The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 25, 1912, Image 2

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Tribute of Respect to Mrs. Patrick
M. Outhrle by Her Home
room for the city nrhooU. and for a
time at leant will relieve the present
consrvHtrd c i unlit Ion of the Kni rrcon
and Central building
The Carroll. Iowa. Herald of .hum
nry 1" pay tribute of respect to
the memory of Mrs. Patrick M
tJuthrle, mother of James B. Oray
raid John W. tJothrle of Allliin-o.
And given Hie rollo-wln sketch of
tier ItaVa:
Mra. P. M. Guthrie pruned away
last Saturday afternoon at 3:28, at
the home of her daughter, Mr. M.
J. Kelly, on Main street . About
mouth ago she waa induced to come
to ber daughter a home, aw It was
thought that ihe would be more care
fully looked after. Her condition ait
the time waa alarming, and It con
tinued io grow woree till at lat the
end came wnd a beautiful life pas
from earth. Her aliment l
thought to have been cancer of the
Btomach, and the family say that
no time did he auffer pain. Her
strength paled and she passed in the
(IUsoIvHik procesaea of nature
Amy Winifred Mruhnr was horn at
Silver Lake. Peri ney! vs n la, Decern
tier 25th. 1837. In May. IN5!, she
married at Galena, Illlne1, to Hern
rd Gray, who lived but a short
time. One son was horn to them,
Oamea B. Gray, one of the w ll
known ploneerB of (Carroll. A wid
ow, in June, 1861, she was married
Ir the aame city to P. M. Guthrie.
And with her huabnaul she took up
bt residence fcn Dubwiue. Living
I BTfl till 1871, tliey moved to Car
roll, and this city remnlned thelr
home the real of their lives. To
Alliance High School Basket Ball
Team Wirt Exciting Game
from Scottabluff Fri
day Night
Convention of N. S. V. F. A.
Kearney Closed with Banquet
Last Thursday Night
aue of The Herald Mr. Barker has
shown a good deal of enterprise by
opening the Alliance Nurserlos. and
deserves the patronage of the BBS
pie of thin part of the west who
wfsh to secure any kind of nursery
Last Friday night at t ho Alliance
High sohool gym the second game of
basket hall for this season was
played, between the Alliance and
Scottabluff High school teams. A
big crowd watched the game, which
was an Interesting one, except to
wards the last of the second half.
when the score became too muoh
oncddcd to make the Internal as
i it t as It would otherwise have
The Scottabluff hoys are a husky
lot of fellows, the average being
considerably larger than the Alliance
boys, and showed some talent, but
seemed to lack the training which
made the Alliance team vlctora. Prof
Greentrilt accompanied the Scotts
bluff team. In their practice before
the game opened the Scottabluff fel
lows shot baskets with an ease that
made some of the Alliance people
think the BOOM team would go down
,to defeat in a contest with them but
iter the game opened. It was soon
Ban that they lacked the team
work that made Alliance boys effi
cient and gave Miem a comparative
ly easy victory.
The first half was holly contested.
The magnificent team work of the
Alliance boyis kept the ball
their basket most of the time
The 3th annual convention of the
Nebraaka Slate Volunteer Firemen
Association doeed with a banquet a:
At the fireman's stto convention
at Kenmr-y last week there were
Hirer cimdldutf fc.r next year's con
vention. North Finite, Columbus and
Mayings. Nort'.i Platte won. and
now some of the Hastings people are
Kearney last Thursday nlcrht. The IM.lkinK very wry faces about It. One
Alliance delegation arrived home Frl- of tl. Hastings pane's claims that
day morning and report that it waa Hasting had a majority of votes
a great affair There was big at thajBdj marked for that city when
tendance, one of the lnrgest In the an .oly tongued stranger" got per-
hlstory of the association, and Kenr mlsslon to talk and stampeded the
((invention to North Platte. The
same paper also broadly insinuates
that the ballots were not fairly
counted, to the disadvantage of
Hastings. Tut, tut. tut!
ney did herself proud in entertaining
There were so many things of inter
est It Is not pi-actual for us to at
tempt to even enumerate all.
One of the things that will Inter
est especially the readers of The
Herald Is the following, taken from
the report of the memorial commit
tee: in, ..tin,, la rullorl of nil those
"Whereas, We have heard with wno signed the Guarantee Fund for
profound regret of the death of Rev. the tabernacle which Is to be erect
rr. wnuam I aimamara or Alll- for the I,owry and Moody meet
ance. late am honored member of hns at ithe r P church. Friday
tms association, therefore be It I mm 2fi. 7:30 B. m. This meeting Is
Kesoiveo. ty the members or the for the nuroose of discussing the
N. 8. V. F. A. In annual meeting plan of making the tabernacle a per
....(., In.) t I 1 I 1.1 J k 1 A. I ...
"""'""i"'. " "is ueiiuriure li m.niont nffnir All Interested are
has sustained the loss of a member I urged to attend
whose zeal and activities in its be-
OSCAR BRAflAN, Proprietor
High-chss entertainment at popular prices.
pictures and vaudeville
114 Ioj Butte Avenue
Oni half block north of Burlington Station
Braman Rooming House
Crystal Theatre Building
half were true and constant.
Resolved, That the life of the de
ceased brother offers a conspicuous
example of high honor and unswerv
ing devotion to duty. Horn from
humble station less than a half cen
t.ury ago, every step of his splendid under n hard coal burner it troze
neHr career Is Illustrative of the nower with the water it was in and not be
"'"' and influence of earnest, self-sacri- ing used to that, it never recover
brilliant . pi. ?im,nhnwl il a millonl IK ,i. , ,1 '
- . . , . i.u kl. 11 1 " 1141 1111' V v .
The Younkin building has been thoroughly reno
vated from cellar to garret. We furnish our patrons
with clean and comfortable rooms at a moderate price.
When stopping in Alliance over night, give us a trial.
The Hay Springs Enterprise says
tha the baby alligator that was
brought back from Florida by F. J.
.lohansen died January 9. "Sitting
ihree eons and one daughter, w ho are
artlll living: John W.. Thomas F.,
Fred J. and Mary S. The eldesit
nil resides at Alliance, Nebraska,
with his .half brother, James Gray.
Thomas lives In Minneapolis, and
Fred and ithelr sister, .Mary, live in
Ing this half, but a few
..i... .... .1... ....... .i,.. a,.t t dill, rt .
Mr and Mrs. Outhrle were horn '""'" l"c """' possuuiiites or n life dedicated vvliol
boys gave it hem some basKers wnicti, My and unselfishly to the cause of
with wihat they secured on fouls, humanity. We recognize In his
gave them at the end of the first death a loss to the state of a high
half eight to Alliance's twelve. VB citisen, to the church BB eTer
Ir. (the second half the Alliance vigilant pilot and officer and to the
ft. -- - 1 . . I. .11 I - .
ju wmwrn iiui uie iu ivu me u..ii clty Df Alliance a trusted adviser and
in their territory M much of the mcM r tit liTu 1 friend
moo till I1M- ll I 1 111 Ml I 111 'I HO I llll I .... . . ... -
Carroll, the latter being the wife of r nesoiveo. mat these resolutions
they shot BBBKBU to better errect. be spread at large upen the records
wiin mf renun Mnti in mm hum iiir. that copies tlKic f be given the
scored twenty points to Scottsb.ijfl s press fcr publi alien and th;.:
eive. wiiiiimg me uam uurii-io transcript of these proceedings be
CO twenty.
Tbla givv.s the Alliance IIIkIi B0BOO
team the first two games of the ser
ies for the western Nebraska champ
lonshlp, MU2, and while the playing
ot these .two games on the home
floor gave them some advantage, the
prospect is good for them to keep up
a winning gate ami land the 1!MJ
Local News Clipped from Maraland
Tribune of January 19
Man -- Opportunity Success
There are splendid openings In the Big Horn Basin for the
A1. J. Kelly.
There were MHa1 b1 I he
yesterday all tho children except
Thomaa, who was detained nit his
home because of illuesa In his fam
ily. Bernard Gray of Fort Hodge, a
grandson, and Mrs. Catherine (.on
roy of Waterloo, her only stater and
the only surviving member of her
parents' family, were present from
The funeral was held In St. Jos
eph's church, ad whose shrine she
had worshipped since that buautlful
edifice was firs reared. Father Far
irelly who conducted the service a;
predated the Christian character of
the deceased and paid ilOOtMQ trl-
Burt Furman made a business. trip
to Alliance last week.
Jim Woody returned Sunday from
George Young returned Sunday
transmitted do the family of the de- from a business trip to Alliance.
"Respectfully submitted.
"E. K. GREGOR, Chairman,
Ira Phillips of Alliance was in
tow n Inst week and his smile was as
broad as ever.
J3hn Wik?r was in town Wednes-
Officers for the ensuing year were day transacting business for the Ben
The first Issue of "Corn", the new
monthly magazine published by The
ibute to her meniorv. This i-noil
another and neighbor held a place of Corn blihl" Company. Waterloo.
peculiar esteem In the minds otf the
older resldtnts of the city. She
ranie here In the busy days when
the iertlle lands or the county were
being settled and 1km h mc was
made the hospitable res. ing place of
many a stranger aud newcomtr. In
later years slie was known as a wo
man of larg; charities and numt .ii.i
good wcrks and her Influence in the
etty and In her own parish was help
ful and Inspiring Nature had glvan
her a swwi dlsposltiei. ami slie
looked out on life thn "tHi eyes that
saw the good and the bamotlfttl. rlBT
presence was chee.-ful and enlight
eoiing to the entire community. She
was en? of the good that have lived
In Carroll and In r frH uls in ptiying
tribute to the memory that can not
3on he forgotten in this community
Htr huFbfiid. IV M lint hi le, died
October I, ls:
Iowa, In Juvt off the press. It
an interesting paper. We have not
space to give It an ext titled notice
elected as follows:
Fresldent, H. L Boyes, Hebron
First vice president, W. S. Ridgell
Second vice president, George
Howe, Fremont
Secretary. K. A. Miller, Kearney
rreaeurer, Herman Winter, Nor
actt IMano Company.
The C. B. & Q. put on an extra
crew here last week. Business Ib
picking up again. G. W. Bell of Al
liance and Pat Baschky are on the
extra crew.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Evans re-
Moard of Control W. P. McCune. L.. k,,i 4,i a in.
mi nru i i i 1 1 1 i r i . a i . i i iii .1111
Norfolk; Bert J. Clalley,
but any of our readers who wish to IjavcCB (ioehring, Seward;
st e a MtnpM copy may do so oy
calling H! The Herald office. We
will receive and forward subscrip
tions at tiie publisher's price of fifty
. eats per year.
Koy ProBti
t ON
We are w iriniering it anv of
reader! who are interested In the
railroad notes missed a part of t.i .a week. We received our rail
road news IB two installments, the
second installment being rweived
after the farm containing the flrat
had been made up, and as the sec-
ond imtallmei:! was printed with the
head used fcr i'le first, we fear that
some of our readers failed to no
tlce that these items appeared In
two plnces in the paper.
Stanton; Lee Cory, York.
Alter a strri. campaign for the
locatit n ot the I : I : I convention, the
candidates lor the honor being Col
umbus, North Platte and Hastiags,
North Platte w is selected. The
(oilman i tit ne., summer goes to
The K it ney Dally Hub pays the
)..: ....i:.; otnplimeiit to ;mine dele
nation . : eluding Alliance: "A real
!c.-son in boosting has been given
the members of the convention by
the delegations from Fivmont. North " husincss Monday, returning
PlKtte, Norfolk and Alliance, as well Wednesday.
as some other towns having smaller
dclcgath ns."
One of the pleasing features of
the ((invention was the honor be
stow ed upon the venerable John C
Clelland of Fremrnt, the grand old
ance the latter pan of lost week.
Oecrge r. Jones and John C. Her-
Je'.n made a business t r i i to Alliance
the latter part of laHt week.
Julius Bftttl returned from a busi
ness trip lo Alliance Saturday.
Frank Cnll, Jr., bought a fine Ivers
and i'ond piano from John Wikir of
If your present business is not as successful and profitable as ft
should be, why net investigate? You can secure particulars about any
one of these opportunities at a total cost of 1 cent. The chances of it
being worth several thousand dollars to you are all In your favor.
Drop your postal in the box today.
D. Clem Deaver, Immigration Agent
Room 4, Q Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
i I
i I
H. Hollibaugh went to Alliance
Rev. Burleigh of Crawford came
down Tuesday to conduct the funer
al services over t'.ie remains of Mrs.
A. D. Palmer.
Since the announcement was made
of the engagement of Mbs Inez
Charles Lerstritz. whose place
Heck, who fcr some time past has seven miles southwest of lakeside
io sa - a w rilv filltd i.B8 posl'.ion of and John Har.r.c ut-tuh, w lio is well
jnoney order and icgtetry clerk jit known- around Ailianic. but who now
the Alllaanco post office, it ; aslonalliM a claim twenty -seven iuilss south
no surprise to Lain thai siu lias ot Lakeside, drove up lo this city
tendered her reelaiH 'IMI etl I've the f irat of tic week
the first of m:i.h. The pa:- coeile or thiee days
roue of the AIMance post offi e hare
been fortunate In having a pOBl of
(flee so ably conducted In all depart
ments The mcney order depart
ment has bein fuily up to the rjtber
ieDartinenls in efficieusy. aid tt is
a pleasure to know that the pjffl
(icnrv of this deiiarii.ient will b.
maintain d by the aapolnMiieut oi
Mise K in a lienedi t. v. ho will hi'
etiarge oi it
man of Nebraska firemen who was
the first president of the a-iso.'ia-
a. ...
1st ion . He was presented with a
beautiful ring, the presentati n being
made by Judge W. S. Ridgeil. In
regard to this incident the Daily Hub
says: "Judge W. S. Ridgell of Alli
ance handed a ring to th? old gent
remaining a Neman with such sincerity as inly a
While here judge can speak The old gentleman
Mr. Leistrii. favored The Herald of- was delighted beyond decriptiou
flOe with a call to subscribe for the He has nearly been overwhelmed
PBper, laying two years in advan e. by favora given him by the firemen '
We are pleased to note that while
lit- his bein i.i this western country
ouiy about four years, lie has se
cured a good s;art in hordes and
eMle. Hi ml ks iiuite a number of
cows, slui ping tb" i.rniiii to l lie Al- creamery, thus givim; nun a
ii. ic income while inereasing his
A. McUiughlin went to Alliance on
business the latter part of last week
and returned Monday.
Reported by F. E. Reddiah, Bonded
Abstracter. Box Butte Coun
ty, Nebraska
If you want the best
Range made,
will please you
Sang C. Reck informs Th- H irolil
that he has the piuns f r th uddt
lion to the Emerson school b.iildi.ig
ready to b svJ:u!:ted to the Alli-
BM be. d of eduatioii ni the next
rt-gular meeting of the board, to b.
held Mo.iiiay, February j. The plans brought to St Joeera'a boeplUl
Alliance for treatment, where
'i he tun. nil of Thomas W. Foster
v. e conducted last Sunday mom ng
from Darliny'.- frnernl chapel by
Kev . (ieo. .v. Wllte. lie came to
Box llat,i( couatv troW Denv.r la;
fall and w.ikfd arcutnl Heiiiingford
lor u wliile, liul boeoilling ill was
urovlde for an addition the size of
the pre:.!, building, and o.'her im
provejiieuts Wh.n completed this
will give much needed additional liieenwood cemetery.
The youngest eon of Mrs loru
CUI1 of Antioch, a Utile boy fourteen
months c!d, succumb, d to pneuinc-.i-a
at 4 o'clock. Wediu ;day morirag
of last week. The funeral vvwi h Id
from the Reno school bouse at II
o'clock Fr'di' for neon, co.iductad
by Rev . Homer Cox of Hetii'ngfet d.
A h.rge and syni) ath -'.'c BBtttt 'i
wus in attendance at the fan ral
I. P. Burger, pr i i etor of the 1
Itance Nureiies, ha i se ured an Of-
died last Saturday mcrnhig from eM-l Bee wMi K W. Ray, the plumber,
. . I . . . A a. ell i
cer cf the stomach Hurial was in a; I west ..rci sireei. as win ue
e--ii by his advertisement in this ls-
Frank Potmefll to QraeM Hale: W
of Ui tO, Block 17. Alliance,
SM !
I'nited Btartel :o Jo in C. ilerlein: E
M NWV, and NK, Sec. It, WV2
KW( nd S Sr.-. M, Tp. 2,
Runge 51'. Patent.
Rosell Fenner to Ir ' . stria! l.' id
Co.: NW4 Stc. ll, Tp K, Range
47. $1000
I'nlttd Stat, i to John C. Hcrlela: 8
SW'i See. 31. Tp 'IS, flange 5,
The QoBtml Lumber Co. to Th?
Spcncvr Lumber Co.: 2 feet on
ucith .de of lot 15. all of lots HI. I
is, i'0. :'i. t:. -2:,. ki:. cf iik k i;
and IS in Hloek 11 of the town of
Htmingfcid. Nebr., $7oott
W. F. Hen Jiit to f, H Ramsdell:
SK'4 Sk Tp. 24, Range 50.
Henry I. Dainton to Perry S. Mail
ev : .MW, SW, of Sec. 27, Tp.
24, Range 50, $500
iBLiiS. Boards
J w "or any part of a
f 3 house or barn.
3$ Dierks Lumber & Coal Co.
Phone 22 D. Waters, Mgr.
iJbl i ll ll. I, L I.I. t .
Office at
Rodgere' Grocery, Phone 1.
Successor ts frank Wallace
Household goods
moved promotlv
and transfer work
Ret. phone 583