C, B. & Q. Time Table Jan. 14, Effective commencing 1912, Mountain 'I'm Eattbound Arrive Leave No. 42 Daily 12:13am 12:45am No. 44 Daily 12:50pm 1:10pm Westbound Arrive Leave No. 41 Daily, Edgemont, Black Hills, Billings, 3:55am 4:19am No. 43 Daily, Edgemont, Bill ings, 12:30pm 12:50pm Southbound Arrive Ieave No. 301 Daily, Bridgeport, Denver, 12:35am Wo. 303 Daily, Bridgeport, Denver; dally except Sunday, Guernsey 1:10pm From South Arrive Leave No. 302 Daily 3:20am No. 304 Daily 11:30am P08T OFFICE DIRECTORY EDUCATIONAL MATTERS School Calendar and Suggestions to School Officers by the State Sup erintendent of Public Instruction SOME VALUABLE INFORMATION portlonment of state school funds, nnd state aid. 'Patient endurance at tninet h all things." Longfellow. Malls close at the Alliance post office as follows, Mountain time: East Bound 12-2fl n m. for train No, 44. 11:00 p. m. for train No. 42. West Bound 12:20 p. m. for train No. 43. 11:00 p. m. for train No. 41. South Bound 12:20 p. m. for train No. 303. 11:00 p. m. for train No. 301. On Sundays and holidays all night mails close at 6:00 p. m. instead of 11:00 p. m. IRA E. TASH, P. M. MALARIA headache, biliousness, in digestion, rheumatism, pimples, blotches, yellow complexion, etc., are all signs of poisons in your blood. These poisons should be driven ottt, or serious illness may result To get rid of them, use Thedford's" Black-Draught the old, reliable, purely vegetable, liver medicine. Mrs. J. H. Easier, of Spartanburg, S. C, says : I had sick headache, for years. I felt bad most of the time, I tried Thed ford's Black-Draught, and now I feel better than when I was 16 years old." Your druggist sells it, in 25 cent packages. Insist on Thedford's Feb. Feb. Feb. ad-Un- to Officers When tiif hands are ime&red and stained with a tfivas.y, grimy OOSt Of oil, soot, dust and dirt rub on a little Crystal Ash and 866 how quickly they an1 cleaned and softened again. Pure, effectual and beneficial to the' akin, Sold in handy revolving top can. PRICE, 25c AGENTS WANTED Manufactured by J. S. GEORGE LONG LAKE, NEBR. For sale in Alliance at The Fair Store 1 fff p Subscribe I tram Wo AV 18 . The Herald is in receipt of a pamphlet from the state superin i' mli'iit Of public insi nicl ion ent It led, "School Calendar and Sugges lions to School OflkJSM." AS there are so many of The Herald renders who are interested in the matter contained In this pamphlet, we are pleaded to publish the same below: School Calendar, 1912 "Do right and fear not." Hruce Parnea. Jan. I. New Year's day. Jan. 15-20. Short courses for boys and girls, State University Farm, Lincoln.. Jan. 19-20. Regular examination for teachers' certificate. 12. Lincoln's birthday. 22. Washington's birthday. 26-29. Department of Superin tendence, St. Louis, Mo. Begin to test seed corn. March 1. Anniversary of the mission of Nebraska to ion. Oregon Trail program. March 15-16. Regular teSShSfS' ex aminations. March 21 22. Eighth grade examin ations. March 27-2!. District teachers' as sociations. April 4-7. District teachers' associ ations. April 20. Special teachers' exainin-atiois. April 22. Arbor day and Hird day. April 25-26. Eighth grade examina tions. May 9-10. Eighth grade examina tions. May 17-18. Regular teachers' ex aminations. May 18. Peace day. May 30. Decoration day. June. Fifteen days previous to an nual meeting (June 24), post notices of annual meeting. On or before second Monday In June (June 10), written applt cation to county superintend ent for free high school priv lieges for ensuing year. Oi. or before June 17, state sup eiintendent makes state up portlonment. On or before last Monday in June (June 24), secretaries of normal training high schools report to state superintendent. At or before annual meeting (June 24) application to coun ty superintendent for transfer for school purpose. jhMM 14. Flag day. June 14-24. Census to be tak.'ii. June 24. Annual meeting, (a) Election of officers, lb) Determine length of term for ensuing year, (c) letermine amount of money required. 1 I ) For maintenance the en suing year tnot to excee 1 25 milts). (S) For free high school fund. (1) For building, purchase, or lease of school house where no bonds are voted, (d) Provide for contracts with neighboring district and transportation of pupils. .Inn -4-July 4. Report of director to county superintendent Mist ritt officers file nccepi.m. es July 8-in. National Bducetion ASfO-ciatlon. 4. Independence day. s. Meg inning of new school year-New officers take pos session. On or before second Monday in July state suierintendeirt ap pcrtions money for normal t raining high schools. Special teachers' exam inations. Repair school house Cut weeds. Aug :: Schoolhouse cleaning day. Report of county suierinte ndent to sta'e superintendent . s.jit .' Laker dejr, Sept. KdU'ational exhibit. Slate Fair. Anulicatlon of hiah school for approval under free high school law. Sept. I, BttSgested date for open iug all nine months terms of whool. Oct 12. Cchunbu-s clay. Oct. IS Library day On 01 before Octolter 14, coun ty superintendent e-erlifles to state superintendent amount of slate aid required. 6-8. Nebraska State Teach ers' Association. Omaha. 15-16. Regular teachers' eX aminat ions. 28. Thanksgiving day. lb. Christina day. e- ::u On or before December ' tttate superintenclein makes ap- Si'ggestions to Schoo To School Officers: The future life of our nation de pends on the character of the BOSS and girls of today, and more cle Settle on the home lif and school life In building (his character than most people are ready to admit. During the past forty five year we have been building up a great stale, financially. All this lime we iMVe done much to increase the ef ficieney of our schools through the building up of a great high school system, the establishment of four state normal schools, and one great untverslty. These are the pride of our citizens and the wonder of neighboring states that are pattern ing after us. Great praise is due the men and women who have thus accomplished so much. In establish ing these schools the rural Schools have not been forgotten, but they have not progressed so rapidly The course of study for the olenicniary schools has been the meant of mak ing a graded system for our rural schools second to none In the Unit ed States. All this has been secured through the activities of the teachers and school officers who have so SSfSMSl ly devoted a portion of their lives to the great work of laying a founda tion for one of the greatest edUCJ Hernial structures on the face of the earth. In visiting the country schools in different parts of the state I find excellent work being done, a great improvement in the preparation of the teaching force, in the equipment of the schools, and in the general sanitary conditions. The old fashioned schoolhouse In many parts of the state has been replaced by a commodious modern building, well equipped, well venti lated, heated and lighted, set in grounds beautified with appropriate trees and shrubbery, with sufficient space devoted to playground pur poses. This improvement may be come more general by a united ef fort on the part of the teachers, school officers, county superintend ent, each doing his jmrt to raise the efficiency of our schools. There Is another interest that is needed to accomplish the greatest good, and that is the hearty cooperation of the pOtTOM of the schools In calling your attention to the above items, members of school boards, 1 am In hopes that you will be active during this spring an;! summer, up until the time of the annual meeting, in arousing public sentiment to such an extent that all the patrons of the school will be present to urge a school for t In coming s:hool year that will he spok en of as an "id call school." We do not wish a revolution of the schools, but we do desire ba t r results for the money spent to iu.mii tain them. The course of study is good probably as good as has been pub lished, but it is not ye. well bal anced- One-fourth of the time test is spent in the schools should be devoted to the vocational sidf of life, so that all boys pad girls Who could do a few things so well that sanitation deserves special attention at the hands ,.i .-very teacher and school officer, for good health Is necessary to the right development of our chilclr. n. Just now In nearly every country school one or more pupils are preparing for the eighth grade examinations, looking forward to entering an approved high school next fall under the provisions ol the free high school law. Lend such pupils your interest and sup port. Tiy your hearty co-operation In these and other school matters you will be an active factor In making Post school stand out prominently in the state For any informal ion thai you can not secure from your county super intendent directly, please feel free to write the state department, and we will be pleased to assist in ev ery way possible. On points of law always consult your county snperln tendents first as they are near at hand and are well informed as to your needs, and are anxious to as sist you in making your schools first -( lass. Yours for the best possible school for our boys and girls. JAS. K DEIiZWLL, State Superintendent. NEBRASKA STATE FAIR List of Superintendents, with Post Office Addresses, Appointed for State Fair, 112 A GOOD STRONG ORGANIZATION QsBSrsl, Win. Foster. Lincoln. C.uards, C. J. Tracy, Ixnip City. Transportation, L. L. Linerson, Lincoln (fa'es, George Jackson, Nelson. Tic'kcts, E. Z Russell, Mlair. Amphitheatre, B. it. Puroell, Mroken How. Coliseum, Chas. draff, Bancroft. Auditorium, W. W. Cole, Nellgh, and W. Z. Taylor, Culbertson. Automobile Hall, C. II. Oustafson Mead. Me rcantile Hall, Z. T. LeHwlch, 8t Paul. Fruit, Clyde Barnard, Table Rock. Floral, Louis Henderson, Omaha. Fish Exhibit, W. J. O'Brien, Gretna. Sanitation, J. H. Taylor, Waterloo Hands and Attractions, J. E. Ryan 1'idianola. Class. "A" Horses, B. M. Woleotf I'almer. Class "B" Cattle, K. U. Dnnielson Osceola. Cias "C" Swine, L. W. Leonard i'awnee City. Class "!)" Sheep. W. C. Caley Crotch ton. Class "Br Poultry, A II. Smith, Lin sola. Class "F" Agri. Products, Wn lames, Dorchester. Class "G" Dairy, Jacob Sass, dial co. Class "II" DoiiK'sti Products, Mrs II A. Maloney, Madison. Class "I" Bees unci Honey, K. Whit comb. Friend. Class "J " Women's Dept., Mrs. ( L. Mansfield, Lincoln. Class "K" Fine Arts, Mrs. Boss I Curtice, Lincoln. Class "L" Educational, Anna V. Day, Line oln C!a- "M" Machinery. W. M Ban ning. I n ion. I lass "J" Specials, Chas. Mann, liaclron. July July ClStS "S" Speed, los Sheen, coin. Class "S" Speed Clerk, H sen, Beat rice. Liu Bic CURE YOUR KiONEYS Alliance Sufferers Should Take Further Risk No Denton's Variety Store THE PLACE FOR BARGAINS Cheapest Store in Town WE HAVE A BIO STOCK OF Household Articles, Novelties, Candies, Post Cards, etc. CALL AND SEE 313 Box Butte Ave. Alliance, ISebr. estic H6E R E PUT AT ION! K in case of serlou Illness, you wouldn't call In any old doc- W$' J tor, but would get the best doctor you knew of, The Doctor fl with a Reputation, the doctor that has shown hie worth by U years of good honest service. Then why buy nny old range, when you can get The Great jjjg Pj Majestic, The Range with a reputation a reputation won by xjjfl years of constant, honest and economical service. Dj A The Majestic is made right OF NON-BREAKABLE MALLE Mr J ABLE IRON, and RUST-RESISTING CHARCOAL IRON. All 3 alfi parts of the Majestic are riveted together (not bolted) practic- M. yJ ally alrtlght- no cold enters range or hot air escapes, thus bak- tng perfect with about half the fuel used in a range that is bolt- Qfe ed and pasted together with stove putty. The All-Copper Movable Reservotr on the Majestic is ab- fflL M solutely the only reservoir iworthy of the name. It heats 15 gal- WB J Ions of water while breakfast is cooking, and when water bolle F m it can be moved away from fire by simply shifting lever. U Call at our store and let us Show you why the Majestic Is IfP absolutely the best range on the market. L M Your neighbor has one ask her. All styles and sizes. I I. L. ACHESON I 4 PHELAN OPERA HOUSE BLOCK $ Sunshine c o For Range and Furnace All Kinds of FEED Wholesale and Retail July they would be spoken of as boys j and Kills who could make :t mark in the world in thai particular line. The summer I wias iwelve years old I cultivated a in ai re lield of corn ho thoroughly with an old "double shovel" plow and one horse, that my father told the neighbors thar not I s.mle seed coald be found in the fidcl. For .-i-wnteen summers after that it was my chief delight to have a clean field of corn. This berame a part of my life. So, ea:h pupil who learns to do some one thing exee p tionally well will find in it dec p sal isfac t ion and an added bsoSStive 10 greater elfon offer.-.l the m? BCnOOl olllc-ers, iec-i iree co icio.s,- with your county superintendent in regard to the needs of your dlst- ' net, attend the School noarci .sso-i-iations of your county, and become well informed in regard to the nic;s j progressive schools in your louniv. Cooperate with yeair county supcrin i. -11(1.11.; in urtiinti ycjr teacher to sttond eonie OSS of the many ex- cenent summer scnoois in me wumm. I I lie ii'iinii-r who ii -.m .- ...l.. .. V. I.. !1Vw- -I i.s , I I c. in s K ilney I'ills on several SO PHONE J. H. VAUQH AN & SON Maitland I A L 1 s?jL?l Why will people coottnue to suf fer the agonies of kidney coinpla .i'. bac-kache, urinary disorders. lanie nes, SeodSSSSS, languor why al low themselves to iH-coOe chron c ir.vallds, when a tested r niedv is Dunn's Kidney I'ills is the r ;n I- : to use. because It gives to the kid neys the help they need to perforin t heir a ork. If you have any, even one. ol the symptoms of kidm-v diseases, cine JPOSTSSM now, before gravel, dropsy or Brilii's disease sets in. Can ' Allian e r- sideiils demand more con vin -ing proof than the follow ing? i......... i .. U ii . i .. ma lie. up to date keeps in touch with all. foe 111 tics for continued and contiitu-; al improvement lee tSs4 your teacher devotes thirty minutes SSek school month to the Inst rue tic. n of pupilti in the- subj I cif lire el;ih gers, aud in the methods !' fire prevention. This she must do in order 'o comply with the law. 8 he should also drill her pupils in the salute to the- flag, to be given on the first Monday in each school month and on all Mag days. Through the ; curtesy of the ti. A. R. and V. K. C. instruct ii in for the ting salute have been placed in the hands of every teacher in the btate c asic.ns .mil I am sure tlu-y are a rested) well worth ree-onmte n ling. I had slight symptoms of disorder' d kidne ys for some lime and as ' here has he en a I race of Itright 's disease i in my tautliy roe several ge-nera i . us. I elee-ideel to try IH.an's Kid ney Pills This remedy soon MS Blettsty eured uie. I petl we Qess'i K'dlle-y I'ills to be Utleeiualed for kidney ei isorders." Kor wale by all dealers I'rke 50 cents. Koster-Mllburn Co . Muffalo. New York, sole agents for the I'nit ed States. Renumber the name Loan s and Kead 'ry Fast , What U Better Than The iie-st lit. Mil snd Battery Better Buy Our Better Bread, and lie-ttc-r Tell A lic-tte-i Orooer J1--M Better Bring Von Better Batter. Then You'll Iw Happy. Nohe's Bakery 4? Cafe Fancy cakes should be ordered a day ahead. The subjec t of sc hool bygieSS and uo ther Boards of ail descriptions for any part of a house or barn. Dierks Lumber Coal Co. Phone 22 D. Waters, Mqr.