The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 25, 1912, Image 1

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Gives all the news.
of Box Butte County
and City of Alliance
The Alliance Herald
Largest Circulation
of any Newspaper in
Western Nebraska.
Condensed Report of the Condition of
The First National Bank,
Alliance, Nebr.,
as made to the comptroller at the close of
business on April 18, 1912:
Loans . . . $392,835.40
Overdrafts . . 171.25
U.S. Bonds . 51,000.00
Banking House 10,000.00
Capital ... $ 50,000.00
Surplus . . 50,000.00
Undivided Profits 4,736.50
Circulation . . 40,997.50
Cash and Sight tx 117.322.18 Deposits . . 416,594.83
A banquet and entertainment will
bo given by Hard Struggle Lodge
No. 642, Brotherhood of Railroad
Trainmen, Tuesday evening, May 2,
at the M. B. A. hall. The B. of R.
T. people are good entertainers and
those who may be so fortunate as
to be entitled to attend may expert
a very pleasant evening.
A. P. Iee, manager at the Forest
Lumber Co. at Alliance, informs The
Herald that he has a car load of
Mitchell automobiles coming in to
day. The shipment includes one
6-cylinder, 4K-horse power roadster,
claimed to be the finest car ever
brought to this city and one of the
fastest, if not the fastest, ever in
this part of the state. The Herald
has been running an automobile ad
vertisement for the Forest Lumber
Co. and we are pleased to Me them
setting business of tin kind lined
up for the coming season with pros
pacts of a good trade.
J. K. Jones of Twin Kills. Idaho,
is visiting at the home of his
daughter, Mrs. ('. H. Mrown, in the
Mumper neighborhood in Garden
county This is his third visit io
this part of Nebraska. While in
Alliance yesterday Mr. Jones called
at The Herald office and subscribed
for the paper for himself and also
for Mrs. CU&ta Hanson. Miliner, Id
aho. He expressed himself as be
ing pleased with western Nebraska,
but thinks there is no other coun
try (juite up to the fruit growing
part of Idaho, the land of luscious
Death of Mrs. Ragan
Mrs. Pauline Ragan, wife of Mr.
Q. W. Ragan of this city, died at
Hastings on Tuesday, April 16th,
after a eerious illneRs. The body
waB brought to Alliance and the
funeral service was held on Thurs
day afternoon at 2::i0 o'clock, ait
the First Presbyterian churrh.
Mrs. Ragan was well known in
Alliance, having lived in this com
munity for many years. She had
many friends. She left a husband,
Mr. G. W. Ragan, one eon by her
first husband, Arthur H. Webster,
and one daughter, Ruth Ragan. Her
brother, Mr. Roberts, came to Alli
ance accompanied by his wife, to at
tend the funeral services.
Mrs. Ragan was a devoted Chris
thin, character, and was faithful to
her duties as a member of the FlM
Presbyterian church. She was al
ways found in her place at. prayer
meeting, in t lie Sunday school and
at the other services of the church.
She will be greatly missed not only
in her home but in her chur h and
in 'the community at large.
c4& Corsets
Office Upstairs, First National Bank
Phone, Office 362
Phone, Residence 16
We wish through The Herald to
extend our thanks to the many kind
friends who assisted us through the
illness of our beloved wife, mother
and sister, and for their sympathy
in our affliction.
G. W. RAGiAN and two children,
Mr. and .Mrs. Frank Roberts.
The Ladies' Aid Society of the
First Presbyterian church will Dieel
at the chore!) next Wednesday afternoon.
An incident OOf ur red during the
re ent revival RMMtfOeta in this city
which should have found i;s way In
to print sooner. It was the unex
pected meeting of two women who
were schoolmates in their girlhood
days Mrs. Moody, wife of I'rof
Moody, the musical director, in con
versation with Mrs. R. T. Watson
learned that her maiden name was
Parker and that she had resided
when a girl at Vinton, Iowa Where
upon she asked if May Parker was
a schoolmate of Mrs. Watson and
rtr AC p PlAYPIFT fV";l-s loach surprised to learn that
I S t M t O W ' a aw aw ' I
All Electrical Equipment
Evenings by Appointment
New office
First National Bank Building
the lady to whom she was talking
was the old schoolmate about whom
she was making inquiries
The Ijtdies' Aid and ladles of the
M. K. church will meet at the
church next Wednesday afternoon at
three o'clock. All are urged to be
i i
At II o'clock next Sunday morn
ing the s, i. 1. 1 iii. iii 61 the Lords Hup
er will be observed at the M. K
church, the service to be in charge
of the pastor All members are
urged to attend ami a cordial inn
tat Ion is extended to new converts
Tito be present
Iotfacc io Alliance Natioaal Bank Hlk X
Over PosioBos.
Phoue 591.
C. A Newberry left Monda
f business trip to Sterling and othe
tuHlllllimH-M II Colorado point.
Father Maloney went to Chadron
Sunday, to be gone two or throe
Rev. Geo. O. Ware made his reg
ular trip to Mullen the first of the
Mrs. Hruce Wilcox made an over
ISunday visit with Bridgeport
Kx-County Superintendent Phillips,
mow of Marsland, visited Alliance
friends over Sunday.
Fred Rehder was looking after
business interests in the North
Platte valley this week.
Eugene Hall came in from the
Hall & Graham ranch near Bonner
to spend Sunday at home.
Mr. Musser of Rushville visited at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. I
Tully the fore part of the week.
Ur. F. W. Roland of Hemingford
was catling on Alliance friends, of
whom he has many, a few days am
L. C. Stlre, special agent of the
Pennsylvania Fire insurance Co.,
was transacting business in Alliance
V. J. Fogle, of Antloch, was In
town Saturday visiting at the home
of E. Reeves, where his wife Is con
valescing. Landlord Charles Huss of the
Hubs Hotel at Hemingford was In
Alliance on business the latter part
of last week.
The Misses Blanche and Bessie
Kibble and Lunette Zehrung are
spending the week at the Kibble
ranch northeast, of Alliance.
Father Donnelly went to Bingham
on 44 Monday to attend to the work
df the church In that par of the
cdhrnfry for a few days.
.). H. Vaughn n had bushiest dow.t
the road east the first, of the a
pun basing bay to supply the Alli
ance trade of J. H. Vaughan v S
Rev. Willard McCarthy, pastor of
the Christian church at Chadron, was
in Alliance over Sunday, a guest at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. 1.
J. W. Guthrie went to Sterling,
Colorado, Monday night, lrom which
place he expected to go east over
the lloldrege branch to work Insur
ance business.
Mrs Howies, proprietor of the
New York Hat Shop, returned last
Friday from a trip to Montana,
where she went to look after hat
mining interests.
Rev. C. H. Burleigh came down
from Crawford on 44 Monday on his
way to his place near Lakeside. He
slopped over a day to attend the
funeral of Mrs. Baker.
C. C. .loy, the well known ran'
man of west Sheridan county, hM
b en a frequent visitor to Alliance
the last few weeks. He waa hi
town the fore part of this week
Mrs. Spaulding and children, who
have been isitlng In Alliance, left
for their home near Lakeside Wed
nesday noon Mr. Spaulding is em
ployed by the W. (). Barnes Jewel
ry Co.
Miss Verlta Boyer will close a sev
en months' term of s hool In Hist
No. I. southeast of Alliance, tomor
row. There- has been a good attend
nirc all hrongh the term and the
s hool has been quite successful.
George VVoolscy called at The
Herald office Monday to order his
address for the paper changed from
Aurora, Nebr., back to Mulilicla. He
recently returned from Hamilton
c-iHiuty. where be spent the Viator,
and reports conditions good in that
part of the state.
M. O. New. the genial traveling
salesman so well known to Alliance
people, was In this it Monday. He
informs The Herald thai he has
proved up cm bis claim near Orella.
Neb., and has mm ed to Hot Springs.
S. I This makes a convenient lc
cation for his headquarters from
whh'h he can cover the territory in
which be travel a
W. H. Chaney, one of The Her
ald's ubscrlbers of Franklin, Nebr ,
was In Alliance recently and dosed
a deal for the sale of he Box Butte
land. We are pleased to learn that
he is thinking of investing again in
real estate in this county.
K. V. Doyle and O. H. Moon have
formed a partnership to engage in
constructing and building. They are
both experienced carpenters and will
no doubt make a success working
together as partners. Notice their
advertisement In this tosuo of The
T. H. Muhlemarf of New Martins
ville, West Virginia, nrrlved In Al
liance last week. He came to enter
the amfloy of George D., Darling.
Mr. MuBleman is a licensed under
taker and embnlmer and will as
sist Mr. Darling In that part at his
W. V. Beal of Red Cloud, father
of the Real brothers of this city,
arrived yesterday morning with the
expectation of remaining here dur
ing the summer. He and his wife
have many friends in Alliance who
will be pleased to learn that they
are both enjoying good heaAth.
G. M. Lambert of lakeside was
in Alliance Tuesday and Wednesday
on business, a part of which was
having bills printed for his pure
brpd Percheron stallion, Manhattan.
He la a horse breeder himself and
finds that k pays much better to
raise good stock than It does to
breed scrubs.
The room at lit Box Butte ave
nue has been fixed up In tip-top
shape for 1, F. Coyle's rest au rant
which will be opened for business
next Tuesday. Mr. Coyle Is an ex
perienced restaurant man He has
a goo.' location for city and country
t tiide, and will no doubt do a good
Chief of Police Huusaker was call
ed to meet 44 yesterday to take t
slightly deranged man off of the
train. His name is Thomas Harris
and his ticket showed that lie was
from Spokane enroute to Lincoln.
He is an old man. being eighty-eight
years of age. It was not thought
advisable to lock h ai up so he was
allowed the freedom of the streets,
hot under the watchful eye of
Win O'Brien and wif" arrived In
Alliance from the Philippines last
Friday. Mr. O'Brien is a brother of
Mr W. J. Hamilton of this city
and he and his wife are guests at
Ik r home. He is the purchasing I
gent for the United States govern
ment in the commissary department.
His leave of absence extends to Mav
15, a tor which time he will be sta
tioned at San Francisco.
The Herald is in receipt of a let
ter from Walfrir lohnson. who inov
ed from Alliance to Lincoln last
year. He is employed by the C. B
& y and Bays that they are com
fortably situated and all in ev-ell.-ir
health. Mr. Johnson expresses his
apprec iation of The- Daily Herald,
whic h gave an account of the rex iv
al meetings recently held here. Ills
acldresB Is 622 south 21st street.
For the last two years the home
of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Hhrewsberr
has been on their homestead aaar
Kllsworth, although Mrs. Shrewsbe,
ry has been in Alliance a good part
of the time keeping house for bar
children who attend school here
1'hc.v have many friends in Alliance
mho are glad to have- them here
Mr. and Mrs. Shrew sherry left the
llrst of the week for Kllsworth a:.
will spend the summer on the i
A F Allen has been in Alliance?
(his week on account of a unit -against
his c laim west of Bridge
port He has a good piece- of 1 an I
on the flats north or the Kcdingtou
bills, on which be has been residing
and making improvements but has
been annoyed by some other parties
wiio have been wanting to gtrf his
laud away from him When tt came
time, however, for h coutast to i
tried, they decided that they had no
ease and withdrew the Mime with
out putting Mr. Allen to further
p list In i in.- matter
S.A. Foster Lumber Co.
Exclusive Agency for the Celebrated
American Wall Board
Fire Proof Warm Cool
No laths, crooks or bucks
See samples at our office
e 5 o
Denton's Variety
We have a Fine Variety of
Silk Boquet Flowers
Ladies' Neckwear
Belts and Barrettes
The Latest Fashions
Watch Our Windows for the Week
We are open all week, but not on Sunday
Central, Emerson and High School
Prepare Literary Treat for
On the days of the art exhibit this
veek the Allianc e city schools will
lender umilUII nt the I'helun op
era house. There will he tour pro
us. -mis rendered. The price of sen
son tic kets is L'f. cents for adults tend
If rents for Baboo! children ; sin
gle admission, lu cents.
Thursday, I p- m.. a program will
be given by the First, Second, Third
;nd Fourth grade of Control school
Friday. I p. m., Hifch school.
Saturday, 2 p. in., Kmerson
s diool.
Saturday, S p. in.. Fifth, Sixth.
Seventh and Fight h articles.
i:. low we publish the program for
Saturday afternoon:
Emerion Program
Maypole tirade L
Semi. Hoys--Oracle II
Fairies Grades II and III.
citation. A Kentucky Water Mil
lion l.a Vaughn Mrown.
Solo, Grandma's I'rayer, F.ugene
Field Margaret leuvitt.
The Jolly Little Cow Hoys tirade
Duet. Morning BOM -Cleuutha Hera.
Delia Nelson
KeeUatioli. The lhsl Doll Helen
Instrumental Duet Grace Hoot.
Clyde Hool.
Hee llatlon. My I trot her Will Huth
i Solo, I'ie kuiliniiv Lulliih.N Gel alelllic
A Dutch Flirtatiou Grade V.
SonK. ' "okies tirade II.
Kecltatlou. When I'm Grown l!p
liussel Kay.
Souk, Farmer Finch Oracle V.
Scdo. Mama. Won't Veu Buy Me a
Baby'.' l.a Kbea I. unit
Gyps) Camp Grades II and III.
Duet, Two Doll a Margaret Hamil
ton, Mabel (iarett.
Son. Swanee Klbber -Orade V.
interrupted Hesitation Marlellen
BieKle, Raymond Lewis.
W. K. Harper is somewhat of a
detective himself, or waa at least
once- this week, and thereby saved
the Ladles' ToKKery a fifteen dol
lar coat. A woman who had worked
at one of the restaurants in this
city for a few weeks und had oc
casionally made wome purchases at
the TotCKtM-y came Into the store
Monday forenoon and select d a
coat which she wished to purchase
but asked the privilege of taking it
down to show her husband first,
promising to return within fifteen or
twenty minutes She failed to come
back, so Mr. Harpc-r went to the
depot Just iu time to see her board
a train. He folloved her Into the
coach and found her sitting with a
man whom she claimed to be her
"husband" He demanded of the
woman that she deliver the con4 to
htm or pay for It. She decltired
that she had sent H back to the
store by u girl, hot when threatened
with being arrested and taken off
the train she opened a suit case and
produced the coat.
Miss Afao HOIaOri completed a
three months term of school iu the
Sherlock district yesterday and will
Ipaod i In- summer at home in this
Oft The- scholars in appreciation
of their teacher's effort presented
her with several beautiful presents.
Mis. Kclilh Howe left last night
en 4 Tor Detroit, Michigan, where
-In' will spend a month with her
sister, Mrs. Murdoch. Mr. Howe,
who is In the employ hi the store
department, in ompanie-d her us far
as Chicago. He will return in a
fw days to Ins work here.
FOK SALK. Small bay mare. Al
so, sei of single harness, saddle and
bridle. Iniuire at 50it Sweetwater,
or phone 175 it
A soft aus er ma) save u loug
s-ssiou iu the hiMpital.