Classified Advertisements The following "Want Ads" are classified under appropriate headings for the convenience of readers. CA8H RATE8 One cent per wo. d each insertion. No ad received for less than ten cents per Inser tion. Black face double rate. CREDIT RATES One cent per word each insertion, but no advertis ing account opened for less than twenty-five cents and no ad charged for less than fifteen cents per week. Black face double rate. Ir answering Herald want ads please mention that you saw it in this paper. A classified advertisement will In troduce to each other the next buy er nd the next seller of property in this town. ABSTRACTERS F. E. REDDISH Bonded Abstracter. I have the only set of abstract books In Box Butte county. Office in McCorkle Building. 10-tf-570 TO RENT FOR RENT Two modern furnish ed rooms, down stairs, for light housekeeping. Apply 708 Box Butte. Phone 299. 14tfll42 FOR BALI Rhode Island Red and Plymouth Hock cockerels for breeding Als.i pullets. R. I. H. and P. R. eges tOt hatching. Price rea sonable 519 Pig Horn Ave. 144-1 It! VALUABLE PAPBM LOST in eluding deeds to land, lost on SaOir day, Feb. 24, between Alliance and my place eight miles northwest. Finder please leave at The llei.ilil office or return to me. Ulllll PBTOH kickkn WASTED, by boy in High school, work after school and Saturdays. Enquire at Herald office 134 ft 1 10 FOR RENT. Rooms for light housekeeping; also single room. Phono 292. 908 Box Butte Ave. 13tfll20 FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT. 314 Sweetwater Ave., Phone 387. Iltfl083 FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT 121 Yellowstone Ave. Mrs. M. J. Rotter. 14-3-1155 RHODE ISLAND RED CHICKENS Rose Comb Rhode Island Reds are good layers. I have some nice hens for sale at $1.00 each, also eggs for hatching at 75 cents for 15. Call on or write Mrs. B, J. Owen, Hewett. Nebr. 14tfU45 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC My wife, Mrs. Bessie Pickett, hav fng left me, notice is hereby given that I will not be responsible for any debts she may contract. Dated at Alliance. Nebr., March 2, 1912. A. J. PICKETT. HEMINGFORD TELL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT IT If you are interested in the Alli ance daily paper you are earnestly requested to subscribe for it your self and tell your friends about it IMMEDIATELY and invite them tt subscribe, also. Three rooms for rent, 4th St. Phone 674. Iltfl089. 317 West FOR RENT. Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping. No children. 603 Box Butte avenue. Phone 196. 3tf959 MISCELLANEOUS RIDING HTt!DI,E FOUND Near railroad track on Third street, on Sunday, March 10, 1912. Owner call at Herald office for same. 14-3-1136 Dr. Ciias. E. Slagle, physician and Burgeon. Office in Phelan Opera Roiase block, room formerly occupied by U. S. Land Office. Phone 65. NO REASON FOR IT When Alliance Citizens Way Show the HOUSE CLEANING WANTED. Inquire at Herald office. 10tfl1062 Money to loan on real estate. E. Reddish. F. 3tf Rowan & Wright, coal, posts. Phone 71. wood and tf FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. 160 acres good farm ing land, in Sec. 3, Twp. 24, Range 61, near Kilpatrick's Dam. Address MRS. M. HELFRECHT, 618 Nichols St., Springfield, Mo. 12-41104 HOUSE FOR SALE Five room bungalow built one year ago. - lots. Has plumbing, hot wa ter heat, corner lot, east front Cheap if taken at once. Part cash, balance c ..y terms. B. W. RAY, Phone 72o Green. 1156tfl5 n We're Opposed to Mail Order Concerns Because They have never contributed a cent to furthering the inteieati of our town Every cent received by them from thus community is a direct lou to our merchant! In almost every case their price can be met right here, without delay in receiving goodi and the possibility ol mistake in tilling. ordert. But The natural human trait it to buy where goods are cheapest. Local pride ia usually second ary in the game ol hie as played today. Therefore Mr. Merchant and Business Man, meat your competuori with their owa weapons -advertising. Advertise! The local field it yours. All you need do it to avail your self of the opportunities offered. An advertisement in this paper will carry your message into hundreds of homes in this com munity. It is the surest medium of killing your greatest com petitor. A space this sue won't cost much. Coma in and see us about it. There can be no Just reason why any reader of this will continue to suffer the tortures of an aching back, the annoyauce of urinary dis orders, the dangers of serious kid ney ills when relief is so near at hiind and the most positive proof given that these ills can be cured. Read what an Alliance citizen says: Mrs. J. E. Whaley. 422 B. Oregon St., Alliance, Nebr., says: "I have had no reason to change my high opinion of Doan's Kidney Pills since 1 publicly recommended them in May, 1907. Over three years ago my kidneys became badly disordered and the kidney secretion.! were un natural Whenever I jtooned, sharp piiins (!; ted through my loins and It w(is very (li.'.'kult for me to straighten 1 tried many remedies but all led to help me until 1 procured Ioan's Kidney Pills at Hol sten s BTttg Store. They brought me relief in a short time and I con tinned their use until I was free from kidney complaint." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the Unit ed States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. The happiest are Red Bawd Candy girls. Make year girl happy. 15-1-1157 J. H. Denton sells Red Band Can dy for the girl you love best. 15-1-1157 E. 1. Gregg & Son have a large amount of first-class alfalfa and wild hay at a reasonable price. 48tf779 Four room, cement block house, in Be-lmont Addition to Alliance, for sale at a big bargain. Will take less than it cost to build if sold soon. In quire at Herald office. 4tf964 Coal office at Rowan's feed store ROWAN & WRIGHT, phone 71. tf Old papers at The Herald office at 5 cents per bunch. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FOR SALE All of my household furniture for sale, consisting of rugs, brass bed stead, mattress, springs, dining room chairs, rockers, dreseer, roll top desk. Kurt .man piano, book case, at private sale, at Snyder's dray office, L'lo Bod Untie Ave B. H PERRY. 6tf984 Mis. C- U Canfield was a passenger to Alliance on 44 Wednesday, return ing on 4 Thursday. Ailhur Bass was in from Sioux County Thursday. Mrs. Robert Anderson came in from Newcastle, Vo. , on 44 Thursday. The Ladies Aid Societv of the Meth odist Church met with Mrs. John Gro- met W ednesday afternoon. Chris Hansen and Alex. Muiihead were among those going down to Al liance Thursday on 44. Mrs. W, C. Caven and Mrs. M. (1. RoOMy, sisters of Bert Langford, came down from Craw ford Wednesday on 44, going out to Sioux countv with the mail Thursday Fred Wessel came up from Alliance on 4.5 Wednesday, going out to Canton with the mail Thursday. Mrs. Peter Spraklin left on 44 Thursday for a visit with her parents in Illinois. She expects to be gone until the first of April. S. A. Grimes, who has been spend ing the past week with the Loer and Young families, left on 44 Thursday for his home in Iowa. Mr- and Mrs. George Carrell were incoming passengers on 43 Thursday from Morrill. Miss Ella Brown came up on 43 Thursday from Alliance for a visit with her sister, Mrs, G. F- Hedgecock. Mrs. Hursh Lucas was taken sud denly ill at the home of Mrs. George Walker Thursday evening. She is reported much better at this writing. Henry Winter and Andrew Tschach- er were among those going down to Alliance on 44 Friday. K. L. Pierce was attending to some business matters in Alliance the last part of the week Fred Melick was a passenger to Al liance on 44 Friday. lames Hollinrake was a passenger to Alliance Friday, returning Saturday. Mr. and Mrs Lee, of Alliance, visit ed over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Mat. Beaumont. Mis. Fred Hucke was an incoming passenger on 43 Saturday from Morrill where she has been for the past week Chris Hansen was an incoming pas senger from Alliance Saturday. Mrs- Strong and her mother, Mrs. Andersou, came in from Newcastle, Wyo., Saturday. The Kuhn Olds orchestra went up to Belmont on 43 Saturday to play for a dance. Thev returned on 4 Thurs day. Miss Fanny McCoy was a passenger to Alliance Saturday returning Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. McEuen took Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Harry- Pierce. Jack Kennedy was an Alliance vis itor over Sundav. returning on the local Monday. The Misses Lucy and Hael Hickey left on 44 Monday for Gretna, Nebr where they will visit friends aud rela tives for a while. Miss Mary Iodence is visiting with the L'hrig girls this week Frank and Otto L'hrig were visitors at the home of Henery Wtnten over Suuday. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Danbom are the proud parents of a 12' 2 pound baby boy, born March iStb. Miss Mabel Sbetler went out to Sioux county Monday to visit at the home of Arthur Baas and other friends. Joel Sheldon, from Maple, was trad ing in town Monday. Charles Moravek returned to his home in Sioux couuty Monday, after spending the past two months in town working for C- J. Wildy. Mr- and Mrs. Oldt were incoming passengers on 43 Tuesday going out to the Katen ranch. Mis C. I. Wildy entertained at six o'clock dinner Tuesday Dr. and Mrs McEueu, Rev. aud Mrs. Palmer, aud Miss Esther Neeland and mother Kay Whitaker came in from Canton Tuesday for supplies for the store. Clark Olds made a business trip to Lincoln the first of the week. from their car of household goods and stock, arrived from Iowa Tuesday. They are moving on the Dobson ranch, Mrs. Sim m and children coming by the way of Hay Springs. DR. F. W. BOLsAND Office Over First State Bank Hemingfori, Nebr. 00000000000000000 o QUAKER VALLEY O 0000000000000000 v are glad to fee old Mother Earth exchange her glittering white robe tor one of I BtON somber hue. (An tliis comet, out in print alio Is again dressed In white. Editor.) a Andrew Howe of Milo, Iowa, la v. suing wiui nis i.r'JTiicr w.nnut. He lias been visiting his son in Mi. 111 a in where he himself has tak- 011 a claim. ill The infant son of Rex Hawor'.h has been sick but la better. ADVERTISING RATES Business Proposition as to Equitable Prices on Printing that will Commend Itself to Business Men FAIR RATES ON ADVERTISING The transaction of business at a loss decs not meet the approval of fair-minded men. It has been the aim of the manager of The Alliance Herald since bein connected with the paper to equalize prices on advertising and job printing and trat all patrons alike. Where prices on job printing' were too high, as we found them to be in some case, they have been reduced; and where prices have been below the cost of production, we have endeavored to raise them to a point where there would be no loss. It is a fact with which printers are familiar that many local newspapers and job printing offices do part of their work at an actual loss, and if they continue in business they must overcome that loss by overcharging on other things, or by some other Mr Joseph Farley will visit with means her daughter, Mrs. Roblnaon at As III OS. The Herald has been charging the same price for ad- nee, and attend the revival aervtc- vertising space and reading notices that is charged by most other newspapers in western Nebraska, many of which have less than one-third the actual circulation; and the same price that was charged by this paper years ago when its circulation was less than half what it is now and when the amount of a There wan no meeting of the U. S. club Wednesday evening on ac count of Uhe storm. A wet tkgo they were entertained at the home work required to publish it did not begin to compare with of Mm. RohbinB. After the mission- the amount put on it now. To continue thus would be tnani- ry ieson they enjoyed a number of fectlv a poor business proposition. Business men whose M ,,( tion on the graphophone. Then opinons anfj g0od wil we esteem will, we believe, commend came the sweetest time of all In 1 , 1 i- 1 . j j t t which they all took part in making IO,r, maKing si gnt; aavance in aaverusing rates, wmcn I 1- . . 1 , 1 L n m n V aat am 1 . ma asVse - aV a assssa ssassas, m . a akaa., . ..all mm . & three or four kinds of home-made WU1U nave uccn uwuc nuiuc unit: gu. uiiscuuenu v we oandy. They all report a moat de- have adopted the following prices on advertising which are iightfui time and think Mrs. Rohbins a slight increase over former rates but still much lower in proportion to circulation than the average of western Ne braska newspapers. a very entertaining hostess a Miss Ruth Owen went to Alliance Vist. Saturday. Worth Jones has bought him new incubator. our mall carrier is having some rough weather for carrying the mall. but he has made the rounds success fully. Roy Scott and wife dined at Wm Howe's last Saturday. Howe's last Sunday. Moody Krel and family v toiled with Mrs. Kiel's mother, Mr. Jones one day last week. a Mb. Wrapp was in this neighbor hood one day this week trying to buy chickens. LOOK AT YOUR DATE to The Herald who wish to know how their subscription account stands may find out by con sultin the dates stamped with their names in their papers or the wrap pers. Those dates are given in fig ures, representing the month, day of the month and year to whfcli paid For instance, a subscriber who Is paid up to today will find stamped with his name on his paper, or the wrapper in which it is enclosed. 2-29-12, which means February 29, 1912. Advertising Rates, Effective April 1, 1912 DISPLAY ADVERTISING (Per Inch, column measure) 1 inch or less, per calendar month .. .. $ .75 2 inches or more, but less than 10, first in sertion 20 Same, each subsequent Insertion, without changa 16 10 Inches or more, first Insertion 18 Same, subsequent insertion 15 Above rates are for all pages except first. One Inch or less on first page, double above price. Two inches or more, 10 cents per inch more than above, either on first or subsequent insertions. READING NOTICE8 Including Want Ads, etc., aet in s point Roman (reading) type, leaded or solid: Five cents per line each insertion, celved for less than 15 cents. no ad re- Notlcea of 25 lines or more, 4 cents ptr except on first page, 5 ct-nts stfi ight. line. Notice In Gothic (black face) type, point, double above rati - 10 or 12 FARM IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE For sale: 1 Disc, $15.00; 1 Spring Wagon, $25.00: 1 Stirring Flow, $5; 1 Breaking Flow, $5; 1 Old Wagon, $5; 1 Set Light Harness, $5; I Open Muggy. $1200. A l. WHIR, Sec. 20. 27-5:;, 7 miles north wettt of Canton 12411 lull B8-l)K Ed Wildv returned Tuesday Illinois- Mrs. John Wiltsev, who underwent an operation Saturday, is getting along nicely under the care of Dr. Holaud. Mrs. Claude Campbell, who under went an operation at the Huss hotel Monday, is getting along nicely at this writing under the care of Dr. Roland. Dr. Houinan was in towu a couple of days this week assisting Dr. Holaud with some surgical work. Mr. Simon and Mr- Beasei with NOTICE TO CREDITORS State of Nebraska ) ) as. Hox Hutte County ) IN THK MATTER OF THK TATH OF JOHN UEFTUJR, CEASED. J. L. A. Berry, County Judge of Box Uutte county, Nebraska, hereby notify all persona having claims and demands against the eat ate of John Beutter that I have set and appointed the 14th day of October, 1912, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the Coun ty Court room in Alliance, for the examination of all claims against the estate of said decedent with a view to their allowance and payment. All persons interested as creditors of the said estate will present their claims to me at said time, or show cause for not so doing, and kn caae any claims are not so prese nted by said time they shall be forever barred. This notice shall be served by publication thereof for four consecu tive weeks in the Alliance Herald, a newspaper published In Alliance, prior to the day of hearing Olven under my baud and the- seal of said court this 16th day of March, 1912. L. A. BERiRY. t SKA 1. 1 County Judge l.".-4i tu CRKDIT RATES. No advertising account open ed for less than 50 cents. Ada for less than that should be paid f:ir In advance. job PRINTING with advertising -When Job printing is orderrnl in connection '-villi ad vertising, if a concession Is made in price, the red ttCt lofl will be on the price of the Job printing, and not oi Tie advertising. THE 1 1 ERA 1,1) TO AD IISKKS AdvertlKis will be charged the regular subscription price for the paper, $1.60 per yenr. If their adver tising during the year amounts to $25.00 or more, they will be credited the pri.'e of the paper on their advertising account. All the Latest Spring Hits in New Bonnets to be Seen ALLIANCE MARKET REPORT At the U-1t . 1- - I . . I ruiiowing are uie price paiu lor produce. Thursday, March 7. 1912 nuiier ia BK .7' rVTaHll Potatoes I oo WW I lftaf- f ? Buy your coal of Rowan ft Wright. Phone 71. it YORK HAT SHOP COME TAKE A LOOK