The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 28, 1912, Image 8

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Mr. J. J. Vance, Press Supt.
On Monday afternoon. March 2fi,
aha Alliance W C T IT. met at
toe Kirwt Presbyterian church
About forty persons w'n pres
ent The president. Mrs Paah, led
fl devot i n 1 sef1ce, and Rev.
Brown offered prayer. Some Itt
port ant buelnee 'was mi landed to
and the intoning wan then given in
ctmr of Mrs. J. W. Heed, Hupt
of the Dipt of "Work Among Rail
Jtpud Men." This Includes the lam
Ales of the K. K. employes, and
alM t aloes in those in the Postal ser
vice, the volunteer fire department
and police officers.
A splendid program had been ar
aafjl 'i by Mrs. Reed and was glv
aW h follows:
Bong, "Work Tor the Night la Conn
ing." The Lord's Prayer, repeated In
Responsive Scripture reading, "The
Gospel Rail Road."
Bible references were read for the
following subjects:
The Track -Jesus.
The Car Our Savior.
The Conductor Our Heavenly
The Engine Our Fnith.
The Engineer-The Holy Spirit.
The Head light The Word of
The Bridges God's presence ev
r with thee.
The Red Light- -God's warning of
The Depot The Holy City, Henv
Tne Travelers --Saved by Grace,
an hie Invited 0 get on board.
The Insurance No smaRh-ups.
Vocnl Solo. Neile Acheaon, aceom
panico by Heulnh Smith.
Recitntlon, Parker Davis.
Responsive Reading, "The Moral
uaslon Hail Hoad," Mrs. Beck and
Mrs. Fern aid.
Reading, Mrs. Vance.
Piano Solo, Vivian Holloway.
Recitation, Gladys Jeffere.
Recitation. Janet Orassman.
Reading, Miss Young.
Pla'no Solo, Annabel Houser.
Recitation, Vra Jeffere.
Reading, Mrs Reed.
Vocal Duet, "Life's Railway to
Heaven," .Miss Young and Mrs. Limn.
The hour's program was much ap
preciated by all present, and a ris
ing vote of thanks was given to all
Who had assisted the lender
Mrs. J. J. Vance. Proas Supt.
of varieties desired by contestant.
First prixe, S3; second prlue. SI
Special Prizes.
To the one distributing to the sick,
either in homes or at the hospital,
the largest number of bouquets, a
prlie of S3 will be given. To the
one distributing second highest num
ber, a prixe of St will be given. Com
mfUecK from various localities will be
appointed later who Willi look after
this part of contest and rules for
samewlll be provided each contest
ant. Rulea for Contest.
Anyone from six to seventeen years
of age, living within Alliance school
district may enter this contest.
2. Competitors will be allowed to
select any varieties of flowers they
choose so they adhere to the number
given In class they enter, but must
provide their own seed.
3. They must make entry in a
certain class under their own name,
upon the following dates: March 30,
Apr. -6, 13, and 20. Entry to be
made at home of Miss Mabel Young,
413 Sweetwater Ave.
1. Any number In the same fam
ily may enter the contest but each
contestant must have a plot of his
or her own.
5. Suggestions for varieties may
be obtained of anyone but no help
only that mentioned in rule 6 can be
6. All work must be done by
contestant except plowing or spadiuK
ground and those competing in Lots
It may also have ground made ready
for planting.
7. Any known violation of these
rules will cause contestant to forfeit
all rights for prlae.
8. Judges shall be three in num
ber selected nccording to following
a No one maj net as Judge who
has children competing for prize.
b No judge may be a member of
W. C. T. U.
'c Judges shall be from different
parts of town as follows: One on or
east of Sweetwater Ave., one on or
west of Hlg Morn Ave., ami one be
tween these two streets.
9. Judges shall make two trips
of inspection marking points of excel
lence at each trip and make final
award to those receiving highest av
erage of points
10. Following are the points Upon
which tho Judges 1ihII make their
marking, with lOO per cent as the
standard of perfection: a, arrange
merit, b, neatness and care, , run
ditlon of plains and bloom.
The taberintcle Is for sale and
Will be sold to the highest bidder.
Sealed bids will be received until
noon Friday. March 2!. Those de-
airing to know the amount or lum
ber In the building will find a bill
with Mr. W. B. Young or at the
Forest Lumber Co As a show of
good fuith all bids should be accom
panied by a check for $50.00. If
your bid is not accepted the check
wf.1 be returned at once.
Rower Growing Contest
Alliance W. C. T. U. Offers Prixea
to Young People in Flower
Culture Contest.
Right of Wisconsin- Man to Hold Seat
Under Discussion.
Washington, Mnrch 2 The renl
battle In the senate chamber over the
question of the right of Senator
Stephenson of Wisconsin to his seat,
ppenad slth the first of a program of
speeches that may hold back a final
vote nntll the middle of the week. The
senate Is under requirement by ape
clnl order passed a week ago to vote
on this "legislative day," but this pnr
llt.mentnry phrase may cover any num
bcr of days.
The rase Is one of the two In which
Republican senntors have been under
fire for nlleged use of corruption
funds In the work that brought about
their election, the oiTier being that of
Senator T.ortmer of Illinois, still pend
Ing in the elections committee
The antl Stephenson forces In Wis
consin, In charges which were brought
before the Madison legislature and In
vestigated here, attacked the mannei
in which money was used In conduit
Ing the primaries that brought about
Mr. Stephenson's election. During
the Investigation Senator Stephenson
admitted that S107.000 had been ex
pended by him for election purposes,
but Insisted that all of It had been
spent In legitimate ways.
8pecial Session Will Pass Primary BUI
for Illinois.
Springfield, 111., March 26. Govern
or Deneen ordered a call Issued for a
spec ial session of the legislature to
gt t on a proposed presidential prefer
ence primary bill. The session will
begin late this afternoon.
Some tine ago the governor an
nounced that if two thirds of the legis
lators will agree to pass such a bill,
he would call a special session, and it
became known that the necessary
number was willing.
St. Iouis, .March 22. Daniel Calla
Inn was, arrested by postofflre inspect
ors, who say he Is wanted for complic
ity in three diamond robberies, aggre
gating S120.000, In the robbery of a
postofflce Buhstation In St. Louis and
other thefta.
House of Commons Resumes
Consideration of Measure.
The Alliance W. C T. I ., in order
no encourage among the children and
young people of our communitv an
Interest in floriculture and the beau
Ufylng of the city's lawns, offer the
following prizes to those who enter
the contest by complying with tlx
aules given below;
List of Prizes
Lot t. Uest display on ploc :ixl2 ft
eared for by young person from II
to IT years of ae. sum;- display t
contain less than five nor more than
eight varieties of flowers. First
prize, St; aecnng prize. S-
lM .' Best display on plot ,",7 feet
eared for by child from six to twelve
years, same to contain not less than
three nor wore than five varieties.
First prize. $:t; second prize. Si
Those who live outside the city
Water limns may compete for prizes
ae follows;
l-ot I. Heat display on plot 1x10
eet cared Tor by young person from
twelve to seventeen years of age
Any number of varieties desired l
contestant First prize, SI; second
priae. S-
Lot , Rest display on nlot 8x5
fact cared for by chiki ro; ; Jx to
twelve years of age. Any nam bar
Families of Miners and Other Idle
Workmen in Great Britain Suffering
With Cold and Hunger Train Ser
vice Is Again Reduced.
london, March .'o The discussion
Of the minimum wage bill tor miners
was resumed in the house of commons
this morning.
Kven if the strike were settled at
once and the millions returned to
wink the condition of the remaining
1 ,000,000 men in other industries, who
hav.- bean rendered idle by the lack
oi -applies ni coal neeessary to carry
en their trades, could not he inline
Uiutelv relieved. Their teas of thou
sands of dependents are suffering
great privations unit in South Wales,
where the muds of the miners' unions
gre exhausted, the londitions have
reached n terrible stage.
A similar story conies , from Scot
land Large numbers of miners of
Kast Lothian ire in such jtralts that
they are searching for coal in the dis
used winkings along the peach. Ter
iible distress prevail among the
wive atul children of non unionists,
WOO, tiattke their fallow workers, have
no strike any coming in.
The train services on the railroads
liau- btag still further reduced, while
steamboat service across the Kngllsh
Channel has been further restricted
The si as-de resorts, which bad made
prt araib lis for a ! !fl Knster trade,
hav bag u urn el their arrange
ments lor special trains, involving
theni in bonify loss.
Professor H S Tcvona estimates
that the st'ii.e is costing the United
Kingdom jUMjMHkjUa at the lowest
computation for every week it lasts.
The letagatei Of the miners and the
owners had a meeting with Premier
Asqulth and several members of the
cabinet prior to the Joint confer, nee.
Anthracite Men Are Waiting.
Cleveland. March Both the pol
Icy OOBatalttea and the executive board
oi tne United Mine Workers of Ainer
ica. at meeting here, decided to take
absolutely no i. t on in the coal situa
tion it p:-y et ; ending the outcome
ti e i fence a the operator and
miners of the bituminous fields, which
YTs resumed rod iv.
Easter is almost
here. Look at
this coat at $15.
Come to the
Toggery and
see what a little
money will huy
Gage Hats
have arrived. Call
and inspect them
Opposite Post Office
1 i SDN
Reliable Grocers
Fresh Goods
Prices Right
Eatable that are Good to Eat
Your trade solicited
119 West 3rd St. First Grocery Wes
of Post Office
Telephone orders receive prompt
Phone 32
Through Efforts of J. N. Johnston,
Sugar Seet Seed May Be Se
cured from Government for Ex-perimerrtation
The article in The Herald a few
weeks ago on beet cultivation in this
country without irrigation was read
with much interest and attracted a
good deal of attention to the sub
jei t. Through the efforts of J. N.
Johnston, arrangements have been
made whereby a limited number of
farmers can be supplied with seed
free of charge for experimental pur
poses. Persons who wish to see Mr.
Johnston, who has charge of the dis
tribution of these seeds, should call
at t he post office bet ween 7 and 1 1 :
30 a. in., und 12: SO and 4:31 p. ft.
The following letters will expluin
the matter more fully:
Washington, I). t. Mar. II, ltl2.
J. N. Johnston, Ksq., Alliance, Nebr.
My dear Mr. Johnston: Your es-
teemed favor or the inst. has
been reeeivtd und I have carefully
noted its contents. I am really
pleated to learn of your interest in
sugar bee: culture, because I am
sure that much can be done for ag
riculture iu our state by rotating
beet crops with other crops. Ger
many has ulreiidy doubled its pro
duction of wheat by rotating beet
crops in their soil, and there Ls no
reason why Nebraska cannot achieve
an equal result, saying not Ii ing of
Hie production of sugar, thus diversi
fying the agricultural pursuit I
shall be pleased to see what I can
do for the beet seed.
Command me when 1 may be of
further service Sincerely yours.
Washington, l ('.. Mar. 16, l12.
Mr. J. N. Johnston. Alliance, Nebr.
Dear Sir: We have been request
ed by Hon. m. P. Kiftnatd to send
you several packages of sugar beet
seed for distribution in your vicinity.
We ahull be glad to supply seed to
a number of careful farmers in your
section who are willing to grow not
less than one-fourth acre of sugar
beets, under field conditioOn, and
send us samples for analysis in the
fall, and shall be glad to receive
from you the names and addresses
of such farmers. A package of seed
will then be forwarded to each, to
gether with printed directions for
planting, thinning and cultivating.
Very truly yours,
Pathologist In Charge of Cotton and
Truck Diseases and Sugar Plant
Having been requested to stand
as a candidate for councilman from
the Second ward at the ensuing city
election, 1 have filed for the same,
and my name will appear on the of
ficial ballot. 1 have been a resident
of this ward for ten years and be
lieve I understand its needs. I will
appreciate tho support of my friends.
16-11 IV! KAR1, J. STKRN.
Vermont Congressman
Who Died After Few Days'
Illness of Pneumonia.
Beginning March M, we will raise
(from L'5 tents to 40 cents for team
to hay at noon, and 15 cents to II
cents for single horse to hay at
noon, with other prices according.
16-4-1 1 Sli C. C. SMITH
Henry I tier of Reno lias bewu
transacting business in Alliance this
mm "i "fjiirmfn
Let US
Railroads Must Cancel Proposed In
crease in Rates on Feeders.
Washington. Maroh 26. The inter
state c ominerce commission decided
that the (.iopos" d increiiscs of ilflij
per cent iu tl traopaiaUoa rate on
"feeder" iaUle and Si ; i p made by all
the westeiii railr uuls vas not justified
The coniie i.-s: n ex tt all of the
curriers t. cam at the piopo; td ad
ranees bv April 1&, If they should
tail to : '.c 1 them voluntarily the
i ommissl'j-i will is-'iea peremptory or
, de.r
Existin-' riite, pn "feeder" cattle
i are approximate 1) If per cent of the
! rates on I.. I cattle The ruilroads con
tended this low rate was a "gratuity"
which they cottld withdraw at will.
of ail descriptions
for any part of a
house or barn.
Dints Lumber Coal k
Phone 22
D. Waters, Mgr.
Omaha Concern Is Charged Wth Be
ing a Trust.
Washington, Mi'tih H. Charging
thut a "lioiler plate" printing trust ex
ists, Representative Tuggart of Kali
us offered a resolution iu the house
tor a congressional investigatiou into
the Western Newspaper I'nion of Onia
ba. which furnishes 'patent insides"
niiitier for small weekly newspapers
Mr. Taggart charged that the Oiualui
concern w;;s resort Inn to unlawful
lie ans to drive out of business the
Puhlifhfis' Newspaper I'liinn of Kan
ns Citv Knn