ot Hi' M" Mice Steaai l.auutlr haa beea inak fcin i me kokprovenienta 'hat will be a i,, ip In li indlmu the lare bOI I tif that establiiibment. The ... k L ilJ ilrv room ha neeu leiuaeti Ity a n 'W ne of the hit i -t lern 111 la ;:ies lllt'iu 3 111 I if .A..1..( 4JOtl ill.L uoihu "f I JO rfiumi ni o; . - .Mfiy t-' I m Mtaoq Hujuiooi a ib ma u nu.w r.ui udi umi .'is oau.iHi.) jo uoi()i -li i 'Hii'M s.iv .m ; ... , i p M sdja uy MT U JHiioq BlpJk u u .j4y jmu punoj BMBOM nO(J jmaui .t(X . .. H. ALFALFA MAXIMS (By Prf. L. R. Waldron) Alfalfa must be inot ulated. Alfalfa cannot at and wet feet Haifa Reed a well dra'm tl xol". Aliaira s a p.vjr w. eu nsn-er iiie t : . iiion. Alfa'fii ih 1 not thrive wli'n not t-L-; . Airalfa t. . h in Alfalfa 1.1 h' N licultl Moon. should a. son. be cut Vaen tne ntit b; cm wo late fKI flojr - Jia. Kirk . aul more rtwrni improved ui o r Cw their M . Wa'.iera ho hag a 1 1 . u i sul ehnin near Hinxham was in Alliance ,,'i buataeaa Tuewlay and 'e-iliie- She came from CMb 0 '" N' 4ra.-ka abmii 'i eara a;o fm the null i.'-i- ot .. urinu a action of I'n cle Sam's ilomaUi. Thin wa;s her Mrat in to Alliance tince filing tai her Vt.u n . rl tiic It. a ti th? t --I nt ill in th 4 ! QUI Meat ':irl) U th al la.-t RtMeJi '.er of t h' r. w a'lv Ifi M Ui of The Herald tf Maiktt. of whivh J. propr'etor. H . el n oi week for the pan ha.-e -f in ai in irW.t, utir hwi nt Bei Mui : jivi a a- al I rootK ko tU-'ep. la the pilinjij ii -t-ds a deep. hist on of ilrtnmhl well packed manured harte of ' he n, .ir. ilub Fourth .-tit :, I ik..i aar.1'. tbturd a'".-: r . . si one of tn jtroiir irrn -:i nt li ik Barb J;b a M f 'a: 1- . vh' i had a bin; rds whi' 't 4i ii in He in tn t iia' ii will follow the same buaineM pi .in -pit - (hit mide llial Biarkst i pi -id'ar, : ely. a bin Hade by xeil- ;nv; on small mancim. The Krowiuti bualne of the Alli- is lies' seeip-d uitnout a be h edetl with a Alfalfa Airalfa reiiutMV. Alfa'.ra - l iH-tl Alfalfa ill. Alia If. i n M rop. Alfi'.lfa Mhcxlil .lull Alfa If si h' uhl not 1 w ii . I abl ndletl. Alfalfa ahould not be paatured (he apriiiK, h-n starting growth Alfalfa hi ards , ;t and paya the priiileae. Alfa It i adil humus to the soil. stal plows hard. sod produces good crops yielda art large. hay represent quality. be pastured uu for Alfalfa Alfalfa Airalfa Uaflta Alice Acheron, it e Hauer, (Jract Hurkholdei llreu iman. Burn.'i, Verity Ittjyer, BlfcatM 'h Cal kins, LouIk Calkins, Mamie Calkins, Menit Chaffee, Mabel 'olerick, Paul Campbell, A lies Delsinn, K in in a Doyle, Klsie Daly, DeTOM Diekio 8ci), HMna Don.jvan. Caroline Dickin on. Orviile Davenport, Katie Krei ninth. Julia Kratikle, Mailse Crahajn, Kthel i rah am. Marjorie Oilman, A dah Hill, Delia llolaten, l.ura Haw ki -s, Violet Hadlt y, Arra Heath, Asa Hubbel, Kthtl H mhry, F a y lletiihry, Honnie llaaman, BettlM rm n. Mffinr, .HaWiur. II ael Hick ey, Attl" HttDMkeri l.rnn riowi'l Iv u.- n, Z. H. Jen- v. Botow Jaw - Grace Johut an, Ratph Johmon, ste' la K'ster, Viole; Kernr. fly, Elsie l.eaviit, Alforetta Laiiion. Charlotte UollridC, I'aui ne MontcomefTi Leone Hal Very, Bvalyn MeBonwjr, i I Mounts. Marirn Mole, Kyrne, J. V. Mollrina, May Na'lon. Nettie Nation, AtBaOtftt Nabb, Tluresa ()' Dotwcll, Helen I'utiiiiiu, Mra. W. It. hate, li nc R'.e. Kloren Halls, Al ma Ku-i'lilii i".'. r, Hazel Stuckey, Nell Shi: .vsbuiy. Kretl Swiji. y. BMBM Tash. Nell Tash. Je-Me Ta!tr. Net tie I'hrig. MatUe Workman, Kva Wil son, Merle WdHvr, Klvli-a Wlliam .. Cherry County 4 Ih n n '.e Dorroimli. Muirl Horro auh, l.aan PreC . Marnuer'.tt Stewart. Cheyenne County 9 Claiice Halm, A J. Hibauil. J II I'.irdw.ll, (.oren-e DugKer, A n n a Ke iit. Hanna Heiarit lis, I4MIM Jtihu n. n, Julia It liu. Hertha Sp - km ll Dawes County 4 O'.ive Harris, lah l.tflnona, M,n la U1SS1I, Opha IjCOMMM Garden County 1 Maude Meiffit. Hooker County 2 Miry Cooley, II A. Cowan. Morrill County 27 Mamie Acker. Flo Hrennali, I .eon a nnouelt, I H Hall. IMwartl Krubak er, Ktlna Ik'aucliuiiip. Kxiher Clark lunula Covah, Maud iH-kault, Myrtle Orooms. Kaiher tilau. Helen Cruhaui. I. ma Ooodmau. Nellie Hanna. le-.-ie K tup. (i. V. Korell. Min Haittie Kulil. Stella Lawivnce. .Maurice Mitofaell, Tbuiea Mooref Hd. Cee-tlkt Milk. Qraee Neiahlairs. Wiie O' Neal. Crecii s heuit l eii.uht tlfflora, Aliiiry Wh'iaker. Bertha Vanstfta. Scottsbiuff County 9 Helen lie et, ti. Opal Bowen, Mar garet l-tah. Vira Horn. Sadie Horn, Kl:renre Johnson. Leone Noiile. An toineil. elands. Uutli jjtou. The book committee of the Public Library wiahea to gratefully acknow ledge the receipt of the booka and periodicale liatetl below. "Saturday Evening Poat", "Chica go Record HeTald", and "In the Am azon Jungle", preaen by the I. O. ) K. Christian Science Monitor and Journal", presented by the ladies ef th Christian .Science Churcli. "Homance of. the Colorado Klver", pr. sen ted h the B. of L I, and L. K The folio wing books pre lent ed by the Degree ot' Honor Ixidge: "ITtnce of India' , Wallace: ' IVler "v SmUh ; "Truxton King", MtCuteheon; "The HU". NorHe; "Ben Blair", Lilli- britlge; "The Stowaway Olrl", Trary; C'TeBS of the Storm Country", White; tfair at the Inn", Wiggins; "Quia I cy Adams Sawyer' , I'idgln; "Kreck j les", POtteTl "Two Uum Saxagea", t ise-wOU. FORDS SELL FAST tordlug to the Dewdwc-d I'lo n -TrTTT a car Itwd of Kord auto BtMN received by the agent at that place were soltl ou- l.umetiiately and an her ear ltwd ordered at n.r e Th-re were "pven autoa la the laed. I ivertlruftx. siTiircil ami uiiM'i'iireil -irr i I). H. Ixnitls tti wn'ure -Irt'tilatlon . : 00c f H. Koudxto secure II. S.ipoxitii mi KmikliiK house, fiirnliiire iintl Hn- , lures lO.tKJtMK Due from iisiimiHl lutnkx unit rexerve aveiilsi ti..K, :4 line friim SI ate anil Pi Ume Hsiikxanii pan Tenet Companies, ami Saving . Haiika ......'., l.ittl Hue from upprot ed nuefTe agents....... i.a44S I 'hecks mill otheressli Items 411 KM-liwageefori It-xrlns-HoiiKs 4TO40 N of other uutiiill iranks. 4.iir:,uo I rn.-lloiml wper I'lirreui'y, nickels siid cents n, Ian mi, JHSIKT Hk.srkvk im lltsk -11!: i ''.' 9:mss: I.. .Hi I. le, i s .tM, t'uii mid .-.lull! ciiKnge o.",il r. Kxdemptlon fund wlih r. t I n ssiiri-i i .- i-ent of i-lrealaUcMH Total I m tw t.v;i :i-.m i i ean.i ties: i. i i.i In t unlliil iloi'k Murnitts fluid I'milvliled uriiHIx. lesHev pen-ten u ml luxes "i al National Inn. I. notes mil sUtntlliig Uu i other Mul l llankx. fa.019 to Due io Mine in, PrlwiiH liuok mill llunkris, 4,74 ?u Intiirldiiiil deptMltx .,,1, lees to chtx k -aM M llemuml iTi t Iriiuites of i,- utwll ... 4,01;, x I 1111 -r ill. a ! . of i,.,,,s H.I. Jiih (ti l ulled Stales (lc-lls l UOnim TlltHl llfpMlll.S rK'.niiii ot .xi.ihki ' .'41 84 4H.MIC W T"U'I IKIX'I is STATK iK NKIIKASKA I 1 'utility of Box Untie. I " LS. K. Wxrrl.k. ( ashler of tbr utiot v niimetl bunk, no solemnly swear H al the above StateWSWl Is irom m tin. l-st of mv knowledKe ami la Ii. i s K. llltii k. t thkl . Ckhhicct Allexl: I B As. K. Kokii. , it. M. 11 1 wni larotiofsj r. .1. v I Satassrlbed mm swore u day of June. I'.'i .'. lii foM- tills,t NOTICE TO HOTEL PATRONS The Drake Hotel has U-'Ui- the order of their Hereafter reg ular dinner vi!l be nerved from 6 to k p. ill. and lunch at 110011, with HlC .x.cpMoi. thai on Sundav will Vive regular dinner 11 n :on. W iukitt your preset, e. Klmlly re scue tab!-. 4 early in th w -k. 21M ISM (SKAI.l 1 1 UBMI Ul llToS. Xolary PuMIt-. A. J. KENNEDY DENTIST lOtoce in Alliance National Hank Uk l!s5 J'cstoffie. 1 i.ite 91. T :1"l M 1: I t -V -r7 .-' 4 Curtis Bent and at K. I. (ircga Ar (i. i h's Best Sou h Bvery tio.ll sack Kuarantei d j' 1 1 1 348 All k II I' ll! sit 11, lU I'll;. lie 155. I'hot.e IM. Dr. J AS. P. r.AXVlELl Dentist OVER BRE'NNAN S DRUG ST. ORE. All electrical F.quipment Evenfgs by Apoiiitnient y HONE r"& RED i Cf feed. 1 ii; iuall'.lty K L Oregg ei Son s IV4. L.W. B0V4VN Two rooms for t he st ret s.ore. I'hone 1 ;: tf-i::t4 linht ho is. keeping 1 r o in liarlliiK'f Offivj Upstairs. First National 9an Building S- Phone. Offifj Phone, ResitJ MERCHANDISE :tks of prui t rlwi ALLIANCE. I NHC m fcASKA or d r s-ootls io e. hang' for real property. Write for full particulars. U. S Bt est im in ci New York l.fe ithla , Katwea city. Mo tM-UM YOUNG MEN'S BIBLE CLAfjS The Y. M. B. S. C will at the home of Jay Van.e on Kriday v,iu ua. June -S'i, All t.Min; uu-n lnereatd ill the aerloua study of the Bible are cordially lnlted to attend. Don thai sre isuuT bm we jtai iwxj lafn