The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 25, 1912, Image 3

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    C, B. & Q.
Time Table
Effective commenting Jan. 14,
112, Mountain Time. jnd
Arrive Iieavp
No 42 Daily 12:13am 12:45am
No 44 DaHy 12:50pm 1:10pm
Arrive Ieave
No. 41- Daily, MdRoninnt. Itlack
HUls, HilllnKs, :1:55am 4:1ltam
No. 4 ! - Dally. Kdgemont, Hlll-
infrs, 12:3npm 12:50pm
Arrive leave
No. 301 Dally. Bridgeport,
Denver, 12:40am
(No. 303 Daily. Bridgeport.
Denver; dally except
Sunday, Guernsey 1:10pm
From South
Arrive Ieave
No. 302 Daily 3:20am
No. 304 Daily ll:;:0ajn
John Snoddy, Pres.,
F. S. Showers, V. Pres.
May Snoddy, Sec. & Treas.
Track Workman Meets Instant Death
Wrtlle on Way to Visit
Also Represent the
Nebraska State Building
and Loan Association
"I Am Well"
writes Mrs. L. R. Barker,
of Bud, Ky., "and can do
all my housework. ' For
years I suffered with such
pains, I could scarcely
stand on my feet. After
three different doctors had
failed to help me, I gave
Cardui a trial. Now, I feel
like a new woman."
E 58
The Woman's Tonic
A woman's health de
pends so much upon her
delicate organs, that the
least trouble there affects
her whole system. It is
the little things that count,
in a woman's life and
health. If you suffer from
any of the aches and
pains, due to womanly
weakness, take Cardui at
once, and avoid more seri
ous troubles. We urge
you to try it Begin today.
In Front of the Checkered Front Stable
yon can nearly always see a rig getting
ready to start out. We will send one any
distance, for any purpose, at any time.
We answer all calls promptly
and will be glad to serve you in any way
in which a rig is required.
H. P. COURSEY. Prop.
Everybody w'aa reads
mafcaziMS hays hwi
p&pars, bat everybody
who reads aawapapera
doesn't bay magaxioes.
Catch the Drift?
Here's t'ua saediuai la
reach the peopla of
thia coasaaaity.
Last Sunday morning, at 10::i0, us
extra freight, L'0-40. westbound, wiir
within 'wo miles east of Reno. I)n
gmeer Khody Heitlien observed a
man on a three-wheel car, going in
the aame direction with the train.
The distance between the two was
testified by the train crew as being
about a quairter of a mile. Deitllon
blew the whistle repeatedly, but Um
man ahead paid no attention to It.
When the space between the two
narrowed down to within several
hundred feet, the ongineer again
sounded a danger warning by moans
of the shrill whistle and Immediately
applied the air. The man on the
car turned around and leisurely
looked at the train. Th p n hay n -
tempted to draw- the car from the
track, but some obstacle obstructed
his efforts, when he withdrew from
the track, but Immediately went
back and made a second attempt to
push the car from the rails. Hut it
was too late. The engine bore down
upon him, hurling him from the
track. The train was stopped and
withhi a car's length of the way car
uie oooy or me umtortunate man was
found by Conductor Kenner. An ex
amination or the effects In deceas
ed's pockets showed a postal card ad
dressed to Rosario Augniso, lake
side, Nebr. letter Investigation dis
closed the fact that the dead man
was an Italian track employee be
tween Lakeside and Reno, and was
on his way to the latter nlaco in
spend the day at the home of Mr
ami Mrs. Merry.
1 lie remains were brought to this
city by the train crew, and an in
quest held at the Darling undertak
tng parlors, at 4 p. m. rii.ndiiy. The
Jury, composed of Geo. GaddLs, Karl
Reed, Gregory Zurn, J. B. Kniast,
Geo. Leldy and L. A. Berry, on ex
amination of the witnesses brought
in a verdict of accidental death.
With no blame attached to said crew,
all of whom gave practically tb
samt evidence. County Coroner
Single and County Attorney Button
conducted the trial.
The train crew was compoyerf oi
Engineer Deitlien, Fireman Willis.
Conductor Kenner, Brakeman Frank
The cause of Auguso's instant
death was a broken neck and wound
in the back of the head, where he
was struck by the beam of the en
gine pilot.
The funeral was held Tuesday
morning at Holy Rosary church, in
terment at the Catholic cemetery.
Augrusa had been in the employ of
the Burlington at Lakeside as track
man for some time and was well
known by several residents of this
clt.y He had no relatives in the
country. He was well spoken of by
his acquaintances, and was about :!5
years of age.
Fast Train on Illinois Central
Runs Into Train at Station.
Former President Harahan, Vice Presi
dent Metcher. Solicitor Perce and
E. E. Wright Victims of Collision at
Kinmundy, III.
Centralia, III., Jan. 23 James T.
Harahau, Sr., former president of the
lllinoir Central; Frank O. Metcher,
second vice president of the Rck Isl
and ; K. B. Pein e, general solicitor ot
the Rock Island, and Eldrldge E
Wright, son ot Luke K Wright, former
secretary of war, were killed in a i ol
lision of two Illinois Central trains at
Kinmundy. III., about twenty miles
east of here, soon after miduight.
Three trainmen were injured and
the pass-ngers in the Pullmans wuro
badly shaken and bruised. Train No.
2.'.. known aa the New Orleans Ex
press, was ttking water at Kiumiind .
when train No. 3. the Panama Limit. T,
an into ttie rear of No. 25.
The killed were in the private tar
of Mi Melch r ', a'heir bodies an ra
found near the berths they had n
The engine of No. 3 plowed its way
through the private car, which was
attached o No 2.". and was stopped
hj th a steel ouches immediately pre
The engineer and fireman of the lira
ted were slightly Injured, but were
ahle to take the south a- soon
as the wreckage was cleared away.
The limited carried ilseplns ears
only and withstood the terrific Krniish
A classified advertisement. tier-
sistently printej will sell aivthinn
of value.
K. W. Ray made a trip to Iteming
ford on buslnoas Saturday.
1 ne llenimgford members of the
grand Jury, Messrs. Enyeart, Roland
and lThrlg. spent Sunday al home
M, Spongier of the Spade nelgjh
borhood rn Sheridan county was In
Alliance the Witter part of last week
on business.
After a temporary absence from
our subscription list, F H Rainsdell
request us to place his name there
on again and of course we are pleas
ed to comply with hi; request.
Chas. t". Jameson of Ellsworth was
In Alliance from Saturday till Man
day. He reports that cattle are do
ing well this winter although It was
necessary to feed heavily during the
severely cold weather.
A. B. Hosnian went to Alliance on
Monday, intending to return home
yesterday. His non-appearance, how
ever, leads friends to believe that
he joined tllie gang bound for Men
ver. Hyannia Tribune.
The members of the ladies' Aid
Society of the First Presbyterian
church wish to thank those who as
sisted them In making up the box of
clothing, etc., which was shipped to
Ellsworth and from there taken to
the sand hills for distribution.
E. A. McFall of Anrtloch, proprie
tor of the Reno store, was in Alli
ance on business a short while last
Friday. He called at The Herald of
fice long enough to order some
printing for his general merchandise,
flour, feed and coal business.
Mrs. Jennie Burns and Mrs. Alice
lxvatt, dressmakers and ladies' tail
ors, who arrived from Omaha Janu
ary 8, have leased the rooms over
Snyder's confectionery store and
are ready for work, as will be seen
by their advertisement in this issue
of The Herald.
W. II Willis, representing the Al
liance Creamery Co., is paying 35
rents for butter fat. Talk about the
Standard Oil Co. and the sugar
trust! What do the efforts of the
russ amotui o when compared with
the cinch which is enjoyed by the
Nebraska farmer who has cream to
ell. Bridgeport News-Blade.
.Miss Billie Stuckey returned on
Thursday from Bingham, where ibfl
had been assisting Mrs. Anna Welsh,
the postmistress. Mrs. Welsh has
been spending part of her "time in
Alliance for some weeks past having
her eyes treated by Dr. Slagle.
Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Pollls of
Bingham, who had been visiting Mr.
and Mrs. A. II. Lotspeich, Minatare,
stopped in Alliance on their return
last week, spending several days
here, visiting at the Acheson, Dun
can and Lotspeich homes.
Rev. and Mrs. J. P. Brown left on
44 Monday. Mr. Brown went to Kan
sas City to attend a meeting of the
Presbytery chairmen of the Home
Missionary committees of the Pres
byterian church, Wednesday and
Thursday. Mrs. Brown went to Hast
ings to visit friends and relatives.
They wiU both return to Alliance a
bout the middle of next week.
On last Saturday a change was
i.iade in the firm of West & liiamati,
Oscar Braman purchasing Harve
West's Interest in the Crystal Thea
tre and rooming house. Our readers
will observe by the advertisement as
M appears this week that Oscar
Braman is sole proprietor of the
1'iystal and the Braman rooming
Some of our readers will be inter
ested in the following item taken
from the Scott sbluff Star of last Fti
day. "Rev. Harper left Monday for
Lincoln, where he will meet with
other ministers of Nebraska for a
conference in t:he interests of the
Nebraska Wesleyan University
From there he will go to Missouri to
visit his aged father, who is in very
poor health. The M. K. pulpit will
be occupied next Sunday ino'iiing by
W. H. Akeis und in the evening the
Epworth League will have charge of
the services, putting on a special
Summary of Collections, Disbursements and Balances for the Last Half Ending
January 3, 1912
FRED MOLLRING, County Treasurer
To Caah on hand Forwarded
$39.932. 17
To 1897 Tax Col lei ted " 7.90
To 1901 Tax Collected .... 20.87
To 1905 Tax Collected 2.75
To IMfl Tax Collected 2.75
To 1907 Tax Collected 2.80
To 1908 Tax Collected .... 26.65
To 1909 Tax Collected .... 284.20
To 1910 Tax Collected 14,876.93
To 1911 Tax Collected 40,931! 34
To School lnnd-!yease and
Int 1,901.5!
To Jan. App't Rec'd of St.
Treaa 1,303.19
To Fred Molrrlng, excess fees
and Com 416.03
To Misc. Col Co. Gen .. 14f.ll
To Fines and License Collect
ed. Zum 100.00
To Automobile Tax 54.00
To Interest on County Depos
its 506.88
To CRy Sewer Lateral ... . 1.169.15
To Tax Sale Redemptions.. 3,065 .35
To Fees 192.50
State Treas. Receipt No.
73581 $ 660 00
State Treas. Receipt No.
73581 166.00
State Treas. Receipt No.
73581 1,250.00
State Treas Receipt No.
"2530 1,537.20
State Treas. lleccliit No.
72630 ,7i;
By State Tress. Receipt No.
"2630 63,22
By State Treas Receipt No.
72579 1,498.16
Hy Co. Cren Warrants and
Claim 11,717.46
By Co. Road Wts. R'd'm d 1,505 ,$
By School Bonds ami Cou
pons 2.485.27
By School Orders Paid.. 18,950.31
By Hemingford Water .. 600.00
By Village Treas. Recta.,
Hemingford General
By City Library Receipts
By City General Receipts
By City Water Bond
By City Sewer lateral..
By Treasurer's Pees ....
By Treas. Commission . .
By Redemption Certificates 3.067.70
By Balance 50,365.97
State (Jeneral Fund ..,
State Redemption ....
State Bridge
State University Fund
Lease on School Land
617 60
200 mi
i n lieu, i :il Fund 2.07H II
Co. Poll 906 35
Co Bridge Fund 3,058.71.
Co. Advertising 97.32
Co. Road Fund 221.4.'l
Co. Automobile Fund 54.00
Alliance Light 660.25
Alliance Water Bond .. 2,849.52
Alliance Sewer Lateral 262 M
Alliance 8ewer Bond 1,268.11
Alliance Bond Fund City Hall
2,173. 4!
City Park 99.85
City Library 859.28
Miscellaneous Fund .... 1,068.24
8ohool Bond Fund 7,118.67
School Building Fund .. 134.74
School Patriot Fund .. 14,769.47
Sohool Dist. High School 164.68
Judgment Fund Sohool .. 6.93
Sinking Fund Dist. 6 .... 2,108.46
Sinking Fund DhU. 18 .. 181.17
City Alliance 3,082.47
Hemingford 401.99
Hemingford Waiter Bond 471.24
Redemption Fund 14.75
Cash and Cash Items on
Hand 60,366.97
This is to Certify, That this is a true and correct statement of all monevs received
and disbursed for the last half 1911.
FRED MOLLRING, County Treasurer.
January 3, 1012.
Lincoln, Neb., January 19, 1912.
This CERTIFIES, That Fred Mollring, Treasurer of Box Butte County. Nebraska, has
this day made adjustment and settlement of his accounts as required by law, with his state
ment, showing State Taxes collected from January 1, 191 1, to January 3, 1912, as follows:
General Fund $ 8,049.16
University Fund 1 1 793- 54
Redemption Fund 1.27
State Aid Bridge 1 73-7
Total $10,017.84 .
And has settled and paid into the State Treasury the full amount due from him as per said
Silas R. Barton,
Auditor Public Accounts.
By J. W. Shah an, Deputy.
' 1 1 MM MM II I IH I Ml I II 1 1 Ml Ml
W have added to our large stock ot every make of typewriters manufactured X
I w a lame and complete line ot ottice lixtures and supplies.
pajr s a a
Tell the Editor of this paper your office worries, he will gladly tell you how X
to overcome them, with latest methods.
Our prices are naturally lower than elsewhere, owing to the large volume X
ot business we do. It will pay you to become acquainted thrown) Mr. lohh W X
SB , ,. a 1 a T
f 1 nomas with the largest exclusive ortice supply house in the Middle West.
X Write tor Information on Any Office Fixtures or Supplies You May JSeed I
I The Lincoln Typewriter Exchange Co. I
I4UO u Mreet. Lincoln, Nebraska
1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 n 1 m 1 1 1 1
lime. He made this office I visit
white in town and we spent a pleaa
.uit hour with hint. Harrison Bun.
Jan. 19.
Mi. and Mrs. O. O. Hurke drove
I in from the ranch in the Hum
neighborhood last Friday, remainitiK
I ( the city until the next ilay. Mr.
liurke called at The Heralil offset
and informed um that stock has been
doiiiK well, notwithstanding the cold
weather. The question of feed sup
ply does not seem to b e.ts serious
a proposition us some feared It
would be If this turned out to be u
bard wlirter.
Clayton Worley, one of the old
1 Mne laiK'hineti from the north bide
of the count but w ho for borne
mouths past has n makiuK hi
Attorney F. M. Uroomc. of Alii
ante, was in ilarrnion WVdnetMla)
:i id vc Mt nl iy on buaincMa coune t.
with the Fedeii'l court, bclnn lulil
hr) tryiiiR land cades that buv
boen pre texted. Mr. ilroome was re
OOivajf of the land office for four
years, during Cleveland's adminiK
U'aiion. sud is an old time newapapei dome in the ueiKhborhood of Jess in
MR, '. !'. j 1st published 'The drip" in
kMllMM I r a number o yeaia. He
is now PTTTrrtai law as a land at
inney d ;s keit busy all of (he
8h 1 ulan county, attended district
iourt last week as a witness before
the grand juj-y. He went from here
to HetnlnKford on 4:: Saturday.
Candy is Healthful
If It's Qood Quality
Delicious Home Made Candies
Also, best grade factory made goods
Model Candy Kitchen
Phone 750 406 Box Butte Ave.