ROW OVErt RATES Commissioners if Six States Meet Federal Examiner. ASK SUSPENSION OF ORDER. Request cf States for Time to investi gate Increase Affecting Thousands of 3t.iti?n3 It Denied by Examiner Brown at Chicago. Chicago. Jan 30. A wranub marked the Meeting of railroad DOa mlBFioiu rs or seven Ut?R and Chief Examiner SoOTf N. Hrown of (Ik suspension committee of the Interstate commerce commission here when n new tariff schedule created by rail roada In western Mates came up for rilee u. :, The rallrond comnilsnon era finally left the meeting bee a according to a statement they Issue I Inter, tho chief examiner had "preju diced the caae" of the shippers. Trouble started when Commission Clifford Thorne of the Iowa board naked Itrown to recommend a 1207 Suspension of the new freight schedule of the roads, which Is to go into effect 1 el) 15. pending the preparation of the tommltaioners' attack on the new rates. Insufficient time ha. been giv en the enrr.nriiasloners to protest the new rates, It was said. Brown refused to grant the request. The following commlKsior.ei's are fighting the freight measui Ol C ifford Thome of Iowa, G?orge A. HenohaW of Oklahoma. F. C. Robinson of South Dakota. J. A. Uttle of North Dakota, 2 Hedlund of Texas, E. B. Smith of Kansas and T. N. nradbury of Mis eourl. Statement of Commltsioners. The statement says: "lho chief examiner has prejudiced our case We regret to find thin situ ntlon and wish he could have waited until he bad heard our reasons for asking the suspension of the entire classification. "This classification the railroads hove propoced raises the freight c harges on 850 subjects between all points in America west of the ItlMOttTl inir It has been estimated that there ire 0i000 towns In this 1 1 rl lory. One half of then probably are of minor Importance 1 cat n more than 1,000,000 raises n it tins Chicago alone. The same Is true of Kansas City, lies Moines, St. I.ouls and every other point west of Chicago. Think of the vast territory affected and the millions of rates involved. "We received notice of this change Dec. 30 They go Into effect Feb. 15. It would be a physical impossibility for any man or board of men to check this thing over to ascertain the ac tual effect on traffic. The result Is a few men will pre sent a few grievances. The great ship ping public and the consumers of the country will not be heard. All we ask in a suspension of the whole schedule" for 120 days, as contemplated by the act to regulate commerce." Much objection has been made to the new schedule because of the raise on agricultural bnpteMeats, farm ma hinery and accessories The commimloneis planned to bold nnother meeting to decide on their future course. MOB KILLS FIVE GENERALS Leaders in Ecuador's Latest Revolu tion Are Lynched. A mob broke Into Quito penitentiary -in spite of a double guard and lynched Generals Elroy Alfaro, F'uvio Alfaro, Medardo Alfaro, It. Paez and Manuel Serrano. ICe uadoivan revolutionists. The first of the drastic tneasuroB taken by those who opposed the re YD lution was carried ktte effect last wi ek at Guayaquil when Cent ral Pedro Mon tero, who was proclaimed president by the troops after the death of Bstrads, was shot and In he r.ded l a mob which later burned his body. Eltoy Alfaro was proclaimed presi dent by the populace in 1006. when he had defeated tin government troop Kb IS NEAR DEATH. Count Von Aehrentha!. Austrian P.emier. For Whom Hope Is Slight. ! BH9s3BBBsBCPVSrvMBBKSBBClS MKi ' ' i HAVE "PAIRING AGREZM.ZN V Prohibitionists to Work for Throi Million Votss. "Three million votes in 1!HJ" la the shibboleth of the Prohibition jrr ty, whose campaign Is being directed from the national headquarters at Chi cago. To this end prohibitionists In each state are pledging themselves to attempt to gain a certain number of votes. One of the new features of the pro hlbition campaign this year will be a "pairing ngreement " The temperance workers Relieve there are many mem hers of each of the two big parties who WOttM vote the Prohibition ticket if they felt that any equal number from the other big party would do the name. To reach these persons a "pair pg ugreenu nt" has been prepnred. It r. a printed pledge to vote the Pro hibition ticket and an equal number of spaces Is left on the two sides of he slip for the signature; s of Demo crats and Republicans. Bach slip when Ittrncd into the Prohibition headquarters must carry an equal number of signatures from voters of opposite parties. radatreet'4 Trade Review. BracUtreet's says: Favorable weather bus facilitated business opera tions, especially in jobbing and retail lines, which report more or less Im provement. But on the whole trading is characterised hy small lot buying and conservatism is very conspicuous, particularly in the farming sections. It Is conceded that trade will be late In developing, later than usual, In fact. However, better weather condi lions have enabled traveling sales, men to S't about more readily and, as a result, jobbing houses and whole sale houses have been favored with a fair volume of mail orders. WOODMEN WILL RAISE RATES Head Camp of the Modem Society Adopts Bevision Plan. The Modern Vviu.limn of Aiiieilta. adopted the proposed readjustment plan In; . i:-V:i tl.o life I: ;nti c r I w of the so-trty ar.d doie;! tbe rd journed mooting at Chicago. The measure was c arried by a vote ot 460 to 207 Bank nt Vancouver Bobbed. The Royal bank branch at Van couver was robbed of all its ash by two robbers at noon. Man agvr A. A. Stevens and the members of bia staff were becked Into the vault am' locked there while the robbers helped themselves The sum taken my. high op In the thousands. Duke of Fife Is Dead. Assouan, Jan. 3". The Puke of Fife, brother n law of King Oooffje v. of Qreat Britain, died lu re. Dan Indicted for Jury Bribing. Iujs Abgelea, .Irio. 30 Two indict incnts, each eoutat Jus, counts of brib ery and attempted corruption, were re turned by the county giuncl Jury aainst L'lateneo 8. Derrow of Chi cago, formerly thief counsel for the Me Nan a brothers. The bills allege that he furnished the mo. for f HeNonora defe nse fund and bribed Hubert Main, a Juror sworn to trj Jan fl McNaiuara. the confebs. il d i . i . mid niindc-M-r. and Geoi'u K I o i.wood. a venlrei.ian THE MARKETS ; m .. . ' . . ' , , ... . . . ...... Chiraso. .Ian. If, Closing prions I Wheat May, $l.n3:is July, 93c. Mv. May, iT4-0. M ' .c ; July. 4'...c. 111.76; May, $lti.30. $9.17' v 10; May, $9 .40 lift t.U; May, ti.W. -No. '2 hard 2 corn, 63 St-ike Riots at Lawrence. Uiwr. n-. . Ma - Jan. SO. 8e' i.'.ii. rioting nieiiii.-d .viien a 'crowd of- Strike I , p.elit Opera Sf ... vaiio.! textUe milia to . i! t in many eae th- Hi! .-sslui ,ii (1 tl:. mills th; t , uoe ,,, Cp. erate only i educed stale, sic-veral p w. re se riously in Jure d dui it : Corn Jan . Oats- May. Pork -.Ian , Lard Jan , Ril)S Jan.. Chicago Cash Priees wheat, $l '"n I in: No. B3:,e; No. 2 white oats. 51 ' ol'c. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago. Jan. L'9 Cattle Receipts 25,i"; steady It) shade off; beeves, 14.7098.40: .vestein steers, $4.60 T."0: sli t Iv.'is and teeders, '5.9U; row- and heifers. $2.1if.t0; calves. I.IVM. Hogs Receipts, 85,Ou(l; 5c off: light, $"5o.lo: heavy, $5.90 d i. :::" ,. routa $.S04f(.0S; pigs, $1.15 fo.4o: bull;. tSSSi W Sheep Re ceipts. 32. '"'; viak. 10c off; natives, S.l0dj4.T(i; westorna, $3.504.75; yearlMifcs. $4.75?3.U; lambs, $4.40 UO s . th Omaha Live Stock, domh Omaha. Jan. 29 Cattle M ceipls. i.c-iO;. l.c lower; beef steers, $5. HOC ; o. and heifers, $3.J5(r 5 '5; ptockerti and teeders, $4.i"ft 5.6ii; buUs. $" calves, S4.25fT7.75. Hogs " R' 1 i 1 t4."5 7 tl ; 1c lower: best iieavy." $ ii'tf : burcbdra, SS.St 6.06; Il$ht $5 0OC45 8U; bulk of sales. $59oiG'. sU'.eep Recc ipts. 179io; HtflSa hawer; wa'cja. $3O04-?3; Mies. $3. tj i- 'c. lambs, $:, o t; SO. I x C0NDENSE0 NEWS Hilly I) lancy. the famous trniner of prize fighters, died at Oakland. Oil, A most violent earthquake caused a rent amount or damage in the Ionian slaivls. Italians seized another French ship, hut finding no contraband on boafd they r leased It. Two children of Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Morton were burned to death when their log home nt Cumberland, Wis , wmr destroyed by fire. Mrs Dtoj Ouulnp. the oldest red dent of Morgan county, Illinois, died at Jacksor trine, She would have been 110 yeara of nge Feb. 10. The timely arrival of the police pre rente d a band of fanatical women at Iodz, Russian Poland, from crucifying a man whom they had adopted nB their "saviour.' Bight persons were injured, one per haps fatally, when a street car struck a switch engine at Chicago. Traction officials claim the towerman failed to lower the gates. A cablegram received from London signed "Gaby," contained the state ment that Goby Dcslys, the French ac tress, had married Harry Pilcer, an dancer. Samuel Untermeyer of New York testified before the house rules com mittee regarding the domination of the country's money power by four groups of financiers. One hundred thousand acres of nn improved farm land in Saskatchewan Were sold to a British syndicate for $1, 6SS,000. The land will be colonized by English and Scotch farmers. President Taft commuted to expire at once the life Imprisonment sentrnre of Toy Toy, a Umatilla Indian, who murdered Anna Kdna, a wampun doe tor, who failed to cure his father. The Jewish population of New Yoik city was 906,400 on Jan. 1, according to figures published in the American Hebrew. The name journal In 19ni computed the number as 600,000. The bankers of Oklahoma will un dertake to increase the crop output for 1912 by encouraging farmers to plant forage crops in addition to the staple crops of corn, wheat and cot ton. "Lord" Bdmon S. Thursby, for many years a prominent character In North !nkota, and who was the scion of .1 wealthy English family, died in the state asylum for the insane at James town, N. D. Three persons were drowned near Worley, Ky., when a boat conveying a party across South Fork river wr.s capsized by lee. The victims were Mrs. Mary West, Clarence Robbs and Mary Yancey. Governor Stubbs of Kansas and Gov ernor Hadley of Missouri joined Oov crner Osborn of Michigan ami ex Governor Fort of New Jersey In ac cepting memberships In the Roosevelt nr-tional committee. Robert S. Dennis of Chicago was shot probably fatally, as he was changing trains at the New York Cen tral station at Buffalo by Gasper Mar torans, a barber. The police believe Muriorans is demented. JgmeS Whltcomb Riley was award ed the gob) medal for distinction in poetry at the annual meeting of the Academy of Arts and let ters and the National Institute of Arts and letters at Philadelphia. Annie Dietrich, a Denver grammar school girl, aged twelve, has just been married to Edward Walker, sixteen years old They will make their bono4 with the mother of the bride till Mrs. vfatki r 1 la learned to c ook. The partially devoured remains of an cnldi . tinea hunter and bis two ? 1 wore round near Eagle c.rove. Mic h There were evidences of a ter-rifle- st'. - ;'('. as nearby were the bodies of lour wolves, also partially devoured Salvatore di Blasi, who was arrested at Cleveland after he had eloped with and married thirteen year-old Blossom .Sparks of liniianapo'is, was fined $1, i)0n ar.d sentenced to two years' tm prisonmeht. The eblld witv wept as Di Rlasl was led out of court A J Murray, said by Northern Pa eiflc detectives to be the bead of a Hng that has robbed s'lippers of more than $10,000 worth of butter in the mat throe years, wa.e convicted at t'argo. It is said that he has five .vlves, three of whom were In court. With 501 babies instead of kittens as suh.iee ts he Rockefeller institute of M search and officials of the New York health cb partment have conducted ex perimeius In the tenement house dis tricts which have resulted In the sav ing of th lives of hundred-, of other babied Q neral Bernardo Reyes will not be shot lor inciting a rebellion against the Mexican government, lor which Time he Is In prison in Mexico City. That opinion is expr SSSd by President Madero, who think.-, Heyes will prob ably get a sentence of six to eight years lu prison. The appeal Issuc-el through ordinary channels having failed to elicit a re sponse in any way commensurate with the situation, Pre sident Talt. per sonallv , as pre sident of too American Reel Cross, sent out an appeal for fends to r llcve the ta'ulne stricken people ol China ' FirC rduti d (he ire nbers of roe fain By of PfiiiVA. -Ror-g. roe aifll -01. alnj to bacco man-, from t ; part meant -afi Baal Tllllty-e;ueiUh ftredt. New Ve)rk and cauted much e .tit'meut in the millionaire ro'.cny in the neMii.or hood. T" fire va- eonfimd 10 their suite, which was badly dnmaged. PASS METAL BILL New Steel ScteJula Goes Through Lower House. ALL AMENDMENTS VOTED DOWN Republicans Put Up Stubborn Battle. Measure Reduces Tariff Duties on AM Metal Articles About Thirty.five Per Cent From Present Rates. The Democratic metal tariff revision Mil passed the house by a vote of 210 to 109. Ali attempts of the Republicans to tinen l '.he measure tailed. The bill, as it will go to the senate today! carrion nn averac. reduction on tariff duties on all metal articles of about SS per cent from the rates nf the Payne Aldrich law, now in force. ! Is expected, If it becomes a law, to liicic.'e Imports by $14,000,000 and reduce ic venues about $900,000. Charges of "caucus domination" and "gag rule" were made repeatedly by Republicans, insurgents and regulars, us Underwood applied the house rules to shut off debate and the amendments Off. I eaders Norrls (Neb.) and Iven root (Wis.) charged the Democrats I ith denying the house a fair chance to consider the bill. Republican Leader Mann declared the presiding chairman. Representa tive Floyd (Ark.), and Underwood had usurped the powers of tho house more autocratically than ever was done before in the history of the re public. The attempt to amend the bill began as soon ns Underwood shut off de bate Republicans fought this appli cation of the cloture rule, but lost. The insurgents made a determined Ittnch upon the bill at various points. Amendments for free steel rails and Free pig Iron were offered by Repre sent ative Warburton (Wash.), Repub Mean insurgent, and voted down. ASSAILSRECALL OF JUDGES Taft Delivers Impassioned Address on "Nostrums of Reform." New York, Jan. 30. President Talt spoke at the Waldorf Astoria to the Ohio society of New York, delivering probably the most impassioned speech he has made in many months, direct ed against the "nostrums of reform" ahd particularly aimed at the recall of judges. In tho efforts that the president Baid have been made to reform legis lation In this country he saw much that was good. He saw the faults of the government in the United States today and admitted that in trying to eradicate them much might be accom plished by reformers. But In the ef fort to make the judiciary responsive to every "whim" of these people he saw destruction. He declared that the conservative element of the nation eventually must get together to pre vent a movement that would make the courts the creatures of popular will and might make the decision In every case, not in accord with the law, but In accord with what a majority of the peop'e thought the law should be. CLAIMS BREACH OF PROMISE Mary McCarthy Asks $150,000 of Philip Sullivan. Wayne, Neb., Jan. 3o Miss Mary McCarthy, school teacher of near Forest City, la., has filed suit In Wayne against Philip Sullivan for $l.0,00o for alleged breach of pre mise in marriage. Sullivan Is a wealthy stockman, rated as belni worth $.jO0, D00. Miss McCarthy claims Sullivan In dl er to come to Wayne to marry him. She has been here several mouths in constant expectation of the sre dil ins, but says Sullivan now re fuses to keep his promise. Becoming convinced hat he bad no intention of doing so, she filed the suit. Sullivan is about fifty years old. BEAT CHIL0 TO DEATH William Goethler and Mrs. Schiller Ad mit Charges of Cruelty. Chicago, Jan. SO. William OoOtnler and Mrs, Anna Schiller, who has bee n living with him as his wile for three years, admitted that they had caused the death of the five year old Nellie Coethler by beating her. The Hearted and mutilated body of the child was buried at Elmwood. Neither the man nor the woman, who are nude- arrest, expressed a desire te; attend the funeral. Goethler is father of the child Twenty Hurt in Runaway Trolley Car. St Paul. Jan. SO. A score of per sons w re injured whop a lathy ave One trollev car ran tw.iy on a grade and crashed 'nto another car filled with passengers. The vestibule of the runaway car took fire from the Stove 1r.1l Moto. man Swanson. who ! leg mas cut off as in the pnodl 1 as il it had been dene by a surgeon's bp if) . fir u time" was pinioned in the burfiine ' wre'ekage but was released ?. fore the Halm's tone bed hlin. . Goal Operators MKe Concession. . JiuUnuaioUs. . Jan ye. HiCimlnou., soalt OlMptQM of Indiana Illinois chi.;ind western Pennsylvania -yield ed-fc'igbUv t'oihe den ands of the naln an srbcra u;,Y abmttfc4J a statement to the Joint tonfere nW aVrTe'iii! to re tui 11 'a tle wa;e scale of IS04lS04 The pirn !! he rejected by the min crj. it wa 1 gee :nccd. The CRYSTAL TH EATRE OSCAR BRAHAN, Proprietor HigiVeiasfl entertainment .it popular prices. Moving picture and vaudeville i 114 801 Butte A :-: Out half block north of Burlington Statioo Braman Rooming House Crystal Theatre Building The Younkin building has been thoroughly reno vated from cellar to garret. We furnish our patrons with clean and comfortable rooms at a moderate price. When stopping in Alliance over night, give us a trial. February Travel Bulletin $25.00 TO CALIFORNIA AND THE NORTHWEST This will be the general basis of one way colonist rates from March 1st to April 15th. THROUGH TOURIST SLEEPERS TO THE COAST Kvpry day from Nebraska and Denver to I-eoe Angeles via Salt Lake route. Every Wednesday from Western Nebraska to Los Angeles via Den ver and the Santa Ke route. Every day to San Francisco from Nebraska and Denver via Scenic Colorado, Salt lake and Southern iPactiftn and Western Pacific roads beond. Every day through Standard sleepers to San Francisco from Nebraska end Denver via Salt Lake and Souti'e rn Pacific. Every day through tourist eleepers I) Montana, Idaho. Washington ami Puget Sound via Billings, over the Northern Pacific and Great orthern reads. Every First and Third Tuesday Ho me. seekers' Rates from the East to Your Locality. Advise Your Friends. WINTER TOURIST RATE8 Every day attractive tourist rates to the Southeast, Texas, the Gulf tend Florida. Let me explain our special rate inducements available during Febru ar and March. J. KRIDELBAUGH, Agent Alliance L. W. WAKELEY, G. P. A.,Omaha mm I If you want the best 1 Range made, I THE MALLEABLE 1 will please you NEWBERRY'S HARDWARE CO. Q. M. Wood N. S. Cook WOOD & COOK Painting, Paper Hanging, Decorating Carriage Work a Specialty AN wira guaranteed. . Prices reasonable. PHONES 434 and 679